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Hazel (1853 KP) rated Rotham Race in Books
Jul 4, 2018
Jordan Elizabeth has aced the dystopia genre in her first attempt at a post-apocalyptic story. Set in what remains of the United States in 2057, thirty-seven years after “The Happening”, the country is a broken place. Some states no longer exist and the ones that do are barely inhabitable. Civilian lives have been reduced to mere survival rather than living, however, there is one small hope. The US lost a microchip in the desert containing data that would help them restore the country to its better days. The only problem is finding it.
Orphan Troy, aged seventeen, is determined to be the one to locate the precious microchip. For ten years, bike riders have joined the “Rotham Race” into the desert in hopes of being the one to bring it back and return the US back to its former glory, however, within that decade, only one rider has ever returned. Undeterred, Troy sets off from Maryland to New York to sign up for the biggest race in history.
Along the way, Troy meets Barbie, a seventeen-year-old mechanic who helps him fix up his bike. Whilst staying with her, awaiting new cycle parts, the teenage pair falls in love, giving Troy a strong reason to make sure he wins and returns from the race.
Unbeknownst to the racers, the government has secrets that render the race a futile endeavour. Whilst hundreds hope for a victory, there is almost no chance of anyone returning.
Rotham Race is an exciting page-turner and original concept. Dystopian stories have been recycled again and again but Jordan Elizabeth brings something new to the table. The characters are likeable and strong, and the storyline is carefully thought out and gripping.
As a novella, Rotham Race is not very long and can be read in a matter of hours. Whilst some people prefer short stories, Jordan Elizabeth has the potential of turning it into a full-length novel or series. Since the story’s conclusion leaves matters unfinished, perhaps there will be a follow-up novella.
Previously, Jordan Elizabeth has concentrated on short fantasy stories but, as Rotham Race proves, her strengths lie in science fiction and dystopia. Rotham Race would not look out of place amongst popular novels such as Divergent and The Hunger Games.

Yarn - Chat Fiction
Book and Entertainment
Yarn - Text Stories Ever wanted to snoop through people’s conversations and not feel guilty for...

Ande Thomas (69 KP) rated The Martian Chronicles in Books
May 30, 2019
I understand why he is so well loved. I understand his importance in literature and in science fiction. I just don't like reading him. It's something I can't fully explain. I generally enjoy his stories and his ideas. He paints a beautiful portrait with his words, relying as much on the landscape as he does his characters, which I am normally really into. I like being able to peek into the social structure of the early days of science fiction to see how people envisioned the future and by extension, how they saw themselves. For some unknown reason though, I can never get myself settled and engrossed in a Bradbury story.
The Martian Chronicles has some highlights, to be sure. Favorites include <i>The Earth Men</i>, <i>Way in the Middle of the Air</i> and <i>Usher II</i> come immediately to mind. As simply a collection of short stories, I think I would like it more, but since he decided to thread them loosely together, it causes more trouble than it gains. Because of the nature of the narrative, we get a sort of dreamlike quality to the story. Rules that work in one story may not work in the next. The image of martian life that we are treated to seems a bit arbitrary and dependent on the tale that surrounds it at any given moment. And that's fine! It makes sense given that they were different stories published at different times. But there's nothing that really pulls them together into a cohesive unit.
The characters can at times, be a bit infuriating. The naivety and undisciplined behavior of many of the explorers irked me. <i>The Earth Men,</i> despite being one of my favorite stories, is the most egregious offender. An expedition to a new planet, especially one immediately after a failed one in which everyone died, is upset that none of the natives are thrilled with their presence? Their first and only concern is finding pats on the back? The redeeming factor in this story is the conclusion, which I find justified and well deserved. Maybe Mr. Xxx is right. (Which leads me to my frustration with Martian naming conventions throughout the various stories, but that's neither here nor there.)
Despite my grievances, I still appreciate the lofty ideas Bradbury puts forth and the perspective he brings. Maybe I'm too heavy into modern, harder SF to find solace in the whimsical worlds he presents here. I know it has it's place, that place just isn't with me.

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