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Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated Hardcore Henry (2016) in Movies

Aug 6, 2019 (Updated Aug 6, 2019)  
Hardcore Henry (2016)
Hardcore Henry (2016)
2016 | Action
Hardcore Henry is unlike anything we’ve ever seen on film before. Its fast, action packed, gratuitous and downright fun. The story is simple. The avatar character Aken wakes up and doesn’t quite know what is going on.

He sees a friendly face (Haley Bennett) and everything seems to be fine. Until unexpectedly all hell breaks loose. Now he is on a constant fast paced run for his life from one point to anther being led by Jimmy (Sharlto Copley) presumably someone who understand what is going on.

The film is shown through us entirely in the first person perspective of Aken. There is no steady cam work which may cause some to become a little nauseated. I am someone who has gotten motion sickness from a lack of steady cam in movies before, however the film has a fisheye lenses style which breaks the “realism” view just enough to cause the constant first person motion to become tolerable and less nauseating. I did not get sick at all and neither did two other friends who watched the film as well. So if that is your concern, give the film a chance as it may not be as bad as you think.

In the end, Hardcore Henry isn’t something for everyone. I would not recommend this to my mom. And I would not equate this to a first person shooter videogame like most others are. If you were to compare this film to a videogame, it feels more like playing Mirrors Edge than a first person shooter. Still, if you are looking for a fun, action packed, fast paced experience that has better plot points than Batman vs Superman, then give Hardcore Henry a shot. You have never experienced something quite like this before.
Alpha (2018)
Alpha (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Thriller
The origin of man's best friend, a heart warming story with some epic visuals.

I was slightly distracted for a while because my brain went "Keda's dad looks like Zod." Sorry if I've just distracted you with that too... you're welcome.

Somehow I managed to see an audio described release of this by accident and I was intrigued. As well as the films own subtitles you have all the sound commentary. I was struck by the fact that more than once they used the word "wince", which is visual, as an audio cue. He "winced in pain". Well yes he did wince, but you could see that, it should surely have said "cries with pain" or something similar?

Part of me is very glad that I didn't end up seeing this in 3D as I'd originally planned. On more than one occasion during the film I had to look away from the screen as I was getting dizzy or feeling slightly nauseous. So probably not one to see on the big screen if you have issues with motion sickness.

As I said at the beginning the visuals are amazing, and there are no obvious signs of the necessary digital intervention. It's a smooth film all the way through, nothing out of place. There's a snippet in the trailer where you see Keda tossed into the air by a buffalo, the extended version of this in the film is probably the best bit for me. It gave me that tense physical reaction to see larger than life, and thankfully didn't set off the vertigo! That all being said though, it's still just a pleasant film that goes where you expect it to.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated My Name is Monster in Books

Jul 30, 2020 (Updated Jul 30, 2020)  
My Name is Monster
My Name is Monster
Katie Hale | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Name is Monster is a book that really took me by surprise. It’s far more thoughtful and gentle than a lot of other post-apocalyptic books that I’ve read before. I kept expecting something terrible to happen - but it becomes apparent that the terrible thing has already happened.

After a series of wars, both sides have unleashed a sickness that has wiped out the population, and the survivors of that have died of starvation. Monster is a survivor. She had sheltered in the Arctic Seed Vault where she had been working. When she emerges, she is alone. She takes a boat and makes for the Scottish coast. When she washes up on a beach, shipwrecked, she walks towards the only place she really wants to see - home.

She starts to build a solitary life, resigned to living alone. And then one day she finds a child. She names her Monster, and renames herself Mother.

This is a story that made me think about the role of society, and what happens to an individual when there IS no society. It also showed what it means to be a mother: that it isn’t always the ones who give birth who are the mothers. Often it can be the things that a person DOES that makes them a mother. It also shows that one doesn’t have to have lots of possessions to be content. Contentment can be achieved through work or relationships.

There was a point quite early on, where I wondered whether this was the book for me, but I’m glad that I kept on reading. It’s the little things in this book that are actually the big things: the actions of an individual and love.

This was a really enjoyable, satisfying read. Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for my copy of this book.
Asina C | 2018
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lithium by Asina C is not the typical book style that comes to mind when I think about a fiction book based in Chernobyl. Normally I would expect such a book to be full of zombies or mutants who go around terrorizing a group of tourist that get lost but that is not the case with Lithium. Instead, this book mixes truth with science and a little bit of fantasy and gives readers a different type of story altogether. This book also talks about the Red Forest in Chernobyl and it sparked an interest in me to look up some pictures of the forest. I also did not notice too much that widely away from the actual facts about Chernobyl, though I would by no means consider myself to be well informed on the subject.

Zurin has lived with her mother for all of her twelve years in a small shack in Pripyat. Her mother has always kept Zurin inside her home for fear of radiation sickness and being seen. This is in part because the area in which they live is believed to be uninhabitable because of all the radiation still in everything following the explosion. Zurin has always been obedient to her mother’s rules until one day when her mother goes to get supplies and Zurin decides to step outside for the first time but may have been seen by someone.

Then one day, shortly after her birthday Zurin wakes up to find her mother gone and blood on the floor. Zurin then ventures out into the Red Forest in search of her mother but gets extremely lost and succumbs to radiation sickness. Luckily she is found by a young couple who work for a travel company and snuck into a restricted area of Chernobyl to take pictures for their website. The couple takes Zurin to the hospital and adopts her once she gets better. As fate would have it months later Zurin returns to Pripyat in search of her mother yet again and finds herself in an abandoned hospital. It is in this hospital that she learns the truth about her mother and her life up to this point. Her only hope is to team up with a doctor she is not completely trusting of, the young couple, and a man she has never met before.

What I liked best was the idea of people still being able to live in a highly irradiated area such as Pripyat with few side effects was interesting. The book also offered some mystery as to who Zurin and her mother are and why they chose to continue to live in an isolated area such a Pripyat. What I liked least was a little more complicated. I understand the fact that people exposed to nuclear radiation and or uranium may mutate both physically and/or mentally if they survive. What I did not understand was Nikolav’s goal by purposefully mutating the patients who survived the explosion but were trapped in the mental ward of the hospital.

This is definitely a young adult book, but for many, after high school, I feel like it would quickly lose its strong appeal. It is a good book but I feel like it would need to be a little more detailed, making the book a bit longer in order for it to have more of an appeal to adults. I ended up rating this book a 2 out of 4. This is because while I enjoy books set around Chernobyl (especially if mutated people or zombies are involved because it offers a plausible explanation for it) this book fell short of my expectations. One of the main issues I had was how the book fails to give solid reasoning and jumps from one topic to another.
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
A little too cheesy
I really badly wanted to like this film, but for me it was a little too bad in places to really be anything other than just ‘ok’.

As stated by virtually everyone else who has reviewed it so far, the CGI is fantastic. For the most part, this film looks visually stunning. There are a few instances though where I thought some of the sets and costumes were a little too lurid and garish and looked a little bit ridiculous. But mostly it looked great. And I give a huge thumbs up to the fight scenes - I’m sick of watching shaky camera fights that give you motion sickness, so it was freshing to watch the brilliantly shot and choreographed scenes in this, the flowed very well. Jason Momoa is also fantastic, he plays Aquaman perfectly with just enough charm, brashness and charisma to make him funny and likeable. I even found myself liking Amber Heard, which is odd as I’ve never liked her in anything else. The rest of the cast though are hit and miss; the excellent Willem Defoe is underused, Patrick Wilson is misplaced and hamming it up far too much, and I can’t look at Nicole Kidman anymore without seeing all of the fakery and plastic in her face... and Black Manta? When he turned up in his fancy suit, he just looked like a goth version of Alpha from the Power Rangers. Very poor choice of bad guy there.

Where this film really falters though is the script and parts of the plot. Whilst this film is obviously meant to be silly, the script is horrendous and stilted in parts and the plot is beyond predictable. And I also thought the runtime is much too long. The cast, effects and director do their best, but it’s let down by the writing.

Also, did anyone else think the Karathen looked like a Kaiju? Didn’t clock she was voiced by Julie Andrews though until afterwards.
Show all 3 comments.

Ross (3282 KP) Jan 9, 2019

Lol'ing at Black Manta being a goth Alpha.


Sarah (7798 KP) Jan 9, 2019

@Erika she did didn’t she? I’m surprised she still gets any roles now as she can’t really move her face...

Unsettled Ground
Unsettled Ground
Claire Fuller | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I make no secret of the fact that I’m a huge Claire Fuller fan, and Unsettled Ground gave me no reason at all to think otherwise - it’s a beautiful book.
The characters Jeanie and Julius are vulnerable people who just need someone to guide them when their mother dies, even though they are fiercely independent. This is a family that has always lived on the edge of their community - both their actual geographical location and socially. They live hand to mouth, and when Doris their mother dies, the twins have to go without food at times, when it transpires that Doris has left them with no money and debts. The cost of her funeral is the least of their problems (and they overcome that problem reasonably easily anyway).
There is a feeling that the twins are trapped by circumstance and by each other. Jeanie has never recovered from a childhood illness and is illiterate, and Julius is not only expected to look after her, but is trapped in their local area because he has severe travel sickness linked to their fathers terrible death. Their one comfort is their joint love of folk music (I wish I could have actually listened to these songs - I shall have to google them, and I hope they really exist!).
Claire Fullers use of language makes the everyday seem more lifelike in her books. I read most, if not all, of this with my heart in my mouth. How could I not? Jeanie and Julius are people who are shunned by society, taken advantage of and treated terribly. I feel I can’t leave this quite like this though: there are the good people, the ones that help.
I don’t want to spoil the story, so I’ll stop here, but what I will say is that this is another gorgeously written novel by Claire Fuller, and you should most definitely read it!
Many thanks to the publisher for providing me with an e-copy of this book through NetGalley to read and review.
We All Fall Down
We All Fall Down
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A woman is dying in an Italian hospital, coughing up blood, convulsing and barely conscious.
Dr Alana Vaughn, an expert from NATO, confirms everyone’s worst fears: the woman has the highly infectious disease that swept through Europe eight hundred years ago. The Black Death.
The sickness is spreading so quickly that soon the outbreak becomes a global pandemic. Markets crash and governments fall as quickly as the citizens they govern.
As panic takes hold and the death toll climbs, the consequences become horrifically clear – Alana must discover a way to stop the disease or it will be the end of us all.

The book is fast paced and had me on the edge of my seat wondering if Alana, Nico, Byron and company were going to be able to get to the bottom of who unleashed the plague and when or if they could get it under control.
The book was well written with believable and interesting characters.
I really liked the medical aspect of the book and how the scientists and doctors react to a dormant disease suddenly becoming active all over again and with them struggling to cope with the lack of vaccines available and also the consideration of the disease used as a bio-weapon was really interesting.
This is scary to think, could biological terrorism really happen, how fast can viruses spread and how safe are we?
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more from this author.
Highly Recommend reading!

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this e-book ARC to read and review. I enjoyed this so much that I intend to seek out the other books written by this author.

Kelly (279 KP) rated Babylon Berlin in TV

Dec 16, 2018  
Babylon Berlin
Babylon Berlin
2017 | Crime, Drama
Realistic portal of post Great War Berlin (1 more)
Not your usual boy meets girl story
Gritty, thrilling, engaging... need I go on?!
I have not found a series in some while that I was so attached, as Babylon Berlin. I confess, I watched the subtitles version, as my knowledge of German is pretty poor, but even this did not detach from the enjoyment of the series.

Babylon Berlin follows Gereon Rath, a detective struggling to deal with the aftermath of the Great War. He is supported at times in his cases by Charlotte Ritter, an administrator by day who supplements her families income through prostitution at night. I found myself routing for both characters throughout both series 1 and 2 of Babylon Berlin, even knowing Charlottes less than legal background, which is never hidden from the viewer. There was/ is a clear attraction between the two characters, which frustratingly is never fulfilled. Both characters are played by incredibly strong actors and are fully believable throughout.

What grasped my attention from the start was the clear portrayal of poverty that people lived in post war Berlin. Despite knowing some of the issues in living standards, I was drawn to the accuracy of the portrayal, many other stories set in this era would seek to romanticise the period at the end of the Weimar’s golden era, however the stark reality of degradation, sickness, depression and crime is always at the forefront of the story, and the political complexity of the time is covered well. This makes the the series very dark at times.

I was also surprised by the lack of Nazi input there is across season 1 and 2. We see lots about involvement of communists within the political system in the series, but there are only a small handful of references to the brown shirts - this is in stark contrast to what we are taught in schools, where the impression is given that by the late 1920s, Nazi involment is promenant in German society. This actually challenged my thinking on the subject, allowing me to realise that this is still a period, where, although the Nazis are known, they are not yet that popular.

I cannot wait until season 3 is released in order to find out what is next in store for Gereon and Charlotte. This truly is German production at its best.
Playstation 4
Playstation 4
Games Consoles > Games Consoles
Software (2 more)
Easy to use
Controller battery charge is poor (2 more)
Overheat easily
Playstation Plus expensive
Sleek design, great software
The playstation 4 was not cheap when it first appeared on the shelves, but it was a must have for most people, including me. The fashionable sleek design with the black panels against the blue light and touchpad controllers made it look incredibly stylish for a games console. Playstation Plus membership is unfortunately quite expensive, and the memory is poor on the console... having to download the game software to be able to play it.. not many different games can be played, depending on your memory. Simple to navigate and also the choice of installing applications. The touchpad controllers made it much easier to navigate on a keyboard, with quicker typing. The playstation allows you to connect with fellow players all around the world, and make new friends. The fact that there is an option for headphones and microphones is both positive and negative. It's great to communicate with others, however can lead to verbal abuse which is quite unsettling when gaming with trolls. The playstation consoles have always been my favourite and never will I change to an XBox, which is lumpy, ugly etc. The use of other applications such as YouTube and netflix on the playstation is amazing for people who do not have smart TVs or access to streaming sticks. Recently Playstation allowed players to change their username (a long and very much awaited change for users! Breathing a sigh of relief to get rid of cringy usernames, or usernames that included their ex lovers). However again, Playstation want to make money however they can... if you messed up the opportunity with the game tag change, you were only allowed one free opportunity so you had to consider wisely. Otherwise Playstation would charge you to change your game tag once more (slightly unfair I think!) A year ago I bought the PS4 VR headset.. exciting at first but a lumpy headset which is connected via cable (would have been much more effective to have had this wireless! Such as the controllers).. at first there is motion sickness, but you soon get the hang of it. Again a great selection of games, however quite pricey!

Louise (64 KP) rated A Court of Thorns and Roses in Books

Jul 2, 2018 (Updated Oct 16, 2018)  
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Feyre is the sole breadwinner for her family,with two sisters and her father to feed she trains herself to hunt. When out hunting on one of the coldest days in winter, she finds she has competition in the form of a wolf, hungry and knowing that she won’t get her chance again for a while she kills the wolf and her prey. She manages to sell the pelt from the wolf she killed and gets a pretty penny too but days later a beast/lion crashes through her door demanding to know who killed the wolf and that the killer must live in the immortal lands by the Fae law or die. When Feyre is taken to land of immortals (Prythian) she is shocked to see how beautiful everything is and also that her captor is not a beast but a handsome High Fae that is known as Tamlin. As Feyre grows to be more accustomed with her surroundings and finds a mutual interest with Tamlin, their companionship evolves into something more… A LOT MORE! There is a sickness that is spreading causing the fae to become weak, Feyre wants to help to stop this sickness but first she has to find….HER!

Why oh why have I waited so long to read this? I am always the last one on the hype train, but this didn’t disappoint me and is worth all the hype.

This is the first Sarah J Maas book that I have read and now I have a thirst for more. I don’t read a lot of retellings as I have this feeling that they are going to be totally different from the original. This really did feel like beauty and the beast with a twist and faeries. I have not read a lot of books involving fae, so I didn’t know what to expect but with Maas’ descriptive writing I was able to gather a good idea of what they looked like.

I had a hard time getting into this book, I don’t read a lot of fantasy and where I am so new to the genre I was a little worried that I wasn’t going to know what was going on. There are a lot of characters in this book and different types of Fae and creatures which was definitely interesting. I needn’t have worried as after reading this book I really wanted to delve into more fantasy, where anything can happen, where you have all types of creatures and just let your imagination go wild.

Feyre is a huntress, she is fearless, courageous, stubborn and a pretty good protagonist, however saying that some of the things she did, just made me shake my head and shout WHY? at my book. She would do some pretty stupid stuff and get herself into trouble even when she was warned by Tamlin that she shouldn’t do something or stay away.

Tamlin is the lord/high fae of the spring court and is able to shape shift into the lion/beast that Feyre encountered back in the mortal lands. He’s brooding, secretive, stubborn like Feyre and handsome obviously. I am100% team Tamlin, you grow to love him and the interactions between him and Feyre

Lucien, I was not sure about him, he was funny in parts but then he did things that put Feyre in jeopardy, however he had more of a back story to him which was interesting but I wasn’t a massive fan of his.

Rhysand he is good looking and he knows it, but he is devious and you are left wondering whose side he is really on. He is definitely a likeable character and seen as a contender for Feyre’s affections

Aramantha! What a bitch! What a badass! She is a great villain, she is pure evil and I loved it. She has everyone wrapped around her finger, she was cunning and sly.

I loved the romance in this book, it is verging on new adult with some scenes that are quite steamy between Feyre and Tamlin. There is a build up to the romance and so much tension between the two its palpable. Feyre despises Tamlin at first and then they find mutual interests(art) and become closer.

And for people who have read the book if you were like me. I was shouting at Feyre, at my book…..JUST SAY IT! SAY IT! And then afterwards WHY OH WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY IT!(Hopefully you know what I am on about)

I will definitely be continuing on with the sequel I need more Tamlin and the world. Sarah J Maas you legend!

If you are looking for a YA retelling that has a twist and makes it its own then you should definitely pick this up. If you love romance with tension then pick this book,it’s definitely an all the feels kinda book.

I rated this 4.25 out of 5 stars