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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jul 11, 2021  
Read an excerpt from the self-help book INCLINED ELDERS: HOW TO REBRAND AGING FOR SELF AND SOCIETY by Ramona Oliver. If you like what you read, enter the giveaway to win either a signed copy of the book or a Kindle copy on my blog!


· Have a desire to continue living a purposeful life, no matter what your age.

· Are interested in learning how to maintain a positive attitude from adulthood to elderhood.

· Want to learn how to create a living legacy and serve as a role model for future generations.

For the first time in history we are not only living longer, everyone has an important choice to make: commit to a meaningful, purposeful life of "Incline" as we get older or believe that a new stage – one of steady "decline" – is inevitable. What is not helping is that in the media and society in general there continues the somewhat negative connotation surrounding the concept of aging. And while, at least not now, we cannot do anything about the chronological process of becoming 60, 70, 80 years and beyond, we can change the mindset for it. Embracing change and looking at life with a keener sense of curiosity will lead to living with increased courage to live life to its fullest.

Inclined Elders is a call to action for you to opt for Incline. Not only for your personal fulfillment, but also to help fuel a social "legacy" that increases the number of positive older role models in everyday life. I have written this book to inspire, inform, and challenge you. By the time you reach the last page, I hope you will have made a new choice: to become an inspiring example of a life of Incline so our society relinquishes – once and for all – the notion that aging is synonymous with "decline," "decrepit," "senile," and "over-the-hill."

In this book over 50 men and women ranging in age from 40 to 100 share their tips and techniques on how to live a life of Incline. Their strategies are supported by scientific evidence from the fields of Positive Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology.

We are the women and men who have made a conscious choice to ignore society's negative mindset of "decline" and "over-the-hill" as we age. Instead we embrace a positive mindset of continuing to Incline and climb ever upwards.

Serving as vibrant role models, the Inclined Elders I spoke to for this book are leaving their own unique legacies of wisdom and inspiration for future generations. There needs to be more of us like them to effect real social change. So why not Incline too? There's an amazing view from up here. Come with us and see for yourself.
Not Quite Dead
Not Quite Dead
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Doctor Autumn Johnson is convinced that someone wants the promising young researcher, Jay Abrams, dead.

And as a newly minted medical intern, Autumn tries to outsmart death on behalf of her patients every day. But she just can’t seem to get it right. Not knowing the answers her residents expect her to, prescribing the wrong meds, and nearly passing out as a patient is wheeled into the ICU—is not how she had pictured herself as a physician.
Determined to do better, Autumn decides to prove someone tried to kill Jay. When the trail leads her to Jay’s mysterious notes, Autumn has little time to discover who wants Jay, and now her, dead. With the help of the only other intern she can call a friend and a self-destructive perfectionist for a supervising resident, Autumn will have to solve a mystery that reaches deep inside the medical establishment, threatening us all.

This was a great medical thriller.
This story is told from two different points of views, the patient's, and the doctor's, which I really liked.
Very suspenseful and cleverly written. Had me gripped from start.
This one started off with a bang and never let off. So many twists and turns which kept me guessing to the end.
Really enjoyed reading.
Recommend reading.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc; this is my honest voluntary review.
Edie Ramer | 2011
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this anthology up because all proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, which is a wonderful cause. Many of the authors' lives have been touched by cancer in one way or another, some first-hand. The volume is Halloween-themed, as well.

I don't believe I've read anything but short stories by any of these authors in the past except for [a:Jennifer Estep|580315|Jennifer Estep|], and I haven't read the Mythos Academy series in which her story is set. I'm more likely to read it now than I was before.

"Halloween Frost" by Estep and "Ghostly Justice" by Allison Brennan (set in her Seven Deadly Sins series) were the most polished stories in the anthology. Too many of the others had plot holes, or felt like teasers to get a reader to pursue more of the author's work. A short story should be self-contained.

Some of the authors let the "romance" get in the way of the plotting. If the main character acts like an idiot because she's distracted by the bulge in a man's pants, why make her the main character of a story? Especially if, as in "Sinfully Sweet" by Michelle Miles, you fail to resolve the major plot issue you raise?

While I admire the cause for which these ladies are writing, I can't help but think a shorter, higher-quality anthology might have been a better bet.

Trackie (153 KP) rated Sex Education in TV

Jan 17, 2019  
Sex Education
Sex Education
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Everything (0 more)
Confusion of what year it is. (0 more)
Sex Education Season 1
Young or old, in some way or another, you will relate to this show.

Sex Education isn't just about sex, it's about learning self appreciation, respect and living life as best as possible with the choices we have in front of us.

This starts off as a raunchy series, quickly turning into a story of many characters who seem to have it all or nothing in between. They soon come to realize that they are no more special than the person next to them, no more right or wrong than the one they criticize or blame.

Casting is fantastic - The leading role, wow; a normal and confused 16 year old who has an amazing gift, to calm and guide those who seek his help in finding the answer to any slight imperfections they may have with themselves or with their partner.

A blend of comedy, love and drama - Sex Education is a well balanced and written series that takes you for a ride that's full of heart.
With the variety of characters in this show, each and every one of us should have some one to feel familiar with.

I can’t recommend this series enough and can’t wait for series 2. There are talks about a second season but we won’t know for a couple of months yet if or when it will happen.
It had a beginning and an end (0 more)
Most of the book (0 more)
This book was not for me
I want to say something positive about this book. Okay, it is a quick read, I actually wanted to continue reading it although I am not sure if my reasons for this were because of enjoyment. I chose this book as I am going to be writing a part memoir for my dissertation. I liked the synopsis because I enjoy a bit of humour. In the past I have read (and enjoyed) a book by Mike Gayle called 'Turning Thirty' which I thought, and hoped, this book would have been similar. WRONG!!!!
Edwards basically writes some (I believe) far fetched memoir but mingles it with self help bullshit that has been regurgitated from other peoples ideas. I am confused by the author's objectives. Whilst I appreciate any woman who is a good and opinionated feminist, I feel that Edward's 'Sisterhood' is cringey. The writer comes across as middle class and perhaps would have benefited from excluding her middle class status to seem less arrogant to working class readers.

I learned of a technique for essay writing in college (PEE) Point, Evidence and Evaluation. This is a formula that Edwards uses throughout her book and it makes the flow very artificial instead of conversational.
On the plus side, it was her first novel, and she managed to write it and publish it. It just wasn't for me.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Mother Mother in Books

May 4, 2021  
Mother Mother
Mother Mother
Annie Macmanus | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to admit to reading this book because I was curious. I’ve heard of Annie Mac on the radio, and I was intrigued. Oh, and I really liked the cover. This is often a reason why I choose a book: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It definitely worked this time.
I was sucked in to this books world, and became really emotionally invested in this story. Mary and her brother have such a hard upbringing, that what comes later seems inevitable. Regardless of this, Mary becomes a good mother. She does that thing that so many mother do, and gives up her sense of self, and her life revolves around her son, TJ. She has a job she enjoys, but she is a solitary figure. When she stops seeing her friend Louise after she finds out that she’s pregnant with TJ, there isn’t any mention of anyone else. I couldn’t help but feel that she must have been so lonely.
Mary clings on to her family, even though her father and brother probably don’t deserve her attention and love, and TJ takes advantage of her unquestioning love - like a typical teenager.
There are some pretty heavy, emotional parts in this, and I read the last few chapters through tears. I can’t believe that this is a debut - it’s so well written. It’s an easy book to recommend, and a tough book to read.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Dec 17, 2020  
Sneak a peek at the literary fiction novel RIVER, SING OUT by James Wade on my blog! This book sounds so good! (Check out that gorgeous cover too!)

“And through these ages untold, the river did act as the lifeblood of all those things alongside it.”
Jonah Hargrove is celebrating his thirteenth birthday by avoiding his abusive father, when a girl named River stumbles into his yard, injured and alone. The teenager has stolen thousands of dollars’ worth of meth from her murderous, drug-dealing boyfriend, but lost it somewhere in the Neches River bottoms during her escape. Jonah agrees to help her find and sell the drugs so she can flee East Texas.
Chasing after them is John Curtis, a local drug kingpin and dog fighter, as well as River’s boyfriend, the dangerous Dakota Cade.
Each person is keeping secrets from the others—deadly secrets that will be exposed in violent fashion as all are forced to come to terms with their choices, their circumstances, and their own definition of God.
With a colorful cast of supporting characters and an unflinching violence juxtaposed against lyrical prose, River, Sing Out dives deep into the sinister world of the East Texas river bottoms, where oppressive poverty is pitted against the need to believe in something greater than the self.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Sep 11, 2022  
Sneak a peek at the self-help memoir on aging entitled CREATRIX RISING by Byline Stephanie on my blog. (I read this book last year and loved it!) Enter the giveaway for a chance to win a print copy and the audiobook - four winners!

Ever since Eve was banned from the garden, women have endured the oftentimes painful and inaccurate definitions foisted upon them by the patriarchy. Maiden, mother, and crone, representing the three stages assigned to a woman’s life cycle, have been the limiting categories of both ancient and modern (neo-pagan) mythology. And one label, in particular, rankles: crone. The word conjures a wizened hag—useless for the most part, marginalized by appearance and ability.

None of us has ever truly fit the old-crone image, and for today’s midlife women, a new archetype is being birthed: the Creatrix.

In Creatrix Rising, Raffelock lays out—through personal stories and essays—the highlights of the past fifty years, in which women have gone from a quiet strength to a resounding voice. She invites us along on her own transformational journey by providing probing questions for reflection so that we can flesh out and bring to life this new archetype within ourselves. If what the Dalai Lama has predicted—that women will save the world—proves true, then the Creatrix will for certain be out front, leading the pack.

David McK (3248 KP) rated Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) in Movies

Jan 3, 2022 (Updated Dec 24, 2023)  
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
There's a famous (and controversial) Marvel comic run called 'One Last Day', where - following his self-unmasking during the previous 'Civil War' run - Peter Parker ends up making a deal with Mephisto (Marvel's version of the devil) that everybody would forget his true identity, following Aunt May being shot by an assassin.

Sound at all familiar?

Yes, it's used as the building blocks for this movie, where Peter's identity ahs been revealed to the world by Mysterio during the end-credits of the previous movie ('Far from Home'), with a knock-on effect on friends and family.

Instead of Mephisto, however, Peter seeks help from Doctor Strange, who agrees (for reasons) to cast a spell in order that everyone would forget who Peter was - a spell that goes awry, and that leads to characters from the previous non-MCU iterations of the Spider-Man films finally joining the MCU. Some of those characters are more effectively scary here than they were previously ...

This is maybe a little bit slow getting started, with plenty of nods and Easter Eggs throughout (including FEAST, where Aunt May works) to both the comics, games, and previous Spider-Man movies, and ends with, effectively, the character of Spider-Man being reset: no longer part of The Avengers; no longer with MJ, Aunt May, Ned or even 'Happy' Hogan knowing his identity, back to being your 'friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man'.
The Mayo Clinic Diet (and journal)
by the weight loss experts at Mayo Clinic
Genre: Health, self-help
Rating: 5



The Mayo Clinic Diet is a great book that guides you through a healthy way to loose weight. They focus on changing your eating habits, eating the right amount of the right thing, self control, self motivation, and staying healthy.

The word “Diet” has a bad reputation. People hear it and shutter. I don’t think Diet was the right word to use in the title of this book, I think they could have used something like “Health guide” or “lifestyle” because it’s not really a diet. Sure there are guides on what to eat, but there aren’t any super strict guidelines saying “don’t eat this” or “you must eat this.” This book is all about loosing weight right, and doing it healthfully.

The Mayo Clinic Diet asks some basic questions that get the reader thinking, like “why do you want to loose weight,” “what are your goals” etc. and the reason behind them. You really get down in to why you are bothering to change your body. Sure it’s good for you. But there are other reasons why people want to shape up. The Mayo Clinic Diet asks the right questions and gets you thinking so you can find your reasons, so you can find your motivation.

The actual “diet” part of this book is great. It talks about which foods to eat, which things to eat more of, which to eat less of, how to pick the right meat/cheese/milk etc. (note, for the sake of sharing with you a quick opinion, that the only thing I don’t agree with in the book is their view on skim milk. They recommend it. I don’t. It has no nutritional value, and you need whole milk, or low-fat at the least.). It talks about portion control (the key of weight loss!) and offers visual cues for identifying the right serving size, like “hockey puck” and “tennis ball” and “deck of cards” serving size, explains how to eat healthfully (yes there is a special way to eat!), gives advice on what to eat for snacks, lists exercise tips for beginners (easy to follow, not complicated or requiring equipment), and even identifies obstacles you may come across (excuses, habits, depressed thoughts etc.) , and strategies to get through them.

The journal is not necessary for the diet, but is a helpful tool that will guide you through the program. It follows the timeline given in the book, includes space for meal plans, weekly weigh-in, a section for goals and notes for the day, places to record what you ate, and habit tracker, and even a daily food pyramid checklist. It could even be used independently of the diet book, but I recommend using both together because the book has a lot of helpful information, and the journal is a motivating way to put it into action.

Recommendation: Anyone who needs to loose weight but is afraid of “another diet.” This is not the same diet you’re used to. Again, I think “diet” is the wrong word. This is a new lifestyle.