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Possession (Possession, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I haven't figured out how I feel about Possession. I'm not sure if it's a 5 star book or a 1 star book.

Short story: It's really good.

Long story: well, that's a bit more involved.

Reasons this book was really good:

1. Pacing: Excellent. One thing leads to another, it's almost impossible to put down, and the tension never really goes away.
2. Good dialogue, good but concise descriptions, catchy interior monologue.
3. Good characters.
4. Jag is really sexy.

Reasons I wanted to slam my head against a wall while I was reading it:

1. Jag is awesome. Vi is awesome. Their relationship? Extremely dysfunctional. They are freaking bi-polar. One minute they're having a decent conversation, the next someone jumps to a conclusion and gets emotionally hurt and storms off, twenty-four hours and a hot shower later, they're sorry and cuddling and making out. THIS IS NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE OF A RELATIONSHIP. Oh my word.
2. I got lost around Chapter 30. Stuff started happening, I could never tell if Vi was Vi or if she was dreaming, sometimes something would happen and it was a little cryptic, and confusing, and one thing stacked on top of another until by chapter 40 I was like "what the crap is going on?" I seriously closed the book and wasn't going to finish but I just HAD to know what happened. (I really should have quit while I was ahead.)
3. I got to the point where I couldn't tell who was the good guy and who was the bad guy, and I kind of stopped caring.

Reasons why the ending pissed me off:

1. The only bad guy who could have become good, didn't.
2. Then, the bad guys won.

Honestly, now that I've finished it, I really wish I hadn't. Luckily I checked Goodreads and found out it was book 1 in a series. Because THAT'S NOT AN ENDING. That was worse than The Hunger Games and Catching Fire endings!!!

Content/Recommendation: Some language and kissing, ages 16+


    Jessica Jung

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    Crazy Rich Asians meets Gossip Girl by way of Jenny Han in this knock-out debut about a Korean...

The Cardinalis Code
The Cardinalis Code
Avery Sterling | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
read the book, people, read the damn book!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

So, there I was, merrily reading away. Enjoying this book, not a 5 star read, but a very good solid four star. Some minor typos, but they might be cos of the changing file thing. A good solid 4 star read, that piqued my interest enough to keep going.

And then, in the VERY last chapter, followed by the EPILOGUE, it all changed!

I mean, it made the whole bloody book flip on it's head! And it's gonna be really REALLY hard not to write spoilers into this review, so if it's vague, I ain't sorry!

Paislee takes a job as a blood donor, a donateur for Michael, a Cardinalis, (not EVER a vampire!) When Michael's vicious half brother takes a shine to Paislee, things become deadly, both for Paislee and Michael. Then The Order become involved and Michael has a fight on his hands to keep Paislee safe, and more importantly, to keep her HIS.

Like I said, plodding along, nicely. Moving at speed in places, and little slower in others. Sexy at points, but deadly in others. Sufficiently different in the 'vampire' (Sorry, Michael!) lore to be interesting. These guys don't combust in the sun or sparkle, either! They have a usual sleep pattern, they eat food. So, I enjoyed all that.

Both Michael and Paislee have a say, as do a couple of other characters.

The story concludes, or so I thought, in a way I expected it to, mostly. Michael's brother doesn't quite get the ending I was expecting but still. It all comes to a head and is wrapped up nicely.


Michael's mother says something, and the doctor says something and then the doctor says something else and . . . . .cliff hanger people! I mean a proper, spit you dummy out, throw your toys out the pram and throw your kindle at the wall so hard it bounces off and scares the cat! I had to double back a couple of times, to reread what was said by whom, to put the pieces together, and still I have no bloody idea what's going on!

So, for a first book . . .very well played Ms Sterling! For a first in series, because there is much unfinished here, very well played. For that bloody cliff hanger . . .

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Wicked Soul (Ancient Blood #1)
Wicked Soul (Ancient Blood #1)
Nora Ash | 2018 | Paranormal
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
did not like Liv!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I have *issues* with this book.

Aside from the fact its single person point of view and blah blah blah of course I wanted to hear from Warin, Olivia has to be the single most annoying main character I have ever come across and I cannot,for the life of me figure out why I kept reading!!

She whines and moans and has the mental age of a teenager, I wasn't actually sure how old she was supposed to be til she and Warin are talking about how old he is.

Clearly, the British vampire Night Lord who's name escapes me already, is playing on a much bigger playground than just Chicago. And Warin's brother, Aleric, is part of that playground judging by the epilogue, but I can't see what game he is playing.

The book is reasonably well written, with some sexy scenes and some violence, but nothing too explicit or graphic. I saw no spelling or editing errors.

Will I read book two? Depends on who has the majority voice in that one. If it's Aleric? Possibly.

I just did not like Olivia!

But I did finish it, so for that reason...

3 stars

 Sorry this is short, but I find the 3 star ones for meh books the hardest to write.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Beneath the Stars ( Sugarlake book 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
109 of 230
Beneath the Stars ( Sugarlake book 1)
By Emily McIntire

I was eleven when I met Chase Adams. I loved him before I knew what lovin' was.
I pulled, he pushed.
I gave, he took.
I loved... I lost.
Now he's back. All grown up and sexy as sin.
But things changed while he was gone.
So, he can show those dimples and flex those muscles all he wants.
It won't change a thing.
Chase Adams is nothin' but a lost memory. I'll do everything I can to keep him that way.

Growing up, there were only two women I ever loved.
Neither one of them ever really loved me back.
Until her. Alina. My Goldi.
She was everything that's good. I was the bad.
She was the brightest goddamn star. I was the black hole shredding her to pieces.
I loved her wrong, losing her to my demons.
But now I'm back. A better man.
I'll do everything I can to make her remember us, even if all she wants is to forget.

I’m not usually a big romance fan I like some but it’s not my go to, but this was so good I really enjoyed it the start was a bit ropey but I really couldn’t put it down once it got going.
It was a lighthearted read with a happy ending!
Smitty's Sheriff (Hope #3)
Smitty's Sheriff (Hope #3)
Cardeno C | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Smitty's Sheriff (Hope #3) by Cardeno C.
Smitty's Sheriff is the third book in the Hope series, and this series is one where I never know what I'm going to get. McFarland's Farm was a 4-star, Jesse's Diner was a 5. Each story is completely individual, and that is always a good thing.

Now, first off, I need to say that this story is of the same high quality as all of Cardeno C.'s work. The pace is smooth, the characters believable, and certain scenes are steamy enough for anyone.

The reason for my 3-stars is that whilst I enjoyed their story, I couldn't actually get with the relationship between the main two characters. I found myself getting quite annoyed whenever Rich spoke to Todd like he was a child. I know there is an age difference between them, but to me, their relationship was more father/son with sexy bits, rather than boyfriends/lovers/whatever you want to call them.

NOW, that is just my opinion, and I know that some readers will devour this story and love every word. I'm just sorry that I'm not one of them, although I did enjoy it. As it is Cardeno C.'s work, I have no hesitation in recommending this book, even if I didn't like it 100%.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!