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The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)
2005 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Spooky Scary Roses
The Exorcism of Emily Rose- is a really scary, terrorfying, horrorfying underrated horror movie directesd by Scott Derrickson yes thats right he dircted doctor strange.

The plot: The Rev. Moore (Tom Wilkinson) is prosecuted for the wrongful death of a girl thought to be demonically possessed, because he administered the church-sanctioned exorcism that ultimately killed her. Prosecuting attorney Ethan Thomas (Campbell Scott) contends that the young woman, Emily (Jennifer Carpenter), suffered from schizophrenia and should have been medically diagnosed. Meanwhile, defense lawyer Erin Bruner (Laura Linney) argues that Emily's condition cannot be explained by science alone.

Its thrilling, chilling, spooky, and alot more.

I would highly recorddmend this movie.

Sorry this review is a day late.
Ant-Man (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
Essentially a heist movie, with Paul Rudd in the lead role as ex-con Scott Lang, and with (in the intro, a de-aged) Michael Douglas as Hank Pym, the original creator of the Ant-Man suit when has hidden his creation from the world following a family tragedy.

However, when his ex-protoge also managed to unlock the secrets of the Pym particle (which allows the user to shrink or grow), Hank Pym - and his daughter, as played by Evangeline Lilly - must find a way to stop him from selling his yellow jacket suit to the highest bidder (ie Hydra: "they're not what they used to be"), which is where the cat burglar Scott Lang comes in.

And, I'll admit, I laughed the first time at the Thomas the Tank Engine bit.
Only God Forgives (2013)
Only God Forgives (2013)
2013 | Action, Crime, Drama, International
6.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A stunningly beautiful film, every frame is a painting, but also a stunningly violent film. RYAN GOSLING does his usual 10 words a picture when he works with director NICOLAS WINDING REFN and the story is WAY better than their last collaboration 'Drive'. Performance wise it is KRISTIN SCOTT THOMAS that own this picture. Talk about domineering. Must also give mad props to cinematographer LARRY SMITH who made everything and I do mean everything so damn beautiful. He may be the only person to get an Oscar nomination from this and he deserves not only the nomination, but the win.
Ant-Man (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
Ant-Man is so much damn fun...

It has a great cast, who all share great chemistry, it has some decent and different action scenes, it's frequently funny (the Thomas the Tank Engine crash is iconic by this point), it deals with the Scott Lang Ant-Man whilst providing a satisfactory backstory for Hank Pym, it's a damn good heist movie, and above all, it's its own thing, even if it does have a scene connecting it to the larger MCU.

It's not perfect - once again another MCU film suffers from an expendable villain, a lot of the plot is just Iron Man (genius scientist gets ousted from his company by an angry bald white man who then tries to kill him whilst wearing a variant of his own super suit), but if you can manage to mute that nagging part of your brain, you'll find an intelligent and hugely entertaining heist adventure, all wrapped up in an MCU filter. It's great.
Hark! the Herald Angels Scream: An Anthology
Hark! the Herald Angels Scream: An Anthology
Christopher Golden | 2018 | Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anthology of Christmas or winter themed horror stories
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

I waited until closer to the holiday to read this book and, with all of the rushing involved with the season, forgot to post my review. The Christmas season may be over, but it is still winter, so grab a cup of hot chocolate and be prepared to be entertained.

Hark! The Herald Angels Scream by Edited by Christopher Golden is an "anthology of all-new short fiction from some of the most talented and original writers of horror today." Included are eighteen stories of Christmas or winter themed horror from authors: Kelley Armstrong, Christopher Golden, Elizabeth Hand, Michael Koryta, Sarah Langan, Joe R. Lansdale, Tim Lebbon, Sarah Lotz, Jonathan Maberry, Josh Malerman, Seanan McGuire, John M. McIlveen, James A. Moore, Sarah Pinborough, Angela Slatter, Scott Smith,Thomas E. Sniegoski, and Jeff Strand.

The cover quickly bring to mind "Tales from the Crypt", a campy, horror anthology television series with a memorable narrator, Crypt Keeper. The stories written could have been been portrayed in any of the episodes. As with "Tales from the Crypt", the stories in "Hark! The Herald Angels Scream" were creepy, funny, chilling, gruesome, dark, and definitely worth your time.

The stories are well written and stand alone.
Nowhere Boy (2010)
Nowhere Boy (2010)
2010 | Drama
Well acted
This is a film that has been fairly underrated and almost forgotten which I think is a shame, as it's actually a good film driven by some stellar performances.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson excels in this as John and he's what makes this film so good to watch. I always forget that he's actually English until I see him in a film with an English accent, but even still his scouse accent in this is pretty impressive. And the rest of the cast too from Anne-Marie Duff to Kristin Scott-Thomas (there's a load of double barrelled names in this!) all perform admirably in this. The story in this is probably what lets it down. Yes it's interesting to see what happened in John Lennon's early life and how The Beatles first came to be, but there are some aspects with his mum and aunt that get a little too soap opera-esque at times. Personally I wouldve preferred a little more concentration on the music side. And i know the era this film is set in, but I got sick of every scene featuring cigarettes and someone smoking. It was just so noticeable all the time that it became irritating.

Overall this is a pretty decent film about John Lennon's early life made better by some brilliant performances.
The System (Killables, #3)
The System (Killables, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finally got round to reading the conclusion to The Killables trilogy!

It's been quite a long time since I read the first books, so I had forgotten some of the details. But as I read, I started to remember what had happened previously and was able to appreciate the current story.

After escaping the City, Evie, Raffy, Linus and Benjamin are now trapped in a world where everyone is being Watched. People actually made a living off of being Watched by strangers around the world, by having people see their daily lives and every thought. But Thomas, the leader of Infotec, isn't satisfied; he still wants Linus to create the System he had originally thought of.

Frankie is one of the most Watched girls; her boyfriend, Milo, is high-up within Infotec and has really boosted her Watcher numbers. But an anonymous message encourages Frankie to write a blog post about the UK, and Milo suddenly turns pretty hostile. Suddenly Frankie is being thrown in the back of a van, her ID chip removed and given to some random doppelganger now claiming her identity. Frankie isn't about to go down without a fight, though, and with the help of the anonymous messager, she escapes the Infotec enforcers.

There are a lot of switches between the POV this story is being told by, but after few chapters, the characters start to come together in one story.

A group of people are determined to tell the rest of the world about the UK - which was believed to have been destroyed by the Horrors. But Thomas is not going to let that happen easily - he's more than happy to dispose of anyone threatening his company.

The future Malley has created is, in my opinion, quite plausible. Vlogs on YouTube are already super popular, and this isn't that big a step up from that. And the System Thomas wants from Linus is probably not too far-fetched, either.

Frankie and Milo are probably the most important new characters in this book. Frankie was developed pretty well throughout the story, slowly discovering the truth and realising how she had been manipulated by Infotec. She's not a big fan of Evie when they first meet, though, and I kind of thought Malley emphasised that more than was necessary. Milo also developed a bit, but with more of a sudden switch being flicked later in the book.

This was a good conclusion to the trilogy, and I enjoyed reading it. It maybe tries a bit too hard to be edgy, with swear words being thrown around and things like that. Still, I liked it. I felt a bit of Scott Westerfeld's Uglies coming through at times, but not enough that it felt samey or anything. 4 stars for the final Killables book.
Military Wives (2020)
Military Wives (2020)
2020 | Drama
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The story perfectly balances between melodrama and feel good comedy (1 more)
Kristin Scott-Thomas and Sharon Horgan work fabulously together
The trailer. Slight spoiler and doesn't get across how good this is. (0 more)
Bound to grab the grey pound and be a huge UK success
I must admit that I was a bit of a drag-along to this one. The trailer excited me not.... one.... bit. Sentimental film. Dull story. Wrong demographic. No, no, no. But... in this case I am very happy to be proved wrong, wrong, wrong.

True that I didn't sit in the ideal demographic for this movie. 90% of the audience at the UK premiere showing I attended last night were female and older that me. This is a movie to turn the blue-rinse crowd out in DROVES! Because the - inherently British - story is engaging and rewarding from start to finish.

Loosely based on the true story, it's 2010 and a regiment of husbands (and at least one wife.... nice to see an all female marriage featured) are dispatched from the fictional "Flitcroft Barracks" to Afghanistan on a tour of duty. Thereafter every ring at the door by a friend spells mild panic ; every thoughtless call from an accident-chaser induces hypertension.

Trying to take their minds off there loved ones, Colonel's wife Kate (Kristin Scott Thomas) muscles in on the insipid entertainment plans of Lisa (Sharon Horgan) in organising a singing group. Lisa thinks "girls just wanna have fun"; Kate thinks they should be training as a proper choir. Sparks fly.

But against all the odds, the women progressively improve until they get the chance to present their talents to an unaware nation.

My wife summed up in one word why this movie is so good...... "balance". The movie covers topics of fear, grief, social conflict, family conflict and uplifting joy. One step off the tightrope could have spelled disaster. But director Peter Cattaneo, of "Full Monty" fame, through the expert script of Roseanne Flynn and Rachel Tunnard, walks that line with perfect balance. It never feels overly melodramatic; never feels a light piece of superficial fluff either.

And when "the performance" happens, you will be hard pushed not to need a tissue or two..... I certainly succumbed to the emotion of the moment.

At the core of the story are the perfectly cast duo of Kristin Scott Thomas and Sharon Horgan. With just a handful of introductory lines, you quickly get the measure of Kate's character, without ever knowing the story behind the icy and brittle facade. The conflict between her and the fun-loving egalitarian Lisa is writ large. What's nice here is that you are never totally sure who's side of the argument you are on. It is easy to side with Lisa at the start of the film, but as you learn more and particularly after a particularly careless act by Lisa towards the end of the film, your sympathies change.

The rest of the excellent ensemble cast also work naturally together, with Emma Lowndes as Annie and Amy James-Kelly as the newly married Sarah being particularly impressive.This feels like a group of actors who were brought together to film a story and bonded as friends in the process. You end up caring a great deal for what happens to them

Although the script is based on the true story of the military wives it diverges significantly from what actually happens in the interests of an engaging story. Choirmaster Gareth Malone was, of course, actively involved in the true story as a part of a TV programme, but none of that is referenced in the movie. But that doesn't remotely impinge on your enjoyment of the movie for one second.

In particular, a sub-story about the long-term effects of grief is particularly well handled, with 'Dave' turning from being a passive to an active participant in the story at a key moment.

It's that depressing time of the year when everyone is fed up of rain, wind and dripping noses. It's a time of year when you look for some uplifting entertainment.... people surely watch "Death in Paradise" for the sun rather than the stories? Ladies - and the odd gentleman - I give you "Military Wives". It's not bloody Shakespeare. But if this doesn't make you feel uplifted and better about the world, then I will dutifully kiss the regimental goat.

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies here - Thanks).
Military Wives (2020)
Military Wives (2020)
2020 | Drama
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The music helps shine outstanding performances by the cast! (0 more)
I hoped that more of the characters backstory would have been more explained and developed! (0 more)
War United Them! Music Made Them A Family!
When their spouses are called to war, a group of military wives form a choir to deal with the distraction of the impending war. Unaware of what it takes to start and form a choir, the ladies learn that they have a lot more in common than what they think. The war may have united them but their love of music is what made them a family.
 When I watched the trailer for the movie, I was left somewhat baffled. I couldn't tell if the film was garnered more for fans of music or military families. But being a fan of Kristin Scott Thomas, I threw all doubts and hesitation about the film away and watched it...and I'm glad I did! Not knowing much about the story and it's characters, I became very enthralled with the movie. At first viewing, I thought I was watching a "military" version of the movie Pitch Perfect. Not knowing that the movie was based on a true story, it peaked my interest to learn more about the "true" military wives choir. After multiple watches though, I can honestly say that the overall plot and feel of the movie makes this a must see film. Fans of music and military films will enjoy this movie very immensely. A must see and highly recommended film!!!
American Pie (1999)
American Pie (1999)
1999 | Comedy
Story: A quest for four boys to lose their virginity before they go onto college. A comedy about growing up through the awkward high school years. It also shows how important friends can be. A wonderful high school comedy that all will love. (9/10)

Cast: Jason Biggs as Jim – The guy who has no luck what so ever, be it caught watching adult channels by his parents or a web cam incident or some alone time with an apple pie. A very likeable character that you feel through his misfortunes. Star Performance (9/10)

Thomas Ian Nicholas as Kevin – He creates the pact to help himself and his friends. Basically he is the disappointed boyfriend of Vicki (Reid) after his bad timing on words. Slightly selfish character as the pact seems to be more about him. (8/10)


Seann William Scott as Stifler – The loud mouth friend who usually host the parties. Always finds ways to put people down. A very likeable unlikeable character. (9/10)


Eddie Kaye Thomas as Finch – The man of mystery always tries something outside the box to get the attention of the girls. A more cultured character that is the end is just the same as the rest. (8/10)


Chris Klein as Oz – The jock star player on the lacrosse team. Who takes a very different approach to finding a girl; he joins the choir and shows of his feelings. Great character changing role (9/10)


Eugene Levy as Jim’s Dad – You never learn his first name, but as he is Jim’s Dad you only ever know him as this. Giving his son the awkward conversations, Brilliant Awkward father role. Favourite Character (9/10)


Comedy: A comedy that is outrageous and is a laugh all the way through (10/10)

Music: Great sound track plus a cameo from Blink 182 (10/10)

Best Part: Jim’s Dads speeches are the highlight of the film

Similar Too: Road Trip, Superbad

Overall: One of the best comedies of the generation and also has some very good moments that are very real moments you will have or going to experience in life. It’s one which everyone will enjoy and now looking back on that time in life it was very funny to see how they acted and comparing it to how I acted.