Books Editor (673 KP) created a video about A Kind of Freedom: A Novel in Books
Sep 15, 2017

The SDR Show (Sex, Drugs, & Rock-n-Roll Show) w/Ralph Sutton & Big Jay Oakerson
The SDR Show (Sex, Drugs, & Rock-n-Roll) is a one hour weekly podcast featuring radio host, Ralph...

Just For Women: Dating, Relationships and Sex with Alissa Kriteman
Are you ready to find out what you can do to have the deep, beautifully fulfilling love you want in...
Vibrator Nation: How Feminist Sex-Toy Stores Changed the Business of Pleasure
In the 1970s a group of pioneering feminist entrepreneurs launched a movement that ultimately...

iKamasutra® - Sex Positions from Kama Sutra and beyond Kamasutra
Lifestyle and Reference
Find out what over 20 million lovers—including editors from Cosmopolitan and Wired—are all...
Credit, Fashion, Sex: Economies of Regard in Old Regime France
In Old Regime France credit was both a central part of economic exchange and a crucial concept for...

Sex, Drag, and Male Roles: Investigating Gender as Performance
Diane Torr and Stephen Bottoms
This title offers the gender-bending performances of Dlane Torr, creator of the Man for a Day...

Sex, Sleep or Scrabble?: Seriously Funny Answers to Life's Quirkiest Queries
This is one of the funniest, rudest and most useful books you'll ever read. What questions would you...

Kiss Me Quick's Erotica: Sexy Stories with Rose Caraway
The Sexy Librarian presents an adventurous show that will simultaneously provoke the mind and arouse...