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Lindsay (1717 KP) created a video about The Shape-Shifter's Wife in Books

Jan 4, 2019  

The Shape-Shifter's Wife (Book Trailer)

I don't know if I just wasn't in the mood for shape shifters or if the story just bored me but either way I DNF'ed it at 53%.
It started alright but then I sort of lost interest in it. The really obvious spelling mistakes every so often didn't help either. I just couldn't connect with the story or the characters. Well I liked, Josie, the little girl. She just reminded me of my nieces.
Not for me.
I'll be honest. Out of all the paranormal creatures out there, shape shifters are not high on my list of favourites. I find them hard to connect to but I obviously like something about some of them as I have two werewolf series in paperback--Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs and Shifters by Rachel Vincent.

This one took a little getting into. It had a very slow start, taking 50+ pages for Bryn to meet Chase, the boy who got bit by the rabid, and then another 50 or so for them to meet again under supervision this time and not without going through a lot of training to make sure she can outwit/fight Chase if things go south. Strangely, though, Bryn and Chase have a connection - a bond - something that keeps them coming together and they somehow mark each other, causing chaos in the Pack. There's also the little issue that the rabid that bit Chase is also the one that killed Bryn's parents when she was four. And that is what the rest of the book is about. Finding and killing the rabid werewolf.

It didn't really hold my attention. It was quite a lot of book for hardly anything happening. The final showdown with the rabid shifter took all of about 25 pages and seemed over far too easily.

I liked some of the secondary characters, for instance Devon. He's great; witty, protective and good in any situation. Lake was fun, if a little crazy with her guns. Chase, I haven't decided about yet. And then there's Callum. I liked him, he always had a plan.

That being said, I don't think I'll be continuing the series.

Book Divas (227 KP) rated Trust (Between the Lions #1) in Books

Dec 12, 2017 (Updated Dec 12, 2017)  
Trust (Between the Lions #1)
Jodi Baker | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free ebook copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I made no guarantee of a favorable review.
If you love reading about Egyptian deities and stories about the Alexandria library then this book is for you. If you enjoy reading about shape shifters then this book is also for you.

Anna doesn't go to school nor has any friends. The only person in her life is her mother Kali who teaches Anna about history, languages, and art among other subjects. Then Kali meets Patrick and his son Clayton but a happily ever after is not meant to be and in the blink of an eye a devastating occurrence changes everything and thrusts Anna into a world she never knew existed where she meets her grandmother, Cax and the guardians. Yes, there are grammatical errors throughout the book but it is still an amazing read. The author weaved a magical web with beautiful characters and vivid imagery and I am eagerly anticipating book two.

I will end this review with one of my favorite quotes in this book; "The day will come when their descendants will weep for what was done here."
Tempted By Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #1)
Tempted By Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #1)
Erin Kellison | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first in a new series by Erin Kellison. Her stories are always sharp and to the point, and this one is no different. You will follow Emerson as she tries to understand, work with, and live with the Bloodkin, otherwise known as Dragon shifters. She was one of those 'lost in the system' and indeed, only flagged up as Bloodkin when she applied for financial aid whilst at college. Completely fed up with the misogynistic view that most Bloodkin appear to have, she decides that she will quit and move after the job she is currently working on is finished.

This leads you to Thane, a 600-year-old Dragon who is fighting the pull of the Night Song. He knows that one more shift and he won't be able to return to his human shape. If this takes place outside of Havyn, then death and destruction will rain down on the human world, starting the persecution of dragons once more.

Emerson is strong and feisty and will not take any crap from anyone. Thane is also strong, set in his ways, a wonderful ally and a fearsome foe. Their world will draw you in and keep you intent on turning the pages, one after the other. Some of the other characters deserve a mention, in particular, Matthew. I loved him and his attitude towards Thane. Another one is Bryan, Emerson's foster brother who is also a Wolfkin. I am hoping that he will get his story too.

This is a wonderful story that takes you into the world of shifters, allies, and enemies. I personally loved every moment and am looking forward to Book 2 in this series. Highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 16, 2015
Love, Death & Robots - Season 1
Love, Death & Robots - Season 1
2019 | Animation, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The beauty of Love, Death and Robots is it's format. An eclectic collection of animated short films, some genuinely brilliant, with a handful of duds, truly gives something for everyone.

There are 18 films on show here, all with something different to offer.
Firstly there were 3 that failed to really resonate with me - Sucker of Souls, When the Yoghurt Took Over, and Alternate Histories. I found these three either slightly boring, or silly for the sake of being silly. There were 2 that sort of floated in the middle - The Dump, and Blind Spot, not bad by any means (none of the shorts are truly bad) but just were sort of there.
Leaving a grand total of 13 shorts that I thought were really really great.

A handful of these realistic CGI entries - namely, Sonnie's Edge, Three Robots, Beyond the Aquila Rift, Shape Shifters (one of the highlights for me), Helping Hand (reminded me of Gravity, in a great way), Lucky 13, and The Secret War.
These lot are lengthier offerings, and boast some good looking CGI animation, bordering on photo realism at times. The run time gives an opportunity for some decent fleshed out stories.
The Secret War in particular is nothing short of breath taking, and may well be my top pick of the whole season.
Elsewhere, we have more cartoony offerings - Suits, a loud animation that features farmers in mech suits fighting aliens. Zima Blue, a beautifully touching story of how a simple robot transcends existence itself - another highlight of the season. Fish Night, a short desert based drama bursting with colour. The animation of this one reminded me of A Scanner Darkly. Good Hunting, a collision of Ancient Chinese stories and a Bioshock style steampunk future. Hard to watch at times, but stunning also - easily would have been my top pick if The Secret War wasn't included.
Rounding it off we have The Witness, and animation that looks like a moving oil painting and reminded me of Mirror's Edge, and Ice Age, a fun short that's the only live action inclusion with CGI flourishes about a civilisation growing in a couple freezer.

It's an ambitious collection of shorts for sure, but like I said, there's something here for everyone. Even the ones that I liked the least are a 6/10 at worst. If you like sci-fi or animation in any shape or form, then check this series out.
A Creepshow Holiday Special (2020)
A Creepshow Holiday Special (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Creepshow delivers the holiday themed goods once again with this Christmas special. Unlike the Halloween Special, this one is fully live action, and instead of being the regular two segments, it's one big 45 minute story.

The first half focuses on a dude attending a support group for people who are shape shifters, keen to find out exactly what he shapeshifts into. The group is filled with a few colourful characters who transform into all sort of things - tortoises, cheetahs, werewolves, boars. It's mostly dialogue but it's pretty fun. Adam Pally and Anna Camp head up the cast, and both seem to be aware just how silly the episode is and both ham up proceedings well enough. IMDb has listed Barbara Crampton, Marilyn Manson, Ali Larter and Keith David among others in the cast, but I'll be fucked if I spotted them anywhere!

The second half is when it gets festive when *SPOILERS* out of nowhere, it's revealed that Santa Claus hunts shapeshifters for a living and employs an army of shopping mall Santas to help him in his fight. Shit gets ridiculous as everyone transforms, Santa turns up in some crazy demon armour with actual robotic claws for hands, blood flies everywhere, scores of Santas are mown down by gunfire - it's so so dumb, but goddam entertaining.

There isn't really any underlying message here. Writer/Director Greg Nicotero just wanted to go all out and schlocky as possible, and I'd say he achieved his goal pretty effectively.

This holiday special is a boat load of fun, and another solid piece of evidence as to why Creepshow is an essential part of horror television. Ho Ho Fucking Ho!
Love, Death & Robots
Love, Death & Robots
2019 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Unique And Visceral Experience
Love, Death, & Robots is an adult animated anthology tv series on Netflix. The series is produced by Joshua Donen, David Fincher, Jennifer Miller, and Tim Miller. Each of the 18 episodes released on the first season was animated by different crews from a range of countries. It's also a re-imagining of 1981 animated sci-fi film Heavy Metal. Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Topher Grace, Gary Cole, Samira Wiley, and Stefan Kapicic.

Produced by different casts and crews, and consisting of 18 stand-alone episodes, each under 20 minutes, the title of the series refers to the recurring themes of love, death, and robots in each episode. Full of terrifying creatures, wicked surprises and dark comedy, it's a collection of animated short stories spanning several genres like horror, comedy, fantasy, and science fiction. Captivating stories come to life with world-class animation in a plethora of tales unlike anything else.

This series was wicked awesome. Reminded me of some of the other animated anthologies I've seen such as The Animatrix and Batman: Gotham Knight, except quite a bit more NSFW. This series also gave me a Twilight Zone vibe but bit darker. More blood and guts and highly sexual. Even though it's pretty graphic, I really liked a lot of the stories they told and the twists that most had in the end as well. Some are kind of hit or miss or just better than others but I think that there is definitely something for everyone despite the gore and nudity and language. I especially enjoyed the following episodes, 1. Sonnie's Edge, 8. Good Hunting, 10. Shape-Shifters, 13. Lucky 13, and 18. Secret War. The way they went about the story telling and world building in each episode was phenomenal. I really feel that some of these episodes deserve their own individual films or series to do them better justice. I mean some were just so good and less than 20 minutes felt like not enough or that they could have been even better. I give the entire series overall a 9/10.
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice
Deborah Dorchak, Wendi Kelly | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice by Wendi Kelly & Deborah Dorchak
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice continues in the world of Angels, shifters, demons, Talutha, and goodness know's what else. I'm sure we've only scraped the top of the barrel as far as Kelly and Dorchak's imagination goes! Although this is only the second book in this series, I would highly recommend you read the first series, just to get a handle on the different characters and the relationships they have.

You may remember that I fell out with Cole in the last book. Well, he is making efforts to redeem himself, but to be completely honest, it's not really working with me. Then again, I have always been biased towards Harry. The fallout/effect from the last book is shown in this one, with the affects being far-reaching to everyone connected to Regina. I love that woman, I really do, but she really needs to start focusing on the bigger picture. She has so much help on hand, people who love her, that I wish she could take a moment to simply breathe. Actually, I related to Olivia in this book A LOT! There is always drama, always some crisis going on, and as for who is with who - well, I've actually given up on that now. I just figure that they are all together, in one way, shape, or form, and that will have to do. With so many characters, new and old, all interlinked in so many different ways, I just can't keep track in my mind over who is with whom! Another thing that Olivia mentioned is the fact that it is now the Pride, not the Pack. In fact, the pack is now given a lower-case when it's mentioned. I get that they are doing something completely new, and with new comes chaos, but I do feel a sense of sorrow that the cats seem to be taking over.

Now, with that all being said, I still thoroughly enjoyed this book, and read it in one sitting. You have bad guys, you have good guys, and then you have bad guys that you actually feel sorry for and want to help (Victoria and Simon anyone?). This book is extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. The scenes also smoothly flow from one to the next without any jarring. The world building is amazing, and I am in awe of these two authors for not only providing such a distinctive story, but in a world is intricate and intriguing, and it will keep you turning the pages. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
It goes without saying that the <i>Going Down in Flames</i> series and I have had a rocky history – I wasn't a fan of the <a title="Going Down in Flames review" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">first book</a> (but I totally saw potential!) and I became a little more fond by the second book.

The latest installment in the series doesn't make too much of a blip aside from the fortunate fact the series does <em>not</em> get worse. The series is very slow paced and <i>Trial by Fire</i> doesn't get any faster, but there are other aspects of the book that are much more redeeming and there is definitely plenty of excitement going around for the dragon shifters at the Institute.

In the midst of trying to figure out her love life (which is about as sad as mine if not sadder), trying not to get killed/attacked by rebels, and trying to figure out her connection to Valmont (her knight), Brynn continues to attempt changes to the Directorate's values that have been around for hundreds of years. Bryn actually <em>starts</em> some of those changes in the second book, <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener tag">Bridges Burned</a>, but further progress is definitely made in <i>Trial by Fire</i> as her peers slowly begin to support her – including Jaxon himself.

Jaxon is the Draco Malfoy of <i>Going Down in Flames</i> – I'm serious. This dude <em>worships</em> his father and just has a Draco air about him ever since the very beginning of the series (it does not help that he occasionally says, "MY FATHER WILL HEAR OF THIS."). But as the series progresses, Jaxon is beginning to shape himself into a memorable character – he's certainly not a jerk as he was depicted in the first book. And his hate relationship with Bryn?

It's really gotten to the point where their jabs are hilarious and entertaining to the book overall, because Jaxon's feathers get ruffled <em>so</em> easily. Clint and Ivy are fantastic side characters who provide Bryn with an overwhelming amount of support and I just adore love how they continue to play major roles in the series (YOU CAN NOT KILL THEM, CHRIS CANNON). Valmont just adds to the whole, "Jaxon's feathers get ruffled so easily."

And Byrn? Well... Bryn's okay as the main character. Still worries about her love life a lot, but it's not overshadowing the plot anymore. And since <i>Trial by Fire</i> further proves the slow progression of the revolution in the series, I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait by the time the last book comes out.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>