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Night's Edge
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Dancers in the Dark" by Charlaine Harris is set in the same universe as the Southern Vampire/Sookie Stackhouse stories, but with none of the incredibly annoying characters. How refreshing! It does go back to the same stuff Harris explored in her Shakespeare series and one of her standalone books (<i>Sweet and Deadly</i>? I can't remember if it was that one of the other, as they don't stand out in my memory too much anyway). The story wasn't terribly, though, and I was engaged. I kept thinking while reading, "Didn't I read another short story or novella in this universe about dancers?" Anybody else remember? I hate it when my memory goes wonky like that.

"Her Best Enemy" was too hackneyed, bringing in too many old standbyes. There's a tough girl reporter who is really a sweet woman who just needs a good man after a bad one took everything she had, a sexy man who is tougher than he looks and better able to protect her than even he knew, etc. I don't remember reading anything really strong by Maggie Shayne yet, but she's definitely on the romance side of the paranormal romance street, so that may explain my lack of enthusiasm.

Barbara Hambly's contribution, "Someone Else's Shadow," has us back in the world of dance. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one and the first story in a dance-themed anthology (they probably are, already, and I just don't realize it yet). It was the strongest story of the three (with reason, as Hambly is certainly the most experienced and IMNSHO best writer of the three). Sound plotting, good reasoning, likable characters who are well-rounded and believable, neither perfect saints nor disgusting sinners.

I kept thinking of Hope while reading the last story because the main character dances and teaches belly dance, and there's a lovely quote from the first time she dances in front of her love interest, <i>"It's all dancing. Skill infused with joy. Weaving jewelry out of dreams."</i>
I LOVE this series. By the end of this book I had tears streaming down my face because of the beauty of the conclusion. (Second series that I have completed this week...GAH!) I admit that these last two books have been especially hard to read, emotionally. There is so much that happens, that definitely pulled on my heart. However, Roseanna pulled it all together wonderfully. Allowing for healing, forgiveness, trust and freedom. How does one go through life without trust in God? I am so very thankful to have been raised in a Christian home. Trusting in the Lord though, can be easier said than done. I never fully understood the peace and the rest that comes when you can fully trust God to guide you and lead your steps. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes dire circumstances for us to be able to get to that place.

Lady Ella is someone that I would love to have as a friend. She has joy that cannot be dissuaded and hope that cannot be deterred. It was so much fun to see characters from the other books make their appearance again. I especially love the interaction between the three heroes from the books. I was laughing out loud at their antics. But as much as I adore Stafford and Nottingham, Cayton is my favorite. Let's just say artistic AND loves Shakespeare...yup...My favorite! A beautiful story set in 1913, England, and filled with mystery, adventure, romance, betrayals, forgiveness, and more romance...You do not want to pass up the conclusion to the Ladies of the Manor and the curse of the Fire Eyes. To truly enjoy the story, I recommend starting with The Lost Heiress, Brooke's tale is one full of adventure and sets the stage for this series brilliantly.

I received a free copy of A Lady Unrivaled from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Dark Aemilia (UK Edition)
Dark Aemilia (UK Edition)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I received Dark Aemilia from a Goodreads give away. All I can say is how lucky I was to receive such a good book, that otherwise I likely would not have taken a second glance at. This is a beautifully written piece of historical fiction. Which at its core, is a love story, between Aemilia Bassano and William Shakespeare. How their love blossomed and through many external factors was pulled apart. The book is laid out in acts and scenes like a play and tells the story from Aemilia point of view. I enjoyed being submerged in the Tudor London at the end of Elizabeth I reign. This book completely grabbed me from the start and had I had more free time I am sure I would have read this book in a day or two.

Unfortunately as I haven’t ever read historical fiction before I don’t really have any point of reference for comparison. But what I will say is that I thoroughly enjoyed how realistic this book felt, but still was able to bring in completely fictitious elements of magic and witchcraft. Sam O’Reilly has managed to bring in these elements, which appealed to my love of fantasy, without being over the top. I particularly enjoyed the time when London was under the grips of the plague and thought it was just so well written and explained. At no point did I feel lost in descriptions, I was there, with Aemilia and that poor woman just couldn’t catch a break.

There is ‘mature content’ it is an adult story of love, so yes there is sex. I personally have no issue with this and believe it to be an integral addition to this story. It is done well and doesn’t feel forced or overdone. I am struggling to put into words how much I enjoyed this book, I will read it again and I would recommend it. I will now even consider reading other historical fiction that I had not thought I would enjoy.
Sherlock Gnomes (2018)
Sherlock Gnomes (2018)
2018 | Animation, Comedy
The original "Gnomeo & Juliet" movie was a sweet spin on the Shakespeare
inspired story of Romeo and Juliet, but with two clans of gnomes at war
with the main destruction being to each other's gardens. Two star-crossed
lovers, Gnomeo & Juliet fall in love and after all the chaos, hate, and
near death experiences, both "gnomes houses" seek a truce and learn to

In the sequel, the gnomes move to London. Juliet (Emily Blunt) is so
preoccupied with rebuilding the garden, she fails to notice Gnomeo's (James
MacAvoy) needs and feelings. In other parts of London, Sherlock Gnomes
(Johnny Depp) and his faithful companion Watson (Chiwetel Eljiofor) are
investigating the disappearance of several gnomes throughout London. One
day, Gnomeo attempts at a romantic gesture goes awry when he tries to steal
an orchid for Juliet from a flower shop. Juliet ends up saving Gnomeo,
causing them to bicker and squabble and not realize all their gnome friends
and family were kidnapped. One thing leads to another and they find
themselves teaming up with Sherlock and Watson to track down all the clues
in hopes of saving their loved ones.

From the director who brought us "Kung Fu Panda," this was a major misstep
for John Stevenson. The movie was fast paced, but the story line was very
disjointed. I understand what angle they were attempting to hit here:
Don't take your loved ones for granted, but I just could not connect with
the characters. In the first film, they really focused on the
relationships between Gnomeo and his mother, Juliet and her father, and both
 Gnomeo and Juliet. Those relationships were lost in this film. From the
adult perspective, the movie lacked depth, but was still entertaining.
However, the kiddos on hand loved it. They enjoyed all the high flying
suspenseful moments, the potty humor, and over the top one liners.
If I&#039;m Being Honest
If I'm Being Honest
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

This starts with Cameron eating lunch with her two best friends and trying to do her Econ coursework. They start chatting about a party where Cameron's crush, Andrew, will be at the weekend and she plans to tell him she likes him. But things don't go great when they get interrupted and Cameron is really horrible to them, causing Andrew to call her a b*tch. She decides to try and publicly apologise to the girl who interrupted them and do it in front of Andrew but the girl points out something obvious and things get worse with Andrew. She then decides to make a list of people she needs to apologise to and tries to figure out how.

I actually got really into this staying up until midnight last night to get to the 80% mark. I was drawn in by Cameron and the journey she went on from just being brutally honest and a bit of a b*tch to someone who enjoyed being friends and spending time with the less popular crowd. It was a great read and Cameron's internal thinking was interesting.

Cameron and Brendan were super cute. They had quite a lot in common and I found myself rooting for them from early on. I'll admit I had a little cry at a few bits. Some of the tears were for Cameron in regards to her dad, and some were for her and Brendan when he took something the wrong way and I felt as wounded as Cameron did.

I've read this is based on The Taming of the Shrew but I'm not that big a fan of Shakespeare so I can't compare as I've never read the book/seen the play but Cameron's views on it helped me understand it a lot more.

I'd enjoy reading more books from this writing duo.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Hamnet in Books

Jan 10, 2021  
Maggie O'Farrell | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hamnet was the 1st book I read in 2020 that was named after the son, but, in reality, the entire book is about the mother.
Hamnet is the story of an little, unknown playwright's son, who died of the plague. Just kidding, the playwright is obviously Shakespeare, but he is never named. Which is fine with me, he wasn't the focus.
Nothing much is really known about Hamnet, the author did some extensive research, and created the series of events. I thought they were all plausible, and I always appreciate a heavily researched historical fiction novel.
In truth, the focus of the novel is on Anne Hathaway, called Agnes in this novel. It's possible her true name was Agnes, rather than Anne. Now, I had a slight problem with the character of Agnes in general. This was the major negative in the book for me, I feel as though the woman in the woods, is she or isn't she a witch situation is getting overplayed way too much. Now, I see it as the equivalent as the manic pixie dream girl. I understand this woman of the woods trope is to empower the female characters, but it's just too familiar at this point.
I feel mostly that every book I read is predictable, when you read over 100 books a year, it's hard not to predict the ending. Is it necessarily a bad thing? Of course it's not, but that coupled with the manic pixie woman of the woods is why I can't rate this higher than good.
I have to add that one of my favorite parts, that was probably really unnecessary, was the journey of the plague-carrying flea. I thought it was amusing, and kind of odd.
I can definitely see why this book was up for prizes, and I'm sure to the casual reader, it was better than good.