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Kama Sutra Workout
Kama Sutra Workout
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m reviewing the Kama Sutra Workout: Work Hard, Play Harder with 300 Sensual Sexercises by DK, and it’s a mind-boggling, eye-opening read that I’m glad I got to see. I mean, surely this should be on everyone’s 1001 books to read before they die? (At least a version of the actual Kama Sutra). Even if it is just to see what you’re missing!

From “The Steamy Handstand” (is this even possible in real life?) to the “Thrust of Lust” (don’t ask!) there are some very colourful, and detailed (my husband says “disturbing!” LOL ) pictures to guide you through some equally creative Kama Sutra positions. These have accompanying “sexercises” to give you and your partner a full body workout. (What? On top of getting into these positions in the first place? That’s work out enough for me).

I wish I could share with you pictures, but I think I’d be banned from Amazon if I did. It’s a small book in size but has plenty of width to keep you happy. Innuendo intended.

The idea is you swap the gym for the bedroom and (depending on how young and /or flexible you are) choose the “workout” you most fancy from the back of the book. These consist of a complete sex session by following a sequence of three positions, or if you’re feeling really energetic you can use the position selectors to choose your next random sexercise.

Just don’t break anything!
Thief With No Shadow
Emily Gee | 2007
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can understand why some other readers gave this such a low rating, but I enjoyed the book. It was slower paced than other books I have read but I finished it rather quickly. Each passage serves some purpose, whether it’s building the world, progressing the story, or familiarizing the reader with the characters. The characters had more self-loathing than I have read in any book but it was understandable considering what they have been through. I don’t think some of the reviewers actually understand how the human mind works. With what these people have had to deal with in their life, they are actually well adapted.

There is also a lot of sex in this book. More than I expected there to be. And half of it is interspecies. I appreciate that the author had the decency not to describe one of them but I could have done without the other. I agree there definitely should be a warning about those scenes. Nowhere is there a warning that there are graphic scenes of any kind.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. I loved the mythology. The plot wasn’t overly complicated but it kept me interested even through the slow parts. But mainly, I was so invested in the characters having their happy endings that I couldn’t put the book down. However, I can definitely tell why it’s not for everyone.
Westobou Gold
Westobou Gold
Hawk MacKinney | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for an adventurous, thriller fun mystery book? Well, Westobou Gold has just about all of it and more. I was brought into the book though an Indian tribe leader. There more to this story and to all the murders. What are Pervis and his crew up to other than underage porn?

The story is about a man named Craige and his love. Will Craige solve the mysteries of the murders that he is brought in though a former member named Bailey? What could Bailey want or his bosses?

We see what Pervis and his crew and Mort Raymond deal with. Pervis is part of the action mostly. If you want to know who comes out a winner, then you need to read the book. I do suggest that children do not read this book without their parent's consent. There are murders involved and some sex tape scenes. I would say this is a book for children ages 15 and up. This is my opinion.

There is crime throughout the book. What can an Indian Queen be an at of with all this and the murders? Hawk MacKinney gives you an exciting and thriller book. You will want to follow Craige and see if he makes it out or who the top dog. Pervis seem to want Craige Instagram out of the picture. What could they be trying to hide?
Teaches children that love is not about gender. 100% of proceeds go to The Trevor Project and AIDS United! The illustrations are bright and absolutely adorable. Learn to celebrate our differences! (0 more)
Not a single thing (0 more)
A tale of tolerance and advocacy for both children & adults
Contains spoilers, click to show
A beautiful tale about a boy bunny, Marlon Bundo, who falls in love with another boy bunny, Wesley. Marlon's grandpa happens to be, Vice President Mike Pence. In real life, Pence has held a strong opposition to LGBTQ rights; young children will probably not be aware of this and so the humor is there for the parents. There is no sexual content in this book and is merely about love. The artwork is amazing and Marlon looks very dapper in his fantastic bow-ties. The stink bug declares that there will only be love between boy/girl bunnies and not boy/boy bunnies and that because Marlon loves Wesley, he is different and bad. Of course the stink bug resembles Pence. I bought this book on Kindle for my 6 month old granddaughter and I read it to her immediately and am eagerly waiting the hardcover version. I also read it to my 2 male and very gay cats and both the baby and 2 cats enjoyed it immensely! This book is a great teaching aid for children born to heterosexual parents or children of same sex parents, not to mention adults!
Best Lesbian Erotica: From Sweet to Spicy
Best Lesbian Erotica: From Sweet to Spicy
Janelle Reston | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
great box set!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

These stories are only short, 9 stories across 164 pages, but they are so delicious!

I can't say there was a stand out MOST favourite, because they are all really good. Very well written, in a variety of tenses, in the first and third, from lots of different characters. There is no connection between the stories, save the same author and they are lesbian erotica.

Some are really sweet, some more hard core. Some are just about the sex, and some have a more romantic feel to them.

I read them all, which for a box set, is unusual for me!

But there was one that stood out as my LEAST favourite. It's written from the main character's point of view in the first person. But when she talks about her partner, she uses YOU. So it's written using the second person. I find it a really difficult way to read a book, sorry! It doesn't affect my rating, but I felt the need to mention it, and you know I'm all about the feelings!

Apart from that one, they are all really good. I find myself wanting to read more by Ms Reston, something longer, with more pages to lose myself into!

Having had a run of male/male romances, this landed right in the queue at just the right time!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Covenant (2006)
The Covenant (2006)
2006 | Horror, Mystery
I could watch this on infinite loop until I'm dead
I've watched this movie twice in as many days because it is the kind of bad that is wonderful. I don't know how I missed this one as a teenager, as everything involving witchcraft was interesting to me then. Think of The Covenant as a spiritual successor to The Craft, but with boys. And there are boys. This movie is one fuzzy sex scene away from being a David DeCoteau film. Notable features are an all male shower scene filled with foggy butts, Sebastian Stan (who's nineteen or twenty years old here) stumbling over a line regarding another kid's penis (after being called a homosexual slur) and, last but not least, the line, "I'm going to make you my weyotch." It's a gem.

The plot is blah, the music is alright, and it has the mid-noughts "blue and orange" filter--but that's not why you're watching this movie. You're watching it because the actors are hot, there's not-so subtle gay subtext (though if Sebastian Stan's character kisses another guy, is it really subtext?), and latent homoeroticism. The whole stinkin' thing could be an allegory for homosexuality, but really, I don't think anyone was thinking that far ahead.

Also, there's a character named Pogue Perry. Pogue. As in, rhymes with "vogue." My boyfriend couldn't stop laughing, and he was only half watching it to humor me.

HLD (99 KP) rated The Alienist - Season 1 in TV

Aug 22, 2018 (Updated Aug 22, 2018)  
The Alienist  - Season 1
The Alienist - Season 1
2018 | Drama
Superb scenery (2 more)
I imagine a close representation of the time period
Character development is slight in some of the main cast, but it is there
Dakota Fanning never smiles. Not once (1 more)
For all the terrible things that happen, I don't feel, as a viewer, the terrible people got what they deserved
Engaging and thrilling
Much like 'Hannibal', or 'Mindhunter', this show attempts to put our protagonist in the mind of the monster he is hunting. Although it takes him a while to realise that is indeed what he is doing.

This is in interesting idea for a show. Before Psychology was a respected field of medicine, you have alienists. Essentially doing the same job, but categorised differently.

Every character appears to have demons of their own. By the end of the season, they confront those demons simply by talking about them aloud to another person.

Also, was paedophilia as accepted 118 years ago as this show portrays? Is it merely an exaggeration of some historical accounts? Who knows, but it definitely created an unhealthy dynamic within society.
Everyone cares so much about the murders of these young men, but nobody cares about the children living on the streets. Or the people having sex with them.

The filming of the show does out-perform some of the acting, but the scenery added to the storylines that occur are sure to keep you entertained until episode ten.

Lindsay (1727 KP) rated Westobou Gold in Books

Aug 30, 2018  
Westobou Gold
Westobou Gold
Hawk MacKinney | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for an adventurous, thriller fun mystery book? Well, Westobou Gold has just about all of it and more. I was brought into the book though an Indian tribe leader. There more to this story and to all the murders. What are Pervis and his crew up to other than underage porn?

The story is about a man named Craige and his love. Will Craige solve the mysteries of the murders that he is brought in though a former member named Bailey? What could Bailey want or his bosses?

We see what Pervis and his crew and Mort Raymond deal with. Pervis is part of the action mostly. If you want to know who comes out a winner, then you need to read the book. I do suggest that children do not read this book without their parent's consent. There are murders involved and some sex tape scenes. I would say this is a book for children ages 15 and up. This is my opinion.

There is crime throughout the book. What can an Indian Queen be an at of with all this and the murders? Hawk MacKinney gives you an exciting and thriller book. You will want to follow Craige and see if he makes it out or who the top dog. Pervis seem to want Craige Instagram out of the picture. What could they be trying to hide?
Feel It - Single by Gia Woods
Feel It - Single by Gia Woods
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Gia Woods is a 22-year-old Persian singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. Not too long ago, she released a sweltering pop tune, entitled, “Feel It”, produced by Jordan Palmer.

“I got it so bad but I guess I got it so damn good. Your eyes are bloodshot red. Keep lookin’ at me look at you. Got your body on my mind. No, no, not logic, it’s emotional. So put your body right on mine. No, no, don’t make sense, it’s irrational.” – lyrics

‘Feel It’ tells a sensual tale of a young woman who intimately explores the feeling of infatuation for her girl crush.

Eventually, she undergoes that blissful experience when her lover’s lips and body are pressed against hers. That electric connection sends shivers down her spine.
‘Feel It’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lovely instrumentation scented with a commercial pop fragrance.

“To me, this is one of those perfect moments where the sound of the song sounds like the feeling in the lyrics. It’s slinky and seductive. It sort of creeps up on you. You can dance to it, but it’s not aggressive. It’s sensual and fun—just like the beginning of a heavy crush.” – Gia Woods

Gia Woods possesses an exotic presence and her sex appeal translates beyond music. So far, her songs have amassed over 37M streams via Spotify.
Alex, Approximately
Alex, Approximately
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a super-cute Young Adult Romance. I actually read it for free off RivetedLit - it's free to read there through the end of July. I really enjoyed the change in formatting for the online conversations between Mink and Alex, and the explanation for why Bailey hadn't shared any identifying information online at all. That was pretty well done.

The book is a Young Adult take on the enemies-to-lovers trope, but it mostly avoided the "he picks on you because he likes you" line. The initial conflict between our two characters is really just due to misunderstandings, and the boy quickly apologizes. (With cookies!) I really enjoyed both of these characters, and I was definitely cheering for them as they revealed more of their histories and insecurities to each other.

I REALLY enjoyed their date to Monterey, California - they visited the Natural History Museum and the aquarium, both of which I have been to personally! I lived in Monterey many years ago, so it was neat to see them in a place I have personal memories of.

Overall, I thought this was an excellent young adult romance. There was some mention of sex, but nothing too graphic. I loved the setting; it brought me back to the Pacific Ocean, even if it was California beaches instead of the cold, rocky Pacific Northwest.

You can find all my reviews at