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Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Colorado Kid in Books

May 30, 2020  
The Colorado Kid
The Colorado Kid
Stephen King | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
6.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
A weak story
Anyone who has read my other book reviews knows I'm a huge Stephen King fan. He's my favourite author, so it really pains me to say that this is probably the weakest book of his I've ever read (and I've read most of them!).

This is a short story that's been published separately, and I think this is the first mistake. It isnt a strong enough story to support being published on it's own. And the story itself is a massive problem. It's well written with some decent characters, but the story is barely there. There's some intrigue but sadly the ending of the story is very lacking. I know it isnt a horror and is meant to be a true crime style novel, but I was hoping for something similar to Joyland which was rather good. And sadly this is nothing like it.

This isnt awful, as it's well written enough to keep you reading but it's in no way a shining example of King's usual standard.
Make That a Table for Seven is a cute story about two bear cubs who don’t have a family. It takes a lot of courage for the oldest bear to knock on a neighbor-bear family’s door and ask if he and his sister can live with them, but when he does, he is greeted with kindness, love, and assurance. This is a great story illustrating adoption—both literally and spiritually.

The only downside is that there are a lot of words on each page, so it may be hard for a younger kid to listen to it being read. Kids have pretty short attention spans.

All in all however, Make That a Table for Seven is a great story with very cute child-friendly illustrations and an easy to follow story.

Recommendation: Ages 4-6
More Harry potter (0 more)
A little too short (0 more)
More adventures in the wizarding world
Contains spoilers, click to show
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a two part play written by Jack Thorne, based on an original story by J. K. Rowling which continues directly where the last one ended, 19 years after the battle of Hogwarts.
The story follows Harry Potter, now Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, and his younger son Albus Severus Potter, who is about to begin his first term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
After discovering that his father was present the night Cedric diggory died, Albus decides to right his father's wrongs by making sure Cedric never dies?!
What follows is truly unforseen....

This was some amazing story telling that genuinely had me hooked, a story about communication, trust & sacrifices.

Dalton (3 KP) rated Brotherly Love in Books

Sep 24, 2017  
Brotherly Love
Brotherly Love
Dalton Giesick | 2017 | Biography, Children, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
The US Review of Books
Contains spoilers, click to show
Brotherly Love
by Dalton Giesick
Trafford Publishing
reviewed by Omar Figueras

"When Dayton was hammering the staples into the wood, Grandpa cut a window on each end. Then he made a door for us... Our clubhouse was fin."

Dalton Giesick's short memoir Brotherly Love depicts the author's e'rly childhood years, being the all too brief moment in time that he was able to spend with his little brother, Dayton. The book describes those early years in a fleeting but endearing way. At the center of the story is the family's relocation to Colorado, the boys' moving in with their grandparents during that short duration, and the heart-wrenching changes the family endures once they have moved out West.

Part coming of age story and part eulogy, Giesick's treatment of his subject is heart-felt and gentle. His book is a sweet and tender read and the author's presentation of his memories of Dayton is much in tune with how an adult would treat a young child. A quick, yet powerful read, Giesick's writing is strong and tight. There are foreboding moments embedded throughout the story alluding to Dayton's disappearance; however, this tragedy occurs at the end of the story where the author's dreadful imaginings become his harsh reality. Although anticipated, the last revelation is both unexpected to the narrator and reader.

A tribute to a little boy with a large heart and an even bigger soul, Brotherly Love is a big brother's beautiful telling of the precious and too brief an instant he spent in the company of his little brother. Although short, the time that the author spent with Dayton was deeply transformative for himself, and by telling his story the author was able to provide this transformation for his readers.
The Thing: Zero Day
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

The Thing: Zero Day </i>is a short science fiction, horror story by Lee McGeorge. Inspired by John Carpenter’s film <i>The Thing</i> and the story <i>Who Goes There? </i>by John W. Campbell, McGeorge has created a creepy, fast paced thriller for readers to enjoy.

It is 1982 and a group of twelve Norwegian climatologists witness the crash landing of an unidentified flying object. Curiosity getting the better of them, they try to salvage what they can of the craft and discover an alien in a block of ice. What at first seems like a magnificent discovery turns frightening after all but three of the climate scientists begin behaving strangely, becoming impassive as if something has a psychological hold over them. The story becomes more horrific as it goes on with gruesome descriptions of the things that happen to the men.

The book is short enough to be read in one sitting, however it ends, annoyingly, without a definite conclusion, leaving the reader to imagine what happens next. <i>The Thing: Zero Day</i> is not a novel but a piece of fan fiction for the film <i>The Thing</i>. Although I have not seen the film I am led to believe that this book is a sort of prologue to the main story line.

Being short, the narrative is gripping from start to finish, jumping straight into the story. Readers are sucked into the tale and will most likely read it from beginning to end without putting it down. <i>The Thing: Zero Day</i> is obviously recommended for lovers of the film, however people who have not had the opportunity to view it, yet enjoy horror and science fiction, will also enjoy this book.
Night's Edge
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just finished Maggie Shayne's short story, Her Best Enemy, and enjoyed it a lot. Yes, the plot is rushed and I didn't believe they could love each other that soon at the end, but it was a really fun story! I would have liked it better if Ms. Shayne had left them just starting out in their promising relationship and not dropping the L-bomb at the end - it felt too forced and cheesy. But as I said before, it was very fun, and an easy and fast read too! :)
4/5 stars

Someone Else's Shadow was another very good story. I really liked Maddie, and while the love angle was again very fast, but at the end I appreciated that the author addresses how fast they fell in love. As with the first story, the ghost angle was creepy and made the whole atmosphere of the story come alive. The chemistry between Maddie and Phil was palpable and it did make me feel like they could in fact fall in love that fast. A great short story!
4.5/5 stars

Dancers in the Dark was another good tale in this anthology. Rue was a likable protagonist who had a horrible past, and while Sean could have been brought to life (ha!) more, he was still a good hero for her. The plot was well-done and I never got annoyed at Rue for feeling sorry for herself or anything, which can happen in stories similar to this. All-in-all it was a fascinating tale.
4/5 stars

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Clockwork Dollhouse in Books

Oct 19, 2018 (Updated Oct 19, 2018)  
Clockwork Dollhouse
Clockwork Dollhouse
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Short but gripping
A very short novella, Clockwork Dollhouse by Jordan Elizabeth is a haunting steampunk tale of revenge. Set in a previous century, Governor Robert Pendleton is shocked to discover an intruder in a set of rooms that have not been entered for years. He is even more shocked to discover the intruder is his niece, Ainsley, the daughter of his sister, Jane.

When Jane was young, unable to walk due to a disfigured foot, she took delight in creating mechanical dolls, representing her family. Ever since Ainsley, now an orphan, appeared at the castle, the dolls have taken on a life of their own, acting out events to suggest Robert had murdered his parents and sister. Unnerved, Robert wonders who is moving the dolls; is it Ainsley or have the mechanical figures come to life. Could it even be Jane's ghost?

In under thirty pages, Jordan Elizabeth engages readers with a gripping tale of secrets and deceit. The steampunk genre adds an extra element of thrill, making Clockwork Dollhouse an apt short story to be published at this time of year. Although short, it proves the author's skill and wide imagination.
Donuts and Disaster
Donuts and Disaster
Amber Crewes | 2018 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Donuts and Disaster - other than making me feel extremely peckish throughout I surprised myself by enjoying this short book. I was having a spout of 'I want to read, but nothing is holding onto my interest' when I found this on my #tbr shelf. It's number 4 of a series of Sandy Bay Cozy Mysterys. Meghan runs a bakery and finds herself (yet again apparently) tangled up with a murder. The story was quick paced and a lot happened in a short space of time. If I were to offer a criticism I would say that the murder should happen sooner for such a short book. The murder did not happen until half way through, which means there was only a little time in the short book for it to be solved. But as a quick and easy read after a long day at work - definitely a winner. I like that you can read it as a standalone and not need to know what happened in the previous books. The discovery of a killer disappointed me a little as very little investigative work went into it - I was expecting more Jessica Fletcher than accidental confession/discovery.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book by this author that I've read and it definitely won't be the last. This is a very erotic short read. The story in this book sets the scene for the series. You get an introduction to the characters and a sneak peek at their story. This book will leave you wanting and needing more from the characters and this series. I cant to read more from this series and from this author in the future.
Highly recommended start to this series
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book