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Kate (493 KP) rated Myra's Dilemma #1 in Books

Jul 27, 2020  
Myra's Dilemma #1
Myra's Dilemma #1
Tiffany Haynes | 2020 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story was short but it is part of a series so it didn't put me off. It was nice to read a book quite relatable in the way that the main character hadn't had much in love and found someone as she felt she was getting older and knew she needed to settle down. I wasn't keen on the way the writer kept mentioning the weight of the main character especially when it was repeatedly mentioned how beautiful she was. I understand the whole 'love yourself whatever your size' motto but I feel it was mentioned too much.
It is my type of book - romance.
I was hooked from the start and found the book really easy to get into.
I understood what the characters were like from the way they spoke.
As the book was so short I didn't connected to the characters and I didn't felt they moved me or grew in the book. This may change through the series.
The story is definitely aimed at women in their late 20s onwards.
I would read the other books in the series and I would recommend to others.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author via Voracious Readers Only.
Captain Hook: Villain or Victim
Captain Hook: Villain or Victim
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b><i>Has it ever occurred to you that there might be another version to Peter Pan’s story? Would you want to see Captain Hook’s point of view? If so, then you will truly enjoy this lovely short read: Captain Hook: Villain or Victim by Ellwyn Autumn. </i></b>

I have always loved Peter Pan and this fairy tale is without a doubt my favourite fairy tale. The world is unique, and the story is amazing. Maybe Peter Pan was the reason I was always so in love with England. I will never know.

When Ellwyn introduced me to her book, I knew I had to have it. I had to read it and find out what Captain Hook’s story might be. The book is quite short, but full of adventures throughout. We follow the journalist, David J. Locke, who sails through the seas searching for Captain Hook. When he finally gets a clue, he dives into the story of Captain Hook and discovers truths that have never been told before.

Even though there were times when the Captain Hook’s story seems like a side-story to David J. Locke’s adventures, it was a pleasure to read it, and I read it in one sitting. The book keeps you interested throughout, and the fiction of the re-telling is quite smart and uniquely thought through. I am very happy that I read this book! I would recommend it to all of you that love retellings and love fairy tales.

A huge thank you to Ellwyn Autumn, for sending me a paperback copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Ross (3284 KP) rated Season of Storms in Books

Apr 23, 2018 (Updated Apr 25, 2018)  
Season of Storms
Season of Storms
Andrzej Sapkowski | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Some good short stories contained within (0 more)
2-d characters (2 more)
Frequent incongruent Latin/French phrases
More a set of short stories than a novel in its own right
* I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review. Formatting issues (many) have not been factored into the review *

To my knowledge, the books of The Witcher are split into the short story collection prequels (one of which I have read) and the full books (which I have not read). This book is somewhere in between being neither strictly a collection of short stories nor a focussed standalone novel in its own right. Chronologically, this book falls in between the stories contained in The Last Wish) though it is impossible to say quite where it falls (as mention of the stryga is made near the end, which begins the Last Wish I have to assume it comes after the flashback stories from that tome but before the overarching story linking them all).
It may be because I haven't read the full novels, but I find the Witcher to be a thoroughly bland and unexciting character and I have no connection with him. He has next to no personality and contributes nothing to the dialogue of the book. Similarly, all other characters are very disposable - they are either supposedly strong-willed sorceresses (who smell of flowers and throw themselves at the Witcher and are bedded instantly) or they are otherwise instantly forgettable.
I think Sapkwoski was trying to give the sorcerers a sense of academic snobbery but they frequently use Latin phrases, which just gets irritating very quickly. Similarly French words and phrases are thrown in willy-nilly without translation which gets annoying as well. This seems even more unusual when you realise the story was written in Polish and translated into English, with some parts kept in French or Latin. And then further when it is meant to be in a different world where French wouldn't be a thing.
The story essentially follows Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) who loses his swords and goes on a quest to get them back, and just happens along the way to meet people who need his skills (like on Neighbours where one character leaves and another comes in through the door at exactly the same moment). This aspect makes me think this was meant to be a series of short stories stitched together. But unfortunately here those short stories are not finished up within themselves and you have a number of unsatisfying loose ends in the back of your head throughout.
As with The Last Wish, I found the ending very confusing and had no idea what had happened. It may be that other works fill in the gap and I will have that filled in time, but if so that makes this not a satisfying read in its own right.
Overall, I don't mind Sapkowski's writing in general, other than a few irritating bad habits and I like the overriding idea of the stories but find the execution, character development and overall world-building somewhat clumsy and throw-away. But as I say, this may be because (I think) I have read these in chronological order, rather than published order. I will fill in the gaps and work out if that is the case.
I didn’t pay too much attention that this was a novella until I started reading it. It may be a short story, but it was packed full of heat and emotion. At first, I thought this would be one of those novels where the protagonists are pig-headed and constantly misinterpreting each other, but was pleasantly surprised by when that wasn’t the case. Of course there was a misunderstanding, one that stemmed from childish selfishness, but I was pleased to read how the characters handled it and how they grew as people.

There was little plotline to the story, but I feel that for this story, it was just right. There didn’t need to be some grand adventure for the characters. I did feel, however, that the story just cut off at the end. There was no cliffhanger but it still felt unresolved. I would have liked another chapter or at least an epilogue to see how things truly turned out instead of the reading assuming.

The author also wrote some erotic scenes. I like my historical erotic to be erotic and different from the usual scenes you find in historical romance. The scenes were tamer than I usually read, but fit with the theme and feel of the novel. In certain places, however, she would write in short staccato sentences. Sometimes this was distracting and took away from the heat of the scene. In one part, it was downright annoying because of the number of said sentences. They did not take away from the novel as a whole, however, and I often found myself swept away in the passion of the characters.

This was the first piece I have ever read from the author and I enjoyed enough to seek out her other works.
In the far future humankind has spread into space but a series of wars together with the harsh realities of living beyond the solar system has taken its toll. Amongst the scattering of colonies the Last City is the final bastion against extinction. Ruled over by the autocratic and ruthless Toros Strand, society exists in a rigid hierarchy defined by which level they occupy. From Strand himself on the 100th floor down to those who live in the lower levels - and below - the city there are many stories to be told.

The simple setup allows a number of current science fiction authors to stretch their imagination as they investigate the workings of the Last City. Each story looks at a different aspect - although most of them concentrate on the lower levels. A very noir private detective who is more than he seems. A secret route through the city for those who wish to disappear. Hunting for lost areas to loot and claim. A dangerous race across the outside where the stakes are high. There are also a couple of tales which show how the city appears to those who are beyond it.

The standard is high and every new story feels as fresh and interesting as the one before. All are packed with great ideas, enabling not only some stories dealing with straight forward science fiction themes but also ones covering social hierarchies and injustice, intolerance of 'outsiders' and the harsh tactics employed by totalitarian regimes to keep their populace in check.

I've tried to think of a science fiction short story collection I've enjoyed more, but there simply isn't one. I'd say there were plenty more stories to be told in this universe, perhaps another short story collection or novella wouldn't go amiss. Authors willing of course...
Follow the Snowflakes
Follow the Snowflakes
Angelina Kerner | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Previously I read some of the short romance books, and unfortunately, they kind of disappointed me, but I actually enjoyed this novella, maybe because I read it at the suitable time, or maybe because I could relate with some of the things which were mentioned in the book.

The blurb of this novella is pretty accurate, Cat accidentally meets a stranger in a car accident, and because she has a good heart, she helps him out. One thing leads to another and they spend more and more time together, but life throws in some pleasant surprises and twists for Cat. This is a sweet story, with pleasant characters and interesting twists. I enjoyed reading this novel because it was not too sweet, it had its edge in it, but at the same time, it was pleasant and romantic.

The author was born in Novosibirsk, Russian Siberia, and I did like the little details she proudly shared about her Russian heritage. Do not be fooled by the cover, even though this book is filled with pictures giving it a playful feel, it is a story for adults. I really liked the art at the end of the novel, and I think it is great if you have children, you can give it to them to colour in. Everybody wins!!!

The writing style of this novella is quite simple, with easy and understandable vocabulary. I liked the short chapters, it made this book really great one sitting read. The ending of this story rounded everything as I was suspecting, and for me, it didn’t leave any loose ends. So to conclude, it is a great read if you like Hallmark and looking for a quick, playful and Christmasy story which is pleasant, romantic and not over sweetened. Enjoy
I&#039;m With The Band (Rock My World #3)
I'm With The Band (Rock My World #3)
Tanith Davenport | 2023 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite work for me!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm kinda on the fence about this one, and I really cannot pinpoint why, so this review will be short and I'm sorry for that.

Only Tawny gets a say. 99.9% of the time, I will say I wanted to hear from everyone, and I stand by that here. I didn't much like Tawny to be honest!

What I DID like, was being kept on my toes. You don't get the full story as to what happened between Tawny and Marsh, all those years ago, in one fell swoop. Oh no. You get a hint and a clue, and a randomly placed thought that makes you put the pieces together in totally the wrong way and then when we DO get the full story, you go, like DUH! Of COURSE that's what happened! The clues are all there, and I loved being shown that I really did NOT put the pieces together in the right order.

I liked the band guys, and they seem like they all have a great story to tell.

It's only a short book, less than 100 pages, but because I didn't much like Tawny, it took me far longer than it should to read.

There is on page stalking and talk of past drug abuse. It's really quite necessary to the story, cos you need to know what happened to everyone, and how they came out the other side, or not, in some cases. Please be mindful of your triggers.

First I've read of this author. I'd like to read something else, not this series, at some point. This one just didn't float my boat.

3 good, but not for me, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere