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Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Dire Straits (Bo Blackman, #1) in Books
Jan 7, 2021
I'm usually wary of urban fantasy books because I read books for the romance in them, be it a little flirting or a full on sex-fest, and this was more of a subtle he-wants-her-does-she-want-him sort of thing, though I think that Bo is a little oblivious right now--or purposely ignoring it. Maybe a bit of both.
The story pulled me in from the start though I will admit I skipped a few paragraphs here and there where she was doing too much description. It was intriguing, as to who behind it from the start. Who was it aimed at? Were they from a family?
Admittedly I was a little torn over who I thought it was of the three recruits but it did become a bit more obvious the more that was read.
I'm definitely interested in reading more of the series in the future, if only so I can see what happens with Bo and Michael :P

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Beckman (2020) in Movies
Mar 17, 2021 (Updated Mar 17, 2021)
When I say Pure Flix's superbly silly Christian ๐๐ฐ๐ฉ๐ฏ ๐๐ช๐ค๐ฌ + Holy Bible mashup with ๐๐ฐ๐ฅ'๐ด ๐๐ฐ๐ต ๐๐ฆ๐ข๐ฅ's Pastor Dave in the Keanu Reeves role and William Baldwin as a twisted desert sex cult leader where a drill goes into some dude's eye at one point - I want you to know that not only is that as righteously (no pun intended) entertaining as that sounds... it's better. Shocking what good acting, minimal preaching, and a budget that costs more than a Happy Meal can do for these things even as there's still no real characterization. Made by people who aren't just trying to cash-in on the success of Wick, but people who clearly love and respect the franchise: this has the delicious wide-angle comically over-the-top fight sequences, bumping screechsynth score, general nasty brutality, portentous monologues, and weaponized masculinity in all their respective glories. Never thought I'd see the day where one of these is executed with actual competency, especially when they aren't afraid to get down and dirty. I haven't seen a film which instantly made me demand cult status in forever - but this one absolutely deserves it.

Noel Gallagher recommended Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols in Music (curated)

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1) in Books
Feb 15, 2021
Although based around seventeen year old Sophie this is anything but a typical teen book. This is most definitely an adult read with some hard hitting topics like abuse, suicide and bullying to name a few.
Nothing phases Sophie for long, she's an awesome character, with a strong survival instinct, a smart mouth and feisty kick ass personality. She has a kind of sex appeal that calls like a siren song to not one but four men (a girl can dream!!)
The four men all have an outward persona that isn't endearing but beneath the surface lies a hot mess......They go from mean and moody to a girl's wet dream and back again. Like Sophie they all have a hard past driving them, things that bleed into their current lives, each fighting their own demons.
There isn't anything that I don't like as the bits that make me uncomfortable are crucial foundations for the story. They add depth to the characters and create a more three dimensional look at all the key players.
A good strong start to what promises to be an amazing, gripping series....... **Taps fingers impatiently waiting for the next book**