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Whisper Me This
Whisper Me This
Kerry Anne King | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tackles delicate issues well (0 more)
2nd half loses its pace (0 more)
Captivating story that loses its pace
I want to start by saying i liked this story. The first half was very captivating, and will definitely keep you engaged. The author tackled a very delicate issue about abuse and the characters were very believable.

 I enjoyed the mystery surrounding the parents but if you read the sypnosis you can kind of see what's going to happen. I hate they put in a big spoiler in a typical sypnosis. It did lose some of its mystery but was still engaging. This mystery was all reveled halfway through the book and this is when it started to lose its pace and I lost my interest sadly but this is probably because this genre in general has never interested me.

I loved the characters and felt very connected to them. They were believable and you could relate to them.

Because of the big spoiler the story became too predictable which left me very disappointed. The fact I stick with this story despite it not being my kind of book shows that it was still engaging though and I would recommend. Just don't read the story sypnosis first.

I still think the story overcomes the shortcomings, and also think it is an important story to read. It is intense and the author did well telling such a complex story.

I'll give you the spoiler free sypnosis here : Single mother Maisey has always fallen short of her own mother's expectations but she is rushed back home when she hears here mother is in a coma and her father is facing charges of abuse and neglect.
She must make a life and death decision. Her confused father is destroying can't records including her mother's final wishes. What is the big mystery?
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Fun and Exhilarating
War is coming between Earth and the underwater world of Atlantis. Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa), half-human half Atlantean, seeks to end the war before it spirals out of control. Despite its shortcomings, I’ll get this out of the way now: Aquaman absolutely rocks.

Acting: 7

Beginning: 10

Characters: 8
Arthur’s character grew on me as the movie progressed. He’s a tough guy, no doubt, but I also appreciated his honesty in expressing fear at the same time. He wasn’t reckless, rather he was someone that fully understood the stakes. Despite this clearly being an action blockbuster, I appreciate the efforts in trying to make the characters fun and exhilarating.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 8
This movie won’t make you think. In fact, there are a number of times where it feels designed to do just the opposite. It’s memorability comes in the fact that I can honestly say I’ve never really seen anything like it. The scenes, sequences, and setpieces try really hard and it’s very endearing. The visuals are beautiful particularly during the underwater battle sequences. Just damn beautiful to watch. It’s Finding Nemo on steroids.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10
Didn’t linger, ended at exactly the right time with something feasible and simple. A great finish for an overall great experience.

Overall: 92
If you’re a fan of sports, you might relate to this analogy: Ever watch a playoff series and the underdog wins the first game? You say to yourself, “Meh, it’s one game. They’ll lose the next four.” Then they win the next game and another game. Your eyes start to get big as you realize, “They might actually do this!” DC, I’m looking at you. I’m rooting so hard that you guys keep the train rolling. Aquaman is a hit.
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