Geographies of Sexualities: Theory, Practices and Politics
Jason Lim, Kath Browne and Gavin Brown
Recent years have seen a dramatic upsurge of interest in the connections between sexualities, space...
Transforming Gender, Sex, Place, and Space: Geographies of Gender Variance
Transgender, gender variant, and intersex people are in every sector of all societies yet little is...

Getcha Rocks off: Sex & Excess. Bust-Ups & Binges. Life & Death on the Rock 'n' Roll Road
Hanging out with rock stars, trying to steal their chicks, or throwing up over their guitars after...

Sock Monkey Kama Sutra: Tantric Sex Positions for Your Naughty Little Monkey
It's time to bump fuzzies! You know what they say, "Monkey see, monkey do." Well, these sock monkeys...

Sextant: A Voyage Guided by the Stars and the Men Who Mapped the World's Oceans
In the tradition of Dava Sobel's 'Longitude' comes sailing expert David Barrie's compelling and...

Treatment of High Risk Sexual Offenders: An Integrated Approach
Jeffrey Abracen and Jan Looman
Treatment of High-Risk Sexual Offenders addresses concrete management strategies, from initial...

A Practical Guide to Gender Diversity and Sexuality in Early Years
Aiding discussion of gender diversity and sexuality with very young children, this practical guide...