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Mary Ellen Mark recommended Repulsion (1965) in Movies (curated)

Repulsion (1965)
Repulsion (1965)
1965 | Classics, Drama, Horror
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is the most terrifying film I’ve ever seen. It’s a story about a quiet young woman named Carol Ledoux who is a manicurist in London. As the story unfolds we see that she is more and more disturbed and strange. We learn that she is sexually obsessed and actually repulsed by sex at the same time. Her sister and her sister’s lover share an apartment with her, and she’s more and more disgusted by hearing their lovemaking every night. When they leave London to vacation in Italy, she barricades herself in the apartment, and as the days pass she becomes more and more insane. The story escalates, but I won’t tell you the ending. It would spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it. This film freaked me out so much that it was a long time before I could stay alone in my apartment—and I must admit, I’m still affected by it."

Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy
Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy
1990 | Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was later than James on Public Enemy, he’d be copying all the raps. You’d go down his house and he’d be rapping ‘It Takes A Nation Of Millions’ to the record, like I’d be singing along to Ian McCulloch, which was really disconcerting - he really nailed it. I guess <>i>Fear Of A Black Planet is the bigger, more obvious album but it just felt like the rap equivalent of London Calling to me. It was really extensive and scattershot, obviously ‘Fight The Power’ was the main point of entry, but ‘Burn Hollywood Burn’ and ‘Who Stole The Soul?’ in particular are some of the best angry lyrics ever written. It felt like some sort of peak. I love the idea of NWA being the nihilistic, horrible Sex Pistols and Public Enemy being The Clash. I always loved those comparisons, and that album reminded me of a time when you thought things were possible. Before you were defeated."


Bai Ling recommended Traffic (2001) in Movies (curated)

Traffic (2001)
Traffic (2001)
2001 | Drama

"I like movies like Gone with the Wind, or The Unbearable Lightness of Being, but I’ll actually choose Traffic. When I did not speak the language, I watched the movie sex, lies, and videotape, and I didn’t understand; I thought American movies were always blockbusters, hard movies, with action and male leads. But that film was like pieces of life, pieces of dreams. I did a movie called Nipples, based on my dreams, with different characters coming together…very sexy, and very modern, and very open. I think that’s something that’s very contemporary and I didn’t think a lot of American directors were [that way]. [Steven Soderbergh]’s mind is very modern. I like Traffic because he shot it like a documentary, but there’s mystery, there’s modernity. There’s an unknown danger in it. When the characters are crossing the border — I just like the momentum of life, when people cross each other, when lives cross each other. In that moment of life, what can happen."

Hell Raising and Other Pastimes (Grave Concerns #2)
Hell Raising and Other Pastimes (Grave Concerns #2)
Jayce Carter | 2021 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You reap what you sow........

Just as Ava was pulled into Hell, I was pulled into another gripping installment of the Grave Concerns series.
    Ava is special, not just because of what she is (you'll find that out soon enough!!) but for how she manages to cope and adapt to different situations. She may have a wobble but she's a she shows in the last chapter. There's a vulnerability to her that is endearing yet slightly heartbreaking.

As with the first book there are some pretty dark, horrific events......and sex, of course! I may be getting a tad jealous of Ava having four hot, talented guys to play with and rely upon ha ha.

This is most definitely an adult book, that I struggled to put down! Read with chocolate or your favourite sweets and a tall glass of something cool as you're about to step into the hot as hell world of Lucifer!
Belle de Jour (1968)
Belle de Jour (1968)
1968 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A thriller wrapped inside an enigma, this is my desert island disc, the one I’ve watched
 more than any other on this list. The psychology of the characters is revealed
 slowly and ambiguously. Each time I see the wheelchair (the husband’s fantasy) and hear the sound of the horse-and-carriage bells (the wife’s), and the way
 the two achieve harmony in the final scene, I’m reminded of Luis Buñuel’s ability to
 fuse reality and illusion in his characters and for the viewer. He performs this
 magic in plain view, like the best magicians. This is the film that illustrates that
 Catherine Deneuve is not only one of the world’s most beautiful women but a
 fine actress. Belle de jour is truly subversive in its satiric depiction of middle-
class society, the church, and our social mores. If a ratings board ever understood
 this film, it would receive an NC-17, though there is no sex and little violence."

Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men, #1)
Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men, #1)
Linda Kage | 2013
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my first NA book in about a year, after growing disenchanted with the genre, and I have to admit I loved it!

4.5 stars!

I think it's my recent obsession with escort/sex-worker stories with tons of romance in them.

It was a perfect mood to be in when I read this story of Mason and Reese. She was quirky and within the first chapter had won me over with her thoughts of Mason. Mason sounded hot and grew on me quickly the more I read of him. He also broke mine and Reese's heart several times in the story.

He more or less despised himself for what he was doing and it was that that hurt to read. There were some powerful scenes between these two and when they finally, FINALLY!, got together I was so happy for them.

I look forward to reading other books by this author.
Frenched (Frenched, #1)
Frenched (Frenched, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For a freebie this was good! I'm always a little wary when I download them no matter how good they sound but I have to admit I was quickly drawn into this one, maybe not straight away but as soon as she stumbled into the sports bar and met Lukas.

The spark of interest from both of them was great and I loved reading them falling for each other. I didn't even mind the abundance of sex because I'd become invested in them as a couple and was just waiting for them to get their HEA.

I enjoyed the journey through Paris and learning some of its history as well, such as the scene in the graveyard with the shared grave of the lovers.

I'd like to read more of this series at some point, including the follow on to this to see hoe Lukas and Mia manage the long distance relationship.
Neanderthal Seeks Human
Neanderthal Seeks Human
Penny Reid | 2013 | Contemporary, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

I knew i'd like this, I just didn't realise how much! I adore Quinn!! Janie was annoyingly ignorant at times. He told her the truth several times but she didn't process it, and I got annoyed about that, but at the same time I can't complain because she keeps saying she misses the obvious.

I loved their romance. I'm not even annoyed at getting no details about the sex. I was too into them as a couple to care because by the time they got around to doing the deed, it was obvious they really cared about each other and I was just happy for them

I feel I have to mention that scene near the end with the knitters. That was funny and cool at the same time. I think i'd have been with Kat and Janie behind the couch, though.

I'm definitely interested in reading the rest of the series!
Cheater (Curious Liaisons, #1)
Cheater (Curious Liaisons, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This made me laugh, this made me cry.

I loved finding out the details of what happened that night. How mistaken identity ruined so many lives that night but how strangely it all worked itself out in the end. How meeting that certain girl again made him realise how far he'd fallen and how he tried his best to make himself worthy again.

I feel like I have to give Lucas's mum a mention. She is CRAZY! Every time she's mentioned, she's either saying something about Grandbabies or shouting some sort of sex related word. It was hilarious at times, especially when she was talking about Connect Four.

I also loved how there was an audiobook free in my Kindle Unlimited download of this, my only issue with that is that they spoke slower than I was reading it myself, so I only listened when in the bath but it was still good.