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Border (2018)
Border (2018)
2018 | Drama, Fantasy, Romance
If you’re a fan of the original super dark fairy tales, you’re probably going to love Border. But be warned, it contains some incredibly disturbing content that I wasn’t prepared for. This film is not an easy watch, and I found myself thinking about it for a long time afterwards. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, it just isn’t for the faint of heart.

The film follows Tina (Eva Melander), a woman who works for the Swedish Border Control. She has a unique talent to sniff out contraband, so she’s an asset to the rest of the team. This ability confuses many around her, and this becomes a central part of Tina’s self-discovery later on in the film. Alongside her ability, Tina suffers from facial deformities which makes her an outcast in society.

Tina’s life changes when she meets a man named Vore (Eero Milonoff), who looks just like her. At first, she suspects him of something, but following an inspection, lets him pass through. The two of them have frequent encounters throughout the film, with Vore helping Tina to understand who she is. As she’s embarking on this journey, Tina is assigned to a child pornography case, with the authorities believing her ability can help them find the perpetrator.

Border is dark both in its narrative and its visuals, as you seldom see the sunlight throughout the entire film. It feels gritty, dirty and bleak, reflecting this incredibly harrowing case that Tina has to try and solve. Even her own home is depressing; living in a tiny cabin-like home with a man named Roland who trains dogs. Tina’s relationship with Roland is confusing to the audience, and she barely spends any time at home, opting to take walks outside instead. She is an incredibly lonely, isolated character until Vore comes along.

The film’s visuals really stood out to me, I loved the ethereal fantasy elements even when bad things are happening. Since Tina spends a lot of her time outdoors, her encounters with wildlife and nature are beautifully shot. These moments seem to be the only ones that bring Tina real joy, and the cinematography reflects this. The film’s bleakness can often feel too much at times, but it’s entirely appropriate given the story. Despite Tina’s eventual self-discovery, this is not a happy film.

Tina and Vore’s animalistic behaviour may be uncomfortable for some audiences, and it was for me too. The film relies on long, purely diegetic scenes that bring us closer to the action than we may have liked. Their relationship is raw, functional and sometimes aggressive, often making it difficult to like the characters. Despite this, I still liked Tina as a character and wanted her to find happiness.

Border is just under two hours in length, but feels much longer due to Abbasi’s use of lingering shots. I did find myself feeling a little frustrated with this at times, but the beauty of the cinematography made up for it. The story is as twisted as it is captivating, and by the end of the film you’re left in a stunned silence trying to process what you just saw. It’s the kind of film that leaves you feeling exhausted afterwards.

This happened to be my first real exploration of Nordic cinema, and I’m certainly interested to see what other films are out there. Border is a unique and harrowing story that points fun at Nordic relations, and is certainly worth the watch. Having said that, I’m not sure I could go through it again.
The Room on Rue Amélie
The Room on Rue Amélie
Kristin Harmel | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For those that know me, truly know me, know that one of my favorite genres to read, is historical fiction. More specifically, the WWII era. So, when I was browsing books at B&N one day, I came across this book. First, let me say, the cover is enough to hook me! It’s gorgeous. Second, once my dad surprised me with it, I devoured it. Or, rather, it devoured me and kept me hooked til the end.

This book is not full of fluff and rhyme. Yes, there is a bit of romance woven in, but the author is taking the reader on a journey of self discovery. The reader is on a journey with the characters, feeling the heartache of the war, the pain, and sacrifice that went with running from the Nazi’s and helping with the escape efforts of the pilots.

Each page turn, Harmel gives something more to the reader. She intricately weaves a story that you become a part of. Ruby, Charlotte and Thomas all make their way into the reader’s heart. The depth of emotions is felt wholly, the detail to the history is vivid and clear.

Harmel’s THE ROOM ON RUE AMELIE is a novel that all historical fiction lovers should grab. It will consume you and keep you until the last page is turned. If I could give this book a thousand stars I would. But, alas, I can give it 5 stars. This is a book that I won’t forget and will be sharing with my friends many times over.

*This book was purchased by myself. All opinions, negative or positive, are my own.*
Everything Sucks - Season 1
Everything Sucks - Season 1
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
It's a dramedy that takes place in the 90s. I'm talking so 90's it hurts. Three high school freshmen in Boring, Oregan start off their first year of high school in a big way. Hopefully they wont embarrass themselves.

I absolutely fell in love with this show. First of all, it is funny and feels more like a comedy. Nevertheless, the characters are complex and the situations are interesting and emotional.

The young actors, Peyton Kennedy, Jahi Winston, and Rio Mangini especially, do some great work. I think it's great that they actually look like young high school kids. Nonetheless, the are able to bring the emotion.

The show has themes of relationships, self-discovery, growing up, and how the 90s influenced that. There are some very positive representations of discovering sexuality. Not only as a young adult, but some of the older adults recently out of long term relationships also learn what it is to love and trust again.

Finally, one of the big plot points is the making of a movie in the kids AV club. It's actually really impressive when you see just how intensive a process that was not even 20 years ago.

All in all, the characters are the ones that sell the show. The show often ends on cliff hangers making you wanting to come back. My wife and I watched it through twice in one week. It's only 10 episodes and every single one of them is well worth it.

Also, shout out to the 90s tunes. Most of which are still songs on pretty much any of my playlists.
The Language of Secrets
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Justin Fisher was just an ordinary guy—he was a manager of a hotel, married with a son, and a great future ahead of him. But he decides that he must go back to his home, because he hasn’t spoken with his family in years.

When he arrives, his parents are dead—and his gravestone is beside theirs.

Justin embarks on an amazing terrifying journey of mystery, self discovery, and secrets to try to fix his broken past—or at least figure out who he is.

The Language of Secrets was powerful, ironic, and profound. I was instantly swept away by Dixon’s prose and illustrations. My jaw literally dropped as I read the opening paragraphs, the writing was so fluid and descriptive. It was all written in third person, but switched perspectives every few chapters.

Near the middle I felt like I was in the middle of two separate stories, and I wasn’t sure how they connected, but I knew they did because they were about the same characters. Watching the story unfold in almost a mystery-novel way was incredible: it was a complex series of events woven together expertly so that you can’t even find the seams.

I loved the ending. The Language of Secrets finishes up the story, concludes it, leaves you satisfied, and then throws something at you in the very last paragraph of the very last chapter that you didn’t expect. It sent my eyebrows to the ceiling and my jaw to the floor. I think my eyeballs are still rolling around on the ground somewhere.

The Language of Secrets was amazing—it’s staying on my shelf for a definite re-read.

Content: medium language, some violence, mention of sex but no details, mention of rape but no details.

Recommendation: Ages 16+

b.Young (97 KP) rated Keeper of the Wolves in Books

May 27, 2018 (Updated May 27, 2018)  
Keeper of the Wolves
Keeper of the Wolves
Cheree Alsop | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast-paced (2 more)
Unique twist on werewolves
Character development
Ending left much to be desired (0 more)
I found this book offered for free on Kindle and I love a good werewolf story, so I figured there was nothing to lose.
I was not expecting to be so enamoured by this tale as I was. I am not sure one would be able to properly convey the mental and physical battle of a wolf that is cursed to change nightly into a man, or a man cursed to change into a wolf every sunrise, but Cheree Alsop did an outstanding job detailing the thoughts and nuances of a wolf, combining them with the brilliantly elaborated thoughts and actions of the man that was that wolf!
This book is ultimately a love story, though it starts out as a tragic tale. I was immediately developing feelings of sorrow and pity for Victus and hatred and animosity towards the Cruel One who had imprisoned Victus and put him on display for his own personal gain.
I was rooting for Victus to escape or be rescued, and found myself sighing in relief that the girl with the beautiful blue eyes held the key to eveything Victus wanted, needed, and deserved.
There is much more to the story and many battles to be fought within. Not only for Victus, as he struggles with who or what he is, but for the blue eyed girl and her family as well as the entire Kingdom that relies on her.
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys werewolf stories and is looking for a fast-paced, action-packed, unique tale about the discovery of ones self, loyalties, and love.
It is definitely a tale I will read more than once.
154 of 230
A Path of Darkness and Runes ( The Fallows book 1)
By Marnie L. Norton

The Fallow, a hallowed place and sanctuary for the beasts and creatures of the Continent, has been desecrated. The balance between the human and magical world has been ruptured.
Rhona is haunted by memories and revolts against the natures and traditions to which she has been born into. Marrying her betrothed, Elias, being one of them. She is part of a travellers community known as the 'Unwanted'.
When a night time raid, causes her brethren to flee across the Continent in search of safer dwellings; Rhona, along with her brother, Roman, and Elias, cross paths creatures of the Fallow - which sets them on a course of self discovery, redemption and magic.
Rhona must fight the dark forces at work from the Fallow, as well as battle the dark memories which threaten to break her at every turn. Now a pawn in a potential war between the magical folk and humans, Rhona must look past her own trauma to work at hunting the Lycan. Rhona must now put her life on the line to redeem her soul in a life debt against the Trinity, the Maiden, Mother and Crone.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much a I loved this book. One of the easiest 5⭐️ reads of the year. Absolutely brilliant debut novel. I love the characters, the story and the world building. It’s full of creatures and magic and beautifully written. I found this author on TikTok and just loved her content I’m so glad I did. I can not wait for book 2 as I had so many emotions running by the end of this one.
The Stolen Marriage
The Stolen Marriage
Diane Chamberlain | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok so let me just say the cover of this novel is absolutely stunning … all the water droplets are raised and the image is breath taking!!!!
After reading the synopsis of the story in the cover, I was hooked into wanting to read this and the novel did not disappoint. This is not only a multilayered, multifaceted novel of plots and characters but also genre of books. The writing is like watching a movie playing in your head … Chamberlain has a way at pulling you in and making you feel all different emotions throughout the story. Each character is written in a way that you feel like you know them and see their growth and there views and feel each of their stories. If you like historical fiction or mystery or self discovery or even romance, you will love The Stolen Marriage.
The book is set in 1943-1945 with an epilogue that is 1955. It starts out with Tess in Baltimore, which in these times is considered to have northern values and religions with a mix of cultures. Then the story continues into Hickory NC where southern religions, views on colored people, values such as money and family come into play. I am not going to summarize it too much and give too much away nor am I going to describe the synopsis of the book that is given because it is spot on. However, the first chapter draws you in with an accident and a death!!! Then the story unfolds where Tess makes a detrimental decision that changes her path in life drastically. Then its a wild, emotional and beautiful story about a marriage to someone she doesn't know and slowly gets to know, loosing people that are precious to her, loosing herself and finding herself when she becomes a nurse and uses these skills when the polio epidemic hits Hickory, how the town comes together during this time to build a make shift hospital in a very short time, losing and regretting the love of her life, finding out people are not what they make of themselves, secrets that come to light throughout the book, finding out that even though differences are evident you still can learn and overcome a way of thinking, and so much more.
The decisions she makes changes not only her path but others as well. And also the decisions others make change Tess and change the characters lives as well.
This book has race issues, religious issues, moral dilemmas, moral values, personal growth, finding ones true self, etc.
I highly recommend this book!!!!! It was an amazing read, compelling story telling and so many plots wrapped up in one incredible novel!

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Divergent in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Veronica Roth | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (140 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this book is a bit of a recycled plot - whether or not Roth was aware that it resembled Hunger Games. Honestly, though, I really don't care. The book was entertaining, the world-building was still unique, and I can't wait to read the next one.
I found the idea of dividing society into factions based on a specific personality trait interesting in that I wanted much greater detail about each faction, much more so than the main character, Tris, was willing to provide. Tris is a teenager being forced into making the greatest decision of her life, and there just is not time for dwelling on the details. I found the simulation that is designed to help decide the faction of each individual too simplistic. Human beings are complex creatures, and an individual's personal prerogatives can change very easily from year to year. Abnegation, Amity, Erudite, Candor, Dauntless, or the rebellious Divergent - I could easily fit into any of these at different times in my life. The characters in the book are no different.
Much of the book centers around Tris undergoing the trials of becoming Dauntless, with details of the other factions trickling in, as well as the state of the political current. While this world of factions was originally created with the best of intentions, corruption has set in at all levels, and Tris's world will be toppled by the end of the book. While her trials are a journey of self-discovery, she is also forced to grow up quickly to protect the people she loves.
The only thing I would have liked to end differently is what happens to Tris's mother - with everything that we discover about her, she could have been a fountain of fascinating plot elements. Unfortunately, in most YA books, parental figures rarely stick around. Hopefully, I will get my hands on Insurgent soon!
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
Sabaa Tahir | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Ember in the Ashes follows Laia's attempt to rescue her brother after he has been taken in the middle of the night and her grandparents murdered. She stumbles into some rebels and manages to convince their leader to promise to help her - at a cost. Laia must become a spy, infiltrating the Commandant's place and reporting to the rebels. If she gives them good information they say that they will risk the manpower to rescue her brother. Not only is he important to Laia, but he is the only Scholar who knows the secret of martial steel. Martial steel is superior and no weapons can match it, which is why the scholars have never successfully rebelled.

Martials are the ruling people who came to the and many years ago as conquerors. They enslaved the Scholars and treated the others in the land as second class citizens. The Martials even have a place they send their children to train and become Masks, some of the most feared warriors and killers in the land. Elias and Helene are two of those future Masks - training, top of their class and about to graduate.

Each character has their own secrets and motivations. Elias hates being a Mask and doesn't want to turn into his mother, the vicious Commandant. Helene is in love with Elias and despite her commitment to the Masks, is hesitant to call Elias' out on his commitment. Laia is scared, but can't abandon her brother again. Each must go on a journey of self-discovery and find out what truly matters to them - and what they will sacrifice to make it happen.

The world is full of unique places and characters. More interestingly, there is magic and creatures like djinn and efrits. Those are some of the supernatural creatures that are not as frequently portrayed in novels, thus make this even more intriguing. This is a beautifully written book and highly recommended to young adult/teen readers that like fantasy, books with good characters, world building, magic and supernatural creatures.
The Intoxicating Mr Lavelle
The Intoxicating Mr Lavelle
Neil Blackmore | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Intoxicating Mr Lavelle rather intoxicated me, if I’m honest. It’s one of those witty yet heart-rending books that I didn’t want to stop listening to.
Ben Aldridge, the narrator, did his part so well. I believed that he was each of the separate characters - he made each of them sound so different, and he especially made Lavelle sound just how I would have imagined him to.
Two brothers, Benjamin and Edgar are on what is probably the most exciting and daunting trip of their young lives - a Grand Tour of Europe. It was what all the well-heeled young men and women would do at the time, in the hope that they’d make good business and, you never know, romantic connections. However, it quickly becomes apparent that the Bowen brothers are looked down on as being of the mercantile class. This horrified me as a modern day reader. Firstly, that two sheltered, innocent boys should be sent out to travel across Europe alone (must be the ‘Mother of Sons’ in me), secondly, that the upper classes were so bloody rude! They had the power to destroy someone with just a word. I could have scooped these boys up and taken them home, just to remove them from these horrendous people.
This is also the story of Benjamin’s self discovery. He meets and falls in love with Horace Lavelle at a time when men could be hanged as a ‘sodomite’. The author is upfront at the start that he had taken some liberties with this book. Homosexuality was illegal. No-one would take a chance of showing that they were gay. And there is that element of danger, of being found out, in this book despite those liberties.
But it’s such a lovely book - I wanted Benjamin to be happy, and I could see the potential for a train wreck ahead. And that’s all I’ll say! What I will say, is that this is a novel well worth your time!