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<b><i>I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>I suppose one DNF wasn’t enough and the universe had to be cruel enough for me to DNF two books in a row last year, including <em>The Neverland Wars</em>.

It’s a horrible, horrible curse to have. *sigh* This might have been payback for having a good reading streak. (I swear, I tried my best to suffer through <a href="">27 Hours</a> and this one, but it <em>DID NOT HAPPEN</em>.)
<h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Why You Should Skip Past <em>The Neverland Wars</em> and Never Look Back</strong></h2>
<p style="text-align: left;">Granted if you can deal with the things I found annoying, I won’t stop you, but I found so many issues in <em>The Neverland Wars</em> that I just couldn’t continue past the point I actually finished (which was 10% I think…).
Actually, props to you.
<h3><strong>Gwen is so unemotional</strong></h3>
She’s more unemotional than ME! And I’ve been told I’m very cold, but I’m secretly a soft and fuzzy bean who is sensitive and emotional. But Gwen… Gwen is <em>robotic</em> - she doesn’t care about makeup, clothes, school, math, etc. etc. You can’t be that impassive, can you? Or can you.

Honestly, about 5% and onward I wanted to throw a shit pillow at Gwen and ask DO YOU CARE ABOUT ANYTHING. WHAT IS WORTH YOUR TIME.

Also yes, I’m shouting into the void… because it’s what I would do to Gwen probably.
<h3><strong>Weird descriptions</strong></h3>
There is this one paragraph or two about hormones and tiny bugs and while it might be really accurate, I quote Elena: IT’S STRANGE. (You're likely to find this in a book excerpt somewhere.)
<h3><strong>“Gwen found herself wondering if skin-tight jeans and sex on the beach really were supposed to be the height of teenage ambition.”</strong></h3>
Honestly, this whole quote is an entire reason because first of all, teenagers are not all about sex. Second, sex isn’t necessarily done on a beach (and there’s all that sand…). Third, as a teenager, I preferred loose pants that were warm and comfy. Fourth, sex and skin-tight jeans are not the height of teenage ambition. In fact, this is extremely false.
<h3><strong>The amount of repetition</strong></h3>
I get it, Gwen doesn’t care about anything. She has no emotion. She doesn’t like makeup, she doesn’t like school (I think?), she doesn’t like anything! Big whoop. There was a certain point in the book that I started counting exactly how many times in how many ways Gwen was telling us how she didn’t care or how she found it unnecessary, etc. etc.
<h3><strong>Gwen just cared about one thing</strong></h3>
If Gwen ever showed signs of caring about something or someone, it was fantasizing over a crush. (And wait for it… he’s Mr. Most Popular Boy at School. Why am I not surprised?)

I wish I could have enjoyed <em>The Neverland Wars</em>, but that’s not happening. On the bright side, at least all of my reads of 2017 had some pretty covers.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Eleanor &amp; Park
Eleanor & Park
Rainbow Rowell | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
A love story that is not a love story, but is a love story with lessons sometimes everything falls into place as you want it and yet can somehow.

The most confusing sentence I will ever form about book. I loved Fangirl, so it was no trouble picking this up the next time I went to Barnes & Noble. Everyone told me how much they loved this book while I was reading Fangirl and though it has sat in the stack of books for months waiting for me to pick it up yesterday felt like the day to start.

I could not put it down.

Eleanor is not perfect. She is not skinny as a twig, instead the beautiful thickness of the oak itself. She has hair the brightest red you could ever think of that curls at every chance on top of each other and freckles to match on the pale skin. If that was not enough she dresses in such a manner that demands to make her be noticed if you somehow looked over her curly mop. In short, Eleanor is not your typical girl in books. I've realized I've said this before. I really truly mean it as I do each time. Eleanor is not the heroine who discovers powers. Eleanor does not magically win anyone over because she suddenly alters changeable things about herself. No, she remains true to herself through the story. She is hardly ever able to accept the good since she has only known awful.

Awful tends to weed back into her life, no matter how much Park could pluck it away for a short time.

Park is one of those people who is there, yet is not there. He is not popular, but he is not unpopular. He skims by with little to no effort. If it was not for his father being a Vet, if it was not for his family always living in town since before it was a town, then Park may not have had it so easy. He would have gotten more crap about being 5'4" and slender. He would have gotten beat up for being half Korean. Not a lot happened to Park. Girls were few. Millstones were slim. Everything was this nice norm where he had little worries. His biggest worry was learning stick. Until he sees Eleanor because then it becomes an uphill battle worrying if he will keep is so-so status or not all with Eleanor suddenly being dropped his lap. He’s never felt much of anything. Never felt good enough. Never felt bliss. Never felt it all made sense. She changed that, even if she frustrated him to no end with how she talked and acted. It all changed. Though even he remained the same.
Puzzle Pieces (La Trattoria Di Amore #1)
Puzzle Pieces (La Trattoria Di Amore #1)
JP Sayle | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Puzzle Pieces (La Trattoria Di Amore #1) by J.P. Sayle
Puzzle Pieces is the first book in the La Trattoria Di Amore series, and also the first book by this author I have read. Needless to say, it won't be the last!

Although Seb has some serious stalker issues that he realises and knows he needs to fix, I somehow felt more sorry for him, than wary. Maybe it was how he looked after Richie, even as he fought his own feelings. I don't know. All I do know is he wormed his way under my skin and, although I still wanted to kick him at times, I could understand what he was doing, or where he was coming from.

Richie was an incredibly naive young man who went with the flow rather than fighting for what he wanted. The only thing/person he fought for was his mum. And wasn't I in tears at 36%?! Oh yeah, great big hiccuping sobs, f'ugly crying at its best! Thanks for that, Ms. Sayle!! My poor kids wondered what was wrong until I explained it was the book I was reading. Saying that, Richie is still a strong individual who won't allow himself to be walked over (most of the time). I loved the clashing between Seb and Richie, and liked how they worked things out.

All in all, this is an amazing book, with subtle hints at a crossover with the Manx Cat series by this author, which is now on my TBR pile. If I had to say anything negative, it would be the points of view that keep changing in the middle of paragraphs are a bit off-putting. Still, it wasn't a huge thing in the bigger picture. The plot was smooth with no holes, and the characters grew as the story progressed.

An excellent start to the series, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Taste the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
38 of 230
Taste the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book 1)
By Nicola Rose

I never meant to fall for another bad boy... let alone two.

My name is Jess. I don't know what I am, with my random magical outbursts, but I do know that getting tangled up with deliciously deadly vampire brothers is going to get me in trouble.

There’s Zac — brooding and mesmerizing. Tormented by an ancient legacy he refuses to fulfill. Fighting the darkness within, balancing on the line between light and dark, living in the grey of morality. Drawn to my blood with ravenous need thanks to a fated sanguine bond.

Then there’s Alex —disarmingly playful, evil wrapped up in a pretty package. Zero boundaries. Takes what he wants, when he wants. Crawling under my skin like an unwelcome itch that I need to scratch.

Never one to shy from adventure, I find myself right in the middle of their century-long feud. Zac’s touch feels like the very thing I’ve spent my life chasing. But if he’s so right for me, what is this haunting desire that burns inside for Alex?

With everyone against us, from the ruthless vampire government, vampire hunters, and even our own friends — will I even come out of this alive? Just how far will my insatiable appetite for all things dark and dangerous take me?

2 vampire brothers at war enter a human girl and a new toy to fight over! Sound familiar? The big difference between them and this was Jess and omg she is one sassy,bitchy,slutty, crazy bitch and absolutely brilliant! I did wander at half way whether the story was going down a road of whinny relationship crap but nope! It was pulled back. I always measure a book on how it makes me feel at the time and this had me caught up in all the emotions at one point or another. One of the better vampire books I’ve read in a while. If you’re looking for smutty vampire action this is the book for you.

Merissa (11800 KP) rated The North Wind (The Four Winds #1) in Books

Jan 21, 2022 (Updated Jul 5, 2023)  
The North Wind (The Four Winds #1)
The North Wind (The Four Winds #1)
Alexandria Warwick | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE NORTH WIND is the first in The Four Winds series, and we start off with Boreas. He is also known to the masses as The Frost King and has a reputation for being as cold and uncaring as what he is named after. Wren has given her life to look after her twin and gives the ultimate sacrifice when she goes as the Frost King's wife, instead of Elora.

This is a slow-burn romance, that changes from enemies-to-lovers. Nope, hold on. Let me rephrase that. Wren sees Boreas as her enemy, but he never thought the same way. To begin with, she was inconsequential to him apart from what he needed her for. But she wormed her way under his skin and that is where the story really comes into its own.

This is a long story, with steady pacing, that throws action and adventure into the mix before it returns the focus to Wren and Boreas. One thing I have to say is Wren - oh, my god. Although I really enjoyed her character, and I LOVED how she was spicy and sharp, instead of all sweetness and light. I also wanted to shake her. It took her WAY too long to figure out what was going on. Honestly, someone should have written it in large letters on a blackboard and put it in her room. She may have taken notice of things then.

Now, one of the other brothers shows up here and I have mixed feelings about him. I'm going to be honest and say I didn't like him AT ALL. So, do I want to read a complete novel with him as the main attraction? I'm not sure. One thing I am sure of though, is that whoever is his opposite will be more than up to the challenge.

This was thoroughly enjoyable and I look forward to reading more by this author. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 21, 2022
Mask of Shadows
Mask of Shadows
Linsey Miller | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>Review copy provided by SourcebooksFire via Netgalley</b></i>

I don’t think I follow enough people on social media, because I rarely see Mask of Shadows running around in my timeline and it deserves more hype if it hasn’t. I’ve also been reading a lot of “fluffy” reads with very little blood involved.

Mask of Shadows is a complete 180 from that. It is absolutely bloody and there are assassins involved, and sad to say, it is completely up my very dark alley of reading preferences.

My mother should be worried about me. “You’re a good kid compared to most of those I’ve seen out there. You don’t do drugs, don’t party, hang out with good people….”

I mean, has she seen the books I enjoy reading? (She would be very concerned.)

I honestly thought of The Hunger Games as an assassin edition while reading, even though the novel is pitched as Sarah J. Maas meets Leigh Bardugo. Our main character, Sal, finds an invitation to become one of the queen’s personal assassins, and sets off to audition in the hopes to get a new life. The auditions are full of trials and are a fight to the death – each of which are varied so there is never a dull moment. I’ve never read Maas, but I personally don’t see any comparisons to Bardugo unless we’re talking world building. The world building is absolutely amazing and stunning, and if I could actually draw some of the descriptions, I would totally do it. (Alas, I am just a graphic design minor.)

Emerald, a vision of steel and green silk, glided through the doorway. She was lithe and muscled, arms bare and flexed, streaked in scars with a pale silver dust twinkling over her skin like stars scattered across the evening sky. She walked past me in a breeze of perfume and peppermint, the apothecary scents clinging to her like the old, black ink of the dead runes scrawled across her. The silk layered and draped over her shoulders matched her high-cheeked, mouthless emerald mask perfectly. Beetle wings stitched into the train of her dress glittered in the light.

That is actually one of my favorite descriptions in the book. It is gorgeous.

Mask of Shadows is the first book I’ve read featuring a gender fluid character. Miller does a really good job of handling Sal’s character well, but the beginning seemed a little rocky, almost as though the author was trying to find the right foothold in the story. But after those rough patches, the story went along smoothly.

2017 was a fantastic reading year for me, and I am extremely happy to say that Mask of Shadows is one of my favorite books for the year. Miller’s debut novel is action packed and fast paced, and it will leave you turning the pages until the very end.

<a href="">This review is originally posted on That Book Gal</a>
Kat transformed in front of him. Her chin came up, her fingers stopped twitching with the fabric of her gown, and a real sparkle bubbled in her eyes. It was like watching Snow White come to life when the prince kissed her. A heartwarming WWII historical from award-winning author Cara Putman: Kat Miller has dreamed of playing baseball her entire life. When she earns a spot on a team in the All-American Girls Professional Softball League, she finds that things aren’t as glamorous as she imagined. She struggles with long road trips, grueling practices, and older teammates who are jealous of her success. And to top it all off, an irritating reporter is constantly getting under Kat’s skin. Events in Jack Raymond’s career have left him cynical and distanced from God. He never wanted to write at a small paper, and he certainly didn’t want to be assigned to something as inconsequential as a women’s softball team. Then Kat walks into his life. The fiery, young softball player somehow climbs the walls around his heart and makes him want to hope again. When lies fly and the league appears to fail, will Kat and Jack’s new love survive?

My Thoughts: Every girl has a dream, and this time it's Kat's turn to have hers come true! A chance to play professional baseball. Cara Putman has weaved history and fiction in an entertaining storyline; s based the all women's league that was formed during the second world war.

Kat is the youngest member on the team and as I read the book, I wanted to take her under my wing and protect her from her jealous teammates. Kat had to suffer being away from her family, the jealousy of some of her teammates, traveling, grueling schedules and falling in love for the first time.

This was a very entertaining novel. I truly enjoyed it and it was a pleasure to read. One of the things I enjoyed about the book, was that Kat wanted to make a difference. She wanted to be a light for the Lord where ever she went. Her actions actually made Jack turn back to the Lord.

Even though I hadn't read the first two books, this was easy to follow on its own. I would love to read more from Cara Putman.
Beyond Reach / Skin Privilege (UK) (Grant County, #6)
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A worthy end to a solid series - would recommend reading in order.
For some reason, the UK version of this book has a different name (Skin Privilege) to the rest of the world’s Beyond Reach title. Whatever you call it its the end of the Grant County series and what a way to finish!!! It’s a strong and worthy ending to a solid series that had a few ups and downs along the way for me.

We meet up again with Detective Lena Adams back in her hometown of Reece; where she has got herself into a whole world of trouble (no surprise there, it’s her special talent.) With a vicious (and I mean typical Slaughter full-on vicious) murder Lena is the only suspect and our intrepid heroes, Jeffery and Sara; rush to do what they do best i.e. stick their noses in and try to figure out what the hell is going on.

We get 2 different timelines and general POVs with us following Lena pre murder trying to unearth the truth of her family history and Sara and Jeffery trying to piece together Lena’s involvement in a murder. Lena looks especially involved in it when she does a runner from local law enforcement. The two main POVs work well together to slowly lead you through an enjoyable mystery.

I’ve previously not been a huge fan of Jeffery and Lena but this book worked to give me a better understanding and more empathy for Lena; although she is still annoyingly stubborn to the point of it being pretty stupid.

I thought the ending was what this series needed and for those that don’t like it there is a letter from Slaughter on her website explaining her thoughts (don’t read until after you have read the book.) Overall the Grant County Series has had some really high points (the first two books were particularly good) and some low points; A Faint Cold Fear and Indelible didn’t do much for me but overall I’m glad I kept with it and look forward to maybe meeting some of the characters again in the future - I think there is a tie in at some point in her Will Trent series that I’ve not read any of yet but look forward to giving a go - I do enjoy Slaughters writing.