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The Space Between
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harper Isabelle has a pretty good life: she's beautiful, smart, and popular. Her first year in high school is going quite well, thanks in part to the protective shadow cast by her sister, Bronte, the most popular girl in school. For Sarah Jamieson, however, things aren't exactly as smooth. While Sarah's twin brother Tyler has always been in the in crowd at school, Sarah has not. Between her stutter and style of dress, she's not only on the fringes, she's mocked by other students at school. So imagine Sarah's surprise when Harper shows an interest in her-- and when Sarah herself feels drawn to Harper. Is Harper only interested in Sarah because she wants to date Tyler? Why do the two girls feel so close, as if being drawn together by a magnet?

Overall, this is a dynamo of a book, which I sped through rapidly. It actually builds its storyline rather slowly, as Harper and Sarah deal with their feelings for each other, but I found it that a nice antidote to the usual YA where the characters seem to fall in love overnight. This was similar to some of my own experiences coming out. Harper and Sarah are well-drawn characters who pop on the page -- they are complicated, sweet, and beautiful as they work through the multitude of emotions that comes with falling in love in high school. There is definitely a cheesy element to some of the writing but it really doesn't take away from the experience of watching these girls struggle to find each other. Perhaps the only thing that takes away from the story is a little of the weirdness factor in that Harper also dates Sarah's brother; it manages to work with the story, but it does occasionally give you pause.

Honestly, I was very touched by this book and found it to be a sweet coming of age/coming out story. I wish there had been more of these around when I was going through a similar experience. It does an excellent job of showing some of the difficulty teens still face in dealing with their sexuality in high school (and with their families) today. You'll find yourself quite invested in Harper and Sarah's story. Definitely a worthwhile read.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley (thanks!); it's available everywhere.
What We Left Behind
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Gretchen and Toni are high school sweethearts who believe they will be together forever, but will they cope being apart at different universities? Toni is off to Harvard and Gretchen to New York where they plan to meet up every weekend however things get in the way, and not just coursework.

The main theme of<i> What We Left Behind</i> is sexual orientation and gender. Both Gretchen and Toni are attracted to girls, however Toni identifies as genderqueer. Throughout school, this never bothered Gretchen, though when Toni begins feeling a connection with a group of transgender students, Gretchen begins to question her position in Toni’s life.

Unlike Talley’s previous novel <i>Lies We Tell Ourselves</i>, which deals with ethnic minorities and homosexuality during a time when it was seen as completely unacceptable, <i>What We Left Behind</i> is set in the present day where peoples’ sexual preferences are accepted in society – mostly. What Talley is attempting to prove with this novel is that everyone, regardless of gender, can experience love, and that long distance relationships can be difficult for everyone. Most importantly this story expresses how difficult it is to understand trans sexuality, genderqueer, gender nonconforming etc. There are characters that are horrified by the idea, comfortable with it, or, like Gretchen, confused about how it effects themselves and their relationship. And then there is Toni. Toni is probably the most confused of all: who is s/he really?

Talley tries to make the reader experience the difficulties the main characters face with the use, or lack of pronouns. For someone who identifies as neither he nor she, Toni has a very hard time trying to find a label Toni feels comfortable with.

I did not enjoy <i>What We Left Behind</i> as much as <i>Lies We Tell Ourselves</i>, not because it was not good – it was – but I am not that into romance novels. After a while the story began to feel boring and repetitive, particularly in terms of Gretchen and Toni’s relationship. It is, however, worth a read. There are not many novels that focus on transgender issues, especially in such a positive way. Therefore I am sure this young adult novel is going to interest a large amount of readers.

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated Black Mirror - Season 5 in TV

Mar 3, 2020 (Updated Mar 3, 2020)  
Black Mirror - Season 5
Black Mirror - Season 5
2019 | Drama, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
Striking Vipers - 5.5

Perhaps in retrospect, season 5 should have held out for some better scripts. All 3 (and notably there are only 3, because of the effort and time put into the stand alone feature length Bandersnatch) episodes seem a little rushed and weak in terms of depth of idea; replacing it with more gloss and production value. You can see the cash on the screen in this episode about the natural progression of VR becoming all about virtual sex, regardless of your sexuality in the real world (or maybe because of it). There is some irony in considering how Black Mirror began feeling very British and here feels entirely consumed by Netflix and American values. Is that a clever statement in itself? Not sure. Either way, I am not a big fan on this one. I mean, it’s fine, but we have come to expect more.

Smithereens - 6

If there are any clever links to anything else going on here, in what I am now thinking of as the Black Mirror Universe, then I haven’t picked up on it. This one feels quite surface, and just a very sad story about a man in distress that wants technology to answer for its responsibilities. Andrew Scott is ever excellent in the lead – man, he can really act! – but the rest of the cast seem a little lifeless and under-written. Perhaps they were trying for something more sharply focused, but, for me, the moral message of don’t use your phone whilst driving, is a bit weak.

Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too - 6.5

Known as the Miley Cyrus episode, because… she’s in it, and so is an electronic “toy” that replicates her personality for her teen fans. There is some intrigue around the nature of fandom and obsession; also the idea of media manipulation in projecting a saleable image that may be far from “the truth”. There is a lighter tone here, though, which betrays the Black Mirror ethos to some extent. It is an entertaining piece: the CGI on the toy Ashley is great, and there is a lovely twist 3/4 in when the true personality of it comes out to hilarious effect. But, on the whole, another under-written piece that leaves us hanging on the precipice of doubt leading into another season.
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
1951 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A Streetcar Named Desire with Marlon Brando. I just want to put there. All these movies that I’ve listed, including Casablanca, you have flavors, which I like it. Drama. Comedy. And again, we may argue back and forth about what is drama, what is a comedy, right? What is melodrama? The Room never did melodrama. The thing what I listed all the movies, they’re not melodrama, they are relate to real life. Streetcar Named Desire, for example, you have, my understanding was, the time the movie was made, the main characters, Brando and… He actually raped the girl. And they cut this on the movie. That’s my understanding, that it was part of the script. So this is again saying that Streetcar Named Desire give us some evidence that people were still cautious what we present in the big screen that certain ideas or situation between two people, you cannot do it. Today’s society, as you know, we go extra miles. The Room is perfect example. We show the nudity, we show the certain stuff, because I myself, I was struggling as a filmmaker, as a director, how I present the scene. Same, you see, if you look at Casablanca, a relationship between two main characters, how they, you see… I love it, black and white movies. Sometimes you can educate yourself that you don’t have to physically show it, sexuality, but it’s there because you can feel it. Now, just because of our culture, I decided to say, “Hey, we go extra miles.” And I was struggling with this. You see, I had talked to Greg. I don’t know if he remembered but I said, “Hey, okay, is it Johnny naked or not?” I said — and I was so frustrated — and I say, “Hell with everything because I don’t know how… I want to be real as much I can.” Even though people say… Remember, The Room, and is again, The Room is supposed to be play. People forget that; they are short-handed. [laughs] I don’t want to be too negative, but that’s the history of The Room. So I will say, originally I was supposed to… I wanted to put into play, but it didn’t come out right. Actually it come out better because more people can see it. That’s basically what happen."


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Long Call in Books

Sep 13, 2019  
The Long Call
The Long Call
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, this was an excellent police procedural; one of those mysteries that you get caught up in from the start. I'll be honest that I've never heard of Ann Cleeves or any of her previous series. That's clearly my loss, and I'm definitely interested in her other works now.

I won't go into too many details here and spoil the plot, but I'll say that this is a great read, filled with all the little details and nuances that you get from a strong writer. I was heartened from the beginning to find our protagonist, DI Venn, to be gay. You don't get a lot of that in the mystery world. His sexuality is a part of the book, but not the focus, and it was just really nice to read about a gay detective. Matthew is a fascinating character, who is grappling with facing members of the Barum Brethren, a religious sect that he grew up in, but of whom he is no longer a member. He is also a straight-laced policeman, and a strong leader who can admit his faults. It will be nice to follow him in a new series.

His team is interesting as well--quirky Jen and annoying Ross are the main two--and I hope they come along in the second book. Cleeves is quite adept at creating her characters, and all are easy to imagine. There's a wide cast of characters in this one, and plenty of suspects, but not so many as to get confused or lost. There's a main plotline (murdered man) and a secondary one--that may be related--and both are intriguing and keep you guessing. We learn things along with the team, as they investigate, which is always a favorite of mine. It's a small-town setting, and many folks are complicated, many have secrets, and it's difficult to work out which secret may have led to murder! (Though I'm proud that I had an inkling about some things!)

In the end, this was a really strong mystery. It quietly keeps you guessing and invested in the story. The characters are excellent, and I'm just so heartened to find a gay lead! It's thoughtful and smart, without any gimmicks. Definitely recommend. 4+ stars.

Dana (24 KP) rated Six of Crows in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Six of Crows
Six of Crows
Leigh Bardugo | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (45 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh My Gosh!

Can we start out with this cover? It is absolutely gorgeous! And the dyed edges on the paper make me want to weep with joy. I love books that do that, but it isn't done enough in my opinion.

Okay, so on with the review.

I actually really enjoyed this book. It has been a while since I was able to actually read something for fun, so this was awesome to be able to pick up and devour.

I was kind of skeptical about it because there are so many spin-off series that don't work as well as the originals and make me start to dislike the series. This, however, exceeded all expectations. I actually think I enjoyed this book more than the originals!

The characters were well fleshed out and all had interesting quirks about them. I loved being able to delve into each character and their backstories when it was their turn to narrate. I do wish that some things were told a bit earlier, just to clear up any questions I had, but I think it still worked very well when those parts were told to the audience.

One thing that I really appreciate is that there are no love triangles!!! Yay!!! Also, bad ass females who don't need the male characters to validate them! And inclusiveness in sexuality!! Just, so much love for this book.

I enjoyed how I was able to root for the criminals who would, in all honestly, probably be seen as the villains in any other novel. It was refreshing for the characters to know they aren't the heroes, but are still able to be heroic in their own way.

Minor spoilers ahead!!! Turn back if you have not read the whole book!!!!

I loved that there were references to the characters in the Grisha trilogy!! When I recognized their names, I did a little happy dance.

There was a small reference (that may have been just me wanting it to be there) to The Breakfast Club on page 332.

My favorite passage from the novel would have to be from one of Inej's chapters on page 136 where she is thinking about true love. It was so interesting to see those feelings written out in a way that I would have never thought to see it as!

Overall, I absolutely adored this book and I can't wait for the next one to come out. I am mad at myself that I didn't read this sooner!