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Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Delirium in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Lauren Oliver | 2011 | Children, Dystopia, Romance
7.9 (20 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to admit that I'd heard so many good things about this book that I was thrilled to finally get started on it. I have to say though, that I was not hooked right from page one like I thought I'd be. It took me several chapters to really get into the story & the characters. BUT once I did, I was hooked! I can't wait to see what happens to Lena & Alex!!!!!
Delirium tells the story of love being a sickness, a disease, something that the US government has found a cure for. Society cures people at the age of 18 after they've gone through an interview process & then been matched with their mate & told what they will do & how many children they can have.
Lena's mother was infected & the cure was adminstered to her with no effect. Lena lives terrfied that she will be like her mother & therefore counts down the days until she can be cured. And then,quite by accident, she meets Alex. And as they say the rest is history!
There isn't much more I can say without giving too much away. The story sucks you in & sweeps you away. I was laughing & crying & hoping against hope that Lena would somehow avoid the cure. Did she? I don't know & that's the part that SUCKS! Gotta wait til the next book is released. ARGH!!!
Reflected in You (Crossfire, #2)
Reflected in You (Crossfire, #2)
Sylvia Day | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story of Eva and Gideon continues. Now, this book didn't make me think of 50 Shades at all, thank goodness. Eva and Gideon are now going to therapy together and trying to work on their issues and the crazy relationship that they have.
Gideon is trying to understand why it is so hard for Eva to trust him and Eva just wants Gideon to let her in.
In this book, their relationship is such a roller coaster ride, I got motion sickness. So many things happen in this book, that just astounded me.
<spoiler>Eva meets up with an old flame, who still has a little sizzle left, he actually wrote a song about her. Cary, the roommate is attacked, but why, no one knows. Nathan, the evil step-brother that molested and raped her as a child is found dead, and Eva didn't even know he was keeping tabs on her. Gideon stops communicating with her after an amazing weekend away. Her parents come face to face with each other for the first time in years. Gideon finally tells Eva, what she wants to hear, in more ways than one.</spoiler>
I'm interested to know what is going to happen next for these too.
One great thing about this book compared to Bared To You, she doesn't use the C-word nearly as much!!!
Conjure Women
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
102 of 235
Conjure Women
By Afia Atakora

The pale-skinned, black-eyed baby is a bad omen. That’s one thing the people on the old plantation are sure of. The other is that Miss Rue – midwife, healer, crafter of curses – will know what to do.

But for once Rue doesn’t know. Times have changed since her mother Miss May Belle held the power to influence the life and death of her fellow slaves. Freedom has come. The master’s Big House lies in ruins. But this new world brings new dangers, and Rue’s old magic may be no match for them.

When sickness sweeps across her tight-knit community, Rue finds herself the focus of suspicion. What secrets does she keep amidst the charred remains of the Big House? Which spells has she conjured to threaten their children? And why is she so wary of the charismatic preacher man who promises to save them all?

Rue understands fear. It has shaped her life and her mother’s before her. And now she knows she must face her fears – and her ghosts – to find a new way forward for herself and her people.

I liked it but it didn’t completely grab me I lost my way a little in the middle. The story and telling we’re really interesting. I just couldn’t pick back up from where it lost me.