The Dublin King: The True Story of Edward Earl of Warwick, Lambert Simnel and the 'Princes in the Tower'
A year after Richard III's death, a boy claiming to be a Yorkist prince appeared as if from nowhere,...

The Dublin King: The True Story of Edward, Earl of Warwick, Lambert Simnel and the 'Princes in the Tower'
A year after Richard III's death, a boy claiming to be a Yorkist prince appeared as if from nowhere,...

The 13th Black Candle
A secretive cult, known as The 13th Black Candle, have developed a community network of loyal...
Supernatural occult cults satanism

The Civil Wars of Julia Ward Howe: A Biography
This “lively biography” (The New Yorker) is the first to tell the story of Julia Ward Howe as a...
Memoir Gender studies History

Twelve Feet Tall
Tony Ward's story is a tragedy of a sporting career unfulfilled. Hailed by the Irish media as the...

Empire of Grass: Book Two of the Last King of Osten Ard
The kingdoms of Osten Ard have been at peace for decades, but now, the threat of a new war grows to...
Unfamiliar Familiarities: Outside Views on Switzerland
Peter Pfrunder, Lars Millumeit, Tatyana Franck and Fotostiftung Schweiz
Switzerland's image has been significantly shaped by photographs dedicated to tourism. Through...

The Caller
THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER After a tough week, Tanya Kaitlin is looking forward to a...