King Power: Leicester City's Remarkable Season
I had a hunch we'd be champions The most unlikely story in the history of sport, told by our...

Power, Law, and Maritime Order in the South China Sea
Tran Truong Thuy and Le Thuy Trang
Over the last few decades there has been growing recognition of the importance of a peaceful and...

Sea - Wind - Power: Research at the First German Offshore Wind Farm Alpha Ventus: 2017
Michael Durstewitz, Bernhard Lange and Alistair A. Tarwid
This book reports on the objectives, methods used and difficulties faced by the RAVE research...
Complete Guide to Boating and Seamanship: Powerboats - Canoeing - Fishing Boats - Kayaking - Navigation - Ropes and Knots - U.S. Coast Guard Regulations - Fishing - Recreation
From the author of the award-winning Complete Outdoors Encyclopaedia, this volume will prove to be...

The Sixth Man (King & Maxwell, #5)
Edgar Roy – an alleged serial killer – is awaiting trial. He faces almost certain conviction....

King and Maxwell (King & Maxwell #6)
It seems at first like a simple, tragic story. Tyler Wingo, a teenage boy, learns the awful news...

Geomancist (7 Forbidden Arts #5)
A drug lord is holding the woman he loves against her will. Paradise on an island in the Caribbean...
Dark Paranormal Erotica Romance