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Lilac Skully and the Haunted House
Lilac Skully and the Haunted House
Amy Cesari | 2017 | Children, Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lilac is a character you can't help but root for.
I don't often comment on covers, but I've got to start this by saying I love the cover for Lilac Skully and the Haunted House. The house is definitely suitably creepy, and the color choice for the sky is absolutely gorgeous. I did pick it up just to look at the cover more than once before it made it’s way to the top of my to-read pile. And at only 168 pages, when I finally did pick it up to read, it was a book that I flew through. Obviously it’ll take the intended age range a bit longer to read than it did for me, but I can’t imagine it being a slow go for anyone. It’s well-written and nicely paced. The story hits the ground running.

I liked Lilac Skully and the Haunted House. Lilac reminded, at least vaguely, of Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series. Not as crazy, mind you, but with the blonde hair, the big eyes, and the outcast status, it was hard for her not to feel a little familiar. This was a good thing, as it enabled me to immediately connect with the character a little more quickly than I might have normally. The fact that Lilac was scared of ghosts was perfect. Young readers will definitely be able to empathize with the little girl who does all the sensible things to avoid running into them. Who in their right mind would want to go into a haunted basement, right?

The set up is fairly typical of a kid’s book. A single parent family, with the father additionally and conveniently absent for the majority of the book. The adults that are in the picture for Lilac Skully and the Haunted House are bumbling, sometimes up to no good, and ridiculously easily fooled. Nothing new to see, but still entertaining to read. The formula works for a reason, even if we do celebrate times when things veer from the norm. In this case, it allowed Lilac to participate in some Home Alone-esque shenanigans that had me grinning.

It’s obvious the author has more adventures for Lilac Skully planned (seven, to be exact), and I think she will swiftly gain a loyal fanbase. Lilac Skully and the Haunted House was easy to read, and featured a little girl with a lot of heart. I enjoyed watching Lilac learn that appearances can be deceiving, and that sometimes the people you least expect can become your best friends.

Overall, a very good read for young readers who want something with ghosts, but not something ‘too scary’. Lilac Skully and the Haunted House worth picking up, and something you can let them read on their own, or read with you each evening.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for review consideration.

Louise (64 KP) rated Relativity in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Antonia Hayes | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I was asked to join the blog tour for Relativity I jumped at the chance. The blurb really intrigued me and also there is stunning praise on the front cover from three authors that I have read before: Graeme Simsion, S J Watson and Christos Tsiolkas. With such high praise from these authors I knew I had to read it.

Relativity follows Ethan Forsythe, twelve years old and a very clever young man who has a particular obsession with physics and astronomy. Ethan lives with his single mother Claire in Sydney, as he is getting older he is asking more and more questions about his fathers whereabouts which Claire is particularly hesitant about answering and very mysterious much to Ethans annoyance.

When Ethan gets taken ill, secrets start to unfold and the reasons for his current illness are revealed and how it's connected to his past and father.

I had never heard of Relativity until I was asked to do this Blog Tour, I like to go into books knowing as little as possible so I can form my own opinions and not waiting for twists and turns. Relativity took me by surprise,this is what you would classify as family drama/literary fiction and I devoured this book, needing to know what happened, why Ethan was ill? Why his father wasn't around?

I thought the writing style and prose of this book are beautifully written. I also liked the science parts even sometimes when I couldn't get my head around (I am not great at science). You don't have to be great at physics to follow this book but I think Antonia Hayes must have put a lot of research into the topics that were explored within.

The story is told from third person past tense narrative from the perspectives of Ethan, Claire and Mark. The characters are well-developed,complex and three dimensional. Ethan's character was written really well and believable for a twelve-year-old boy, he would say some profound things and had me laughing out loud.

    Mum,want to know something crazy? Statistically, the probability that I exist is basically zero. Did you know you were born with two million eggs?

I could really empathise with Claire, being a parent myself you will do anything to protect your child and what you feel is best for them. Her anxiety that she was experiencing was palpable, what with introducing Mark back into Ethan's life but there were points where I felt she made some bad decisions and should have discussed it more with Ethan.

I liked reading from Marks perspective, especially towards the end when you get more of a back story, though there is parts sprinkled throughout the book about their relationship and extended family.

Relativity is beautiful, realistic and a well researched novel and definitely recommend picking it up. This is a great debut novel and I am excited to see what Hayes does next.
The Pink Bonnet: True Colors
The Pink Bonnet: True Colors
Liz Tolsma | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cecile Dowd is a single mother, just trying to keep life together in 1933 for her and her three year old daughter Millie. Cecile is a widow and it's the great depression. Without her husband, it's difficult to always control Millie's behavior and make sure there is enough food on the table. Cecile decides she needs to get another job to help make things easier. While she goes out looking, she leaves Millie with a neighbor. When she returns to pick up Millie at the end of the day, Millie is gone. The neighbor says, that Cecile can't handle the child and has given her to someone who can help, Georgia Tann the head of the Tennessee Children's Home. They "help" parents find loving families for their children. But Cecile didn't ask for this and neither did a lot of other parents. Ms. Tann is taking children from parents she deems unfit and sending them to other families in the area. Ms. Tann has most of the Tennessee government in her back pocket and no matter who Cecile goes to for help, it's to no avail. Will she be able to find Millie before she's gone forever? With people trying to stop her at every turn, Cecile is determined, no matter what the cost.

Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

This book is based on a true story. Georgia Tann was a real woman who really ran an adoption agency in Tennessee for over 25 years. During her tenure, it is believed that approximately 5,000 children were taken unwillingly from their parents and sold in adoptions to whoever would pay the highest price.

This book hit my heart hard. I can't imagine what I would do, if I left my child with a friend or neighbor for a little bit and then when I came back they had forged my name on documents to allow my child to be taken for adoption. Or if they were just snatched from the street on their way home from school. This was happening to hundreds of families during the depression. People were doing anything they could to make ends meet, but for Georgia Tann that didn't matter. One parent should be with the child at all times. That is the only way to show that you really love and are able to take care of the child.

I would love to read more about this lady. I hope there was a warm seat in hell waiting for her and all her cohorts when she passed away. Throughout the story, you can feel the love for Millie that Cecile has and she risks her life and the lives of those that are helping her in order to get to her daughter. No matter what she does, though it never seems like enough, Millie is always just beyond her grasp.

If you like historical, true crime fiction, you will enjoy this book.
The Whisper Man
The Whisper Man
Alex North | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel was told from multiple perspectives, but the main characters in this book were Jake and his dad Tom. They move to a new town after Tom’s wife dies. The town is quite ordinary, except for the fact that they moved to a house locally called “the scary house”, and that a child disappeared and was found murdered, and then Jake starts to hear the whispers just outside his window… 😮

I really enjoyed this book and the story. The characters chosen for this novel are quite ordinary, but at the same time incredibly mysterious. I really enjoy reading multiple perspectives, and especially when the murderer’s thoughts are incorporated as well, and this book didn’t disappoint me with that. I really liked how the author delivered the characters, he concentrated on the important ones, and I was able to find out more about them. My favourite character has to be Jake, he is smart, sweet, interesting, and he truly shines in this book. I really enjoyed the variety of characters as well.

The narrative of this novel is very creatively crafted, it has plenty of twists and surprises, and I really liked the way Alex North was building up the suspense throughout this novel. This book had not only chills and thrills, but also some very deep and insightful monologues as well. The characters discussed such topics as loss and how they are dealing with it, how fathers influence their sons, alcoholism and it’s consequences, single parent struggles, and many more. Even though there are female characters in this novel, the author concentrates more on Father-Son bond and relationships, and it feels quite masculine at times, and I really liked reading about it.

I enjoyed the writing style of this book, the book was very well composed and delivered. The chapters are short, so it was very hard to put it down. There are some very disturbing scenes in this book related to dead seven-year-old children, so it is not for faint-hearted readers. Even though this story is very gripping, I was expecting something more from the culmination, it was good, but it could’ve been even better. I liked how this book ended, I think it rounded the story very nicely. There is not much information about the author himself, but I believe it was his debut novel, and I truly hope that there will be more coming in the near future. 🙂

So, to conclude, it was a true page turner for me, that left me scared at night. I loved the complex characters, unexpected discoveries, and always lingering fear and creepiness. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I strongly recommend it to all mystery and thriller fans. There are rumours that there will be a film, and I absolutely can’t wait to see, how it will be adapted to the big screen.
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