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Why Visit America
Why Visit America
Matthew Baker | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really do enjoy a good short story, and this book certainly delivers in spades on that count. Quirky, dark, thought provoking, touching on pretty much ALL the genres. All of the stories are about possible versions of the US, some are more positive than others. This is well worth a read, but be warned: it’s bizarre and offbeat, which is a big plus where I’m concerned.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole who serialised this book.
Sick Summer Camp (Something Horrific)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>3 Star Rating</b>

This was a gore-fest! 100% gore-fest! And for was fab!

People bleeding here, people bleeding there, blood for fun, blood for no have some blood! (And maybe an eyeball...I'm feeling generous).

<img src=""; width="300" height="300"/>

I mean seriously, how great was that gore? (Gore-whore right here *waves*)

Then why the 3 stars you ask? Why not 5?

It was too short...waaaaaay too short for any kind of story or character development, too short for any real explanations and it just left me with lots of unanswered questions. Personally, I would love to see this as a full length novel as I want to know what happens next.

That twist was kick-ass by the way!

More character development was definitely needed as there were too many people being introduced and I lost track...sooo who is that person? Oh...but I thought that was her...wait that was him? *confused*

But that gore though...<b>WIN!</b>
Patient Seven (2016)
Patient Seven (2016)
2016 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Dr Daniel Marcus is the man trying to learn about six disturbed patients at a mental hospital, each story needs to be broken down in a different way, he is doing research for his book, but leaving us wondering what his motives are is the biggest mystery in this film. we do meet the different patients which all have different stories and we follow the events of their stories each different from the rest. We do meet the doctors, but as the film is an anthology we just don’t get enough time to look into their characters.

Performances – Michael Ironside is the star of this film with his calming presence while interviewing the patients that can turn on them in a heartbeat. We have a couple of known names in the supporting cast with Alfie Allen in the second story being the highlight of the rest of the performances, while no one is bad in their roles here, they just don’t get the time they deserve.

Story – The story here is told like an interview process to give us seven short horror stories, the fact each one goes in a different direction helps the audience find one they can enjoy even if the previous one isn’t for them. Vampires, ghost, spirits, serial killers and zombies are the main topics each one feels short enough to be entertaining, even if one did make me want to see a feature film about that character. For a horror anthology this does check the boxes well and is one that can be enjoyed.

Horror – The horror in the story comes from the different stories, while we don’t always get the best build up to the horror moments, we do follow the horror guidelines well.

Settings – Each story does take us to a new setting which helps make the film feel fresh, though I don’t quiet understand how the crimes from England, New Zealand and Iceland ended up in an American mental home.

Special Effects – The effects in the film across the different stories are great and make you feel like you are part of them.

Scene of the Movie – The second story.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Some of the stories are slightly too short though.

Final Thoughts – This is a good horror anthology even if the ending feel slightly flat, we get plenty going on and can enjoy the different ideals of horror.


Overall: Horror anthology does correctly.
The Last First Date
The Last First Date
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Last First Date by Maggie Wells

Maggie Wells is a new author to me. I read this as part of a 4 book collection through overdrive. The Last First Date was a cute very short novella. As with any other novella I read, well most of them anyway, I am left wanting. This one cut off a little sharper than most so I felt like I needed more answers than normal.

Overall it is a cute short story. Detective Langley “Lang” Sheppard finally has a day off and is having the worst first date of this life. Jessica Vickers is dealing with recent life setbacks and is just trying to get to the New Year to start over fresh. They each are just holding on to their pathetic lives until the clock strikes midnight. A chance stop at a local convenience store finds them in each other’s path and so it begins.

I wish it would have gone a couple more chapters to set up a little more of the story. There are some pretty comical sections that made me laugh out loud. I liked Maggie Wells’ writing style so I probably will give another story of hers a try (after getting through my TBR shelf first ha)
Kiss and ’Telle?
Kiss and ’Telle?
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has so many uplifting and funny moments!

I enjoyed this short story about Chantelle and Dennis, the characters were described quickly but enough that you felt engaged with the characters. I enjoyed their banter back and forth with each other, and I liked what Chantelle said:

 “I figure, if folks could spend less time just waiting for love and more time finding ways to give love, it would help”- Chapter 3.

That is one of the underlying themes in this book that I think needs to be broadcasted far and wide. Others include the younger generation needing to step up and show the world what they do and leaning on God for our ups, and downs in life. Chantelle and Dennis have so much laughter together and they learn about each other over time the way good friends and life-long partners do.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the creativity in creating a great story in a short story, for the inspirational quotes throughout this book (I had a hard time choosing just one to include!), and for the message of speaking up and not being afraid.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.