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The Good Neighbor
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Recently divorced, Izzy finds herself right back where she started -- literally, she's living in the house she grew up in (her parents have moved on to retirement), struggling to take care of her young son Noah, and dealing with the fact that her ex, Bruce, is dating again. A school counselor by day, Izzy finds solace in blogging about her woes and dating life online at night. But when she starts writing about an imaginary boyfriend, "Mac," to make herself feel better about Bruce's new girlfriend, things go south quickly, especially when Izzy's blog takes off after her friend hires her to write for her up and coming "Philly Over 40" site. The only person Izzy can confide in is her next door neighbor, Mrs. Feldman, but her sweet 80-something neighbor may have a few secrets of her own.

I must confess, I almost gave up on this book in the beginning. It just seemed to start slowly for me. There is a lot of hand wringing from Izzy about her life and her blog. Eventually things take off and the plot gets more exciting. My biggest issue is that, in many ways, Izzy's fabrication of "Mac" doesn't really seem to be the huge deal that she makes it out to be. Sure, she shouldn't be lying to everyone, but really, her lie is going to supposedly bring down her friends' business, destroy all her friendships, and ruin Izzy's life? It is just a blog after all. Some of that just seems to be a stretch. Compare to the heartwarming and heartbreaking storyline with Mrs. Feldman -- it truly can't compare.

However, because I'm a total sucker, I kept imagining this movie as a romantic comedy or sitcom. I was sort of tense reading this novel, because you knew eventually the lie would be revealed, everything would get crazy, and all would be for naught... but you hoped like any "good" romantic comedy or sitcom, it would still tie up pretty neatly with a bow at the end, right? (And I won't lie, I sort of like that sometimes. There's enough uncertainty in real life.)

(Note: I received an advanced copy of this book via Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)
All Is True (2018)
All Is True (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, History
Shakespeare bio-pic just about scrapes a 6 despite all the talent involved. William Shakespeare retires to the country, does some gardening, worries about the position of his family, dies (come on, that's not really a spoiler). Main problem is that, as a thing about Shakespeare written by Ben Elton, it seems terrified of being confused with that other thing about Shakespeare written by Ben Elton (the sitcom), and the result is a slow, earnest film with long, static takes and not much in the way of incident.

Like most fiction actually about Shakespeare, it focuses on the one incident in his life with any kind of dramatic potential, namely the death of his son, but the details surrounding this are embroidered to the point where it's arguably taking liberties with the truth. The fact remains that Shakespeare's plays are much more interesting stories than his life was. Decent performances from all concerned, but some of the actors are honestly much too old for the parts they've been cast in (Ian McKellen's character was nearly ten years younger than Shakespeare, not twenty years older).
Death of a Bachelorette
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jaine is thrilled when she lands an assignment writing suggested dialogue for a new reality dating show that takes her to an island near Tahiti. However, when she arrives she finds the conditions are horrible and the star of the show is a man of few words, even if she tries to feed these words to him. When one of the bachelorettes hoping to win this man’s heart dies, Jaine has to find the killer to be allowed to leave the island. Can she do it?

Those familiar with this series need no further explanation or encouragement to read this book. It’s more of the same. If that doesn’t mean anything to you, it means you get plenty of laughs from several sub-plots. The characters work for this series but they are a bit broad, think a sitcom character. Yet you still get a strong mystery with plenty of suspects, secrets, and surprises. If you enjoy light mysteries, you need to give this one a try.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Red Dwarf in TV

Jun 22, 2019  
Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf
1988 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
8.4 (79 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Great sci-fi comedy (0 more)
Off air for 10 years (still, u gotta laugh haven't ya) (0 more)
The boy's from the dwarf
Red Dwarf is a British science fiction comedy franchise which primarily consists of a television sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999, and on Dave since 2009, gaining a cult following.

 The show follows Dave Lister, a chicken-soup-machine repairman, who is the only human survivor of a radiation leak on his mining space ship and possibly the last living human. Having come out of time stasis 3,000,000 years into the future, Lister has very little company, one in the form of a hologram of his dead shipmate, Rimmer, self obsessed Cat, who has evolved from the descendants of Lister's pregnant cat, senile ship computer Holly and Kryten an Android whose sole purpose is to serve and clean.

This masterpiece was created by Rob grant & doug naylor (GrantNaylor) and has spawned 12 series (Back to Earth counted as the unofficial 9th and a 13th series heavily rumoured) multiple books, audio books, collectibles, magazines and a mobile game.

I'm still hoping for a mainstream console game, but until then, enjoy SmegHeads!

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Twin Peaks - Season 1 in TV

Sep 7, 2019 (Updated Sep 7, 2019)  
Twin Peaks  - Season 1
Twin Peaks - Season 1
1990 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
I was only introduced to Twin Peaks a few years back, not long before the much anticipated season 3 was announced.
I wasn't overly excited to watch an early 90s show that on the surface seemed like a run of the mill murder mystery. I had heard to the odd thing or two, about how it was actually quite unsettling etc.

But I wasn't prepared for what I witnessed - a truly great series of television - as mentioned, on the surface, a murder mystery, sometimes verging into lighthearted sitcom territory, bit with some seriously disturbing undertones.

Twin Peaks made my skin crawl on more than one occasion. As I slowly fell in love with the quirky characters, and beautiful American log town setting, I found myself almost constantly on edge. Mainly because of Bob. Goddamn Bob.
The first time Bob graces the screen will stick in my mind for the rest of time.

The unsettling nature of Twin Peaks, woven so lovingly with the less serious moments, and woven again with the just straight up bizarre moments, proves that David Lynch is a master of his craft.
Angelo Badalamenti's musical score elevates the show to even greater heights.

It's hard to truly describe Twin Peaks - but it's something I'm damn glad I was made to watch.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Sword of Destiny in Books

Jul 26, 2018  
Sword of Destiny
Sword of Destiny
Andrzej Sapkowski, David French | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a largely well-written set of Witcher short stories, which start to piece together some of the stories in the Last Wish with the main books (which I have yet to read!).
While this time there is no over-arching story linking them together this is to the book's credit. I got annoyed with the Last Wish/Season of Storms's clumsy attempt to sew together a number of different stories - like those old episodes of a sitcom that was just a hashing together of different flashbacks. Though it does mean you could struggle with the chronology, but I think assuming the stories are after the Season of Storms is a safe bet.
All of the stories are reasonably exciting, but Sapkowski does have a tendency to start these stories with the Witcher's triumph over another creature, and focus on the aftermath - sometimes you long for the thrill of the preceding hunt.
The final story, which I feel is the main link into the first book, includes a number of sections where the Witcher is hallucinating. The segue between these isn't always clear, and while this adds to the atmosphere and feel of the Witcher being drugged, it does leave you a little confused at times (though this passes briefly).
A good set of stories and a decent translation with few clunky parts.
I would recommend these are read after the main books (i.e. in published order) - while I haven't read those, I have probably taken some characters/stories for granted and not appreciated how they feed in to the overall canon of Witcher works (without googling for spoilers).

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2072 KP) rated Death by Smoothie in Books

Jan 13, 2023 (Updated Jan 13, 2023)  
Death by Smoothie
Death by Smoothie
Laura Levine | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Smoothie Isn’t Healthy for Someone
Someone is trying to revive the cult classic sitcom I Married a Zombie as a stage musical, and freelance writer Jaine Austen has been hired to punch up the script. Since the producer is also the writer and the star, the script needs a lot of work, but the biggest problem is Misty, the actress hired to play the lead. She can’t act and she can’t remember her lines, but the producer is enchanted with her. That is until someone poisons her afternoon smoothie. Jaine jumps into action to figure out who the killer is. Can she do it?

Anyone familiar with this series will know exactly what to expect here, and they will be delighted by it. It’s more of the same in the best way possible. By my count, we have four sub-plots that weave in and out of the story, and they keep the reader from ever getting bored. The sub-plot involving her parents might be my favorite yet. These sub-plots also help provide plenty of wacky situations, and this book is filled with humor from beginning to end. The characters are a bit more types as a result, created for their humor potential, but they work. The mystery is strong and kept me guessing until the end, even when I thought I had it figured out early on. I was smiling or laughing with every page. It’s always a treat to pick up a book in this series. If you are looking for a light, fun mystery, this is the one for you.
Seriously... I&#039;m Kidding
Seriously... I'm Kidding
Ellen DeGeneres | 2013 | Biography
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
As part of Pride Month, I'm spotlighting books by or about GLBTQIA+ people. Ellen is one of the most prominent lesbians here in the US, between coming out on a sitcom, having her own daytime talk show, and her judging stint on American Idol. This is her third book, but the first one I've read. If the other two are like this one, I need to read them!

Seriously...I'm Kidding is a really funny book. It reads a little bit like an ADHD squirrel, but that's part of its charm. I read the print version, but this is one book I might have to get the audio version of, mostly because of the one chapter she wrote specifically for the audio version:

"Anyway, since you have the benefit of being able to hear this, I thought I would include some bonus material of me making strange noises. For those of you who are reading this the old-fashioned way and can't hear me, I've printed the noises below and I encourage you to use your imagination to think of what they might sound like coming out of my mouth.

Gooooood Morning
(more strange noises listed)"

The book covers a lot of ground, from producing her show to judging on American Idol to coming out as lesbian to hosting dinner parties. It also varies wildly chapter to chapter, from brief short stories (less than a page) to haiku, to coloring book pages of odd things like toasters, to prose, wandering chapters that are an interesting look at Ellen's thought process.

I really enjoyed this book, and it's definitely worth reading because it's just FUN.

You can find all my reviews at
Death of a Gigolo
Death of a Gigolo
Laura Levine | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jaine’s Latest Adventure is Fun as Always
Freeland writer Jaine Austen has landed a new job, this time for Bel Air heiress Daisy Kincaid. Daisy hires Jaine to write a romance novel entitled Fifty Shades of Turquoise. Jaine is working at Daisy’s house each day, so she is there for the arrival of Tommy, a young man who quickly worms his way into Daisy’s heart while alienating everyone else in Daisy’s life. To everyone’s horror, it isn’t long before the two announce their engagement. But when Tommy is murdered the day before the wedding, Jaine finds herself trying to figure out what really happened. Can she do it?

Yes, there are some strong sub-plots as well. Jaine is back with an ex. Will the romance bloom this time? Or will Jaine’s cat, Prozac, derail everything. Meanwhile, in a series of e-mails, we learn about the latest saga her parents are going through. All I will tell you is it involves a bad haircut and a sculpting class.

Those familiar with the series know what to expect, and they won’t be disappointed. Yes, the murder takes place a little late in the book, but the time isn’t wasted as everything is set up. Once Tommy dies, we are off to the races with plenty of twists and turns. Meanwhile, the two sub-plots weave in and out perfectly. There are tons of laughs along the way as all the stories build to their climaxes. The characters are more caricatures, but they fit this book perfectly. More realistic characters wouldn’t work here. Author Laura Levine used to write sitcoms, and that really is the best way to look at this book – as if your favorite sitcom characters were involved in a murder mystery. The result is light, fun, and delightful. So next time you need to smile, pick up this book.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated Holliston in TV

Dec 17, 2017  
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
7.3 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Some good writing (2 more)
Great cast
What would happen if Friends met Hatchet in a dark alley
A horror/comedy series that leaves you begging for more
I love Adam Green!!!! The man has proven with this series that he can wear many hats in the industry. As can co-star Joe Lynch (director of Mayhem).
This show is everything a horror fan needs wrapped up in a 45 minute(first season) and 22 minute(second season) episodes. Some great dialogue and brilliant acting by co-stars Corri English (country band Brokedown Cadillac) and Laura Ortiz (The Hills Have Eyes remake) make this show easy to swallow and a fun time for even the mildest of horror watchers.
Don't forget some great guest appearances by Kane Hodder(Hatchet), Danielle Harris(Halloween 4 & 5), Derek Mears (Friday the 13th remake), Colton Dunn(hatchet 2), Ray Wise(Digging Up the Marrow and TV's Twin Peaks), Tony Todd(Candyman) and David Naughton(An American Werewolf in London) who all go to lengths to prove that horror is not the only genre they belong in.
Twisted Sister's Dee Snider is a series regular as Cable Station Managere Lance Rockett and provides the viewer with some great one liners and laugh filled on screen moments that can not be easily forgotten. Dave Brockie or Oderus Urungas as he was better known to metal fans as the lead singer of the band Gwar also appeared regularly as Adam's imaginary friend who lived in his closet and came out occasionally to give words of wisdom, advice and shots to the nuts. Sadly Dave lost his life in April of 2014 causing Adam to put the series on hold for the time being because of the death of his longtime friend.
Holliston is nothing short of brilliance to people who not only love the horror genre. it is nothing short of amazing. With laughs, scares and even a few tears shed during its brief interlude on This show will forever remain in my heart and mind as one of the best sitcom/horror shows I have ever watched. Give it a try people