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After finishing Betrayal by Pippa DaCosta the other day, I had an urge to read more so I went hunting for more of her books and found this one cheap and sounding rather interesting.

It starts with a bang--quite literally--as Kesh works as a Messenger, delivering a message to someone telling him he has 30 seconds to live. It doesn't go down well, as you can imagine, and all hell breaks loose as a bullet is fired and he does end up dead, with people thinking Kesh killed him. She uses her bot helper to figure out where the shooter shot from and heads up to investigate to find the weapon--one modified for fae use. The fae appears a few seconds later and threatens her, taking her bot with him and then what follows is very interesting.

I pretty much read half of this in one sitting. I did not want to put it down at all. I became very invested in Kesh's journey in trying to clear her name to then infiltrating the company Arcon to then being able to overcome her...illness? and beat the bad guy.

I found the reverse harem side of this very interesting. Kellee, the Marshal. Talen, the fae. It was slow building but I got very invested in the trio. What's going to happen next after that revelation near the end?

It's really hard to write a fitting review without giving spoilers away! I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.
Tea for God
Tea for God
3D, Shooter
Tea for God is rouguelite, dungeon crawling shooter for PC VR that uses procedural generation and impossible spaces to create the game map as you play.
In ‘Tea for God’ you are on a quest to pay respects to the late ‘God Emperor’ who was killed by robots. To get to him you must travel through his high-tech palace which is, unfortunately still infested with the killer robots
The game uses VR room mapping and does not come with a ‘teleport’ option like a lot of other VR games which means that you physically have to walk around to move in game. This is where the Procedural generation comes in to play, the game knows the size of your play area and will generate the game map to fit. The use of impossible spaces means that a corridor can spiral around and you can find yourself in an area that couldn’t exist in normal reality which means that the game is easily playable in a small area. I only have a small area myself and have never walked into anything (except maybe the odd cat).
The controls are simple, to move you walk and you use the controls to shoot and pick up items. The game play is entering, there are a number of different robots of different sizes and weapon capabilities and they could be hiding around any corner.
The game is currently listed as being pre Alfa so should only get better. Tea for God is currently only available from the creators site (
With a Vengeance
With a Vengeance
Annette Dashofy | 2016 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Target: First Responders
Paramedic Zoe Chambers is shocked to hear that two of her co-workers were ambushed when out on a call. One of them is dead, and the other is in critical condition. The sniper got away without a trace, leaving Zoe and police chief Pete Adams scrambling to understand what is going on. Was it a random attack? Or was someone out to settle a score with these two paramedics? Will the shooter be caught before Zoe goes back on duty?

If you aren’t familiar with this series, you should probably back up to the earlier books first. This one contains some spoilers to earlier books as Zoe deals with the aftermath of events from them. Once you get here, you’ll b hooked on this entry. The story is fast moving and, because of the personal nature of the plot, it becomes a thriller the further we go into the book. That personal nature also makes it a bit more somber. In fact, I classify this series as a traditional mystery because of that, as well as the smattering of foul language and violence we don’t see in the cozies I typically read. The characters are sharp, both the main characters and supporting characters. Zoe and Pete spend almost equal time as our point of view characters, and the transitions are always easy to follow. This technique is used perfectly to ramp up the suspense as we neared the climax. This is another excellent book in a fantastic series.
Luckiest Girl Alive (2022)
2022 |
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A couple are shopping for registration gifts for their wedding, they appear happy. This woman named tiffany, however, seems to be hiding a dark secret as she keeps having flashbacks about her holding knives dripping with blood. Other than that, her life is good. She has a career in journalism and has hopes of a promotion.

One day a film maker approaches Tiffany to Interview her on her involvement in a school shooting, she claims she wasn't involved but a quick Google search by Tiffany shows she is being blamed for being involved, she needs to decide whether or not to do the interview.

Tiffany's past comes back to haunt her in various ways. Someone calls her a psycho on her Facebook page and she bumps into her old school teacher, who we find out in flashbacks helped her after a dramatic event at a party. It is soon evident that Tiffany has anger issues and still struggling due to what happened.

The whole movie is leading up to what happened on the day of the shooting, it keeps you guessing as to whether or not she was the shooter. It takes around an hour and 13 minutes to get to the actual event but it really did need that build up.

It's not a bad movie, the acting is superb and certain scenes are difficult to watch but executed so well. If you like dramas you are sure to enjoy this one, even if it's a one time only view.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Under the Radar in Books

Apr 25, 2024 (Updated Apr 25, 2024)  
Under the Radar
Under the Radar
Annette Dashofy | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Zoe and Pete Target the Right Killer?
When Zoe Chambers is called to the scene of a shooting, she is surprised to find the shooter is Horace Pavelka, a friend from high school. Horace has confessed to shooting Dennis Culp, a man who has bullied and abused him since they were in school together. The evidence for self-defense is compelling, so Pete Adams lets Horace go. However, Horace has only been out a couple of hours when another of his tormentors winds up dead and everyone on the case seems to go missing. Can Pete find any of his suspects? Will Zoe be able to prove her friend innocent?

This author has a way of pulling you in from the first page, and this book is no exception. The book has several strong subplots that make for even more compelling reading. There was one twist I didn’t quite feel was earned, but that’s a minor issue. Things come together for a tense and logical climax. The characters are strong as always, and I love watching Zoe and Pete’s relationship deepen. This is a little darker than my typical cozies, but as long as you know this going in, you’ll be fine. Once again, we spend equal time in Zoe and Pete’s heads, allowing the suspense to grow as they work on things from different angles. Fans who haven’t read this one yet are in for a treat, and if you’ve missed this series, be sure to start it soon.
This Is Where It Ends
This Is Where It Ends
Marieke Nijkamp | 2016 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
I don't know whether or not to applaud Marieke Nijkamp for writing about a school shooting. (I might have to – I'll honestly admit I haven't read a single book about this particular subject.)

I won't be applauding over the fact <i>This Is Where It Ends</i> is told in a span of about an hour from four different student perspectives.

Far too much is happening in the span of 1-3 minutes per chapter for the book to feel realistic in some parts. But the timing is the least of my worries, because I've never actually been a shooting (nor do I ever want to). Therefore, I don't actually know. Maybe <em>a lot</em> of things actually happen in a minute when it comes to the fight for survival. Maybe everyone does everything faster, including moving around the outside of an auditorium (large or small, it wasn't specifically mentioned, but let's go with a typically large auditorium).

But then there are texts and social media and a blog. It only makes the book feel modernized.

I also won't be applauding over the name, aside from the fact the punny side of me is in a fit of giggles the entire time. The city name – Opportunity – is one of those puns worthy of a major facepalm (but I do love horrible puns).

Anyways, to the student perspectives. All of them are related to or impacted by the shooter, Tyler, in some way.
  <li><strong>Autumn</strong> – Tyler's sister who loves to dance.</li>
  <li><strong>Sylv</strong> – Raped by Tyler for liking girls.</li>
  <li><strong>Claire</strong> – Tyler's ex-girlfriend (who apparently has a thing for kissing guys first).</li>
  <li><strong>Tomas</strong> – Some sort of clash/feud with Tyler. Among other problemos. Oh, and Sylv's twin brother.</li>
Then the shooter. Tyler, who apparently has a lot of problems with the above four people and many more. Who got kicked out of high school, planned to come back, and then decided to blow as many brains out as possible in the process.

I feel like I'm repeating what plenty of other reviewers have said thus far, but I have to say, I agree with them.

I want to hear from Tyler's viewpoint. I want to hear his motives that led him to this action. I don't really want to hear from four other people who may or may not know Tyler really well – they don't actually read minds and are therefore more worried about the now (read: surviving or finding help), pondering on his motives, and wondering if they should have known he was going to go blow the brains out of people.

Maybe a prequel needs to be in store.

Although <i>This Is Where It Ends</i> should have been a sequel, it's still psychologically impacting to those who had first hand experience with the topic.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Jared Harper (8 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Apex Legends in Video Games

Mar 14, 2019  
Apex Legends
Apex Legends
2019 | Shooter
Ping system, balanced abilities from diverse characters, completely free, dedicated servers and development team. Graphics, smooth gameplay, good hit detection, so much more! (0 more)
Only 3 player, sorry if you have more than two friends! Some guns are worthless and need to be buffed. (0 more)
Apex legends is the first person shooter battle Royale game I've been waiting for. It's not the first, but it's the best in my opinion. Graphics are beautiful and smooth. Movement is quick and fluid with the ability to climb anything and to slide down any slope at a decent speed. Gun fights are always interesting because of each fighters unique but fair abilities. Gun drops are good and most games you have decent loot. Only complaint I have is to buff some of the weaker guns to keep up with the R301 and wingman combo that most people seem to want. Snipers could use some more love especially, as every shot has bullet drop, it would be useful to do more damage since the difficulty of hitting the target is higher than in games without bullet drop. Back to the positives, playing with randoms can be achieved because of the fantastic ping system! No mic? No problem you can communicate just about anything by pinging a location and choosing an option. Storm is rarely deadly, but keeps the fight going at a good rate. However, sometimes when there's a few people left we have a huge circle, and I'd like to see an algorithm that speeds up the circle when there's that few people. Other than a few negatives I LOVE this game and if you haven't played it, you should.
The A-Team (2010)
The A-Team (2010)
2010 | Action
Goofy fun!
Oh, good lord, this movie is just ridiculously fun. Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Sharlto Copley, and Quinton Jackson are pretty much the perfect cast for this movie. They were together so well, and watching them go in the midst of absolute chaos just had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. The A-Team movie takes all the best parts of the original show (which I very vaguely remember), and ramps it up a notch with outrageous stunts and great special effects.

Quinton Jackson is a bit more baby-faced than the original Mr. T, but when he’s screaming in the helicopter and other places at Sharlto/Murdock? It’s enough to put an ear-to-ear smile on your face. He was probably my favorite person in the film. Liam Neeson – well, he plays a slightly more fun version of his normal characters, so there’s not much to say about him. Bradley Cooper was a treat – mainly when he was shirtless – playing Face. He’s not particularly memorable – except, again, when shirtless – but still did a great job. Sharlto? Sharlto was pure crazy in the best possible way.

In terms of the others, seeing a younger Patrick Wilson was a treat. His tantrum scene was great. Jessica Biel is, erm, a good straight shooter? Really, she was pretty unmemorable.

The action combined with the humor was perfect. I mean, I like Mission Impossible as much as the next adrelaline-driven female, but it takes itself too seriously. You need the giggles to be the icing on the cake. Hm, and a half-naked Bradley Cooper to be the cherry on top.
The second 'Battlefront' tie-in novel (based on a series of games themselves based on a series of novels) which, I have to say, I found to be far more enjoyable than the previous ([b:Twilight Company|25455901|Twilight Company (Star Wars Battlefront, #1)|Alexander Freed||45222133]).

I don't know whether that because, this time around, the source online shooter game actually (and finally!) has a single-player campaign, meaning the author can actually concentrate on proper chatacters instead of the expendable cannon-fodder of the previous, or if it's because this time aroudn it's told from the point of view of the 'bad guys': that is, from the PoV from dyed-in-the-wool Imperials.

This picks up towards the end of the first Star Wars film (Episode IV, retroactively entitled 'A New Hope'),w ith the attack on the Death Star occuring in the opening pages of the novel and with the central character of Iden Versio actively participating in the defense of the Space Station, before crash-landing on the planet of Yavin IV and making her way back to Imperial Space (that bit told in passing).

This also ties into Rogue One, with an offshoot of Saw Garrera's violent Partisan group - naming themselves The Dreamers - providing the antagonists rather than The Rebellion, allowing the story and the characters to go undercover into that group without breaking with the commonly-held lore - lets face it, since Inferno Squad is meant to be the best of the best it would be hard to place them in Leia / Han's / Luke's path without somehow having to wave the explanation away!
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery
Having been a long time since I saw the first one it was difficult to link any of the very specific things between the two. My only recollection of it is that he was a subdued hero who pulled out some extreme vengeance. This one was no different in that respect.

The action was good and at the beginning you see the use of the stopwatch, which is noticeable in it's absence through the rest of the film. The final action sequence trails through the storm torn town as Washington picks off the enemy and the whole thing seems to be going well until some random first-person shooter camera angles are thrown in out of nowhere and seem completely out of place.

But that isn't the only thing that seems out of place. The whole story line about the art loving neighbour of McCall only partly adds to the film. We see his brief secondary story line with the inclusion of his gang friends, but as soon as it appears it disappears, and doesn't really contribute at all. As odd character placement goes there's also Pullman as the bereaved husband. Needed? Possibly. The right choice? Possibly not.

If you can look past the strange conclusion-less pieces of the film then all the action, the main story line and a nice summing up to a side story make for a good film to pass some time. But I didn't feel like it met its potential. A lot of people in the screening seemed to be distracted throughout, another film that while full of action was somewhat slow paced at times.