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Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
2019 | Crime, Documentary
The third of these was the most powerful for me. It was Confessions of a killer: the Ted Bundy tapes. I mean… I had no idea. His name was in my imagination somewhere as a candidate for pure evil, but I had no notion of the level of media hype and drama behind and before this. Which is why I recommend this absolutely comprehensive 4 part series as the best in this dubious category I have yet to see.

With the benefit of at least some hindsight, we can see in this case the epitome of such terms as “serial killer” and “sociopath”. Looking at it in pure terms of an idea worthy of dramatic exploration, then this is it! And, interestingly, to this date, besides the Zac Efron misfire, it is a story beyond worthy of correct telling, the basis of which should be the real footage. Because nothing is more bizarre than the real man and what he not only attempted to do, but actually did.

Take the basic idea that one individual is capable of murdering 30 plus women and girls over a period of two decades… then accept that he systematically went back to the corpses and committed acts of necropholia and decapitation without ever skipping a beat in what he perceived as his true persona as a competent lawyer in his own right, and you have the stuff of true nightmare. Add to that the fact that he escaped custody twice, and defended himself in court to such a charming extent that the judge himself admitted an affinity with him, and you have the recipe for something that transcends fact and becomes myth. Don’t believe me? Watch for yourself.

Do I agree with these cases being shown as entertainment? No, I don’t. Essentially. Because they are rarely told from the victim’s point of view. We have a fascination with an unsolved mystery and grim death that is undeniably curious. The cult of personality pervades, and we should be wary of why we get involved with this stuff. As addictive TV it is undeniably going to continue. Please be careful of the line between understanding and entertainment. God forbid I would give these shows a rating, as if it were a thing worthy of encouragement. It is the most undeniable yet horrific side effect of our media growth imaginable. Watch at your peril. But watch discerningly with interest.
Tortured Dreams (Dreams & Reality Series #1)
Tortured Dreams (Dreams & Reality Series #1)
Hadena James, Christy Lynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Managed 17%
*Spoiler Alert*
It's really uncommon for me to start a book and just give up on it. I always endeavor to finish everything but this time I just couldn't!

I found everything about this story excruciating. The writing is all over the place, pretty much 0 description of anything. None of the characters were sympathetic in any way, I really could not have cared less about the lead character. Dialogue is stilted, not natural in any way and the actions of people were as natural as Dolly the cloned sheep.
Even though I only read 17% of the story certain thoughts, and even whole sentences, had already been repeated.

The main character is a sociopath, something that is hammered at over and over again, yet the author presents her in a totally unrealistic way.
"She couldn't have PTSD because she had no feelings for others". That is utterly wrong. PTSD has nothing to do with empathy or feelings for others - the clue is in the name.
I have a friend who is diagnosed with sociopathic personality disorder and it is a fallacy that sociopath's have no apparentlysympathy nor empathy for anyone. The way they process it is just different. They can be very dampened down, yes, but they exist!
Apparently another character - who is a psychopath - managed to somehow beat all of the psychological testing and is part of the FBI! This character apparently secretly gives the sociopathic character money to live on. Why would a fully blown psychopath do that? There is nothing in it for him and it wouldn't even feed his narcissism as it's not a public spectacle.

Now our 'sociopath' character somehow manages to recognise serial killers/rapists from across crowded bars, they are magically drawn only to her, so she let's them follow her home and she kills them. Isn't that convenient?! Oh - she also has a serial killer stalker who writes her letters detailing all 200 of his murders.......

Then homeland security turn up - they somehow know all about her and her magical murdering skills - and need her to help in a case that involves mediaeval torture. Luckily she owns an extremely rare book that answers their most burning question's so she is asked to join a taskforce. Which just happens to be made up entirely of emotionally and psychologically damaged men.
Because that is what every law service desperately wants.

I could go on but I'm just getting annoyed again as I write about it! Honestly, save your time and money and get something more realistic. A comic book of Tom and Jerry perhaps
The Family Plot
The Family Plot
Megan Collins | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dahlia Lighthouse and her siblings were all named after various people murdered by serial killers. Her parents are obsessed by true crime, and the children were raised in an isolated island home known as the "Murder Mansion" to the locals. Each sibling left when they received their inheritance, except for Dahlia's twin brother, Andy, who disappeared when they were sixteen. Dahlia's been gone from home for seven years when she reluctantly returns after her father's death. Once home, the family receives some terrible news; someone is already buried in their father's plot: Andy, his skull split with an ax. As Dahlia tries to work through her grief over Andy and attempt to figure out what happened to him, she begins to realize that it may trace back to her island home and her family.

"I have to find out what happened to Andy. Then I have to leave this place for good."

This is a dark thriller that will appeal to true crime fans. The Lighthouse family embodies true crime--home schooled, the kids write reports on various serial killer victims and they perform rituals related to their deaths. The obsession with death and murder runs deep, and it's certainly unsettling at first. Dahlia's mother lost her own parents in a gruesome way, and it's definitely apparent that this family isn't quite right.

The first half of this book was really fascinating for me. Weird yes, but oddly interesting as you get to know this messed up family and all their dark secrets. Dahlia seems like a sister grieving the loss of her twin brother, and you find yourself wanting to know what happened to him. There's certainly a limited pool of suspects (small island) but the book keeps you guessing.

The second half did not seem as strong as the first. The weirdness factor ratchets up to almost unbelievable. Dahlia's older siblings are annoying and too much. The limited pool of subjects becomes almost cloying, suddenly making things seem too obvious as the plot thickens and become a bit too bizarre. Things get incredibly grim at times.

Still, while this is a strange read, overall it's a page-turner and something kept me reading. It's like a trainwreck from which you cannot look away. Collins definitely includes some good points about the bonds of family and people's obsession with crime and murder. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Atria Books and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
Stephen King's A Good Marriage (2014)
Stephen King's A Good Marriage (2014)
2014 | Mystery
4.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Stephen King Lifetime movie...
391. A Good Marriage. A Lifetime Entertainment movie written by Stephen King? That is what it feels like. Besides a couple of F bombs, its pretty tame. Stars Joan Allen and Anthony LaPaglia, two great actors, playing perfect married couple Darcy and Bob Anderson. Perfect house, perfect jobs, perfect kids. And then one night Darcy has to go out to the garage to get batteries for the TV remote, because who doesn't keep their back up battery supply in the non-attached garage? As she's reaching for the batteries, something falls and exposes a secret compartment containing a cute little box, their daughter had made Bob when she was a kid, awww, and that box contains the ID's of women murdered by notorious serial killer, Beadie, ohhhh. Once the realization of this sets in, and unknowing just what to do, guess who calls? Anyone? Anyone? Bob hears the panic in her voice tho she tries to say she was just startled, he's like coolio, see ya in a few days, cause he's on a road trip and all. So while Darcy is panicking in the house, guess who comes home early? Anyone? Anyone? And he knows she's been snooping, and as she freaks the hell out, he calmly tells her who he really is, and tells her how things are gonna be... Besides the after school special feel of it, still a decent story, well acted. Inspired by the BTK killings and his imagined family life in the mind of Stephen King, heard BTK's daughter didn't like its implications to much... Filmbufftim on FB
Fear For Me (For Me, #2)
Fear For Me (For Me, #2)
Cynthia Eden | 2013 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the first book in this series a few years ago and it was ok - judging by my review on Goodreads of it - but I wasn't overly in to it. This one has been on my Kindle for a few years now so it's about time I read it.

This starts with the "Bayou Butcher" serial killer - Jon Walker - breaking out of prison and setting out to kill the people who put him there starting with Lauren Chandler, the DA that made sure he went down for life, as well as the judge and those on the jury. In comes Anthony Ross, a Marshall, who tracked Walker down the first time and Lauren's ex.

I was equally drawn into this when they were hunting Walker and freaked out when we had scenes from Walker's POV as he went about killing. The more I read, though, the more I was convinced that Walker wasn't doing everything alone and then it was the mystery of just who Walker was in league with that had me reading. I thought I had it figured out but I was so wrong.

The romance reignited between Lauren and Anthony as neither had really gotten over the other in the five years since they'd parted ways. It was nice to see inside both of their heads and what their feelings were towards the other. I'll be honest. I wasn't that interested in the romance so I skipped the sex scenes in this, totally uninterested.

I don't think I'll be reading the last book in the series. I'm not that into Romantic Suspense anymore.
Wolfhunter River (Stillhouse Lake, #3)
Wolfhunter River (Stillhouse Lake, #3)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
126 of 250
Wolfhunter River (Stillhouse Lake book 3)
By Rachel Caine

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

She can’t ignore a cry for help. But in this remote hunting town, it’s open season.

Gwen Proctor escaped her serial-killer husband and saved her family. What she can’t seem to outrun is his notoriety. Or the sick internet vigilantes still seeking to avenge his crimes. For Gwen, hiding isn’t an option. Not when her only mission is to create a normal life for her kids.

But now, a threatened woman has reached out. Marlene Crockett, from the remote town of Wolfhunter, is panicked for herself and her daughter. When Gwen arrives in the small, isolated rural community, Marlene is already dead—her own daughter blamed for the murder. Except that’s not the person Marlene feared at all. And Gwen isn’t leaving until she finds out who that was.

But it may already be too late. A trap has been set. And it’s poised to snap shut on everyone Gwen loves. Her stalkers are closing in. And in a town as dark as Wolfhunter, it’s so easy for them to hide…

Another brilliant book in the series I really really enjoyed it! Only one star off a 5 because I did find some bits a bit of a rush. I love the strong chap the kids are dealing with it all so much better. It’s just a shame we only have 2 books left knowing we’ll never get a 5th is heartbreaking. I have nothing but love for this author.
Hunt the Dawn (Fatal Dreams, #2)
Hunt the Dawn (Fatal Dreams, #2)
Abbie Roads | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
We enter Hunt the Dawn at a conference where our main man, Lathan, is trying to speak to a specialist in order to catch a serial killer. Unfortunately, due to Lathan's special abilities, he is unable to remain. He drives off to his home, in search of the peace he knows he needs. While this is going on, we meet with Evanee, soon to be known as Honey. She's had a tough slot in life so far, but is doing the best she can with what she's got. Circumstances conspire (and not in a good way) to have these two together, and once they do the story really lifts off!

We meet up with Isleen and Xander from book 1, which was a pleasure! To be fair though, and sorry to them!, but they weren't really 'needed' as Lathan and Honey's story was compelling reading. HOWEVER, with the addition of Xander and Isleen, and the help that they gave, it gave this story an edge; expanded on what was already brilliant, and gave it a tiny piece of extra sparkle.

As always, this book was exceptionally well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. The pace is smooth, building up to the climax. There is a twist (sort of) at the end, but I loved that. I really can't recommend this book or series highly enough. Now I just need to know what is coming next from this amazing author.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Christine A. (965 KP) rated Mayhem in Books

Aug 25, 2020  
Estelle Laure | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
YA feminist mash-up inspired by The Lost Boys and The Craft.
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

A YA feminist mash-up inspired by The Lost Boys and The Craft. That's the first line of the description of Mayhem by Estelle Laure, which meant it was a book I just had to read. It was later changed to describe it as The Lost Boys meets Wilder Girls. I am glad I saw the earlier description because I probably would not have been so eager to read it.

When Mayhem Brayburn and her mom flee from an abusive stepfather/husband and return to Roxy's family home, Mayhem hopes to discover her mother's secrets and more about herself. What she learns is magic runs through the female lineage in her family, and the Brayburn women are responsible for keeping the town safe. Now, it is her generation, Mayhem and the kids who live with the Brayburns, to find the serial killer responsible for the missing girls.

Many reviewers rated the book low because it resembles The Lost Boys. Mayhem does pay homage to it. The Frog brothers make an appearance, and a few famous lines from the movie are included. However, Mayhem stands on its own.

Mayhem contains adult themes including rape and should be read by older YA readers.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/15/20 and updated on 8/24/20.
The Final Hunt
The Final Hunt
Audrey J. Cole | 2022 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 good, but not for me, stars
Independent reviewer for Arcaheolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the second book of Cole's I've read, and I think, the last. I had pretty much the same feeling about this one as I had about the other book I read.

Cameron is mourning her husband and finds a memory stick that sends her life into a tailspin. Finding out your husband is a serial killer is bad enough, but thinking he might not actually be dead and that he implicated her? She knows what she needs to do.

Sometimes, you need a book that has everything laid out for you very early on, and you can see exactly where it's gonna go, what's gonna happen and it veers very little from that long straight road. And I think, that this is such a book.

You put everything together quickly enough, putting all the pieces on the board and watching them do their thing. There was a few minor twists and turns, but none that were total shockers.

I did like the way Cameron dealt with the situation she found herself in, and that little bit at the end that did actually leave me wondering!

I can't say it was a Nice book, because of the subject matter, but it really is a relatively easy read that wiled away a few hours. I'm just sorry it really wasn't one for me.

While it isn't for me, what is here is well written, well delivered and well edited.

3 good, but not for me, stars.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
AMERICA'S FEMME FATALE is the story of a female serial killer who did it for the money or to keep people quiet or from looking at her too closely. Belle is cold-hearted, cold-blooded, and sadly in my mind, managed to get away with it.

We follow her from her teenage years in Norway to her going to America. The book is full of photos of Belle herself, plus other people and situations relevant to the story. I do believe that part of the reason she was able to get away with so many murders was, quite simply, the time in which she lived. I would hope and pray that something of this magnitude wouldn't happen in this day and age.

Although this book has been incredibly well-researched, it was a bit dry and confusing in places. At one point, we make a segue into highlights of the lives of some of her victims which I found to be unnecessary to the story, as it didn't make it any clearer. I personally would have enjoyed it more to stick with the main part of the story.

There were a couple of editing mistakes that I found, but nothing to take away from the story itself. Just a change of name, for example.

An interesting read about someone I hadn't heard of before, and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 1, 2021