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Ande Thomas (69 KP) rated White Fang in Books

May 30, 2019  
White Fang
White Fang
Jack London | 2014 | Children
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I appreciate this book; I just don't like it.

Jack London is a unique breed. His voice is so distant, so separated from the subjects in his stories. In short bursts (<i>To Build a Fire</i>) it works for me - there's a beauty in watching the action unfold from such a distance. So too is there a beauty in the way White Fang is portrayed in this book. With an absolute minimum of anthropomorphism, we can see and feel what White Fang experiences. This isn't a cartoon version of a wolf-turned-man's-best-friend. The animals don't talk, don't even think in the way we're accustomed to their thoughts when we try to imagine what goes through their minds. White Fang is a dog; nothing more. It just so happens that we hear the story from his perspective.

But. While I appreciate that sort of perspective, one I wouldn't dream of finding from any other author, I still found myself speeding through the book, and not out of excitement. I just wanted to get it done and move on. The dissociation from the characters, though necessary, can only get you so far. Eventually it dissociated me from the story itself. I'll always maintain that I like Jack London. I just...maybe...won't re-read him.

Dana (24 KP) rated China Men in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
China Men
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was very interesting to read. As a memoir, it was great to be able to see into the author and her family's life. I had to read this book for one of my college courses and it has been very eye-opening to see what these people had to go through, not through the history books, the laws, or even the movies that have come out about the Chinese Americans. This very honest representation of their lives was well written and full of information. There were many things that I had learned differently or, in some cases, didn't even learn in my classes until now. It was all just swept under the rug by the writers of history

This book is set up with short vignettes that break up six other stories of, mainly, the men in Maxine Hong Kingston's family. It shows the struggle of Chinese-Americans in their immigration and their becoming American citizens when they first got here. The story touches a lot on the racism that they encountered as well. When there were stereotypes, Kingston was able to spin them to give them a sort of double-consciousness. There was the negative stereotyped version, then there was also the positive version.

This was a very interesting, and eye-opening book. If you want to learn more about the Chinese American history, pick this book up.
Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands Book 3
Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands Book 3
Alwyn Hamilton | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was great! This is the concluding volume of the Rebel of the Sands trilogy, and it wrapped things up perfectly. I especially liked how she handled character deaths; each one got a short little chapter told in a legendary story kind of way, switching to a third person narrator instead of the first person viewpoint of Amani. The last chapter, telling us what came after the events of the book, was told in the same manner, and I really liked how it tied the book together.

There's so little I can say about this book without spoiling the previous two! We learn even more about the Djinni in this book, and some of the creation myths of Amani's people. We get a little more into the politics of other countries, and even a bit of their magic. And ohhhh there are stories to be told there, if Hamilton wants to continue in this world. I'd love to see a prequel based on Sam, and his country could do an entire sequel trilogy!

I think one of my favorite scenes was Amani using her control of sand to sail their ship across the desert. It's just an amazing visual.

This was one of the best concluding books to a trilogy that I have read in a long time. Fantastic book.

You can find all my reviews at
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first novel by my all time favourite author. I remember the first time I read Touch the Dark, and each reread has been as thrilling as the last. The pages couldn't be easier to turn if they turned themselves, the Cassandra Palmer and same-world differnet heroine Dorina Basarab series keep me hooked cover to cover, book to book. I recommend Karen Chance to anyone and everyone, including all the fun, lighthearted but sexy novellas and short stories too.

What I love most about Touch the Dark is that Cassie is genuine. She has no clue about anything, understands she is just a human in a vampire and mage world, but is still plucky and doesn't let herself stay down no matter how hard she gets pushed.

This was the first ever adult paranormal romance I had read, and it opened me up to the genre. But I have never found another series that is as sexy and not-awkward with both romance (genuine relationship building) and the steamy scenes.

Balance between romance and action and world building is perfect. It is a first in a series, so be aware of that. Committing to Cassie's story is the best decision you will ever make.

Enjoy the book, fall in love with the series.