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Sean Farrell (9 KP) rated Artifice in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been meaning to read this graphic novel for a while, having heard good things about how it used a sci-fi / action story to talk about homophobia, racism, free will, first love, and self-acceptance; and in light of recent current events, it seemed like the perfect time. The artwork is absolutely wonderful, and perfectly captures all the nuances of the story, which is pretty great in itself. While it can occasionally feel a little predictable, the tale of Deacon and Jeff was sweetly romantic and contained many moments that I found very relatable, in spite of the science fiction setting and sporadic bursts of violence. In a way, this story is similar to recent British hit anthology show "Black Mirror", in that it uses its sci-fi setting to tell a deeply human story to great effect. While it may fall a little short of being a masterpiece, it is a great comic, and one I would love to see continued.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Bottleneck in Books

Jul 16, 2018  
Ed James | 2015 | Crime
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent pacing to the next Cullen adventure. A body is discovered in the hidden streets underneath Edinburgh's old town and the ensuing investigation leads them to investigate members of the Scottish music scene and venture North to Cullen's hometown of Dalhousie (loosely based on my own hometown of Carnoustie), and West to Glasgow.
The story also continues the ups and downs of Cullen's relationship with Sharon McNeill and his career aspirations, building on the previous books in the series.
This is quite a short and very pacey book that is a genuine page-turner (as the chapters are quite short it's always "one more chapter", until the cleaner gets angry at me spending too long on the toilet at work).
A Christmas Mourning
A Christmas Mourning
Laura Bradford | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery of the Missing Christmas Spoon
Claire Weatherly is going to enjoy a rare day off with her aunt Diane, and the two are going to play tourist, visiting the Amish sites that are open for tours. When Claire mentions this to Jakob Fisher, her new boyfriend, he tells her a story about a Christmas years ago. Raised by a local Amish family, Jakob actually attended school in the one room school house Claire and Diane will be visiting. The last year he was there, he took a fancy Christmas spoon his mother owned to show off to his friends, and it got lost. Claire decides to see if she can figure out what happened to it. But can it be recovered all these years later?

I’ve been meaning to read this short story at Christmas one year, and I’m glad I finally made the time. While the events of the past are set around Christmas, the contemporary part is not set during the season, which was a surprise that I got over quickly. The story was perfect for a short story; it kept me engaged without being overly complex. The ending made me tear up, but in a good way. We don’t see all of the characters, but it was wonderful to check in with those who were part of the story. It took me just under an hour to read, so if you want to read it this year, there is still time to slip it in before the holiday.
Science Fiction has always been at home with the short story. The science fiction magazines from the mid 20th Century onwards was frequently the only way of writers to get their work published. As a bonus the concept of science fiction - taking an idea and seeing where it goes - is a really nice fit for short stories.

This collection is more than just a selection of tales from up and coming science fiction writers; all the stories are set in the same universe and are in some way on the theme of first contact. The introduction sets this up, with a damaged alien ship discovered on the moon. It is able to transmit details of nearby inhabited star systems - and a terrible warning about a dangerous foe - before it shuts down. Mankind learns all it can from the message and the wreckage before setting out for the stars.

Each story then follows the fate of the mission to one of the star systems. This is the point where any similarity in stories ends as each writer brings their own style and ideas for their contribution (although there are some neat nods to the other stories now and again). The result is a satisfying mix of different ideas but all within a consistant whole.

That's not to say that every story hit the spot for me, but that's inevitable given the range of authors here, but every story was interesting to read. There are also the occasional one that felt a little rushed, the idea either too big for a short story, or too many ideas vying for the limited word count. But these are minor niggles and the standard of all the stories is very high.

Overall a really good collection showcasing the talents of current science fiction writers. If you like interesting ideas and gripping stories about aliens and space exploration you won't be disappointed.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Hawthorne High in Books

Sep 18, 2019  
Hawthorne High
Hawthorne High
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2019 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bullied for many things, such as having a boys name, Dylan Hatfield's only friends are imaginary. Imaginary, that is until they ask her to help possess the minds of the bullies. Happy that her enemies are now being nice to her, Dylan soon realises she has made a mistake when horrible things start to happen around town. Not only were they not imaginary, but it also appears they are evil too.

Hawthorne High is a short young adult ghost story by the versatile author Jordan Elizabeth. Set in the present day, the story deals with past and current issues, particularly bullying. Dylan has been bullied her whole life and it is the attention she receives from her "imaginary friends" that leads her to make a devastating decision. Whilst not a conventional way to tackle bullying, the possession of the bullies makes Dylan's life much better at school but it has dangerous consequences for the rest of the town.

The "imaginary friends" or ghosts, as they turn out to be, harbour grudges about the town and the people who tormented them in the past. The people are no longer living and it is the current inhabitants that end up paying for their past transgressions. Without being able to tell anyone about the ghosts, Dylan has to find out how to get rid of them and save the town from total destruction.

When the author offered me the book to read in exchange for a review, I almost said no. The term "ghost story" nearly put me off because I do not enjoy scary stories, however, due to the reassurance that it was "more of a drama than a horror," I agreed to give the book a chance, and I am glad I did. Being short, Hawthorne High is fast-paced and keeps the reader engaged. The story becomes exciting as it unfolds and the town's past comes to light.

More could be written about the ghosts' history, however, as a short story, Hawthorne High works well and is great for a quick read. Although written for young adults, it is a story adult readers can enjoy too.