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Zombeavers (2015)
Zombeavers (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Horror
4.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Do you remember that bit in Scrubs where JD is trying so hard to not laugh at something that Sean Hayes' character says because he's cross with him, but let's out the smallest laugh and is then annoyed at himself? That's an accurate portrayal of the one time I found something funny in Zombeavers.

I enjoy a so-bad-it's-good film now and again - may I interest you in the culinary delights of Basket Case, or Maximum Overdrive perhaps? Hell, I'd even take The Wicker Man remake at this point - but Zombeavers is one of those films that thinks it's so-bad-it's-good when if fact it's just plain shite.
It would be a much easier film to enjoy if the characters weren't just completely awful assholes for the entire runtime. There is just no redeeming quality to any of them. I know that they are designed purely to die horrible deaths, but considering those parts don't happen for quite a time, it's a really grating and deeply unfunny experience.
By the time the horror hits, it's too hard to care anymore, and no amount of gratuitous nudity or silly gore can fix that.

I will acknowledge that it does step up a notch in the dying minutes when we get the human-beaver-zombie hybrids (with some pretty gross practical effects) and is the sole reason why this film went from a one to a two.

Big old pile of toss.
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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Oct 21, 2020

@Emma @ The Movies I'm sorry 😭😭 I had watched another crappy horror earlier that day so I might have just been in a sour mood. I'll revisit it in a year and let you know if I change my mind πŸ˜‚


Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) Oct 21, 2020

Understandable, it’s a very fine line between good and bad. I have the urge to watch it again now. Lol