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ClareR (5789 KP) rated The Foundling in Books

Jan 14, 2020  
The Foundling
The Foundling
Stacey Halls | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gothic historical fiction - just my cup of tea!
The Foundling is set in Georgian London, and is packed full of secrets. No-one in it appears to be telling the truth.

Bess Bright, a hawker of shrimps on London’s streets, leaves her newborn, Clara, at the London Foundling Hospital with every intention of reclaiming her when she is older. When Bess does return having saved the money to pay for the care her daughter has received over the last six years, it’s to discover that Bess Bright has already claimed her baby the day after she left her. So someone has taken her daughter.

In a much wealthier part of London, a widow is persuaded by her doctor to take on a nursemaid for her daughter. The widow rarely leaves her home, and doesn’t let her daughter play outside. The child’s only time outside is the journey to church at the Foundling Hospital every Sunday. The new nursemaid, along with the doctor, convince the widow that she should allow the child some times outside to play, and some fresh air.

This is just the tip of the iceberg though. The widow is a complex, damaged character who tries to hide from her past - but as secrets have a habit of doing, hers catch up with her. The nursemaid is instrumental in this.

The descriptions in this book are all so vivid - I was transported into the contrasting world of Georgian London and those who lived in poverty living alongside (streets away from) those who lived with unmentionable amounts of money. The oppression in the widows household was overwhelming: claustrophobic, even.

I loved everything about this book - I loved the gothic, suspense-filled atmosphere, and spent a large part of the book with my heart in my mouth!

Another wonderful book by Stacey Halls, and one I’d highly recommend reading!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for the reading AND the listening experience (I loved the narrators on the audio book!), and Stacey Halls for reading along, too!
The Vanishing Half
The Vanishing Half
Brit Bennett | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read The Mothers, Brit Bennett’s first book, and loved it. So when this popped up on NetGalley, I knew I had to request it, and I was so pleased when I was given the opportunity to read it.

It’s a story about secrets, lies and reinvention - the sacrifices someone has to make in order to get the life they want. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Stella and Desirée Vignes are identical twin sisters, brought up in a small southern town, where all the inhabitants are black people who could pass for white people if they wanted to (which a very dangerous thing to try and do at the time the story is set).

The twins escape together, and then Stella leaves Desirée. Stella discovers that she can pass as white, and marries a wealthy white man, who knows nothing of her origins. Desirée marries a black man who beats her, and so she escapes back to her mother with her dark skinned daughter, Jude. Jude is never accepted in Desirée’s home town of Mallard, and so she leaves to go to university as soon as she is able to.

This is where Jude’s life unwittingly intersects with that of Stella’s daughter, and secrets that have been kept for so long, are brought out into the open.

I loved everything about this book. The characters and their motivations, the storyline, the way the book was written - everything! I could see why Stella did what she did, and how she felt trapped by her choices, and it’s a great example of how prejudice and racism works in the USA - and potentially here in the UK as well.

I really do highly recommend this book. It’s such a great story that kept me engaged from start to finish. I have to admit to reading it slower to make it last longer - it’s a book that I’ll be recommending to my friends, that’s for sure!
Contains spoilers, click to show
So this one kicks off where the last finished once more with Kira leaving the Roake planet in her space ship thanks to a certain visitor - another secret come to light! Kira hadn't wanted to leave the planet but now that she has, she has other priorities like the stowaway on her ship who she decides to take home. Only the planet she lives on is holding an alien race forum and only registered inhabitants can land during that time causing for creative measures to get there.

Secrets and lies once more! I've been blindsided again with this one. Even more secrets come out of the woodwork including things about Elise. I have no idea how the author managed to find more things to surprise us with but they did.

I do love the relationship progressions in this series and not just between Kira and Graydon. Things between Kira and Raider have changed a lot over the last three books - they started off as hate and distrust on Raider's side, really, and are now more like the close friends they used to be (I loved the slap fight they had at one point!). Her relationship with Finn has evolved a lot, too. He's now a trusted friend and a kick-arse one at that. Most of Graydon's oshota have become embedded in Kira's hard shell. And then there's Graydon; thing's progressed more with him in this one. He's made it known that he wants her and will do anything to protect her.

I'm hoping the next book is going to be the last because thing's have been brewing for a while now with the Tsavitee and I'm not sure I can take much more of them causing fights on planets and then running off like cowards before doing it again. I want them to suffer and die out fir all the pain and suffering they've caused Kira and the Curs and everyone else.

I will be waiting impatiently for the next book to come out next year.

    Virtual Villagers 3

    Games and Entertainment

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    Villagers: The Secret City is the third chapter in the award-winning Virtual Villagers series from...

Buried Secrets
Buried Secrets
Krissy Baccaro | 2020 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An atmospheric, emotional, Rollercoaster ride that has you hooked from the start
I’m extremely excited to share my review of Buried Secrets by Krissy Baccaro, courtesy of Love Books Group Tours

What an atmospheric, emotional, Rollercoaster ride this took me on! I’m going to have to bite my tongue, so I don’t include spoilers!

After her Grandfather “Poppy” passes on, our main protagonist Ella, sets out to unravel a family mystery, when she finds “the box” that he asks her to find as it was his dying wish.

It’s not often I find a book in this genre that touches me so deeply. This literally had my eyes welling right from the start. Buried Secrets is a page turner that takes a hold on you from the start and you won’t be able to put it down.

Krissy sets the scene beautifully and you can imagine yourself right alongside the cast of characters, taking in the sights, sounds and smells of Italy that she so wonderfully depicts. I even caught myself googling the places that were visited and now want to go myself to follow in Ella’s footsteps.

The characters are so well developed, multi faceted and believable! Characters you can imagine amongst your own family and circle of friends.

Moving on to the plot, where do I start? It was full of twists, turns and surprises! Just when you thought you had solved the mystery………. nope you’re wrong! Krissy goes and throws in another treat of a twist to throw you off guard.

This seriously isn’t a book to pass up and by the end, you will be left with so many unanswered questions that you’ll be pleased to hear that this is the 1st of a series and let me tell you, I for one can’t wait for the 2nd Ella Perri instalment. So all you mystery, crime and thriller fans, why are you still reading my ramblings? Go buy the book already, so I can talk about it with you.

Krissy……You nailed it!