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Sleeping with the Fishes
Sleeping with the Fishes
Diane Vallere | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ava is the oldest daughter of Mother, and as such has been groomed to take over the leadership of Sirenia, their merfolk territory under the sea, someday. Most view Ava as aloof and bossy, but Ava will be the first to tell you she is really afraid – afraid her past will come out and afraid she will fail when the time comes. The time comes sooner than she expected when Mother is kidnapped and Ava must take over leadership immediately. Then comes word that sharks are encroaching on mermaid territory. Can Ava deal with this crisis?

This is the third novella about three mermaid sisters, and it is another fantastic tale. Ava finally gets her chance to step into the spotlight, and she fully comes alive for us. As the story unfolds, we get to see her grapple with what she has been handed and rise to the occasion. Yes, this is another fantastic coming of age story with a strong mystery to keep you turning pages. These novellas are best read in order, but there is enough background to follow Ava’s story. It’s been wonderful getting to spend some time under the sea with all three of these sisters.

NOTE: NOTE: This story, along with the stories of Ava’s sisters, are included in the Mermaid Mysteries anthology. Buy them individually or as a set, but there is no need to buy both.
Mermaid Mysteries
Mermaid Mysteries
Diane Vallere | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Go Under the Sea for this Novella Collection
This collection contains three mystery novellas that take the reader under the sea for stories starring three mermaid sisters, the daughter of the leader of their community of Sirenia. Up first, Zoe finds a mystery after she rescues a diver at a shipwreck she loves to explore. Next, Kyra discovers something strange happening at the vault of cultural treasures. Finally, Ava must step into leadership earlier than expected when someone kidnaps Mother.

Each of the three novella is only 90 pages each, so they are easy reads, but they are delightful. They are part coming of age tales, and watching the sisters grow is remarkable. We get to see the other characters from three sets of eyes, so it is fun to see how the different sisters view those around them. The undersea world is brought to life with a delightful attention to detail; there are many elements that made me smile, and I’d love to dive in for a visit if I could only breath underwater. The mysteries themselves are good and compelling. One ended a bit abruptly, but that was a minor complaint. If you want to try something different with your mysteries, this collection is for you.

NOTE: The novellas were originally released individually as ebooks before being combined into this electronic and print collection. Make sure you aren’t buying the same content a second time, but by all means, buy it once.
What the Cluck? It’s Murder
What the Cluck? It’s Murder
Jacqueline Vick | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meeting the Family Turned into a Clustercluck
Frankie and her boyfriend are getting away for a long weekend so that Frankie can meet a few of Martin’s older sisters, the women who raised him. However, trying to make a good impression isn’t the only thing that Frankie has to worry about when she and Martin find a dead farm hand near the chicken coop. With the evidence pointing to one of Martin’s sisters, Frankie and Martin have to team up to figure out what is going on. Can they do it?

Yes, this is one of the few paranormal series I read, and I find the premise very fun. I was happy with how quickly I was able to keep the sisters and their families straight. I’m sure it helped that we weren’t meeting all of them. Since Frankie and Martin are the only returning characters, they got plenty of time to grow, and I love what we saw, especially from Martin. We get plenty of fun, especially with Frankie trying to read animals, although they did give us one scene I found tasteless. There are a few timeline glitches, but they were more annoying than anything else. The plot fights with family dynamics a time or two for dominance, but there are some fun surprises on the way to a suspenseful ending. All told, this is another fun book if you are looking for something different.
Sisters An’gel and Dickce Ducote are only too happy to help Mary Turner Catlin, the granddaughter of their friend. It seems the family house is haunted, and she wants them to help her figure out what is causing the problem. It isn’t too long after they arrive that they begin to experience some strange things, but it’s the uninvited guests who really up the tension. What are the sisters involved in now?

I love the main characters in this book, both human and four legged, so I was glad to get a chance to visit them again. They delight as always, and the new characters are strong as well. The pacing was a little off over all, but the haunted house aspect is a nice addition to the mystery. Fans of the author will enjoy this latest book.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
1986 | Comedy, Drama, Romance

"I like Hannah and Her Sisters. I’m a really big Woody Allen fan. I love all his stuff except for the crap. Ironically, I always wanted to be in a Woody Allen movie, and I was, but it was a movie he just acted in, Picking up the Pieces. It was the worst movie I was ever in. Everybody in it was a big star, was some name, Alfonso Arau was the director, Vittorio Storaro was the DP. It was like all the world’s best ingredients mixed in a cup full of vomit. I couldn’t even watch me, that’s how bad it was. But Hannah and Her Sisters. I just love the multiple storylines going on, and then Woody Allen gets soft at the end, and it becomes sentimental. But the thing I really liked was the piano score, the acoustic piano score that runs throughout. It’s really the thing that ties it together, emotionally. I thought"


ClareR (5603 KP) rated Sisters in Books

Nov 22, 2022  
Daisy Johnson | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What it’s about:
Sisters is about July and September, born 10 months apart and as close as twins. They’ve only ever needed each other. But when school bullying results in them moving away with their mother to an abandoned house on the Yorkshire coast, their relationship starts to fracture. And as they push one another to do increasingly daring things, July starts to realise that something isn’t quite right.

My thoughts:
I love a quirky read, and Sisters is exactly that. I was never quite sure what July and September were going to do next, and their demands of each other were at times really dangerous. They are very insular and don’t seems to want anyone else involved in their relationship - even their mother. Even the house they live in is unfriendly, set in a hostile environment.
This isn’t a scary book at all, but it’s packed with suspense and there’s a really uncomfortable, disorientating atmosphere.
I loved it.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Family Lore in Books

Nov 11, 2023  
Family Lore
Family Lore
Elizabeth Acevedo | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Family Lore focuses on the Marie sisters: Matilda, Flor, Pastor and Camille, and two of their daughters, Ona and Yadi. Some of these women have special abilities, and for Flor, that is being able to predict when someone is going to die. So there is great consternation when she decides to hold a living wake.

Ona is an anthropologist and decides to interview the women in her family to find out about their origins: the older sisters come from the Dominican Republic, and their lives there were very different to those of their children.

This is a family with a lot going on! If you like family dramas, then you would be just the reader for this book. There’s a lot about the different relationships between the characters, marriages, unfaithfulness, low self esteem, maternal love, fertility problems, cultural differences, family arguments and resilience.

It’s beautifully written - Acevedo is a poet as well - and all the characters really do have their own voices in this wide-sweeping novel.
The Vanishing of Audrey Wilde
Eve Chase | 2022
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
88 of 230
The Vanishing of Audrey Wilde
By Eve Chase

When four sisters arrive at Applecote Manor to spend the summer, all is clearly not well.

They find their aunt and uncle still reeling from the disappearance of their only daughter, five years before. No one seems any closer to finding out the truth.

Why did Audrey vanish? Who is keeping her fate secret?

As the sisters are lured into the mystery of their missing cousin, the stifling summer takes a shocking, deadly turn.

One which will leave blood on their hands, and put another girl in danger decades later . . .

This was good! So well written and such a sad story I love the setting just on the turn from 50s to 60s. I liked how it all tied together at the end and the characters got some closure. I’d definitely read more from this author.
The third book in the Sisters Grimm series finds Sabrina and Daphne hot on the trail of their kidnapped parents and meeting an uncle everyone in town seems to have forgotten. Once again, the creativity of incorporating the fairy tale characters was wonderful. The book grabbed me from page one and didn't let me go.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
A Letter from Lancaster County
Kate Lloyd | 2017
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first read the title of this book, I thought I would be reading another Amish novel from a talented author. However, after sitting down and opening the first pages of the book, I quickly realized it wasn't your normal Amish fiction. This book was truly well written and kept me hooked from start to finish. I loved the sisters and visiting the country side of Lancaster County! 

I loved getting to know the sisters! Angela and Rose,sisters who long to reconnect their relationship, really kept me captivated through out this story. I enjoyed following them to Lancaster County to visit sweet Aunt Sylvia, their Mennonite aunt, watching them change and grow in their relationship and learning to accept what God has in store for them, instead of what they had in store for themselves. 

This story of faith, hope and longing is beautifully written and highly captivating. If you want your normal Amish fiction novel, that will be solely about the Amish, then this isn't the book for you. If you are looking for a 4 star, wonderfully chiseled contemporary story filled with heart capturing characters and a whirlwind plot line, that keeps you hanging on every word, then this is definitely the book for you! I can't wait to see the next book Ms. Lloyd has in store for her fans, especially if she mixes English, Mennonite and Amish together in a fantabulous read! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>