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Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated Big bang theory season 11 in TV

Dec 3, 2019 (Updated Dec 4, 2019)  
Big bang theory season 11
Big bang theory season 11
2017 | Comedy
7.8 (37 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Nerdy Jokes (0 more)
Annoying Characters (0 more)
Why Don't I Like This?
I want so much to like this, it's perfect for me: supreamly nerdy. There are so many references to sci-fi things, science, and all things geek, but sadly, it is not enough to draw me in.
The characters are (to me) very one dimensional, predictable, and just plain annoying.
Add that to the later seasons, where, like all programs that has passed it's expectation date, it just starts to go down hill.
America has a bad tradition of drawing out it's TV for far to long. At an average of 20 episodes a season, and usually 6+ seasons, programs go stale, get repetitive, loose the elements that made them good, or just forget to follow through with plots and character arcs. Lost. The Simpsons. Family Guy. 24. NCIS. How I Met Your Mother. Vitualy any program suffers at least a little in the later seasons, hopefully it recovers for the final, but not always. And while many will disagree, I just felt it was lacklustre to the end.
I know lots of people love it, and I by no means hate it, it's just not for me, despite trying and wanting to like it.
Like bananas.

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated The Simpsons in TV

Nov 26, 2019 (Updated Nov 26, 2019)  
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
1989 | Animation, Comedy, Family
The early seasons (0 more)
The layer seasons (0 more)
Going down hill
When I was a child, I loved the Simpsons. Even now, as an adult, I re-watch episodes and find subtle and adult jokes I missed entirely as a child. Those fist 8 or so seasons were very good. Full of little details, great humour, and plenty of theme variety. After that, things started to go down hill.
My new sustain of the more modern show, culminated in an episode involving a screaming caterpillar.... after that, I lost all hope they would produce a good episode again.
The characters have now become very one dimensional, with personalities in the extremes. For example, homer is no longer just quite dim, with a fair few moments of total stupidity, but with a good heart; now he is mentally defective, and to dumb to realy feel love. This is seen right across the board, with each story now being a rip off of either a film, tv series or book, or some crazy nonsense that seems to fizzle out by the third act.
All in all, the original seasons, up to 10, are either great or at least worth a watch, after that, I would not bother.
How sad the fall from greatness, if only they had quite while they were ahead, instead of milking this yellow cow dry.
The Woman in the Window (2021)
The Woman in the Window (2021)
2021 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
A woman, Anna, wakes up and we get a view around her home, followed by a conversation with her daughter and her husband. We see her watching her neighbours before engaging in a therapy session. It is soon clear that Anna has problems. She has attempted suicide, has a drinking problem and is agrophobic meaning she is too scared to leave the house.

One evening her new neighbours son Ethan, comes over to introduce himself and they get talking, but something is worrying him. The next day his judgemental mum, Jane, comes over after Anna's House is egged on Halloween and they also get talking, but she is worried about her son and husband. That same evening, the husband comes over asking her if his family had come to see her, she lies and says no.

One evening whilst in the bath, Anna hears a scream coming from her new neighbours house, she speaks to Ethan who is clearly distraught but won't say why. Then whilst watching them again, she witnesses a brutal crime where a Russell family member is stabbed, but when she reports it nobody believes her, so she decides to try and find out what happened, which isn't going to be easy for someone with agrophobic.

I want to say I have never seen a movie like this before, and in truth I haven't, but I have seen a very similar storyline on the simpsons, when Bart thinks ned flanders has killed maude, it even plays out in a similar way.

It was an interesting movie though, with so many twists that I didn't see coming and it kept me interested right to the end. I did feel the end wasn't In keeping with the tone of the movie though, it started off like a psychological thriller but ended like a teen Slasher.
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