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I Know What You Did Last Summer
I Know What You Did Last Summer
2021 | Horror
Few differences to the film (1 more)
Good production
Annoying characters (1 more)
Weak ending
Decent Slasher series but with a poor ending
Quite excited when I saw a TV series on one of the my fave Slasher films. Only a few ties to the film in terms of the incident that leads to the I know what you did last summer message. But otherwise it's quite different.
There is a twin element key to the main story and it's set on Hawaii. There are a lot of characters to start with, some are quite weak and annoying. The production does feel good quality overall though.
The first few episodes are pretty good and with a fare few kills and gore. The last few episodes start to focus on the Whodunit side more.. But the ending was a surprise and didn't sit right really with the rest of the series.
Overall decent to start with if running out of momentum towards the end, and an ending I don't think many will like. Worth checking out if you liked the Scream series.
Where It All Began (Manx Cat Guardians Prequel)
JP Sayle | 2018 | Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best book of the three!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I am incredibly frustrated about this book! Not WITH the book, ABOUT this book. Let me try to explain.

Reading books one and two, I was left with questions. Lots and lots of questions, mostly about how the Manx Cat Guardians came to be. I had high hopes that THIS book would answer those questions.


While there IS a brief mention of why they were created ( The King of the Otherworld created them to counteract the rise of the new religion, Christianity, and it's belief that same sex couples were against nature and therefore abhorrent) the book is more about Maximillian, the big white cat who arrived on the island, along with Aadan, to help Stuart and Joe. And how Maximillian became the bearer of not one soul, but two.

So the questions I had were mostly NOT answered. And I'm still left with questions. This is where I get frustrated. Because I KNOW my mind is not happy, and that it still has questions, but I also know that I can't figure out what those questions are!! And if I don't know what those questions are, how is an author supposed to answer them, hmm??? So, once I got over my spit-your-dummy-out, throw-your-toys-out-the-pram and I'll-scream-and-scream-and-scream-until-I'm-sick kind of tantrum, here's what I thought about this book.

I found THIS book, is, in my opinion, the best of the three! Viking Olafr (I've been pronouncing this Olfa) has feelings for Magnus, a lowly servant. He knows he shouldn't but he cannot fight them any longer and for one glorious night, Magnus is his. What follows is extremely painful reading. Not because of the writing but because you feel Olafr's pain. You feel every single heart wrenching torment, his decision, and what he has to do. It's exceptional writing, when you can feel so much pain. I cried for Olafr and Magnus I really did. I'm being vague, I know but I work hard NOT to give spoilers!

Olafr and Maximillian have the majority voice, along with a young Aadan, when he was a child. Magnus does not have a say though. I did want him to, but when THAT happened, I'm so glad he didn't. That would have been too much, on top of Olafr's pain, I think.

It gives you a little bit more about when Aadan and Maximillian landed on the island, and what the cat felt at finally coming home. It gives me an unhealthy need for book three! At least I hope there is book three, about Aadan and Greg, who appears in book two. Because, given the way I read that bit, and the way my mind ran away with itself, I have a feeling that book ( I beg, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEZE let there be another book!) will be a far emotional and heart wrenching than the other two, and they weren't a picnic in the park either!

The author's skill at her craft is growing, and it shows!

So, even though I had a hissy fit, even though my (unvoiced) questions were not answered, and even though this is a MIGHTY painful read . . .

5 stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Last to Die (Sheridan, #2)
Kate Brady | 2010
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed Last to Die. I remember enjoying One Scream Away more I think, but then it was last year. The plot was very well thought out and complex, and because of that and the somewhat unclear writing style, at times I just followed along and hoped it would clear up in the end. It did, and everything was explained. I wouldn't have understood what was going on if it hadn't been for alternating the viewpoints between the protagonists and the antagonists, though.


The ending with Dani and Mitch could have been a little more, I think. It almost felt a little empty, like it was lacking some physical or mental release of tension. In fact there could have been more between Dani and Mitch the whole way through… her falling for him for the second time seemed just too easy.


All in all though, the plot was great, the writing was readable though a little confusing at times, and the characters were likeable. Dani and Mitch (ok…especially Mitch) definitely hold a place on my list as top hero's.


Content/Recommendation: language, some sex. Ages 18+
The Dangerous Kind
The Dangerous Kind
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
1 in 100 people

We all recognize them. Those who exist just on the fringes of society. Who send prickles up the back of our necks. The charmers. The liars. The manipulators. Those who have the potential to go that one step too far. And then take another step.

WOW... is what I have to say for this thriller. This book grabbed me from the first chapter and never let me go. It tackles some difficult topics and it was quite uncomfortable to read in places but it was written well and not overly explicit.
I had tears while reading this; at times I wanted to scream in frustration at the characters. by the ending I was doing the mouth hanging open in surprise!
This story is told mainly from four different view points the story follows Jessamine, a radio presenter, her adopted daughter Sarah, Jitesh an intern at the BBC radio studios in present day London and Rowena in 2003.
I myself would love to see this turned into a movie.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bonnier Zaffre for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely love scary stories, ones that keep you on your toes, trying to figure out what's going on, and this one definitely has the creepy factor. Christy has said the house used to be her husband's home growing up, and some of the experiences described in the book happened to him and his family. Whoa!!!

I couldn't help but get engrossed in the story, especially the developing relationship between Ephraim and Brylee, as well as her friendship with Lynley. Then there would be parts that made me just want to scream at the book, throw it across the room, something, because that's how drawn into it I was. Oh, and I read it in one day, because I just couldn't put it down, THAT'S how great it is. Although, because of the ending, I'm on pins and needles waiting for more. I'm so glad my book club read this one this month, so awesome!! I'd highly recommend to anyone who likes supernatural stories, ghost stories, haunted houses, and the like. Fantastic!!

5 stars =)
Holy crap, this novella pulled on my heartstrings. This is the story of two beloved characters from the On Dublin Street series, Olivia & Nate. Honestly, I forgot how much I missed the On Dublin Street gang right until I picked up this book and was thrown back into the world where everyone is still there and just as you remember them (though a little older).

Samantha Young has created characters that stick in your mind and make you never want to leave them. They make you smile, cry, laugh and want to scream at times. I love the character development & just the writing style is a refreshing take on the romance genre.

When you pick up a Samantha Young book, you know you're in for a treat. This is why she quickly became my favorite romance author. Her books are well written & the plot lines are always intriguing.

Hands down, this is a great novella & I cannot wait to read what she has next.

**I received this in exchange for an honest review but I'm about to preorder it on B&N because I know that I have to own it.**