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Death (The Four Horsemen #4) by T.A. Chase
Death (The Four Horsemen #4) by T.A. Chase
T.A. Chase | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so I might be a bit biased towards Death as I have loved his character in the other three books, but I loved the insights into his past and his character that we got in this book. Death has his own lesson to learn, just like the other Horsemen did. And I will also admit to LOVING the growth of Pierre in this story. He goes from being a poor little rich boy, with no friends, high on heroin, to taking responsibility and standing on his own two feet. He no longer blames the world for his shortcomings, instead, he is working hard to overcome them. And he has done the big first step BY HIMSELF. He didn't use Death as a heroin replacement but instead took the first scary step whilst Death was away.

I think the only thing that confused me momentarily in this book is that Aldo (Pestilence) and Bart had both met Pierre, albeit when he was suffering withdrawal symptoms, but still. However, they are both confused in their own book when they receive a wedding invitation from Gatian and Pierre. Now they might not have known Death's 'mortal' name, but they did know Pierre's. Still, this is a very insignificant point that in no way detracted from my enjoyment.

Well-written, smoothly paced and with an amazing amount of growth, this book is simply delightful. This is definitely the star in the series for me although I have thoroughly enjoyed every book. I would love for a story of Lam and Day *hint hint*. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 24, 2015
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Horror Elements, Plot needs more
The horror aspects of this book was really good. It was creepy enough to give you the heebie jeebies and anything to do with strange looking paintings and children always make things more creepier than they should be. (The Shining, anyone?)

I can’t really say I like Daniel as a character. He had it coming to him. It was an awful cruel thing he did and he deserved every last bit of it. None of the characters really stood out here since Daniel was really the center of the plot, but wow Karina. You’re just some kind of special aren’t you? She played on Daniel’s sympathy until he realized she’s completely bat crazy and well, you walked into that one didn’t you? This is what happens when you want the cake and the cherry on top. Just don’t do it. However tempting that is.

Plot wise, it’s pretty entertaining and good stuff for a horror book. It does come off as reading a horror movie in print which is pretty good and frankly, if this ever was a movie, I’d probably watch it and enjoy it better. The ending was great and is everything you would expect in a horror movie or book. There’s mystery elements into the book which does not affect the story that much and adds more intrigue.

Although the horror elements were good, the execution of the story could be better. I thought certain aspects of the plot were just there for convenience. There could have been more to the Mabel plot arc. It was just planted there with no real explanation except it was given about 2-3 pages but no real contribution. I wish there was more to it. It would have helped, and could have made the story much better.

Despite some of the shortcomings of the book, it was an enjoyable read. It was creepy enough to give you the chills and the ending was what you would expect in this genre. Recommended to horror lovers!
Lights! Camera! Puzzles!
Lights! Camera! Puzzles!
Parnell Hall | 2019 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Puzzling Murder on a Movie Set
Cora Felton, famed Puzzle Lady, is having her worst nightmare come true when a tell all book from her least favorite ex-husband becomes a bestseller and gets turned into a movie. She agrees to become an associate producer on the film in hopes of control some of the damage even if it means she has to spend time with her least favorite ex-husband on a daily basis. Before things can even get started, however, tragedy visits the set when a production assistant is killed. The police aren’t sure what to make of it, but Cora isn’t that concerned since it has nothing to do with her. However, as things continue to go wrong on the film, she begins to take a more active interest. Can she figure out who is behind everything happening?

As a longtime fan of the series, I was looking forward to Cora’s latest adventure only to find myself disappointed. The star of the series has always been the witty dialogue between Cora and the rest of the characters. I did laugh some, but I found most of it lacking the spark of the better books in the series. The plot is really a series of events, although Cora does get a clue at the end that helps her put things together. We spend most of the book in New York City on various locations, which leaves the series regulars on the sideline, and the new characters aren’t strong enough to carry the book. We do get a new crossword and Sudoku to solve as we read. This is one of those books where it is easy to pick on the shortcomings, but I was entertained as I breezed through the book. Still, this is one only for fans who need Cora’s latest adventure. Those new to the series won’t enjoy the book.
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
2006 | Drama
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If I'm being honest, I didn't expect to like this film. Everyone in the past twelve years since its release that has recommended it to me can only talk about how sad and downright heartbreaking it can be at times. Why would I want watch a film like that? After sitting through The Pursuit of Happyness, I have my answer.

Chris Gardner (Will Smith) is just trying to make money and take care of his family. After investing his entire life savings in a company that goes nowhere, he decides to risk it all and go out for an unpaid internship with a stockbroking company. The message here is extremely powerful, a message he delivers to his son about halfway through the film: If you want something, go get it. And, in the process of getting it, don't let anyone tell you that you can't have it.

The film revolves Gardner's struggle to work for no pay and still manage to take care of his son. You can't help but admire his hustle. Despite numerous shortcomings and failed attempts, he continues to push toward his vision. It's inspiration at its finest. And, just as people warned me, it's also heartbreaking to watch. I mean, the guy can't seem to catch a break. Ever. He takes a step forward then eight back. I appreciated the film being delivered in this fashion because of how real it felt. I never got the sense of sugarcoating. This man was broken, yet he found a way to piece himself back together.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention Jaden Smith's performance as Chris jr. He carries the innocence and sadness of a kid that's a victim of a situation he doesn't seem to fully understand. While it's heartbreaking to see them struggle, it's heartwarming to watch them struggle together.

My one complaint would be the movie ending a bit too abruptly for my taste. Other than that, what a great film! I give it a 92.
The Monster of Farewell (Blacklighters #1)
The Monster of Farewell (Blacklighters #1)
Catherine Black | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kickass females!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Mercury Havenworth
My mother always told me I had nothing. No place in civilized society. No moral compass. No soul...
But despite all my shortcomings, there is one thing I do have: Farewell. It's my home. My sanctuary and birthright. It's everything to me, and one day soon, I will oversee this feral matriarchy which gave me life.
The men who step through our gates see a crumbling mansion, they see a handful of women willing to bleed for a cause, but Farewell is so much more than that.
It's an empire.
MY empire.

Kessler Lawson
After eight years of incarceration, I'm a free man...for approximately two hours.
That's how long it takes to ruin my life.
Wedged between freedom and the officer who put me behind bars in the first place, I'm given a choice: Help the New Liberty Police Department infiltrate a band of criminals ruling over Farewell, Missouri...or score a one-way ticket back to prison.
With enemies on both sides, falling into bed with the boss's murderous daughter probably isn't the best idea, but there's no going back now...not after undressing the monster of Farewell.

(Warning: This book includes dark themes, offensive language, and explicit scenes that may make some readers uncomfortable. Read with caution.)

<strong>Very good</strong>

I don't know what one as expecting but I really really enjoyed it. The whole women kicking ass and the men do the "woman's work" was brilliant . The book was so well written it had a touch of violence but not to the point of being over the top, it had seriously hot sex scenes , strong female roles as well as some strong male characters it was well balanced read!

Watching Mercury develop through the book was empowering in a way. If I had one thing I thought could have bee better maybe the end not so rushed.

Highly recommend

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021)
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021)
2021 | Horror
Well then, colour me surprised because I didn't absolutely hate this.
I'm a big fan of the Resident Evil games. So much so that the entirety of the original movie franchise actively annoyed me with every passing entry. This reboot makes a decent effort to stay faithful to the source material, and that alone commands some semblance of respect. The general atmosphere is very Resident Evil, many of the set pieces seem familiar, but there's just something missing. The cast boasts some great talent - Donal Logue, Hannah John-Kamen, and Neal McDonough are amongst the ranks - but all of them seem to be doing the best they can with a poor script, a script which is pretty much all the characters saying their names to eachother, and spouting exposition like there's no tomorrow. There's also the issue of the narrative content. Honestly, I'm just longing for a straight up adaption of the first game, a minimilast tense-as-hell thriller set in the original mansion. Welcome to Raccoon City sort of delivers in that respect, but also opts to cram in the plot of the second game, and even smatterings of the third. For a film that seems to be setting up a new series, that's a whole lot of content to burn through in one film. It results in a narrative that comes across as choppy. There's a little too much going on for it to flow properly. I also hated how Leon Kennedy was portrayed as a big dumb fuck. Show the man some respect! On top of this, the CGI is pretty damn atrocious throughout. The practical effects here and there look genuinely great, but there's a lot of undercooked effects work that managed to pull me out proceedings, especially in the final set piece.

Despite its shortcomings however, WTRC is a pretty entertaining video game adaption. It can be underwhelming at times, but it's aesthetic is pretty spot on, and it's so far removed from the initial film series that I can't help but kind of dig it, and I'll happily take it over any of those movies. Genuinely hoping a sequel happens.

Jamie Towell Cook (13 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Sonic Mania Plus in Video Games

Apr 6, 2020  
Sonic Mania Plus
Sonic Mania Plus
2018 | Action/Adventure, Platform
Finally a Sonic game that lives up to the reputation that the mega drive days left us all begging for.

Sonic Mania sees you take control of Sonic and his team mates, Tails and Knuckles as you revisit some very familiar stages from Sonics past to take on Dr. Eggman (or Robotnik if your old school) and his latest creations. In a race to collect the seven chaos emeralds and save the day.
Mania Plus also sees the return of two characters that have been locked away in the vaults for some time now. Mighty The Armadillo & Ray The Flying (Gliding) Squirrel. All characters are equipped with their own unique skill set to help you traverse the levels and discover new areas and secrets.

Mania ditches all the gimmicks that have been the sonic series' shortcomings and returns to simpler times of side scrolling fast paced action that are plucked straight from the early 90's. Familiar levels to any fan of the golden era and even more familiar soundtrack. This also brings back the dread of the underwater level and that inevitable countdown sound that has haunted your childhood dreams and will do once again.

The game isn't just for single players though, the main story is as much fun now with sonic and tails as it was for sonic 2 & 3. Where you will be constantly shouting at the player controlling sonic that they've left you behind and then using Tails as a meat shield to defeat the end of level bosses. There is a race mode for other players to join in on, time attack mode to keep besting your own personal score. An endless supply of blue sphere stages to unlock and even the return of Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. There is plenty in this game to keep you entertained for a very long time.

Heres hoping that Mania 2 isn't too far away. Hopefully with even more character selection redeeming all those newer characters that have been unfortunate enough to be featured on some of the more questionable sonic titles. I personally would love to see Team Chaotix, Amy Rose, Cream & Chao, Big, Rouge, Shadow, Blaze and maybe even the babylon rogues. Maybe even a few blasts from the past like Johnny Lightfoot, Porker Lewis and Shortfuse from the sonic the comics.

All in all, a much better addition to the wounded Sonic series.