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Lindsay (1727 KP) rated The Path (Tag #1) in Books

Aug 30, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
The Path (Tag #1)
Peter Riva | 2015
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Simon Bank does not know he is special. He is the one that starts it all by doing something in the system. He needs to fix it to save humanity on Earth.

We learn what we do not know yet. Earth needs to be in balance and if not our world will be gone and we will not know what has happened.

Who and how does Peter and then Apollo and Ra become as they do? Peter Riva has you wondering whether it will happen in our real world after a couple chapters. He does so well that all his characters seem real and that you are a part of the story.

Will earth survive or will it be exterminated? Simeon reveals secrets and meets up with Crammer and Angie and a few others. Will they help or will they not? Can Crammer and Angie protect Simeon? Will they stay on the Path?
The Englisher (Annie's People, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Englisher appear the focus of this story or mostly part of the story. Beverly does do this gradually. Annie Zook has some struggles to keep the promises that she made with her father who by the way is the preachers.

We go through the struggles with Annie. There another struggle that going on as well. Zeke is struggling with something and it does take the whole book to figure it out. There are surprises and twists throughout the book.

Ben Martin as come to Amish county and has his own secrets. He comes to work in the tack shop. He keeps his secret of what brought him there. He seems to run into Annie. Lou had come and is staying with her pen pal Annie. Lou is embracing the Amish and their ways. Will Lou be back or will she leave.

[a:Beverly Lewis|34227|Beverly Lewis|] - Here a review but you are one of my favorites authors.

ClareR (5789 KP) rated The Wanderer in Books

Nov 21, 2018 (Updated Nov 21, 2018)  
The Wanderer
The Wanderer
Michael Ridpath | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Icelandic not-so noir
Does no one tell the truth to the police anymore? Even if they’re innocent?!
It seems that everyone wants to keep their secrets to themselves in this book, even if they think the information might relate to the murder of an Italian tourist. A camera crew, who are filming a documentary about Gudrid the Wanderer in Iceland, find her body outside a church where they’re filming. Magnus Jonson is in charge of the police investigation.
I really enjoyed the references to the Icelandic Sagas (I’ve now got a book of them on my Christmas list!), and Magnus seems to be a very nice police officer! Everyone else appears to just be looking out for themselves, to the detriment of everyone else.
Great story though! This is the fifth in a series, I haven’t read the others, and I don’t think it actually matters story-wise. I would very much like to read the others though!!
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
2017 | Drama
Melanie (0 more)
Slow paced (0 more)
An enjoyable watch
I stumbled across this when I was looking for a zombie fix after The Walking Dead season had ended on a cliffhanger.

I wasn't disappointed. It jumps right into the story and lets you in on the secrets as you go along. The characters are believable and Glenn Close is very good in it.

This isn't the scary, violent blood everywhere zombie film. It is creepy though and leaves you feeling a little unnerved. It's a nice twist to an old genre that until The Walking Dead I thought had been overdone and should be put out to pasture. The revival of the zombie genre has seen some very inventive challenges to The Walking Dead's crown. This is one of them.

It can be a little slow moving, it's not gore and excitement all the time. It doesn't need to be though, the story makes up for the slow paced action.

CKD (37 KP) rated The Good House in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
The Good House
Ann Leary | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hildy Good is a real estate broker in Wendover, MA - a (fictional) town located north of Boston. Her husband left her for a man and she has 2 daughters with him. She is a grandmother. This story starts after she's been released from rehab for drinking (her daughters put her in rehab). It tells Hildy's story once she's home and trying to work and get through the day without drinking. Rebecca and her husband move to Wendover and Rebecca and Hildy become good friends. Hildy is happy (although she's started drinking secretly) until she discovers a secret about Rebecca and someone else in town. When the secrets start to unravel and there is a mysterious disappearance in town, Hildy begins to question some of her actions. At times funny, sad and poignant, the book is well written and you feel for all of the characters in the story. Ann Leary is the wife of Denis Leary, the comedian.
The Loveday Secrets (Loveday, #9)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I realised when I got this book that it was part of a series, only for some reason I thought it was the first part. When I started reading I found there appeared to be an awful lot of back story and when I checked I found it was something like the 9th book in the series!

That aside, I didn't have any difficulty following the plot and even saw some of the 'secrets' and plot developments coming a mile off. I'm only giving 3 stars as, although it was well enough written, even by the end I didn't find I cared enough about any of the character to wonder what would happen to them next. Even those that I think were supposed to be sympathetic to the reader I really couldn't care about; the book inspired no sense of empathy.

From other reviews on Amazon some people are really enjoying this series, but for me it was lacking in emotional engagement.

Merissa (12387 KP) rated Outcast in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Outcast continues the story started in Hunted. Kayla and Tara are at the Faire, and so is Christine. The Blackwood clan is still after them, and secrets are about to be revealed.

Kayla develops as a character, although her feelings towards Ryan will make your head spin! We find out more about her childhood, and what it was like for Tara too. Yet more questions arise though, and are yet to be answered. Christine and Colm get to spend some time together as Christine learns just who the men are at the Forever Faire.

With a fast-pace, smooth storyline, and no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the flow of reading, this is a solid second book in the series, that leaves you on a cliffhanger and wanting more. Definitely recommended by me.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Vegas (725 KP) rated Locke and Key in TV

Feb 17, 2020  
Locke and Key
Locke and Key
2020 | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Original (0 more)
Lacking something (0 more)
I wanted to like this more than I did
I liked the idea of this series, returning to the family house after the death of the dad, a widow and her children enter a strange fantasy world where keys unlock a random selection of things, memories, doors to anywhere, shape changing and other things...
What is the mystery of what happened to the dad and his friends years previous, who are hiding secrets.

While I didn't like it as much as I thought I would have, as it lacked something (not quite sure what) to make it a must watch, I did enjoy it to some degree and I think it is a series that would improve once it's been around a while, enough for the characters to mean something to us as viewers as it did feel as if it was quite rushed in its storytelling. Spreading it over a full 24 episode series would probably have been an improvement...
    forma.8 GO

    forma.8 GO

    Games, Entertainment and Stickers

    6.0 (1 Ratings) Rate It


    forma.8 is a unique take on the proven Metroidvania action-adventure formula, with a striking visual...



    Games and Stickers

    7.0 (1 Ratings) Rate It


    **iPhone 5/iPad Mini 2 or higher recommended** Vignettes is a casual but unique exploration game...