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Nightmares and Dreamscapes
Nightmares and Dreamscapes
Stephen King | 1993 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
A varied mix of stories
It's no secret that Stephen King is my all time favourite author, and I'm especially fond of his anthology books filled with a variety of short stories.

I'd read Nightmares & Dreamscapes manybyeats ago, and decided it was about time to read it again. This really is a varied bunch of stories, all well written as you'd always expect from King, but with plots ranging from an alright 6/10 to an exception 10/10. None of the stories are bad at all, but I did struggle getting through this book at times, especially as it's a rather hefty tome with some seriously small writing. But there are some noteworthy excellent stories in here, such as Dolan's Cadillac, The Ten O'clock People, The Night Flier and Umney's Last Case. There's even a surprise appearance from Holmes and Watson, which whilst it seems oddly out of place in a book of King short stories, it's a very welcome and pretty good story to mix things up a little.

Overall this isn't my King book of short stories (that accolade goes to Night Shift), but it's still a very good offering.
The Long Drop
The Long Drop
Denise Mina | 2017 | Crime
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book I've read by Denise Mina, but it won't be the last! I found this novel instantly exciting and by the time I got to 30% I was hooked and couldn't put it down, finally finishing it at 1:30 in the morning. This novel drips with menace and chills you to the bone in some parts, it's really a fantastic and quick thriller read.

This book tells the story of Peter Manuel, real life Scottish serial killer. Like with so many other books on the market nowadays, this is a non-fic-fiction novel. It's based its contents on real events but the author has weaved a story around it too.

What's so striking about this novel is Mina's ability to tell a story. The story flowed brilliantly and it never lost my interest, even when we started getting into some of the more in-depth and historic facts about Glasgow. The writing style is short and snappy, so you really feel yourself racing through this.

Characters. Oh wow, the characters. Somehow, you feel simultaneously angry and empathetic for everyone in this book, even Peter Manuel, the serial killer. Mina's character development is superb and you find yourself getting drawn into each person's story so quickly. We follow Peter Manuel and William Watt throughout most of this novel, but there are small scenes popped in that introduce characters we only meet once throughout the entire book, yet I still felt like I knew them and I still invested myself in their stories, no matter how short.

Overall, this book was really superb and if you're looking for something dark, but quick to read, this is the book for you. At only 240 pages, you'll find yourself racing through this! I can't wait to read more of Mina's work, if it's all as good as this one.

Anne (15117 KP) rated Tiger Queen in Books

Nov 4, 2019  
Tiger Queen
Tiger Queen
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read and review this ARC.

This book was amazing and well written. I loved it. It was a fabulous 5 star read that you don't want to miss out on. It reminded me of The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson and of The Remnant Chronicles by Mary Pearson.
It is also a retelling of a short story called "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank Stockton, which I didn't know until after I read it, but regardless, I really enjoyed this story and am now curious about the original short story as well.
In this story, Princess Kateri is the heir to the kingdom of Achra, but she has to fight in the arena to prove herself to her father the King and to be able to take over and rule the kingdom and also to keep her promises to her late mother about taking care of the people who are suffering in the drought. She always is trying to figure out how to prove herself to her father and feeling like she's failing and unworthy of love, wanting him to love her.
When it comes down to her last fight and she finds out who she's supposed to defeat, she knows she needs help to win and seeks it out in the desert where the Desert Boys are hiding for refuge with the drought. After things seem dark, Princess Kateri finds the strength she needs to face her last opponent, also finds hope and love that she didn't think existed or she would ever find or be deserving of in the desert.
I highly recommend this. Everyone should make sure to read this, it's a wonderful story that no one should miss out on.
The Miniaturist
The Miniaturist
Jessie Burton | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was everything and nothing I was expecting it to be!

It fell short when it came to the Miniaturist story line. It feels like Burton began the book with this story in mind and as she continued to write forgot what it was she was supposed to be talking about and so began a new story and then was reminded right at the end of her original plot and lazily bought it all together.

I'm not normally a fan of books set from years ago, but the plot of this mysterious miniaturist intrigued me. As I went through I began to realise this story line was being forgotten and thought that maybe I would begin to grow bored of the story however I was extremely mistaken. I was so involved in the characters lives that I almost forgot about the miniaturist myself!

Burton pulls at heart strings with her characters and I can admit I did have a little cry to myself over this book. I fell in love Johannes, he was a good man who was trying his best to keep his unconventional family going and he did not deserve the fate that was brought to him.

I'd recommend this book to those who enjoy a long and fufilling read.
His Bloody Project
His Bloody Project
Graeme Macrae Burnet | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written, realistic penny dreadful
The author has done quite a spectacular job of researching this piece of historical fiction, bringing to life a gruesome episode in 1800s Scotland. Expect to read a documentary type book and not a particularly suspenseful thriller. It took a long time to get into this book, mostly because the performance was quite dry and dull, hence I struggled to concentrate. During the crux of the story, in which Roddy is in court, the story picks up slightly, sounding more like a courtroom drama. He attempts to explore the idea of moral insanity, but falls short mostly because of the lack of understanding they would have at the time the book is set.

Well written and researched but a bit bland.

Sheridan (209 KP) rated Endurance in Books

Jul 9, 2017  
Ann Aguirre | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Interesting Lead in to the Next Novel
Contains spoilers, click to show
I read this one last after I'd finished the whole series and I feel that was the best way to do it. You really get a feel for the struggle that Thimble and Stone had. *SpoilerAlert* Spoiler for book three! I would have liked to have read their story all the way to the docks where they go to the island as it would have tied in nicely with the third book but I understand that would have probably been a book in itself instead of a short story but yeah, overall a great piece of fiction. I'm really glad the author saved Thimble and Stone they were great characters too good to lose in a series like this.
David Sedaris Diaries: A Visual Compendium
David Sedaris Diaries: A Visual Compendium
Jeffrey Jenkins, David Sedaris | 2017 | Biography
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
David Sedaris—Live for your listening pleasure (Audio)
Genre: Radio show
Rating: 4/5
David Sedaris tells story after humorous story, always pulling laughs from his audience (the audio recording is live). This short collection of memoir-esque stories will keep you laughing the whole way through.

The recording features four stories and several diary entries that are sure to have you grinning at the least and crying from laughing at the most.

Content: There was some mild language and some sexual references. Not for the easily offended.

Recommendation: Ages 18+ to anyone who enjoys radio shows, comedy, or just needs a good laugh and a break from reality.

**Thank you to Anna from Hachette Audio for providing my review copy!**

Kyera (8 KP) rated The King's Locket in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
The King's Locket
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The King's Locket is a lovely story about family and forgiveness. Throughout the short text, there are illustrations of important moments that children can marvel at. This is a book that a parent would need to read to their child, as there are some words that would be challenging for younger readers and require explanation. Overall, it was a cute story and I would definitely read it to my younger cousin when I babysit for her. I think she would enjoy the tale very much. I would probably rate it a 4.5/5 mostly because a child couldn't read it by themselves (although nightly reading to a child is important) thus it felt a little above a child's level at times.
There Will Come Soft Rains
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is pretty cool, considering it was written in 1950. This is a story about an automated house doing all its programmed chores on a house not affected by the nuclear apocalypse that's left the entire world empty. With things like Amazon's Alexa and other AI things appearing on the market, you can imagine this is the way people will live their lives in the future, with fully automated houses.

This is quite a sad tale really. No matter how advanced our technologies become doesn't mean we're able to escape death and destruction.

<i>I'm sorry I'm bombarding you with short story reviews, I've just really got into them these past couple of days and you can find so many free online, via !! </i>

David McK (3369 KP) rated Total Recall (1990) in Movies

Jun 21, 2019 (Updated Sep 16, 2019)  
Total Recall (1990)
Total Recall (1990)
1990 | Action, Sci-Fi
Forget the rather pointless Colin Farrell-starring 2012 remake, this is the original (and best) of the 2 movies to share the name, itself based on the Philip K Dick short story 'We Can Remember It for You Wholesale' - it bears little in common with that story, however, other than the idea of false memory implants!

Starring a pre-T2 Arnold Schwarzenegger alongside Sharon Stone and Michael Ironside, the main plot of this is actually open to interpretation: are these events actually happening, or is Arnie's character of Douglas Quaid dreaming them? Every thing that happens after he visits Rekall is left deliberately open to interpretation, even down to the film ending with a white out instead of a black out ...