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The Trick to Time
The Trick to Time
Kit De Waal | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A surprisingly beautiful novel.
I knew (and hoped) that this was going to be a good book, based on Kit de Waal's previous book 'My Name is Leon'. I have not been let down. I loved this. If it wasn't a library book, I would probably have turned back to the start and begun again.
This is the story of Mona: her life as a child, a young woman and an older woman (in the present day). She moves from Ireland to England to work and find more excitement than the village life she has experienced in Ireland, leaving her father behind (her mother dies when she is young). She meets a young Irish man and marries him. We skip between the present day and her past from chapter to chapter. In the present day, Mona hand makes dolls which she sells online around the world. These wooden dolls are made by 'the carpenter' and Mona makes their clothes. She meets a German 'gentleman' who always seems a little pushy to me (he made me feel uncomfortable).
It's the gradual revelations that really affected me: the hard life she had and the heartache. Such a beautifully written, emotional novel.
After We Collided (2020)
After We Collided (2020)
2020 | Drama, Romance
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good production value (0 more)
Very clichéd (0 more)
Fifty Shades of Deja vu
Spotted this on Amazon prime based on a a series of books I believe. I didn't realise this was the 2nd film in a series, not made clear at all on Amazon. It did keep referencing things that happened before you wouldn't know about. So I would suggest seeing After first..... But maybe just skip both.
This felt like a young adults version of Fifty Shades of Grey.. Just without the millionaire and for 15 rating. There really doesn't seem to be much of a plot as such. Despite the opening telling you this isn't a story you've seen before... It's exactly that and very clichéd at times. Ok cast and obviously had a fair budget for this but After you'll forget it quickly.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Capernaum (2018) in Movies

Mar 21, 2019 (Updated Mar 21, 2019)  
Capernaum (2018)
Capernaum (2018)
2018 | Drama
Astoundingly powerful and almost unbearably bleak social-realist drama from Lebanon. A young boy, in prison for a violent crime, takes his parents to court to sue them for giving birth to him. What has led him to this point? The film tells the story.

Basically a succession of horrors - never especially graphic, but relentless in its detail of the tribulations faced by the boy and those around him as they slip through the cracks of society. It probably sounds unwatchable, and it's not the kind of film you skip away from whistling, but it draws you in thanks to a near-total lack of sentimentality and a remarkable performance from 12-year-old Zain Al Rafeea as the main character. Makes Roma look very precious, dainty and bloodless; I'm not in a hurry to watch this film again, but I'm glad I did.
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
Claire North | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s a Claire North book, isn’t it?!
I love Claire North books, and this is no exception. It really is a case of buying the book based purely on her name being on the cover, and I haven’t been disappointed yet (thankfully!). This is the book that started it all for me.

Harry has lived his life many times. He’s an Ourabouros, and one of a few. On his deathbed, a young girl comes to see him and asks him to help find someone who is doing something that they shouldn’t be doing with their ability to live their lives repeatedly, and they’re changing the potential future of the world for the worst.

Her writing really is sublime. It’s a ‘don’t skip a word’ type of writing. I’m terrible for skim-reading, but I don’t do that with Claire North books: it’s all about the journey of the story, and the way in which it’s told.

So yes, I do recommend this book! I loved it.
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BookblogbyCari (345 KP) Jul 6, 2019

I've been thinking about reading this one, you've helped me make my mind up!


ClareR (5589 KP) Jul 6, 2019

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!😊

Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed
Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed
1976 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed

(0 Ratings)


"This is from Lou Reed’s sixth solo record Coney Island Baby, which was released in 1975. Whenever this song comes on it has this incredible ability to transport me back to a specific car journey; I was nine years old and I was being driven to Heathrow in the back of my Dad's car. “My parents had recently separated, and I was living with my Mum in France. I had to fly back to the UK for hospital operations, which is why Dad was driving me to the airport, to fly home to France. Nine years old is quite young to fly on your own, and I remember it being a traumatic experience to say goodbye to one parent and then fly across what felt like an entire ocean, especially after surgery. “On this occasion my Dad had Lou Reed playing and “Coney Island Baby” came on. I was too young to understand the lyrics, but I felt them. I received the sentiment of the song even in my tiny child mind. It cut through everything in that moment - I can still smell the leather of the car seats, I can still taste the tears rolling down my cheek and still see the tears on my Dad’s face in the rear-view mirror. I actually usually skip this song when it comes on, because it’s almost too much to be transported back into that sort of pain. “As a lyricist, I really scrutinize lyrics and I always try and follow the story when I listen to music. When I fall in love with an artist, I’m always Googling the lyrics and trying to work out the various meanings and duality behind the words. With a song like this, which I discovered when I was so young, the lyrics are almost unimportant. It’s more about the feeling that they convey. “There probably is a narrative there, but when I listen to the song its lost on me. I’m absorbed by the feeling of being in that car."

The Dragon Queen
The Dragon Queen
William Andrews | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A very strong and intelligent female protagonist (2 more)
The Korean history
Rich detail
Mr. Simon bits (1 more)
The king is so weak!
Taken from my review on Goodreads: I won this book during a Kindle giveaway, and I'm very happy I was one of the lucky winners of this book. For a book that almost has five stars on this forum, it definitely deserves its ranking. This book not only tells a legend to an ignorant American government official, it tells the story of how a shy girl became a queen that sparked a revolution between the Koreans and the Japanese in the late 1800's. Honestly, the present day parts didn't add much except for why Anna is telling the story in the first place, which I guess adds some relevance, but the core of the story is the story of Ja-young, who should count as a princess Disney will never write about considering how sexist and violent her situation got throughout the entire novel. My greatest advice for encountering this book is skip the beginning and go straight to Ja-young's story. Waaaaaaaaaaay more influential than listening to a white man ramble about North and South Korean issues any day of the week.
Children of the Corn (1984)
Children of the Corn (1984)
1984 | Horror, Thriller
Is Corn Really Scary?
Children of the Corn- is based off of stephen king short story. This movie is awful. Its soo bad thats its good in a way. Like how Maximum Overdrive is. Their in the same boat. Stephen King ask the question- is corn really scary and our answer- no. Are children scary- no. Is the ending weird and crappy and left a on cliffhanger kinda of- yes. Is this movie weird overall- yes. Is the villian of the movie creepy and scary- yes. Will i get to the plot of the movie- yes.

The plot: As physician Burt Stanton (Peter Horton) and his girlfriend, Vicky (Linda Hamilton), drive across the Midwest to his new job, their trip comes to a sudden halt when they encounter the body of a murdered boy in the road. In trying to contact the authorities, Burt and Vicky wander into a small town populated only by children, followers of sinister young preacher Isaac Chroner (John Franklin). Soon the couple is fleeing the youthful fanatics, who want to sacrifice them to their demonic deity.

Also by the way this movie has like six-seven sequels, a tv series and a reboot. That are all unesscary.

Skip this movie, its not good.
Suspiria (2018)
Suspiria (2018)
2018 | Horror
What did I Just Watch?????
Suspiria- i forgot that this movie came out in 2018. I did watch the oringal film, i dont remember what happened but i watched it. So ill most likely i have to watch it again, at some point. In the meantime i watched the remake and it was something. It was something alright. I couldnt tell you what happen, but it was something. Something that i wont watch again, not for a long time or ever. Yes i did some of the psychological espects of the film and some of the horror was good, but overall it was whats that word im looking for, oh yea something.

The plot: Young American dancer Susie Bannion arrives in 1970s Berlin to audition for the world-renowned Helena Markos Dance Co. When she vaults to the role of lead dancer, the woman she replaces breaks down and accuses the company's female directors of witchcraft. Meanwhile, an inquisitive psychotherapist and a member of the troupe uncover dark and sinister secrets as they probe the depths of the studio's hidden underground chambers.

I have nothing else to say in the review but just this, skip it or watch it if you watched and liked the oringal. For me it was something.
Atlantis - The Lost Empire (2001)
Atlantis - The Lost Empire (2001)
2001 | Action, Animation, Family
Micheal J. Fox (0 more)
Boring (0 more)
Low Expections
Atlantis: The Lost Empire- is a strange movie, it came out in the early 2000's and thats when Disney was running out of ideas or starting to. I believe that their were starting to run out of ideas. Atlantis: The Lost Empire - is a strange movie, cause it came out after "The Lion King". And the movie's after "The Lion King" were stange. What im saying is after "The Lion King", disney decided to go really strange/a huge left turn/didn't expect that/disappointed and overall a huge downfall. But i will get to those movies. Oh this is one of them.

I mean it was a good premise, just was kinda of boring. It was a mix of sci-fi, adventure and thats pretty much it.

The plot: An inexperienced young adventurer becomes the key to unraveling an ancient mystery when he joins up with a group of daredevil explorers to find the legendary lost empire of Atlantis. A naive-but-determined museum cartographer Milo Thatch (Michael J. Fox), dreams of completing the quest begun by his late grandfather, a famous explorer. When a journal surfaces, an eccentric billionaire funds an expedition and the action shifts to high gear.

You can skip this one, dont need to watch it.
I Am the Cheese
Robert Cormier | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I were to judge a book by its title or cover, Robert Cormier's I Am the Cheese is definitely not a book that I would pick up. In fact, I probably would have gone my entire life without touching it if it weren't for the fact that one of my teachers assigned it for my class in Young Adult Literature. For that reason, I'm glad I took the class.

Like most of Cormier's books, I Am the Cheese is set in the town of Monument, Massachusetts. It is a fictional setting based on the author's own home town. In this story, the main character is Adam Farmer and doubles as my pick for PopSugar's 2017 Reading Challenge as a book with an unreliable narrator, because young Adam Farmer is precisely that: unreliable.

Adam Farmer grows up with a rather complicated life: his family is part of the early stages of the Witness Protection Program. They are relocated to Monument after his father uncovers deeply rooted corruption among government officials and, as a result, testifies against them. Having been young at the time, Adam only knows his life as it now and goes about his day to day business as any boy his age would. He meets and falls in love with a girl named Amy and one day decides to skip school and bike to Rutterberg, Vermont so that he can deliver a gift to his father, who is currently in the hospital. As Adam tells us his story of visiting his father, we are simultaneously introduced to him in the future, where he is currently under psychiatric care. There, he is urged to recover his memories via sessions with Brint. During these sessions, the reader learns more Adam and his family.

I really can't say a whole lot more about the book other than that without revealing spoilers, but what I can say is that this book has more twists and turns with sharp jerks than those little mini-coaster rides at a theme park. You know, the ones that leave you with bruises instead of making you scream with glee? Even better, these twists are rather dark in nature - more so than I would have expected for a book labeled Young Adult back in the 70s. It's extremely rare for me to find myself questioning elements of story throughout an entire book, but I Am the Cheese succeeded in doing just that.

Another interesting element to I Am the Cheese, and one of the many traits it shares with Post-Modernism literature, is the use of several different styles of writing within its pages. While the book has alternating perspectives, there is a clear distinction when each perspective changes: first person is from Adam's point-of-view; the interview transcripts are from recordings of Brint and Adam speaking; the final style is third-person limited, with most of its focus centered directly on Adam and what goes on around him.

I was also surprised to learn, via my instructor, that the number Adam calls to try and reach Amy was actually Cormier's personal phone number. He had put it in the book so that if readers called it, they would be able to speak with him - particularly during less happy moments in their life. That alone is deserving of kudos.

I Am the Cheese is undoubtedly one of my favorite Young Adult books and, as a result, I definitely plan to read more of Cormier's books, especially since many of them have startlingly dark themes.