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Destroyer (2018)
Destroyer (2018)
2018 | Thriller
Sebastian Stan (0 more)
Not enough Sebastian Stan (0 more)
I had a few thoughts while watching this film: Would Nicole Kidman actually look like that in real life if she hadn't gotten her face done? As well as, damn, I think this film is a remake of Point Break.
I saw this a few days ago, and honestly, Sebastian Stan was the best part. I didn't think there was enough of him, obviously, the story was focused on Nicole Kidman's character. The storytelling was interesting, and a pleasant surprise. But, this film is essentially Point Break by another name with slight changes.

Kevin Phillipson (9958 KP) rated The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in TV

Jul 16, 2022 (Updated Jul 16, 2022)  
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
2021 | Action, Drama
Anthony mackie (1 more)
Sebastian stan
Currently watching on episode 4 totally hooked on the show wanting to know how it ends and what it sets up next for the mcu
The Apparition (2012)
The Apparition (2012)
2012 | Horror, Mystery
There are two reasons to watch this movie, and only two: Sebastian Stan's goofy hair and you desperately need to kill an hour and a half. The Apparition follows the standard straight-to-video line: young couple moves into a new house, spooky stuff happens, everyone very easily accepts that it can only be caused by ghosts, they seek out "professional" help, and everything goes to hell in a handbasket. I watched this about two hours ago and I really can't tell you anything notable about it, except that Sebastian Stan cannot rock bangs, poor baby. It's PG-13, so you can't even get a little gratuitous nudity out of the deal. I guess Stan is half-naked in a few scenes, but I mostly just found myself staring at his larger-than-average nipples. But I digress.

Unless you have a penchant for Tom Felton (you know, as a wizard, you think he'd be used to these situations by now) or Sebastian Stan, your time is probably more valuable than this movie. I have one of those things, so I took the hit for you. You're welcome.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) in Movies

Sep 29, 2018 (Updated Sep 29, 2018)  
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
2010 | Comedy
7.1 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When I sat down to watch this movie when it initially came out, I wasn't sure what to expect, I knew that I'd probably be rolling my eyes a lot. But, I actually found this film completely hilarious. The premise is ridiculous, and a lot of the humor is raunchy, but it wasn't too much, in my opinion.
Also, it's a plus that young/hot Sebastian Stan is in this film.

Sarah (7798 KP) Sep 29, 2018

anything is worth watching if Sebastian Stan is in it ?


Erika (17788 KP) rated We Have Always Lived in the Castle (2018) in Movies

Sep 29, 2019 (Updated Sep 29, 2019)  
We Have Always Lived in the Castle (2018)
We Have Always Lived in the Castle (2018)
2018 | Drama, Mystery
Well, let's just say I know why this wasn't released outside of NY and LA here in the USA. I actually debated buying the digital copy or renting it on Amazon. Thank god I didn't. When I saw that Netflix (US), had added it, I immediately planned on watching it today.
It was not good. There was no tension throughout the film, it was boring. The only thing this film did well was to show the madness.
The only thing that made this worth it was watching Sebastian Stan. Of course, he was a creepy d-bag, but he was nice to look at.
Skip the film, just read the book.
I, Tonya (2017)
I, Tonya (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, Sport
So, the hype on this movie was insane. I've been wanting to see it since it hit TIFF and the reviews began coming in. I've watched numerous things about Tonya Harding (the 30 for 30 doc--amazing), and I remember watching the news and that awful, shrill 'Whhyyyyy?' Nancy Kerrigan video.
I felt like this movie did live up to most of the hype. The comedy made it not so painful to watch the abuse, and I did feel awful for her. Margot Robbie was fantastic as Harding, and Sebastian Stan was completely creepy as Gillooly. Allison Janney did similarly well as Tonya's mother. Overall, I was pleased with it. The last act did drag on a bit, but I didn't mind.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jan 6, 2018

I hope this movie plays near me so I can see it.


Erika (17788 KP) Jan 6, 2018

It's so strange that they haven't wide released it, especially with the buzz and the timing (Olympics around the corner).

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
Captain America: world police
Hold on to your shields, cos cap is back and he didn't skip leg day!
Wth a new less campy outfit and an ever growing addiction to kick someone's ass,
Captain America returns to take on the also returning Hydra, he must form a team to take on the oncoming threat which has a secret weapon....the winter soldier!
With awesome cameos, plenty of action and a twist you didn't see coming (unless you read the comics) Captain America: the winter soldier is a must see for all comic book nerds and geeks alike and to anyone in seek of a great action movie
Starring chris evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L Jackson, Sebastian stan, Bath Mackie, Cobie Smulders.
Fresh (2022)
Fresh (2022)
2022 | Horror, Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mimi Cave's feature debut is a delightfully slick, quirky, and gruesomely entertaining thriller that dives head first into the perils of dating in the modern world. Its first 30 minutes are pretty light hearted, with a whole bunch of funny moments, and a relatable and likable protagonist in Daisy Edgar-Jones' Noa. The chemistry she shares with Steve (Sebastian Stan) feels natural and the two of them make for an enjoyable couple to watch onscreen, and exactly the same can be said when it goes full horror suddenly. If it wasn't for the fairly aggresive advertising campaign that heavily focused on the cannibal side of the plot, one could be forgiven for thinking that Fresh was a straight up rom-com. The sudden change in vibe is executed nicely, complete with a title card 30 minutes in, and I'm a sucker for that shit.
What follows is a sometimes fun, sometimes grim, fight for survival. Edgar-Jones is a solid Final Girl, and Sebastian Stan is picture perfect as the suave psychopath that we've seen a fair few times before at this point, but he's clearly having a blast. It helps no end that he's so well known as Bucky Barnes, ensuring that his sinister role here hits even harder.
The last 40 minutes or so suffer from being quite predictable in how the narrative unfolds, but the films cast and some nice camera work ensure that it crosses the finish line without too many hiccups.
Horror comedy is a sub genre that shows no sign of dying anytime soon, and films like Fresh make sure of that. Definitely worth your attention.
The Devil All the Time (2020)
The Devil All the Time (2020)
2020 | Drama
Brothers and sisters, let me preach to ya for just a moment, and give praise to The Devil All The Time. I haven't read the good book, that the screenplay is based off of, but I can tell you the movie is great; one of my favorites I have been able to bear witness to this year. Amazing perfromances from the killer cast of Tom Holland, Bill Skarsgard, Haley Bennett, Kristin Griffith, Jason Clarke, Riley Keough, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and many more. There may be a lot of no-good sons of bitches out there in this world, but I can tell you who's not not one of them and that's Antonio Campos, the director of The Devil All The Time. He photographed one helluva movie and I cannot wait to see more of his work.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated I, Tonya (2017) in Movies

Dec 30, 2018  
I, Tonya (2017)
I, Tonya (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, Sport
Great performances
I missed out on watching this when it was out at the cinema and I’m really disappointed I did, especially as it is actually quite good.

I didn’t know anything about true story about Tonya Harding, so for me this film was a real eye opener. It’s a fascinating story and the film features some great performances from both Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan. However it’s Alison Janney that steals the entire film as the mother from hell, she’s horrible yet absolutely hilarious too. The way this film unfolds using a documentary style storytelling really works and makes for such an entertaining film. The film drags a little during certain parts, and it’s a little ambiguous as to whether you should feel truly sorry for Tonya or not, especially with the conflicting stories between her and Jeff. But it’s the brilliant cast and the unique story telling theta really make this film worth watching.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 30, 2018

I liked this film a lot!