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Senshi (Katana, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="Senshi by Cole Gibsen" href=""></a>;
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Owls

<i><b>Note:</b> Formatting may be lost due to copy and paste</i>

     Well, I'll admit Katana felt like a stand alone – with the "oh, hey, they lived happily ever after! There's no more!" And I actually did think Katana was a stand alone.

      But then Goodreads spoiled everything. -_- I can't believe you would do that to me, Goodreads.

      Well, not exactly. I really wouldn't have known Katana had a sequel without Goodreads, but with the announcements every single day (Katana was a book club read in October) at school about preordering Senshi, I'm bound to know eventually.

      Or the county library would have said, "hey, there's a sequel!" right after I returned Katana in Ebooks Library Lend101. Go figure.

      Moving on.

      In Senshi, it's been a few months since the events left off in Katana. Going down memory lane in terms of nutshell spoilers, Rileigh's finally come to terms with her inner warrior self (go Rileigh!).

      I must say, despite the fact Katana felt like a stand alone, Senshi had some nice surprises waiting for me when reading, and it was almost as good as the first novel. Okay, I almost always love the first novel before the sequels because it's not the end where you have to wave good bye to characters.

      But I just love it when authors lead you down one road but then all of a sudden, they toss in a thing or two (or more) that throws the reader off balance. It makes everything less predictable. ^_^

      The characters are just as amazingly written as ever, particularly Quentin, who I must admit has already landed on my favorite characters from the series next to Rileigh (of course, Rileigh. It's not like I can read Quentin's mind from Rileigh's view, even though I would love to, but I'm just one little opinion out of... hundreds). Then there's Sumi and also Dr. Wendell. I hope I'm not the only when I say the interaction between Rileigh and Dr. Wendell is pretty classic in the way Rileigh pushes Dr. Wendell's buttons all the time. Sumi, on the other hand, is a nuisance and a pain in the butt. Unfortunately, she's likely back in the next book: Shinobi. Fantabulous. A great way to make a Tuesday better. Good thing it's not a Friday. I think I'll survive.

      My Two Cents of Randomness: Aliens didn't abduct Rileigh and change her up did they? I still find the cover really weird. O_o (But only the story matters in my humble opinion, so says the girl who can't even draw a pair of eyes that aren't lopsided.)
All Is Fair
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><em><strong>All is Fair</strong></em><strong> by Dee Garretson promises an adventure.</strong></h2>
The beginning of <em>All is Fair</em> promises a fun, action-packed adventure, set in World War I with badass females being involved in espionage. After Mina receives a telegram from her father at her boarding school and decrypts the message, she heads home to find her friend Andrew with an American named Lucas.

<h2><strong>It's a little predictable, but also fun.</strong></h2>
<em>All is Fair</em> starts off great and I loved seeing Mina decrypting her father's message at school. I also loved seeing this play a role later on when Mina has to join Lucas on his mission so he could succeed.

But Garretson's novel is relatively predictable as I called some of the twists before they happened. While this may suck out of the fun for some people, I found myself letting the easy predictions slide as I enjoyed other aspects of the story.

<h2><strong>Slow at the beginning.</strong></h2>
After the promising intro and beginning when we are introduced to Mina and learn a little about her, the story dies down. <em>All is Fair</em> becomes slow and we focus a lot on the aristocratic life in the early 20th century before we get to the action-packed part of the story. I found myself stepping away frequently until then because I was just <em>bored</em> despite the character interactions.

<h2><strong>Characters and interactions are great, romance unnecessary</strong></h2>
I'm a huge character person - if there's a character or two that I enjoy reading, I'll likely let other problems (if any) I have slide. And I adored Mina. From the beginning, she's wanted to go on an adventure but rarely gets the opportunity until something happens and she takes the chance. Her interactions with Lucas are amusing and there is <em>quite</em> the shade being thrown between the two (I love me some good shade).

But the romance wasn't necessary to the story. It felt suddenly thrown in near the end just to have a romantic aspect of sorts. <em>All is Fair</em> would have been perfectly fine with the friendship and occasional shade being thrown about.

<h2><strong>We have an open ending.</strong></h2>
<em>All is Fair</em> leaves an open ending that promises of a possible sequel that could potentially happen. Even if there is no sequel, though, the story wrapped up nicely. My only issue aside from the unnecessary romantic aspect is the boring beginning readers will have to drag themselves through to get to the action-packed adventure.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
When Darkness Falls
When Darkness Falls
Kathleen Harryman | 2017 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The perspective this book was written from was refreshing in how unique it was. (0 more)
What I liked least about this book is that there is not currently a sequel (thought I truly hope Kathleen Harryman writes one). (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
When Darkness Falls by Kathleen Harryman is an extremely gripping thriller that will have readers up all night. This psychological murder mystery is uniquely written from the killer’s perspective and will have you making conclusions only to find out that you are oh so very wrong.

 Tracy Bennett seems to be an average young woman. She has a typical and relatively boring job at a store and leads a typical life. Tracy has her own apartment which she shares with the mysterious Lauren. In her free time Tracy hangs out with her tow best friends Susie and Abigal. For as normal and mundane as Tracy’s life is there are things going on that are directly related to her, yet just like everyone else she remains oblivious.

 There is someone terrorizing the city, though the police have prevented an all out panic. This person is suspected to be a large and rather muscular man, the press has named The Slasher. The real Slasher hates this name as they see their murders as artwork. This is the killer’s story and they take great pride in what they do. The killer is extremely aware of how forensic teams work and finds it funny playing mind games with them. The killers is also aware of how society labels them and often debates the characteristics of these traits and personality types. But just who is The Slasher? What makes them choose the seemingly random victims and how will all this affect Tracy?

 I don’t know where to start when talking about what I liked best about this book. The perspective this book was written from was refreshing in how unique it was. Even once I figured out what was going on I did not want to accept it and the book always had me second guessing myself. While it may be a little confusing at times it is all explained in the end. What I liked least about this book is that there is not currently a sequel (thought I truly hope Kathleen Harryman writes one). This is one of those books that once you finish it you are left wanting more.

 This book is ideal for adults and young adults who can handle reading graphic descriptions of blood and gore. Other than that there are mentions of a rape but nothing in detail. It could however, potentially give younger readers nightmares. I rate this book 4 out of 4. A word of warning, be careful when you start to read this book because you won't want to stop until its done. There was nothing in this book that I truly did not like and that alone is rare and impressive.
Frozen II (2019)
Frozen II (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
Better Than The Original
I never really had much desire/interest in revisiting the sisters from Arendelle and thought the much-hyped sequel to the 2013 mega-hit, FROZEN, was nothing more than a cash grab. daughter talked me into checking it out, so it was with much harumphing that I sat down for a viewing of FROZEN 2.

I loved it.

Loved it, so much so, that I have since watched it a 2nd time - and liked it even more.

Set 6 years after the events in the first film, life in Arendelle has settled down for Queen Elsa, her sister Anna, Anna's boyfriend Kristoff, his reindeer Sven and good ol' Olaf the Snowman (who still likes warm hugs). But something is stirring inside Elsa. Is it a longing for more? Is it a calling from outside? Is it something more? I won't spoil it, but the journey/adventure that this stirring from Elsa begets is a welcome "road trip" for some old friends. It lets us, the audience, spend some more quality time with these characters - with some wonderful music, to boot.

All voice actors from the first film are back (why wouldn't they be) and their voice performances are stronger and more self-assured than in the first film. Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad and the under-rated Kristin Bell all "bring-it" to this adventure while newcomers like Sterling K. Brown, Evan Rachel Wood and Martha Plimpton all join in with aplomb making a very appealing film with an fun adventure that has, at it's core, heart. Which, I think, is what makes both of the Frozen films work. The deep heart at the core of these films, and their underlying theme of familial love will win out against all odds.

Add to that the FANTASTIC songs written, yet again, by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez. They are catchy, fun, hummable and TERRIFIC. It was worth the 2nd viewing just to hear the songs again.

The direction by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee (the Directors of the first FROZEN) is just as self-assured and strong. They "up" the precedings by picking up the pace and adding to the "difficulty" level (shooting much of this film on water) and they succeed mostly throughout the film.

It is always fun for me to be surprised by a film - and I was most definitely surpised by Frozen 2 - and I would venture to guess that you will be too, especially if you drop any "attitude" you have about this sequel existing and just sit back and enjoy the ride that you are going to be on.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the BankofMarquis

FROZEN 2 is free to stream for subscribers of DISNEY+ or can be streamed for a fee (to rent or own) on most major platforms like YouTube, GooglePlay, Vudu and Amazon.
Don&#039;t Breathe 2 (2021)
Don't Breathe 2 (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Thriller
6.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Nicely paced direction and non stop (bloody) action (1 more)
Madelyn Grace delivers a nice and professional performance
Not very original (1 more)
Should we be rooting for Norman at all?
That kid’ll need counselling for life!
I mean. If there was ever an opportunity to come up with a clever title for a sequel, this was it right? "Breathe Again"; "Hold it for a bit longer"; "Are You Turning Blue Yet?". But no... we just get a boring old "2" at the end!

- Five years is an awfully long time to wait for a sequel! I have to admit I needed to read through my original review for "Don't Breathe" and the synopsis on IMDB before I went to see this. But, given that it is a fairly standard schlock-horror home-invasion movie, this is a nicely pieced together movie. Debut director Sayagues, who co-wrote the first film with original director Fede Alverez, moves the action along at a non-stop pace leaving you quite exhausted by the end of the (pleasantly short) 98 minutes.
- Stephen Lang nicely retreads his monster from the first movie as a besotted but anxious parent. But particularly good I thought was Madelyn Grace who plays the 11 year old Phoenix. I never once thought "there's a child actress doing a performance". Great job!

- It doesn't get many brownie points for originality: the blindness dice was already rolled in the original. So here we get some re-tread scenes of "the blind man being king", with red insecticide spray replacing the darkness.
- It never feels quite right that you are supposed to be cheering on Nordstrom: someone with virtually no redeeming features (other than a love for dogs).
- The original film had a decidedly icky moment with the whole baster thing. Here we have an equally icky, if ridiculous, plot-twist, taking us into a very dark place indeed. But what is supposed to be a shock-horror moment actually had me in fits of laughter, since all I could think of was a particular scene in "Monty Python and the Meaning of Life"!

Summary Thoughts on "Don't Breathe 2": We've been here so many times before that it's almost a (bloody) paint by numbers. But I have to admit that I thought this one was well done, and a cut above the norm. The first movie made $158M on a budget of just $10M. This one has a (restrained) $15M budget, and has already made that back. Good for them. The gore factor makes it not one for the illustrious Mrs Movie Man (who wisely didn't come). But for horror fans out for a nice gory little romp, this has its attractions.

And by the way, there is a 'monkey' (post-credit scene in One Mann's Movies speak) in this one. Well, Alvarez and Sayagues aren't going to dead-end their options for a "Don't Breathe 3" are they?

(For the full graphical review, please check out onemannsmovies on the web, Facebook and Tiktok. Thanks.)
Ready Player Two
Ready Player Two
Ernest Cline | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't want the reviews to be true but unfortunately I feel they were correct. I went into this with an open mind and ready to form my own opinions but alas this time I side with the majority.

***No direct spoilers as such but you may infer some details from what I have said***

I didn't struggle with the referencing and overexplaining that some people felt occurred in the first book but this was something completely different in the sequel.
In the first book, there was passion and a sense of urgency, and it drew you along to a satisfying conclusion. There were specific parts to the book that stood out, and it felt like a fully realised story that could almost happen.
I was really invested in the first book but this time round it was missing something.

Although the stakes were set higher it never felt like there was any real danger. There are some truly dramatic scenes but at no point did I feel like Cline had the heart to go all Game of Thrones on us.

I think Cline overstretched himself with trying to cram in 7 fantastical quests, world's, and puzzles to solve, that all the magic of the first book was completely lost.
He could have made this work well but the sped up timeline forced him into a corner there was no escaping from.
Rushed in places, where fans of the first book would have adored more detail and reveled in it, and then hyper focused and drawn out details of some really odd choices, means this book just falls flat.

There was so much potential here, but it felt like Cline was trying too hard to pay lip service to his peers and people he admires in a Halliday-esqe way, this can be felt if you actually read the acknowledgements. The comparison to Cline and some of the characters becomes quite apparent there, and are almost beyond cliche.

There is still ongoing talk of a movie adaptation for this sequel, and I feel like Cline really leaned into the idea of this (after the success of the first one). As this book would probably work better as a screenplay. I feel like this may be one of those extremely rare occurrences where the movie has the potential to be better than the book.

I often try to leave balanced reviews and can find a positive to end on but I was mostly disappointed by the end of reading, so I am struggling to end on a positive!

How about this?
There is no mention of a part three in the future but I feel like Cline has given himself the opportunity to have a fresh start, if there were to be a Ready Player Three, there are so many avenues he could explore, and bring the magic back! So I am hopeful for the futute.
From the Wreckage(From the Wreckage, #1)
From the Wreckage(From the Wreckage, #1)
Michele G. Miller | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Growing up can be tough
Michele G. Miller tells the story of a teenage girl who's life has been turned upside down by a tornado. Jules loses a lot but she also learns alot about herself. This book is almost written in the form of introspection. The main character, Jules, is the narrator as she makes her senior year video. It is from this unique perspective we hear the story.

I liked the different form of flashback. The plot was scattered in some places but I feel that was on purpose because that was how Jules was feeling at the time. Miller takes us on a rollercoaster ride of emotions throughout the novel. She starts with the innocence of being young then uses the tornado to throw it all in turmoil. It was almost like the tornado was a metephor for the trials of growing up but put in a physical form that can be understood.

 This would be a coming of age novel but with a forceful punch. Death is a hard lesson but so is out growing what you know and are comfortable with. Losing your first love and friends is a traumatic experience no matter how it happens.

A sequel to this book has been written and I hope to read it soon. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys coming of age books or YA literature.
2007 | Puzzle & Cards
Level design (3 more)
Character Design
Game mechanics
Relatively short story (0 more)
One of the smartest games around
Portal (2007) is one of the best video games around, and led to an even more successful sequel. The games premise is simple- you wake up in a testing room, with only an homicidal A.I to guide you through puzzles as you try and escape the testing facility. The twist comes in the dialogue, and the story that unfolds around you.
Your character doesn't speak, and her past and future are a mystery, which only adds to the intrigue the story incites.

The design is simple, a clean high-tech facility, equal parts simple and beautiful. You navigate through this world with use of a portal gun. Strategically placed, these portals can lead to your victory or your doom, and thus begins the most enjoyable 3D puzzle of the past 20 years.
Dialogue, as said, is a clear highlight, somehow balancing comedy and adventure perfectly, much akin to a Douglas Adams novel. It even manages to make G.L.A.D.O.S, a homicidal A.I, a genuinely endearing character, and one that is welcomed quickly, and missed once the game is complete.

Over all, it is clear why this game has so many devoted fans, and why we were all eager for more. This game, while simple has many levels, that make replaying and exploring a thrilling experience that you can have again and again and never get bored.
China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians #2)
China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians #2)
Kevin Kwan | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Travel
6.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm upset that I didn't know that this was a sequel. I would have read the first book as well. I am definitely going to go back and do that and I hear there is a third book in the works called Rich People Problems which I also look forward to reading.

This book is based on a number of very rich Asians located all over the world. The main focus of the book is about Rachel Chu. Rachel is about to marry Nicholas Young, but feels like there is one last thing she has to accomplish before hand, finding her biological father. It has been her mission most of her life. Then an incredible thing happens on the night before the wedding, during the rehearsal that will send Rachel and Nick on a world wide tour to find the father she never knew. With stops in Shanghai and Paris, Rachel meets some the wealthiest in Asia. Her new husband being heir to one of these families. She gets to meet some of her new family and and lots of very influential people in the Asian community. When tragedy strikes, Rachel and Nick are unsure of who to trust in this elaborate group, but time will reveal the truth and they will find out if the family Rachel has been searching for was worth finding.

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
True Fiction
True Fiction
Lee Goldberg | 2018 | Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Truly Enjoyed This Book, and that’s Not Fiction
When terrorists take control of a plane leaving Hawaii and crash it into the island, the entire country is horrified. But none more so than thriller writer Ian Ludlow. You see, he had suggested just the twist on 9/11 that happened here to the CIA a few years back during a brainstorming session to help them come up with worst case scenarios. Within a few hours, Ian is certain that the CIA is out to kill him to silence him. Using every trick in the book – tricks he knows thanks to the books he’s written, Ian flees from his book tour in Seattle with his author escort, Margo French. Will the two be able to survive?

This book doesn’t waste a minute throwing us into this thrill ride and never lets up until we reach the climax. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to find out what was going to happen next, and the book manages to wink at a few clinches of the genre along the way. Ian and Margo were good characters, and another we meet along the way walks the fine line of being a caricature without being unbelievable. Since this is a thriller, there is a bit more language, violence, and sex than in the books I normally read. There is plenty of humor here to help ease the tension. I already can’t wait for the sequel.