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Merissa (11950 KP) rated Intrusion (Reflections #4) in Books

Apr 4, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Intrusion (Reflections #4)
Intrusion (Reflections #4)
Dean Murray | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

This book takes a snapshot look at Jess after the ending of Splintered. We already know that her memories have been taken away from her and this book gives you an insight into how it will affect a person and their friends and family as they try to figure out just who they are. Add into that the whole wolf hierarchy as well as it's going to get complicated. Things are made even more difficult as Alec has lost a lot of the goodwill from the pack following the finale of Splintered.

This is a short story so please don't expect the depth and intrigue of the others but it still shows just how difficult things are. One of the things that I liked about this is that it's from Jess' point of view. As the most submissive, she is one of the least heard from out of the pack so I loved that this was about her.

If you are following the Reflections series (and if you're not, then why not?!) then this is definitely not one to miss out.

August 6, 2016

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Mother Fault in Books

Dec 19, 2021  
The Mother Fault
The Mother Fault
Kate Mildenhall | 2021 | Dystopia
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A book that wasn't for me I'm sorry to say.

Set in a future where climate change is not just something that is likely to happen but is all too real and where everyone is micro-chipped and controlled by the Government, this is the story about Mim trying to find out about her missing husband but feeling she has no other option than to go on the run with her children.

Sounds good doesn't it, well for me it just fell short on excitement. There was a lot of description, too much waffle and whilst the characters were well developed, I couldn't seem to get on with them. The ending was also a disappointment; it seemed to take a while to get there and then it was over with many questions still to be answered - maybe I missed something somewhere?

So whilst this wasn't for me, there are plenty of positive reviews out there so don't take my word for it as I always say, if we all liked the same things, the world would be a very boring place indeed.

My thanks go to HarperCollins UK / HarperFiction and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
159 of 230
By Alice La Roux

Being a King isn't easy.

When a rebel group threatens the family business, Golden Apple Incorporated, Seraphina King must step up to the plate. Her father keeps her on a tight leash, a prized possession locked away in a gilded cage. In desperation he grants her the freedom to find those who want to harm them, but nothing is as it seems. People are going missing, women are turning up dead and then there’s her renegade stalker. The maverick with the emerald green eyes who always seems to be in the middle of things. Sera doesn’t know who to trust or what to believe.

What happens when the golden apple is rotten?

This was a decent read although I was seriously frustrated at how short it is which gave it a little bit of a rushed feel. Although I have to say I really really enjoyed it. I liked the story and the characters I just wish we had more I know this was extended from a novella but it just still wasn’t long or feels enough! I’ve gone between a 3 and 4 but it could have been a 5 with more depth. I do like her writing style.
A Cure For Everything: A Vampire Novella
A Cure For Everything: A Vampire Novella
Steven Jenkins | 2022 | Paranormal
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't usually read vampire books, I love a good horror book every now and again but I've never really got into vampire books so wasn't sure if this was something I would enjoy but I thought, what the heck, why not? And, I was pleasantly surprised because it wasn't what I expected at all - it was so much more.

The premise is quite simple really, Millie is happily married with 2 young children when she receives a devastating diagnosis meaning she has but months left to live. However, there is a cure ... become a vampire! Seems like a simple decision doesn't it? Not so for Millie - her mum was a vampire and it didn't end well so what will she do? And when you think you know what's going to happen, Mr Jenkins throws in a great twist which left me wanting more.

A great, quick read that I thoroughly enjoyed and that cover, wow ... eye-catching and creepy.

I am looking forward to reading more of Mr Jenkins work if this short story if anything to go by and I must thank him for making me a part of his Advance Reader Team but this in no way influenced my thoughts on this novella which I thoroughly enjoyed.
31 of 220
The Pig in the Derby Hat ( Trussel and Gout: Paranormal investigations 1)
By M.A. knights

Young Clementine Trussel didn’t go looking for the supernatural. It found her.

When a small pig wearing a derby hat falls out of her Granny’s window, Clementine is inclined to believe she’s seeing things. Only someone else saw it too, the mysterious Theophilius Gout, and he claims to be an expert in the paranormal.

There is definitely something odd about the fat, tweed-clad man, and when her Granny falls deathly ill, Clementine is uneasy entrusting her recovery to a stranger. Even one as enigmatic as Mr Gout. Besides, he seems more interested in the cakes from her parents’ bakery than anything…otherworldly.

But with her grandmother's life, and Clementine's own future, hanging in the balance, she is forced to follow him into a world of magic and monsters hidden in the shadows of her quiet hometown.

Will they be in time to save her Granny? Is Mr Gout what he claims to be? And just what exactly is the pig in the derby hat?

This was a brilliant short read I loved it. A cosy paranormal story with fun characters, and so well written. Looking forward to reading more.
The Big Short (2015)
The Big Short (2015)
2015 | Drama
Gets Better On Each Rewatch
Most of you reading this review remember the last time the U.S. had a downturn in it's economy - it was 2008 and the downturn was caused by a bubble that burst in the housing market. Michael Lewis' (author of MONEYBALL) book THE BIG SHORT attempted to explain what happend in lay man's terms. This books was considered "unfilmable" until the most unlikeliest of artists stepped in to make a wonderfully crafted and educational film that was also entertaining.

That person was Adam McKay - up until that time, known as the Director of such Will Ferrell films as STEP BROTHERS and ANCHORMAN.

Set in the timeframe right before - and during - the economic downturn (approx. 2006-2008), THE BIG SHORT follows 4 groups/individuals that begin to see that something is wrong - both with this seemingly "bullet proof" housing market and the institutions/regulations and governance around them.

Christian Bale is outstanding (and was nominated for an Oscar) for his work as Dr. Michael Burry a socially awkward genius who is the first to ferret out that something is wrong and "bets against the market". Bale's portrayal of a non-social (almost) recluse who speaks his mind is engaging and fascinating to watch. It was with this performance that I decided that Bale is, perhaps, the finest actor working today. Also stepping up his game - as a surprise to me - is Ryan Gosling as the narrator of this story. He has the right balance of charm and "smarminess" and often breaks the 4th wall to explain to us what is going on. Also on board, strongly, is Brad Pitt (one of the Producers of this film) as an ex-Wall Street maverick who is pulled back in by the opportunity this impending crash is creating.

But, the surprise to me in this film is the heart-breaking, gut-wrenching turn of Steve Carrell as Wall Street broker Mark Baum who's caustic personality hides some serious scars underneath and who takes the failures of "the system" to protect the people personally. Carrell was nominated for an Oscar the year before in his first major dramatic turn - FOXCATCHER - but I think his work here is stronger, more layered and nuanced and (if there is a hero in this story) had you rooting for this guy throughout the film.

But...none of this would have worked if McKay didn't figure out a way to make the boring-ness and tedium of explaining the housing financial system (tranches, CDO's, default swaps, etc) in such a way that educates and entertains the audience - and find a way he did. By pulling celebrities like Anthony Bordain, Selena Gomez and Margot Robbie in to break the 4th wall and explain extremely dry subject matter in such a way as to make it understandable and enjoyable, he makes this film succeed.

And, succeed it does, as it's 5 Oscar nominations (including Best Picture, Best Director and the aforementioned Best Supporting Actor nomination for Bale - a nomination that I would have been happy had Carrell gotten) would attest to - it did win the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay (for McKay and Charles Randolph).

This is a film that gets better for me on each rewatch, for I understand just a little more. If this is your 1st time watch - or your 10th - check out the BIG SHORT, it will be worth your time.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Lips Touch: Three Times
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor
Genre: Young Adult, paranormal/fantasy, romance
ISBN: 9780545055857
Published: October 1st 2009 by Arthur A. Levine Books
Rating: 5

Three stories. Three kisses, all with horrible—or wonderful?—consequences. Goblins hunt girls who long for what they don't have. The most beautiful voice can't be heard, even by a lover, or all who hear it will die. A young girl has been thrown into something she never chose, for a reason she doesn't know, with memories that aren't her own. Welcome to paranormal love.

These stories were fantastic. There were three things that stuck out about them:

1. None of them had happyland syndrome (description of Happyland Syndrome here: endings where everything wraps up perfectly. In fact only one of them ends at the end of the story: the others solve the main conflict and wrap up nicely. Taylor didn't have to write all the way to the end because I knew what was going to happen and was satisfied exploring the rest in my mind.

2. They pulled me into the story with the first sentence. There was no "I'm going to give this a try and maybe it'll be worth reading." No, it was enchanting and enticing from the first word, and it was because of the creativity in the prose and the language.

3. Great writing. Beautiful intricate descriptions that stuck with me and gave me the feelings Taylor wanted me to have—whether they be enticing and sensual, or terrifying and upsetting.

Here are my thoughts on the individual short stories:

Goblin Fruit

Really?… Wow… why was that so good even though it had a horrible ending?… and was it really that horrible? Yes, it really was. I had to double check and make sure that it really was the end! I'd been wondering for a while 'can an author write a good book with a good ending that isn't happy?' answer, Yes. Laini Taylor can.

Spicy Little Curses Such As These

This story was horrid and sweet at the same time. I had a thought of how the story would end, but the ending turned out to be much different. It wasn't perfect, but it was perfect enough to leave me smiling and feeling satisfied for the characters.

The Hatchling

I could not visualize how this story would have a happy ending, and it certainly wasn't perfect—there is one character whom I still fear for her sanity. But I was so amazed an the unwinding of the mysteries and secrets of the plot and was more pleased than I thought I would be with the conclusion.

For wonderful writing, creativity, and fantastic characters, I give this one five stars and two thumbs up—get it, first chance you can.

Content/recommendation: Ages 15+ for some language, little sensuality. No explicit violence or language, no sex.

This review is copyright Haley Mathiot and Night Owl Reviews 2010. Original Review:
I received this book as a complimentary review copy through Story Cartel.

A love story of a different kind, The Divided Hearts tells the tale of Judith and Nate, and the long realisation they both go through before they accept their love for each other. Set against the backdrop of Newport, America, on the another war with the motherland, some great historical points are raised, as well as dealing with the emotional conflict of those with English ties but who are American at heart.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, which is quite strange as I usually stay away from romance, and there are many reasons for this! Firstly I'll start with how easy it was to read. The flow was fantastic, really easy to get your head into, Darcy really sets the scene well and gives you just the right amount of information to keep you engaged in the story without overloading you. IT's very rare to find a book that's so easy to read, but you could dip in and out at your own leisure, knowing the idyllic life of early America was waiting for you to return.

Another thing I enjoyed about this book was the fantastic description used by Darcy. It was beautifully detailed, I felt that I could see every vista she described, feel all the dresses Judith wore and get all hot and flustered at Nate's muscles! It's rare that a book truly appeals to all senses whilst you are reading it, but Darcy manages this superbly and it is a great delight to read.

In addition, the characters deserve a mention. In a relatively short text, it's sometimes difficult to really engage and invest emotionally in the characters, but in 'The Divided Hearts' you are drawn whole heartedly into their lives. You agonise with Judith over her decision of whether to stay in America or not. You get excited when good things happen to the characters, you feel scared for them when they're in danger. I know it sounds vague, but believe me, this is a book you want to read for yourself, and I won't spoil that first read excitement!

Perhaps the best thing for me though was the story itself. It was entirely believable from start to finish. You really could have imagined this happening during that difficult transition time, and that makes it all the more enjoyable. It's like you're getting a lovely snippet into the past, and although it's a story, you don't feel it is entirely fictional, rather, you feel like there's some truth and somewhere out there this actually did happen. I think the accuracy of the history in general helps greatly with this, and it's a relief (and a pleasure!) to see a book that's so well researched and that presents such an accurate historical representation of the time and place it is describing.

In conclusion, this is a brilliant read for an easy afternoon sat in the sunshine. The plot, characters and description work fantastically together to provide a much needed release from the drama's of every day like. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical fiction or a little bit of easy reading romance.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) is a young woman who has no love for the evil Galactic Empire or authority. She has seen her share of tragedy and has learned to be a survivor in a cold and dangerous galaxy. Fate has other plans for Jyn in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”, as she may be the key to unlocking the secret’s to defeating the Empire’s new weapon, a planet killer known as “The Death Star”.

 The Rebel Alliance believes that Jyn’s father Galen (Mads Mikkelsen) is the key thanks to information they have recovered from a defecting pilot.

Tasked with eliminating the threat, Jyn and Rebel intelligence officer Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), and his droid K-2S0 (Alan Tudyk), must race against time and overcome several obstacles to complete their mission.

Of course things are bigger and the stakes far more higher than anyone could have imagined and with the Rebel Alliance divided a small band of rebels hatch a plan born of desperation to save the galaxy.

The film moves along at a brisk pace but allows time to introduce several new planets into the Star Wars universe as well as several new characters, who we are given just enough about their backstories and motivations to make us care about them in the epic struggle they are undertaking.

Director Gareth Edwards paces the film well and unlike the Prequel Series; never lets the abundance of amazing effects overshadow the fact that the story at its core is a struggle of ordinary people facing overwhelming odds.

The look of the film is a loving tribute to the original series that tells its own unique and distinct story that fits well within the established storylines without seeming gratuitous or recycled.

The film does at times have a darker tone than fans would be used to seeing in the series, but it is done in a way that shows the seriousness of the situations facing the characters.

The strong cast works very well with one another and are each giving some memorable lines and moments which are sure to endear themselves to fans of the series that grew up on the classic films.

The finale third of the film is a great mix of action and suspense as conclusion builds and I can honestly say that “Rogue One” delivers the best space battle in the series and only falls short of the Hoth battle in terms of ground conflicts.

There are a few great surprises for fans sprinkled throughout and the film answers some of the questions people had from the original series but does so in a way that is respectful and in no way undermines the classic.

“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is an outstanding entry into the series and is one of the most compelling and rewarding.

I look forward to seeing what future efforts have in store for fans, as this film shows that the Force is indeed strong.