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The King of Staten Island (2020)
The King of Staten Island (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Drama
An amateur tattoo artist is forced to grow up when his mom (who he is living with) falls in love with a new boo.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 7
The very first few moments sees main character Scott Carlin (Pete Davidson) driving on the highway with his eyes closed, seemingly trying to off himself. It’s a powerful scene followed quickly by Scott and his friends tripping out with the typical hilarious banter you find in a Judd Apatow movie. While both great scenes, you still don’t get a full sense of where the story is going after the first ten minutes hence the score.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 9
Shot in a memorable style that brings out the best and worst of Staten Island at the same time. Director Apatow has a knack for capturing extremely impactful moments, especially the awkward ones. Every scene, no matter how short makes the most of its time and tells its own story. It’s such a hard thing to do yet Apatow finds a way to do it repeatedly.

Conflict: 10
It’s funny, I can’t look at Scott’s character without thinking about my 16-year-old son. He’s kind of drifting about in the same aimless way and, like Scott, doesn’t seem to understand how his now actions will affect his later. The beauty of having a character like this is the ability to be able to drive external conflict through Scott’s internal growth. He is struggling for selfish reasons. He wants his mom to be happy, but not at his expense. The dynamic of conflict is perfect.

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 10

Pace: 8
The story flows along pretty smoothly, although I wasn’t happy with the 147-minute runtime. That’s a bit extensive for a comedy in my opinion. Again, I was impressed about how time was maximized for the most part, but there were a few spots where I felt things could have been trimmed.

Plot: 7
The movie does cheat to meet its end, but I was ultimately ok with it because the rest of the story was pretty incredible. The cheat is a blip on an otherwise quality story that really enhances the growth of the characters. Every scene really does come together well to tell a great story.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 90
From jump, The King of Staten Island hits you in the mouth and keeps you entertained. I enjoyed this movie for multiple reasons, but mostly because it checks all the boxes. Even the things it falls short on is just slightly missing the mark. Highly recommended.
Questing Beast
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Questing Beast had an interesting enough premise, but it certainly would have benefited from being longer. There were several ideas and plots introduced in the thirty-some pages of this short story, but that wasn't exactly enough room for all of the ideas (or characters) to fully develop. Or, at least, develop beyond absolute basic information.

The overall plot of the story is that these scientists have to file their findings on a planet for...a scientific survey? Something along those lines. A virus somehow gets into their system, though, and completely destroys the data they've been gathering for the past two years.

The only possible back up is called Nannybot, and is also partially infected. The virus has Nannybot believe that it is Sir Pellinor, and it has to find the Questing Beast. If the scientists can make Nannybot think that it has caught the Questing Beast, then the virus can be overwritten, and the two years of data can be retrieved, saving the careers of everyone involved.

The Authurian elements of the story don't go much beyond the Questing Beast itself. The rest is the drama of the report being due, and the age-old implications of introducing foreign wildlife into ecosystems. Very Star Trek.
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Selfies was a fun combination of modern day vanity and the old belief that taking a picture of someone captures a part of that person's soul.

It was...okay. I liked how the story was told in a series of photo descriptions. The build up towards the ending is pretty well paced, although the strange break at the beginning where the random kid delivers exposition felt a bit out of place. It felt like it would have served better as an epilogue, rather than an opening.

My biggest problem was that I really couldn't take the story seriously. It was never scary or creepy for me.

I guess I've just read one too many <a href="">creepypastas</a>;. (I had an addiction to them earlier on in the year.)

This short even follows the general format of a creepypasta, down to the girl getting the phone from a creepy old man in a store that mysteriously disappears after the phone is passed off on her. The story was at least well-written, and properly edited, which is more than I can say for most creepypastas out there.

You can read it for free <a href="">here</a>;.
Marvel&#039;s Spider-Man
Marvel's Spider-Man
2018 | Action/Adventure
Excellent combat system (5 more)
Changes it up a lot
You are Spider-Man
The story is incredible
Rewards you for being a fan but doesn’t alienate newcomers
References everywhere
Can be repetitive in places (1 more)
Could be considered short (15 hours gameplay)
One of the best games I have played in a while
Spider-Man PS4 is one of the best games I have played in a while. I was dubious getting it at first. It’s the first Spider-Man title I have bought and played all the way through. The game is designed so that while you start with a lot of Spidey’s powers initially, you build upon them to become, as the tagline says, greater. It treats the gamer with respect. You build upon your powers the way you want to progress and how you fight. The story is incredible and one of Spidey’s best (I’ve read a few graphic novels in my time about Spider-Man!). It mixes emotion with great story telling that builds to a very tense climax. Sure questions are left unanswered for a sequel but that raises two questions: how do they go on from there and if this game is great, how do they make it better?
The Wise Man&#039;s Fear
The Wise Man's Fear
Patrick Rothfuss | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
does anyone else find it annoying when people rate books they haven't actually read yet?

update: now that I'VE read this i can review it properly. (see how that works, people? read a book THEN rate it. i know, complicated.)

i loved this book. i would have given it 5 stars but i honestly thought it was too short. there were places that Kvothe skipped over his story that, as an outsider looking in as opposed to a character in the novel (like Chronicler) we haven't heard the rumors or stories or gossip about the events. i would have LOVED to have heard the story about the shipwreck, especially the mysterious man. it was quite frustrating to have something with so much potential tossed aside. also, i would have appreciated a bit more of the trial in Imre. at least a third or fourth hand account of it, the version of the story Chronicler heard.

alternatively, the time spent with Felurian was beaten to death, in my opinion, and Kvothe's time in Ademre was a bit drawn out. probably something to do with the publisher's wanting more sex, i expect. sigh.

still, i puffy heart love this series and will probably buy it once it's all in paperback.
What's Left of Us (Us, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is wonderful! The characters are easy to relate to and the story keeps you guessing. I was lucky enough to read this before it went to the editor and I absolutely loved it!

The characters of Asher and Beck are great. They are best friends and they both go through some pretty epic changes (which I won't share because I don't want to give away any of the story).

Enter Calla or Cal for short. She is the new girl in the neighborhood and she quickly befriends Ash and Beck. The three of them are inseparable. Of course being friend with two boys is going to lead to some drama, but that's just the tip of the ice berg.

Honestly, I wasn't prepared for this book. The story took me by surprise and the emotion involved just blew me away.

What's Left of Us is a Christian novel; however, be advised that religion and religious beliefs are NOT shoved down your throat. This is a great book about a group of friends that endure a tragedy and through the help of their religious beliefs manage to come out whole on the other side.

Give this debut novel by this talented new author a shot. You won't be disappointed.
The Moor
The Moor
Sam Haysom | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Moor is Sam Haysom’s debut novel and though it seems to have pretty high ratings, I found it to fall short of my expectations. The book encompasses the story of a handful of thirteen-year-old boys on a hiking trip through the moors. During this trip, things go wrong and… well, that’s where it tries to be two stories at once: a ghost story and a creature feature.

The ghost story side of this book is fantastic. It’s written in a way that captures the reader’s imagination and honestly, I could picture the details quite well. What I didn’t like was the creature feature side of the book. The monster that makes up this horror tale should be terrifying, but instead I found it to be one dimensional–in fact, every single time the creature shows up, it’s described the same way which really put me off.

I felt no emotions or connections to the boys in the book, and this greatly diminished the emotional/fright factor of the novel for me. I really wanted to taste the fear that these teenaged boys were going through.

I’d like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Merissa (11938 KP) rated Darksider (Reveler #3) in Books

May 8, 2021 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Darksider (Reveler #3)
Darksider (Reveler #3)
Erin Kellison | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

This story focuses on Harlen and Sera (short for Serafina). Sera has been having trouble sleeping for over a year as a stalker has been entering her dreams. She has been able to deal with it for so long but now exhaustion is catching up with her and she also sees her stalker in 'real' life. So she decides to call in Harlen, a man from her past who she used to travel in the Darkside with. Harlen still has feelings for her and is not impressed with her stubbornness in not contacting him straight away but puts that aside as he tries to help her.

Rook and Jordan, Coll and Maisie all make an appearance here as the overall story arc continues. Erin Kellison has managed to give Harlen and Sera a story as well as continuing with the others.

This is part of a series and as such, you will need to read the other books in order to get the benefit from them. However, this series is just getting better and better so I can definitely recommend you give them a try.

August 11, 2016