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This is, for all intents and purposes, as close to identifying, or, at the very least, understanding who the Enemy is. The stories that make up the whole of this collection is as follows: Subjective

<b>"Interlock" and "The Annotated Autopsy of Agent A" Simon Bucher-Jones
"Cobweb and Ivory" Nate Bumber
"The Book of the Enemy" Andrew Hickey
T.memeticus: A Morphology" Philip Purser-Hallard
"The Short Briefing Sergeant's Tale" Simon Bucher-Jones
"A Bloody (And Public) Domaine" Jacob Black
"Life-Cycle" Grant Springford
"First Draft" Nick Wallace
"Eyes" Christian Read
"We are the Enemy" Lawrence Burton
"Timeshare" Helen Angove
"A Choice of Houses" Simon Bucher-Jones
"Houses of Cards" Lisa Sarah Good
"The Enemy - The Hole in Everything" Simon Bucher-Jones
"The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Enemy" Jay Eales
"No Enemy But Despair" Simon Bucher-Jones
"The Map and the Spiders" Wilhelm Liebknecht</b>

I quite enjoyed the book as a whole, even though there was some weak pieces that did not really seem to fit, like Helen Angove's "Timeshare". Overall, it was a fitting collection for what it was intended to be. Of particular interest were Simon Bucher-Jones' interconnecting briefs that tie it all together. Quite brilliant, despite some of the weaker stories.

And, yes, as some people have remarked in their reviews, there were some noticeable punctuation and formatting errors. However, the stories are good enough to overlook and not focus on those shortcomings.

Recommended to all fans of Faction Paradox as a whole!!
Deliver Her
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Like many of the readers that have turned the pages of this book, I selected <i>Deliver Her: A Novel</i> because it was one of this month's options for Amazon Prime subscribers via Kindle First. Listed under suspense, the title's description hinted at an edge-of-your-seat, fast-paced story. While the tragic tale of Alex Carmody, her dysfunctional family, and the hired transport were entertaining, it did not live up to my expectations when it comes to a novel of this genre.

After the horrific death of her best friend, Alex Carmody spirals out of control and she becomes the typical angst filled, rebellious teenager. In a last-ditch effort to save Alex from herself, her mother decides to hire Carl Alden, owner of Begin Again Transport, to take her to The Birches, a boarding school for troubled youth. En route, as stated in the description, Alex goes missing and things begin to spiral out of control.

The plot of the story is fairly simple and does bear realistic elements, even if a few of them, such as Alex's behavior, are a bit too cliche. While the story is centered around Alex's transport to The Birches, it seems as if her mother plays the most dominant role in the book. It is easier to feel "in touch" with Meg's thoughts, feelings, and realizations than it is Carl's or Alex's. Many times, I felt that Meg was closer to the brink of losing control than Alex was, perhaps due to the way in which her entire life was deteriorating around her. In her portrayal of a dysfunctional family and a marriage in shambles, Donovan succeeded in creating a feeling of empathy for the Carmodys.

On the other hand, the story progressed fairly slowly, and at times the style was inconsistent. There were many occasions in which I felt the word choice was too verbose, only to become more simple a few pages later. This, coupled with the frequent change in point of view, interrupted the story's flow while simultaneously blurring the line as to which of the three main characters served as the protagonist.

The minor characters seemed, more often than not, to be a convenient scapegoat, used to justify certain actions and outcomes. Evan is introduced to the reader as your typical drug-abusing kid, and despite Alex's feelings for him, plays a very minor role in the book. It's mentioned that Alex is his mule, however that subject isn't really touched upon beyond simple acknowledgment. Jacob, Alex's father, sits backseat for the majority of the story, only to become a major player toward the end, bringing to light his own shortcomings - and the truth behind some of the accusations that Alex has suffered. Shana appears to exist solely to substantiate the tragedy that started Alex's decline, while her brother is mentioned only in memories, despite the crucial role he's played in the Carmody family history.

Despite its shortcomings, and the fact that I do not feel it should be categorized as suspense, <i>Deliver Her: A Novel</i> was a fun read. I do not regret the time that I spent turning its pages, and should Donovan decide to turn this into a Transport series, I would probably read further installments.

<b>This book was acquired free of charge via Amazon Prime Kindle First. My review is an accurate expression of my own opinion, without bias.</b>
Berserker: Hell&#039;s Warrior (2004)
Berserker: Hell's Warrior (2004)
2004 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Reasonably fun if you like 80s style fantasy. (1 more)
Decent twist in the end.
The budget really shows in the production quality. (0 more)
A less polished Highlander, but with vikings
The first third of the film focuses on a conflict between Vikings and feels like a throwback to 80s fantasy movies. It takes the mythical Valykries and makes them into vampires basically, able to grant immortality and power through a bite.
Without spoiling details, a betrayal occurs that sets a rift between two brothers that are chosen for immortality and power. This rift leads to a conflict that spans centuries as they are reborn again and again to continually face off against each other. One on the name of Odin, the other for his own destiny. The film then jumps to modern times, where the conflict is still going.
The story isn't all that original, but it isn't bad, with a decent twist at the end. The acting for most of the cast is not great, but not bad. The music, however, is quite good.
Overall, it isn't a bad movie, but is severely hurt by production quality and some poor decisions in design. For example, it's difficult to take the protagonist,s enemies seriously when they are running around the city in bear skins and armor. The decision to add an odd and terrible looking glow effect to the Valykries at times or when immortals are killed, was another strike. Despite it's shortcomings, I don't regret watching it. The movie is fun for what it is, and I happen to like 80s fantasy, which whether purposely or not, it captures the feeling of to me.
Little (2019)
Little (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy
Just a Few Tweaks and I Would Have Loved it
When April’s (Issa Rae) boss gets turned into a child by a curse, April has to hold down the fort at work while trying to figure out a way to reverse the curse. It’s not a great movie that will leave a long impression, but I can definitely say that I liked it a whole lot more than I expected to.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 7
The movie begins with the audience getting a view into the lives of April and her boss Jordan Sanders (Regina Hall). It’s a little formulaic as you can tell it’s solely for the purpose of introducing the characters, but still manages to be enough to jumpstart the movie. It was enough to get me laughing and looking forward for more.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 6

Conflict: 6

Genre: 5

Memorability: 7

Pace: 8
While not the end of the world, I think the movie suffered from being longer than it needed to be. The pacing was scattered at times and could have been managed by tightening the story. The comedic moments were enough for the most to part to mask the pacing shortcomings.

Plot: 7
Twists? Turns? You won’t find any of that here. The story is as linear as they come. Still, the ride you are taken on just happens to be a fun one so it’s pretty forgivable. Just don’t expect to say, “Didn’t see that coming” at any point.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 76
You could do worse this year than checking out Little. Some won’t like it while others, like myself, will take its entertainment value for what it is. Had the story been a little more inventive, I might be singing a different tune.
Whisper Me This
Whisper Me This
Kerry Anne King | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tackles delicate issues well (0 more)
2nd half loses its pace (0 more)
Captivating story that loses its pace
I want to start by saying i liked this story. The first half was very captivating, and will definitely keep you engaged. The author tackled a very delicate issue about abuse and the characters were very believable.

 I enjoyed the mystery surrounding the parents but if you read the sypnosis you can kind of see what's going to happen. I hate they put in a big spoiler in a typical sypnosis. It did lose some of its mystery but was still engaging. This mystery was all reveled halfway through the book and this is when it started to lose its pace and I lost my interest sadly but this is probably because this genre in general has never interested me.

I loved the characters and felt very connected to them. They were believable and you could relate to them.

Because of the big spoiler the story became too predictable which left me very disappointed. The fact I stick with this story despite it not being my kind of book shows that it was still engaging though and I would recommend. Just don't read the story sypnosis first.

I still think the story overcomes the shortcomings, and also think it is an important story to read. It is intense and the author did well telling such a complex story.

I'll give you the spoiler free sypnosis here : Single mother Maisey has always fallen short of her own mother's expectations but she is rushed back home when she hears here mother is in a coma and her father is facing charges of abuse and neglect.
She must make a life and death decision. Her confused father is destroying can't records including her mother's final wishes. What is the big mystery?
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Fun and Exhilarating
War is coming between Earth and the underwater world of Atlantis. Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa), half-human half Atlantean, seeks to end the war before it spirals out of control. Despite its shortcomings, I’ll get this out of the way now: Aquaman absolutely rocks.

Acting: 7

Beginning: 10

Characters: 8
Arthur’s character grew on me as the movie progressed. He’s a tough guy, no doubt, but I also appreciated his honesty in expressing fear at the same time. He wasn’t reckless, rather he was someone that fully understood the stakes. Despite this clearly being an action blockbuster, I appreciate the efforts in trying to make the characters fun and exhilarating.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 8
This movie won’t make you think. In fact, there are a number of times where it feels designed to do just the opposite. It’s memorability comes in the fact that I can honestly say I’ve never really seen anything like it. The scenes, sequences, and setpieces try really hard and it’s very endearing. The visuals are beautiful particularly during the underwater battle sequences. Just damn beautiful to watch. It’s Finding Nemo on steroids.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10
Didn’t linger, ended at exactly the right time with something feasible and simple. A great finish for an overall great experience.

Overall: 92
If you’re a fan of sports, you might relate to this analogy: Ever watch a playoff series and the underdog wins the first game? You say to yourself, “Meh, it’s one game. They’ll lose the next four.” Then they win the next game and another game. Your eyes start to get big as you realize, “They might actually do this!” DC, I’m looking at you. I’m rooting so hard that you guys keep the train rolling. Aquaman is a hit.
Death (The Four Horsemen #4) by T.A. Chase
Death (The Four Horsemen #4) by T.A. Chase
T.A. Chase | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so I might be a bit biased towards Death as I have loved his character in the other three books, but I loved the insights into his past and his character that we got in this book. Death has his own lesson to learn, just like the other Horsemen did. And I will also admit to LOVING the growth of Pierre in this story. He goes from being a poor little rich boy, with no friends, high on heroin, to taking responsibility and standing on his own two feet. He no longer blames the world for his shortcomings, instead, he is working hard to overcome them. And he has done the big first step BY HIMSELF. He didn't use Death as a heroin replacement but instead took the first scary step whilst Death was away.

I think the only thing that confused me momentarily in this book is that Aldo (Pestilence) and Bart had both met Pierre, albeit when he was suffering withdrawal symptoms, but still. However, they are both confused in their own book when they receive a wedding invitation from Gatian and Pierre. Now they might not have known Death's 'mortal' name, but they did know Pierre's. Still, this is a very insignificant point that in no way detracted from my enjoyment.

Well-written, smoothly paced and with an amazing amount of growth, this book is simply delightful. This is definitely the star in the series for me although I have thoroughly enjoyed every book. I would love for a story of Lam and Day *hint hint*. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 24, 2015
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Horror Elements, Plot needs more
The horror aspects of this book was really good. It was creepy enough to give you the heebie jeebies and anything to do with strange looking paintings and children always make things more creepier than they should be. (The Shining, anyone?)

I can’t really say I like Daniel as a character. He had it coming to him. It was an awful cruel thing he did and he deserved every last bit of it. None of the characters really stood out here since Daniel was really the center of the plot, but wow Karina. You’re just some kind of special aren’t you? She played on Daniel’s sympathy until he realized she’s completely bat crazy and well, you walked into that one didn’t you? This is what happens when you want the cake and the cherry on top. Just don’t do it. However tempting that is.

Plot wise, it’s pretty entertaining and good stuff for a horror book. It does come off as reading a horror movie in print which is pretty good and frankly, if this ever was a movie, I’d probably watch it and enjoy it better. The ending was great and is everything you would expect in a horror movie or book. There’s mystery elements into the book which does not affect the story that much and adds more intrigue.

Although the horror elements were good, the execution of the story could be better. I thought certain aspects of the plot were just there for convenience. There could have been more to the Mabel plot arc. It was just planted there with no real explanation except it was given about 2-3 pages but no real contribution. I wish there was more to it. It would have helped, and could have made the story much better.

Despite some of the shortcomings of the book, it was an enjoyable read. It was creepy enough to give you the chills and the ending was what you would expect in this genre. Recommended to horror lovers!
Lights! Camera! Puzzles!
Lights! Camera! Puzzles!
Parnell Hall | 2019 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Puzzling Murder on a Movie Set
Cora Felton, famed Puzzle Lady, is having her worst nightmare come true when a tell all book from her least favorite ex-husband becomes a bestseller and gets turned into a movie. She agrees to become an associate producer on the film in hopes of control some of the damage even if it means she has to spend time with her least favorite ex-husband on a daily basis. Before things can even get started, however, tragedy visits the set when a production assistant is killed. The police aren’t sure what to make of it, but Cora isn’t that concerned since it has nothing to do with her. However, as things continue to go wrong on the film, she begins to take a more active interest. Can she figure out who is behind everything happening?

As a longtime fan of the series, I was looking forward to Cora’s latest adventure only to find myself disappointed. The star of the series has always been the witty dialogue between Cora and the rest of the characters. I did laugh some, but I found most of it lacking the spark of the better books in the series. The plot is really a series of events, although Cora does get a clue at the end that helps her put things together. We spend most of the book in New York City on various locations, which leaves the series regulars on the sideline, and the new characters aren’t strong enough to carry the book. We do get a new crossword and Sudoku to solve as we read. This is one of those books where it is easy to pick on the shortcomings, but I was entertained as I breezed through the book. Still, this is one only for fans who need Cora’s latest adventure. Those new to the series won’t enjoy the book.
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
2006 | Drama
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If I'm being honest, I didn't expect to like this film. Everyone in the past twelve years since its release that has recommended it to me can only talk about how sad and downright heartbreaking it can be at times. Why would I want watch a film like that? After sitting through The Pursuit of Happyness, I have my answer.

Chris Gardner (Will Smith) is just trying to make money and take care of his family. After investing his entire life savings in a company that goes nowhere, he decides to risk it all and go out for an unpaid internship with a stockbroking company. The message here is extremely powerful, a message he delivers to his son about halfway through the film: If you want something, go get it. And, in the process of getting it, don't let anyone tell you that you can't have it.

The film revolves Gardner's struggle to work for no pay and still manage to take care of his son. You can't help but admire his hustle. Despite numerous shortcomings and failed attempts, he continues to push toward his vision. It's inspiration at its finest. And, just as people warned me, it's also heartbreaking to watch. I mean, the guy can't seem to catch a break. Ever. He takes a step forward then eight back. I appreciated the film being delivered in this fashion because of how real it felt. I never got the sense of sugarcoating. This man was broken, yet he found a way to piece himself back together.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention Jaden Smith's performance as Chris jr. He carries the innocence and sadness of a kid that's a victim of a situation he doesn't seem to fully understand. While it's heartbreaking to see them struggle, it's heartwarming to watch them struggle together.

My one complaint would be the movie ending a bit too abruptly for my taste. Other than that, what a great film! I give it a 92.