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Butterfly Islands (Chronicles of the Twenty-One Butterflies Book 1)
Butterfly Islands (Chronicles of the Twenty-One Butterflies Book 1)
Chris Seabranch | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Girl pirates (4 more)
Amazing setting
Action & Adventure
Girl Pirates, Treasure, Sword Fights, and Adventure! Yes, please!!!
I read this book because the Kindle version was offered for free on Amazon.
I didn't know what to expect and I honestly thought it was going to be a failed version of some of my most loved pirate stories. But because it featured female pirates, I knew I HAD to read it! And, girl, am I glad I did!
This is the first of a series of 5 books and it did not disappoint! This book had action, adventure, life changing decisions, sword fights, a treasure hunt, pirate ships, and even a couple villains that I ended up truly hating.
The story begins with 15-year-old Casey fleeing her marriage to a much older, very cruel man, which was arranged by her abusive step-father. Casey struggles with leaving because she knows what horrible fate awaits her mother at the hands of her step-father.
As Casey makes her escape, in her wedding dress, she is easily trailed by the very sadists that insist she make good on her step-father's arrangement. Casey runs deeper into the jungle and is rescued by the Twenty-One Butterflies just as the dogs are loosed on her.
Once she observes the ways and learns the values of the group of women that are the Twenty-One Butterflies, Casey makes yet another life-altering decision to join them.
Adventure, danger, training, sword fights, and sisterhood ensue as Casey embarks on her journey to become a Twenty-One Butterfly.
I fully intend to continue the series and discover Casey's fate as well as the fates of the rest of the Twenty-One Butterflies!

BeRad89 (48 KP) rated The War Nurses in Books

Apr 5, 2018  
The War Nurses
The War Nurses
Lizzie Page | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies, History & Politics
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“... a flying ambulance corps made up of a naturist, a pianist, a journalist, a lady and a widowed mother...and a non smoking schoolgirl.” This is the description of the ambulance corp of Elsie Knockers and Mairi Chisholm during World War I. Will these brave ladies' friendship and sisterhood survive the war as they live in close quarters and dodge bullets as front line nurses in a cellar?

I started this book without much hope. To me, the cover is cheap-looking, and I admit this colored my judgement. How wrong I was!!! The War Nurses ended up being a very good read. Mairi is shown in such a real light. I was amazed at what both women did during the war. To see the human side of such a brave woman was interesting. I didn't personally like Elsie, but her character was amusing and kept surprising me.

While it didn't particularly bother me, some people will not like the amount of gore and yucky stuff in this book. While I know you can't judge a book by its cover, the cover to this book is very cheap looking.

The War Nurses by Lizzie Page is a work of historical fiction. It will be published April 17, 2018 by Bookouture.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. It ending up being a very pleasant surprise, as I judged this book by the cover and wasn't expecting much from it. It is an inspiring and eye-opening book. I recommend to anyone who loves powerful women, coming of age stories, WWI, medical stories, and/or historical fiction.

I was given a free copy from Net Galley and Bookouture in exchange for my honest review.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Meg and Jo in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
Meg and Jo
Meg and Jo
Virginia Kantra | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A modern retelling of Little Women, MEG AND JO looks at the four March sisters in present day. We have Meg, a mom of twins, married to a man who works at a car dealership. Jo, an aspiring writer, who works in New York City at a restaurant and writes a food blog. Their sisters, Beth and Amy, flit in the background--Beth is pursuing her musical dreams and Amy is chasing fashion in Paris. But when the girls' stalwart mom gets sick, they must come home for the holidays to help at the family farm. There they will learn lessons about family, sisterhood, and following their dreams.

This one grew on me. It's not as jarring as I expected to see the girls in real time--I actually enjoyed that aspect. What's odd is that while the modern setting exists, there are a lot of outdated gender norms. Meg has to be the perfect mom who refuses help from everyone; the girls' father is basically worthless, etc. It's hard to overcome at first.

But I eventually took to Meg and Jo. I liked Jo's feisty nature, even if some of the problem/distance with her chef/boyfriend seemed a bit contrived. And I could identify with Meg, who felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders (twin moms unite).

Overall, this is a sweet and funny story. It's silly at times, but also heartwarming. I enjoyed seeing where Kantra tweaked the plot (there's a piece with the March patriarch that I particularly enjoyed). It's no Eligible--perhaps my favorite modern retelling of all--but it's a fun read. I've heard there may be a second book featuring Beth and Amy, and I would certainly read it. 3.5 stars.
The Giver of Stars
The Giver of Stars
Jojo Moyes | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A quietly emotional story
I should know…know that when I read a Jojo Moyes book that it’s going to pack an emotional punch but with this blurb, I just didn’t see it coming. THE GIVER OF STARS had me invested quickly and feeling like a family member to the librarian sisterhood, so that when things happened, I felt devastated and scared to read on. The themes of misogyny, racism and feminism made this both emotional and empowering.

The context of reading, teaching poor and downtrodden women, children and men to read through the distrubution of books was in the background but it also powerful to observe. These women on their riding rounds also comforted the sick, grieving and took on the role of friends, confidantes and substitute mother figures.

I didn’t expect this book to be unputdownable, but it was as Moyes made the mundane work of Alice, Margery, Izzy and Beth’s lives totally readable and absorbing. Alice was the main protagonist, an English newly-wed, a little prissy but a genuinely sweet woman. The life she found in Kentucky was not at all what she expected and I tore my hair out over her and Bennett’s relationship. There were some revolting men in this book but then there were also some fantastic characters in Fred and Sven, they were the light in my reading and this book.

There was a second supporting protagonist in Margery and she really captured my heart. I loved her rebelliousness, her unconventional ways and willingness to be different. Her later storyline had me distraught, sad and prone to weeping. I just did not know where this book was going to end, there were so many possibilities.

I have come away from this read inspired. Jojo Moyes took me on a journey with this story and I am all the richer for it. This is historical women’s fiction at it’s best and I will remember this book for years, I am sure.
Curveball (Barlow Sisters #1)
Curveball (Barlow Sisters #1)
Jordan Ford | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Curveball (Barlow Sisters #1) by Jordan Ford
Curveball is the first book in a new series called Barlow Sisters. As you might gather, this trilogy involves three sisters - not triplets like they get mistaken for. Instead, Max and Maddie are twins, with Chloe being a bit younger. They have been uprooted and driven across the country, but they are still there for each other. Their relationship is as close as you could want - sisters before misters. However, a spanner gets thrown in the works in the shape of Holden Carter. Not only does Chloe fall instantly in love with him, but he infuriates Maddie to the nth degree. She has a few words to say to him, which hurt him. So he decides to show her he isn't what she accused him of being. Throw in some robberies, a bit of sport, friendship, sisterhood, and you've got yourself another winner by Jordan Ford.

I love reading Jordan Ford books because I am always surprised by something that is going on within those pages. The characters, and situations, leap off the page before you, drawing you into their world, so you feel all their pain, their heartache, their joy. One part that really got me, was when Holden took Maddie to Cresthill, and she spent time with his grandpa. Lump, meet throat - you're going to become very acquainted with each other right now. I thought I had the bad guy figured out, and I did (yey me!), but somehow I still ended up feeling sorry for him. Every character in this book was believable, and therefore relate-able.

With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, this book flowed from start to finish. It was completely engrossing, and I can't wait to read the other sisters' stories, especially as I have them paired up already! Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Pretty Girls: A Novel
Pretty Girls: A Novel
Karin Slaughter | 2016 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.4 (20 Ratings)
Book Rating
Claire Scott leads a seemingly perfect life - she's beautiful and adored by her wealthy husband, Paul. However, Claire's life is shadowed by the disappearance of her eldest sister, Julia, over twenty years ago. Julia went missing while in college and was never seen again. In the aftermath, Claire lost not only Julia, but her other sister, Lydia, as the sisters have been estranged for years. As a result, Claire has clung to Paul and the comfort and security he provides . However, a new tragic event changes everything for Claire - and will eventually lead her to look at everything in her life differently, including Julia's disappearance and her relationship with Lydia.

I really enjoyed this novel - it's engaging and suspenseful: filled with twists and turns. Sometimes you see them coming and other times you don't. It's a quick read, but not a particularly light one - be prepared for a dark read. The book is raw, violent, and even heartbreaking at points. Most of the story unfolds from Julia and Claire's point of view, but we also hear a little bit from their father between chapters. As the novel progresses, we learn not only about the present day mystery (which is captivating) but what happened to their sister, Julia, so long ago.

The book's strength is that it presents not only a compelling and interesting mystery tale, but a chilling portrait of its characters, as well. You get a good look into the lives of Lydia and Claire and their own psychological motivations. It goes beyond a thriller into a story of parenthood and sisterhood. Frankly, as a parent, there are parts of this book that break my heart and made me want to never let my children out of my sight! But, truly, that was what made it so good - it deftly portrayed the evil that can befall them in the world.

Some of the plot points are a bit fantastical and it suffers from the trope where Claire and Paul Scott just have unlimited financial resources, but overall, I found this one fascinating. Definitely a worthy read.
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #1)
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #1)
Carrie Ryan | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
___ <b>3 Star Rating</b> ___

I just had to read this one as I fell in love with the front cover, it looked great so I expected a great story.

I had a love/hate relationship with this book, there were bits that were so good I wanted to shout from the rooftops but there were also parts that were so bad I wanted to run to a dark corner and cry.

<u>The bits I loved</u>

1. The suspense - Oh my life and soul I thought my heart was going to give out! That tension was fantastic! The way the author wrote the action scenes were great, the extra long description filled build ups which make you sweat and then straight into the action. The action was always really good with a nice bit of gore and clever tactics...very well done!

2. The dog - You have to have a dog in there somewhere, I love dogs! If the dog survives then that's extra points from me, I just want the animals to be ok...f*ck anyone else!

3. The Unconsecrated - Very well described, I liked the idea of 'The Fast One' and yeah I know they're Zombies...but I like Zombies.

<u>The bits I hated</u>

1. Mary! Mary! Aaaaand...Mary! - Oh what a pain in the ass! I did not like the MC one little bit. She was incredibly selfish, self centred and just plain rude. She was willing to step on anybody to get her own way. Everything, love, love, OMG Mary I love you!
Mary: *Like I give a shit! I just wanna go to the Beach!*
People whom she supposedly loved were dropping like flies around her but oh well that's one less person in the way of her ocean filled dreams.
I'm sorry but I just hoped for this...

<img src=""; width="300" height="210"/>

2. Lack of character development - Actually, there was none. I still know nothing about the other characters, it's like they were just there to show how 'amazing' Mary really was. I so wanted at least one of the other characters to take centre stage for a while, just so I could see things from a different perspective...but no.

3. Lack of story building - So...why? When? Who? What? Did they live? Die? How did the dog get across the rope the second time?
Why the gates? The fences? Why are there Unconsecrated? What is the Sisterhood all about? What are they hiding? How did this all happen? WTF is Mary's problem? I know there's a second book and I've heard that it doesn't even carry the story on, if that is true I think I'm gonna scream. So many questions!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Sorority in Books

Mar 20, 2019  
Genevieve Sly Crane | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Too weird for me
The girls of the sorority house are a close-knit--if not particularly happy--group. That is until Margot's death. When she's found dead in the house, it changes things, and each girl must deal with Margot's passing and its aftermath in her own way.

Well, this was a weird one. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. We are introduced to the sorority girls in the first chapter by a "chorus," who tells us who lives in each room and a small bit about each one. Except for Margot's room, we're told; Margot is dead.

Then the following chapters detail a snippet of time in each girls' life. Some chapters may take place before Margot's death; others take place after. I was really glad I was reading a hardcopy, because at the start of each chapter, I had to flip back to that first chapter about all of the girls and find that girl's little paragraph or so blurb that introduced them. I could never keep any of them straight--perhaps because there was so many or maybe because most them didn't really stand out to me.

Because yes: I didn't really love this one. The short bits of time spent with each character make it hard to get attached to anyone. While we are technically following the thread of Margot's death, there's really no arc to the story. The book probably speaks to some higher meaning that I just didn't get. Instead it's a bit disturbing (some of the chapters are really awful), and no one is happy at all, which was really depressing. Sure, some of these dark glimpses into people's lives can be a little oddly fascinating, but honestly, it was often horrifying too. For me, it felt like the book was trying to be literary and clever and it just didn't work for me (or, more likely, I'm just not a good candidate for literary, smart books, ha).

For instance, was this one praising or mocking sororities? I really don't know. Margot's death seemed so pointless, so it certainly didn't seem to be doing the idea of sororities any favors. A lot of the book didn't seem to show the sisterhood in a good light. Yeah, I just didn't get it. I'm not sure exactly why I slogged through it, except that the full details of Margot's death aren't completely revealed until the end. I actually liked Margot the best, but she was dead, and yes, that probably sums up this book the best for me.

Overall, this one was too weird for me. I can do dark, but dark, strange, no real plot, and few characters with any redeemable value--it just didn't work for me. I'm sure it is enjoyable for others, especially those that don't need a real plot arc. And I do feel the need to point out that there's a trigger for self-harm, suicide, and eating disorders in this novel.
Sisters of Summer&#039;s End (Summer Resort #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was wondering where the sisters would come in to play at Coopers Charm RV park since after reading the first book, Coopers Charm, and knowing there was only one set of sisters residing at the park and they had their story line in the first book. After finishing this book I realized sisters don’t have to be defined by blood only. The best kind of family is the ones we pick for ourselves.

Joy has had a single focus in life since she became a mother to Jack. Once her family disowned her, she set out to make a life for her and her baby and almost 6 years later she has found her stride. Living and working at Coopers Charm has been a dream come true, having taken pity on her pregnant self and hiring her on the spot while providing an apartment, Cooper saved her life and soul. These people are her family now and she hasn’t looked back.

Royce has looked to make a change in his life since his mother passed away. Buying the old drive in seemed like the perfect way to escape all of life’s hardships and taking care of himself unencumbered. He never counted on Joy or Jack working their way into not only his life but also his heart.

Secondary in this novel is the story of Maris and Daron. We met both these characters, and got a hint of their flirtation/denial in Cooper’s Charm. Maris is a fiercely independent woman who wants nothing to do with playboy Daron. Or at least that is what she keeps telling herself and anyone that asks. Her body may argue that point with her mind. Daron has pursued Maris for years, knowing deep in his soul that she is the one for him above anyone else. Having her refuse his advances all these years has just made him want her more. When she finally decides it is ok to act on her feelings and still be the independent woman she desires to be, she jumps all in with Daron.

Joy, Royce, Daron and Maris have a romantic fall season at Coopers Charm RV park. They navigate the newness of relationships while trying to maintain so type of normalcy with the lives they’ve come to appreciate. When Joy’s mother makes an unexpected appearance in her life again, Joy needs to reevaluated and make choices that will affect her future as well as Jack’s.

Once again I am taken to a fictional place with wonderful characters that make me want to search them out in real life. The people of Coopers Charm RV resort come together to form stronger bonds than most families will ever experience in their lifetime. 5 out of 5 stars for this wonderful story of friendship, sisterhood and family that I read and reviewed in advance without any expectations. I’m hoping to return to Coopers Charm sooner rather than later, to catch up with these friends who have formed lifelong bonds.

Dana (24 KP) rated Caraval in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Stephanie Garber | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to start off by saying to Owlcrate, amazing job at curating this book for the box. I was stoked when I opened the box to see this one in there because this was on my wish list!

I know quite a few people on this site did not enjoy this book. I, obviously, am not one of them. I really liked the magical quality of Caraval. It seemed like a really creepy, yet beautiful place to be. As you probably can see, it took me a while to actually read this book, but that's not the writing's fault. I just kept getting distracted or into mini slumps. I promise, I liked this book a lot.

Caraval has gotten a lot of hype and attention, I think for a good reason. This, I believe, is Stephanie Garber's first full novel and she did an excellent job at it. I am excited to see what she comes up with next.

The characters were interesting. I liked Scarlett and her sleuthing skills. She was strong and wanted to protect those around her which I can understand. She is a little too self-sacrificing to be completely relatable, though which is one fault I will put onto her. I can say I wasn't a big fan of her sister, Donatella. That's all I will say about that. The Grand Master Legend was creepy as hell and he wasn't really seen in the book at all. That was great writing to be able to feel that creeping sensation throughout the book. He was just a heavy presence at the back of your mind that you couldn't quite shake. I felt immediately attached and wary of Julian. When you read the book, you'll find out why.

The plot is primarily about the game and sisterhood. Scarlett will do anything to protect Donatella, and I mean anything. She knows she has to win this game she has been dreaming about her whole life to keep Tella safe, and damn it, she is going to do her best. I respect that. I liked the pacing of the plot, though there were a few moments things happened too quickly. I feel like there were a few too many jumps to immediate conclusions for the hints in the game that the readers couldn't necessarily keep up with.

The setting was beautiful. Who wouldn't want to go to this magical circus island? I mean, yes, it's super dangerous, but I would go! I love the rose imagery throughout. It was a great connecting theme that I liked because even if the characters sometimes were disoriented, you could find your way again with the roses.

The game was crazy. Literally. I was so blown away with the thought process Garber had to forman of when she was writing this. Blown. Away.

The twists and turns of this book had me going at all times. I really enjoyed not being able to see things coming, which I usually can when there is more of a suspenseful plot line, but in this one, there were only a few moments I could see ahead.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and I can't wait for the next one!