In Community of Inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp: Philosophy, Childhood and Education
Maughn Gregory and Megan Laverty
In close collaboration with the late Matthew Lipman, Ann Margaret Sharp pioneered the theory and...

Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy: An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity
Inequality is a choice. The United States bills itself as the land of opportunity, a place where...

Share: The Cookbook That Celebrates Our Common Humanity. Foreword by Meryl Streep
Alison Oakervee and Meryl Streep
Nothing conveys our interdependence more compellingly than the food we eat. It builds our physical...
Staying Sharp: 9 Keys for a Youthful Brain Through Modern Science and Ancient Wisdom
The book Dr. Christiane Northrup promised "will change your mind and your brain in the best possible...

WiFi HD FREE (Wireless SMB USB Hard Disk Drive & NFS Network File Sharing Explorer)
Business and Utilities
Turn your iPhone into a wireless, mobile external hard drive! Use your iPhone as a normal shared...

Scanner - Download, Scan, Print, Fax and Share Multipage PDF and Microsoft Office Files
Business and Utilities
**SPECIAL REDUCED PRICE FOR TODAY $3.99** This app turns your iPhone or iPad into a HANDY SCANNER,...

Briefcase Pro - File manager, cloud drive, document & pdf reader and file sharing App
Business and Productivity
Briefcase is an all-in-one document reader and manager for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It can...