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The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
1994 | Drama
Great movie with one annoying flaw
Contains spoilers, click to show
I saw this movie for the first time only recently after hearing my friends preach about it for years. I knew it was a short story by Steven King that was adapted into an extremely long movie, but I had no idea what the movie was about until I hit that play button.

The question of whether or not Andy actually killed his wife and her lover is never answered. I’d held my breath hoping we’d get some form of true closure, but with the events that transpire, any chances of finding out what truly happened is shut down.

The biggest reason that I would prefer to give this film an 8.5 however is the boring stereotypical ending involving Andy escaping, the evil Warden dying, the mean enforcer being enforced, and Red simply joining Andy in dream land working together forever more to live happily ever after. It feels like they just got bored after writing such a long script that they wrote a placeholder then walked away, forgetting to come back later and finish. Disappointing.

Sallyanne Golding (0 KP) Mar 20, 2018

You do find out about andys wife. He didnt kill her, this other man did and he bragged about it to the young new in mate who arrived at shawshank. He told andy and andy went to the warden and got thrown in the whole for a month.

I thought the ending was perfect because andy was innocent and deserved to be free and he brought the whole prison down in the process and as red got released for finally serving his time and living out the remainder of his days with his best friend was brilliant.


Dakota Morrill (17 KP) Jul 11, 2018

The idea was that the guy claimed to know who did it, but evidence was never brought forth and they never got a confession due to the warden not wanting to take the chance of losing Andy and so its ultimately up to the viewer to interpret and while you could claim what you have, there is no definite answer.

The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Should've Dreamed a Little Bigger
If brevity is the soul of wit, then at only 95 minutes The Dark Tower should have a few clever things to say for itself; not many of them seem to reach the screen, though. Very reminiscent of many other movies in which troubled young boys tumble into fantasy world which it proves to be their destiny to save.

Given it sets out to adapt a 4000+ page novel series with a devoted following, The Dark Tower was probably always on a hiding to nothing as a single movie aimed at a standalone audience. The disappointing thing is, really, that given it's about a vast multiversal setting filled with elementals and psychics and wizards and gunslingers and suchlike, it feels so timidly safe and familiar. The actual story is competently told, but at the end you really wonder what all the fuss was in aid of. Probably too weird for most newcomers and too short for fans of the books; good soundtrack, though.
Writing Excuses
Writing Excuses
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
15 Minutes Long, Because You're in a Hurry and They're Not That Smart
I've been an avid follower of this podcast for years. Every episode is a concise 15 to 20 minutes surrounding a discrete topic on the subject of writing and storytelling. All four authors are fairly well known sci-fi, fantasy and horror genre authors, so the advice does tend to be more geared towards those interested in writing genre fiction, but perfectly applicable to anyone who wants to learn how to write a compelling story.

I love the format. I'm not a huge fan of the rambly format of some other hour + long podcasts. I feel like I zone in and out listening to podcasters attempt to make a point. That's never the case with Writing Excuses. Ironically, the short format that probably accounts for this also makes me wish there was more!

Plus they include a book recommendation and a writing exercise as "homework" every week, which I have found to be particularly useful.

If you're interested in writing, I would definitely give Writing Excuses a listen.
Lost Beneath Manhattan
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ricky Kidd’s class trip to New York City turns into a disaster when he has to take his six-year-old brother with him. Joel is always disappearing, even at home, so Ricky is worried that Joel will do that on the trip. When an encounter with a security guard at a museum frightens him, Joel takes off, and Ricky begins to search for him. Where will the search lead him?

Author Sigmund Brower does a good job of making the premise believable. Of course, it doesn’t take much in a middle grade series for readers to root for the main characters to solve the crime. The book takes a little while to take off, but once it does, it never lets go until we reach the climax. The characters are a lot of fun; they get a lot of personality for a short book. Ricky wondering how God can allow suffering adds some depth to an already solid story.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Child in Books

May 30, 2018  
The Child
The Child
Fiona Barton | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
An interesting thriller
As thrillers go, this is a pretty good one. It's very well written and has you hooked and interested right from the start. The characters are well developed and all flawed in their own way, some to the point where you actually don't like them (but I get the feeling that's intended). There is a lot fitted into a fairly short book, but this isn't necessarily a negative. There are some benefits to books not dragging on for hundreds of pages more than necessary.

My only negatives are that sadly I saw the twist coming. Not straight away, but I cottoned on around 2/3 of the way through and I'm afraid I turned out to be right. I've probably read far too many books but it's a shame when you figure out the ending in advance. Also, the story goes at quite a pace but the ending seems ridiculously rushed.a massive build up and then a bit of a lacklustre ending, despite the twist.

Britt Smith (36 KP) rated Salt (2010) in Movies

Jun 26, 2018  
Salt (2010)
Salt (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
6.5 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great fight scenes (0 more)
Flat lines on the landing (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Let me be completely honest: Salt is my favorite action movie with a female lead. The fighting style was refreshing in a way. I don't want to see my heroine do flips and kicks obviously meant to show how much yoga she's done, but rather I want to have a brutal and trained agent who just happens to have to survive. This flick delivers that in a very satisfying way.

The downfall comes at the ending, however, that seems to just fall short with me. Now, don't get me wrong I love what happens in the final scene and wish there would have been more with that. It's just that it turns a little contrived and doesn't sell where the story felt like it was going for me. Then again, with the fighting styles, I had really high exceptions for it.

Overall, it's worth the watch and deserves a place on the hit list. I watch it probably a handful of times a year.
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
2015 | Mystery
Avengers meets John Wick
Having been completely unfamiliar with the source comic book material, I was unsure the tone or visuals I viewed in this film are consistent with that or not, so I just have to judge on their own merits.

Anyone who follows my reviews knows I am not the hugest fan of nonsense or robust excessive CGI in place of good acting story and screenplay, so I have to say this film suffered from a little bit of that. Some of the kill scenes bordered on a little silly, having been done much better and more realistic in John Wick.

Having said that, I was never bored while watching and thought the acting, especially that of Samuel L. Jackson, was pretty good for the most part.

It definitely feels like more style than substance in some parts, but maybe that was the point. I will always side with realism over hyper-realism unless done very well, and I feel this film falls a bit short.
By the Shores of Silver Lake  (Little House, #5)
By the Shores of Silver Lake (Little House, #5)
Laura Ingalls Wilder | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'll keep this short and sweet again as it's hard to review these books without repeating yourself!

This book looks at Pa making more money to finally get the Ingalls family settled on their very own homestead. A sad start to the book which made it quite difficult to get going really, and which changed the dynamic of the family somewhat.

The story and lives of the family progress nicely, with a few scary moments which keep the book moving and flowing and of course some old friends show up again, even if it is just a quick mention! It's lovely how Ingalls Wilder captures the feeling of those bright pioneers who were determined to keep going west and open up America.

Well written, and enjoyable once it finally got going, to the point where it was actually quite difficult to put the book down! The sneak preview of the fact that Royal and Almanzo Wilder have homesteads to the north of the new town is lovely as the mind begins to run away with you, knowing that they are her future family.
Galaxy of Empires (Merchant Wars, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"There will be no such thing as lesser evils because they will all be vanquished by the greatest evil... ME," - Evella Noctu

This is a story about a snake-woman merchant in the Reptilian Conglomerate Empire. She has strong telepathic abilities which she uses to dispatch of her enemies, a handy skill when assassination is a commonplace method to move up the corporate ladder.

This is only one book set in a far wider ‘universe’. It is short enough for a quick escapist read, and if you can ignore some minor grammar errors it is very enjoyable. I did think a couple of sections felt a bit rushed, as if the author put the basic idea down and missed expanding them on a rewrite.

Most of the characters are very bloodthirsty and cruel ... but I would guess in a cut-throat reptilian world that could be normal. I would be interested in reading other ‘races’ in the authors universe to see if this is his character style, or the nature he has decided for this race alone.
The title, of course, is a reference to the Waterloo campaign of 1815, where the Emperor Napoleon was finally defeated for good by a combined Anglo-Prussian army led by Wellington (for the Anglo-Dutch army) and Blucher (Prussian).

This novel tells the story through the eyes of five different characters involved in that battle: De Lancey, MacDonnell, Ziethen, Ney and Napoleon. While it also involves the battles of Quatre-Bras and Ligny, a ;arge part of the novel - not surprisingly - concentrates on the Battle of Waterloo itself. What may be surprising, however, is on how much it concentrates on the battle for La Haye Sainte (within Waterloo)!

I must admit, I also found. Some of the. Writing. To be a bit dis. jointed (I'm exaggerating here for effect), with very short, 'choppy' sentences.

As it's a period of history I'm interested in, I can now say that I've read the book. However, it's not one that I'd be rushing back to: not as good as, say, 'Sharpe's Waterloo' which has a similar approach.