Behind the Mask: Enter a World Where Women Make - and Break - the Rules
A true story of sex, seduction and the pursuit of pleasure. Welcome to a world where women make -...

Bringing in the Sheaves: Wheat and Chaff from My Years as a Priest: Volume 2
After a life of sex and drugs and the Communards - brilliantly recounted in the highly acclaimed...

Fifty Shades of Domination
For Miranda, it all started as an eight-year old girl, struggling to come to terms with the trauma...

The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood
Anna Strhan, Stephen G. Parker and Susan Ridgely
From recent sex abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church, to arguments about faith schools and...

The Telomerase Revolution: The Enzyme That Holds the Key to Human Ageing...and Will Soon Lead to Longer, Healthier Lives
Science is on the cusp of a revolutionary breakthrough. We now understand more about ageing - and...

Pure Healing (Pure Ones #1)
Enter the world of Pure Ones, a race of immortal, supernaturally powerful beings who protect...
Paranormal Romance Fantasy

And Now We Have Everything: On Motherhood Before I Was Ready
"The biggest compliment of all: I used several hours of daylight childcare hours reading this book,...

Family-Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges
Francoise Baylis and Carolyn McLeod
This volume explores the ethics of making or expanding families through adoption or technologically...

More Weird Cases: Comic and Bizarre Cases from Courtrooms Around the World
The first book in this series, Weird Cases, was published in 2009 and contained cases which had been...

Spinal Tap's Big Black Box
Spinal Tap: The Big Black Box will bring to the public, for the very first time, the story of the...