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This book was very engaging. Most of it I'd already been told by my parents (I've explained before how they have a great marriage) but Couples Who Pray had the data and research to back it up. I was surprised to learn that many Christian couples don't pray together. I was also surprised at the changes in their relationships when couples started praying.

It was really neat to read all the stories and see how God works in His people's lives. There are lots of great tips for married couples, couples who are dating or engaged, and there is even a short section on praying with the opposite sex who you are not married to. Couples Who Pray was encouraging and educational, and every couple needs to know the information in here.

I felt like the majority of the book was trying to convince couples that it was a good idea to pray with each other. There were a lot of stories and basic instruction, but it felt almost as if they drew it out a little too long and kept going over the same thing in every chapter. Basically it could have been more concise.

Recommendation: Couples in need of a spiritual revival, or singles thinking about marriage in their future.
Girl Last Seen
Girl Last Seen
Nina Laurin | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I like to listen to audiobooks while I game, which means I ended up reading Girl Last Seen by chance. It is the first book I’ve read by Nina Laurin and may very well be the last – harsh, I know. When I choose to read a thriller, suspense, or mystery book, I expect… well, the elements of those genres. Girl Last Seen was devoid of any excitement whatsoever and a bit too stereotypical for my taste.

Time and time again, I’ve made it clear that I hate slow plots. I want to feel urgency in a book, especially if it deals with a kidnapped child. In Girl Last Seen, the characters were underwhelming. It becomes obvious early on that things are going to go exactly the way the reader feels they are: girl disappears, guy everyone knows is at fault, oh dear god how can it possibly be. The main character is more unlikable than her own despicable mother, considering she’s drug addicted. There’s even a sex scene that’s a bit on the descriptive side thrown in for what feels like the hell of it. And that annoys me.

Fortunately, the narrator is an excellent choice and I would gladly listen to more books read by her.
Carnal Secrets Box Set
Carnal Secrets Box Set
Vonna Harper | 2019 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
2.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Carnal Secrets Box Set by Vonna Harper
This box set comprises the first three stories in the Carnal Secrets series. All of the stories are very #DARK, with non-con sex, kidnap, abuse, to name just three. This is not a box set for the faint-hearted.

Out of the three, I thought Naked Nights was the strongest, with Taking Her Down as the weakest. All of the stories had mixed elements to them, some which I thought were well done, others, not so much. Taking Her Down though was too confusing from the start. There was no clear clarification about the whole story/role-play - with hints given about a possible supernatural element to the island and how it affects the characters, but nothing ever being said out loud or being made clear. Other characters definitely need more to them as they seem to play a big role, but then fade into the distance.

A box set to pass the time if you fancy something dark, but that won't make you think too deeply.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Blake Blacks Out (Differing Sexuality)
Blake Blacks Out (Differing Sexuality)
Rafe Jadison | 2019 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blake Blacks Out by Rafe Jadison
Blake Blacks Out is the first in what I hope will be a series of books, about people and various 'problems' they have. This one deals with a medical condition where Blake passes out during sex. He wakes up disorientated and distressed, which is where most people walk - or in Blake's case, tell him to get the hell out.

Although this is a fast-paced novella, I thought the inclusion of the details about the condition were really well done. Mr. Jadison was able to get the information across without sounding like a medical journal! Not only that, but there are characters here to like and loathe, which is always a good thing. I loved how Jerome knew what he wanted, and wasn't afraid to work for it.

This book takes place during just one evening, with a small epilogue. The pace is smooth, and the emotions are easy to see/feel. Extremely well-written, I thoroughly enjoyed this, and hope for more in this series. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sin For Love (Fortune For Love #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Received this book as a gift from a party.

Sticking to my usual rules - I'm not gonna give anything away.

So - let's start with writing style - good. It flicks between the heroine and heroes pov. Every time the pov changed - it was headed by a name. Made me feel a little thick that I needed to be told but I know some people do struggle reading pov swap books. So I'll overlook that. Written well. Not many errors.

Storyline - well laid out and the writer knew what journey she wanted to take us on. it was emotional and sensual. Almost like a dirty sexual modern day fairy tale where the guy gets the girl after trial by fire.

Sex scenes were well written, creative and steamy as hell. Will warn - public masturbation, and some girl on girl.

Did I like this story - well... Yes and no. Well written and well thought out, steamy. the only bit that put me off were the sins, but they were integral to the story line to be fair, so I can't grumble too much. Liked the back stories and how their lives were linked after an incident in both their pasts.

Definitely worth a read. <3
Wow, ok so what can I say about this... this was.. amazing. The writing flowed even better then the first book. The characters were even better. Everything was easier to follow in most places and the depth of the characters was even more amazing. The imagery of the scenes was beautiful. I felt as if I was a part of it and seeing the scenery and people and places with my own eyes. Ian goes through so many problems and trials to become who he needs to be again. I loved that he lost who he was for a while and then he had to refind himself. It added so much to this story to watch him go through so many feelings and ideas and thoughts. He had to work so hard and got through it all to become who he had to be. Ian is amazing and wonderful and such a special person/Shinree. I loved that this book has a bit of everything. It has mystery, sex, intrique, love, happiness, sadness, and so much action. I loved CL's use of magic in this written world.. I loved the feelings and the action. It was all so much fun to read and I cannot wait to see how this all ends in book 3.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated The Handy Men in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
The Handy Men
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love erotica and ménage a trois is my current drug of choice. However, a lot can go wrong with said topic. And I am not just talking story line. Many authors are prone to write threesomes that are just flat out unrealistic and laughable to say that least.

That being said, I quite enjoyed Schmidt’s The Handy Men. It not only brought the delicious sex scenes and love that comes with a mutual ménage, but it also brought the ugly and the awkward. Humans are unapologetically complicated, awkward, and over dramatic. We as readers may think “well they are ridiculous and this is overdramatic.” But let’s be honest, we don’t always act/respond the way we think we would especially since we are disconnected from what we are reading about (a.k.a. it’s not happening to us.)

While I have to agree that The Handy Men does seem a bit dramatic at times, I appreciate that it brought more to table than just try to get the female to be onboard with a threesome. The characters had depth and personality not always seen in erotica much the ménages. And to say their relationship is anything less that sexy would be a lie.
I really wanted to love this book. I really did. As a Malory novel, I was so sure that it would be just as amazing as the others I have read. In fact, when my grandmother gave it to me, I couldn’t wait to read it and bypassed a pile of books I had lined up to read.

Disappointment always leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

While the novel still held Lindsey’s easy straightforward style, lovable characters, and hilarious dialogue, it lacks the magic that I experienced with the others. I think this is because the lead female protagonist, Amy, annoyed me beyond reason. I don’t think I have ever read a novel where the lead female was so obnoxious that I almost threw the book.

I give Amy props for being determined, but it reaches a certain point where I just believed her pathetic, to be honest. If she annoyed the hell out of me, I can’t imagine how Warren felt. It annoys me just as much that apparently sex can make people fall in love. Sorry romance novels, it doesn’t work that way.

However, I found myself laughing with this novel more than I did the others.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Pleasure Dome in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Pleasure Dome
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel had such potential. After reading the synopsis, this novel sounded right up my alley and I couldn’t wait to read it. Sadly, the leads ruined it for me. My main beef concerns a wishy washy female lead who is so indecisive I want to slap her. I felt that she wanted her cake and eat it too. After a couple chapters of this and her jerking the mail lead around, I couldn’t take much more. The story is filled with interesting characters, creatures, and planets and I would love to read more about them. However, I just can’t deal with the female lead. I couldn’t relate to her at all or understanding why she went from hot to cold in a matter of sentences. It was aggravating to read about her teasing the male lead then when he comes to see her, she hides. Don’t play with fire if you can’t handle the heat! Overall, her personality was just abrasive to me.

It wasn’t just her either. I felt that the author introduced the male lead with a very specific demeanor and personality as well, but did not stick with it. As soon as they had sex, he became a completely different character than originally described.
The Wise Man&#039;s Fear
The Wise Man's Fear
Patrick Rothfuss | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
does anyone else find it annoying when people rate books they haven't actually read yet?

update: now that I'VE read this i can review it properly. (see how that works, people? read a book THEN rate it. i know, complicated.)

i loved this book. i would have given it 5 stars but i honestly thought it was too short. there were places that Kvothe skipped over his story that, as an outsider looking in as opposed to a character in the novel (like Chronicler) we haven't heard the rumors or stories or gossip about the events. i would have LOVED to have heard the story about the shipwreck, especially the mysterious man. it was quite frustrating to have something with so much potential tossed aside. also, i would have appreciated a bit more of the trial in Imre. at least a third or fourth hand account of it, the version of the story Chronicler heard.

alternatively, the time spent with Felurian was beaten to death, in my opinion, and Kvothe's time in Ademre was a bit drawn out. probably something to do with the publisher's wanting more sex, i expect. sigh.

still, i puffy heart love this series and will probably buy it once it's all in paperback.