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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Welcome back to Jumanji
How dare they make a sequel/remake/reboot of Jumanji? I mean that film was a classic. Admittedly a very average classic that doesn’t really live up to your childhood memory of it, but still. And, yeah, Zathura was a kind of remake given it was adapted from a book by the same writer and explored the same themes, but nobody watched that, so how dare they do a new Jumanji film? I mean it’s only 22 years since the original came out!

Do you find yourself agreeing with any of that little rant? If you do, then I have a few things to say. First, accept that for thousands of years similar tales have been retold to new generations to keep the spirit of a story alive. Second, why not actually wait to see what the new film has to offer before casting judgement as Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle actually serves well as a sequel to the first film, whilst doing something new with the idea.

Starting in the mid-90s, and the board game is unearthed on a beach. Given to a teenage kid by his father, the kid isn’t impressed as ‘nobody plays board games these days’, and he gets back to playing on his console. Overnight, reacting to the changes in gaming culture the box works some magic, and the next day the game has morphed to a video game format, to entice a new generation. Jump forward to present day and a group of unlikely teenagers are cast together in detention when they happen upon the abandoned game console. Taking a break from their junk-room sorting, they fire up the game and find themselves pulled into the game -world, each taking on the avatar of the character template they chose on load up. Presented with a quest in true video-game fashion, they set off to find a way to escape, whilst learning something about themselves in the process.

By transitioning to a video-game setting, the story allows for a great deal of fun to be had poking at the contrivances and conventions of the format, especially for games of the era in which the game was inspired. The characters all have strengths and weaknesses, the spawning of lives by dropping from the sky is so reminiscent of many a side-scrolling platform shooter of yesteryear. Even the behaviour of the NPC – I mean support cast – is perfectly drawn upon the mannerisms that game characters act, being there to spout random exposition to move you on your quest. As for the quests – yep, they are pointlessly complicated, filled with traps and red herrings.

But such pokes at video game culture would be wasted if the casting was wrong, but in the four main stars they have cast the perfect personae for each archetype. The heroic, strong and smouldering hero, who is being played by a soft heated geek – The Rock of course. You want a ‘Lara Croft’ style action heroine, albeit played by a socially awkward teen girl – enter Karen Gillan. Weak sidekick who is only there to carry equipment, but being played by a high school jock who thinks he can do anything – Kevin Hart is your man. Round that off with a studious professor type, being played by a female – that kind of comic role works well for Jack Black. Each of the stars cast has a lot of fun playing with there archetypes, and the film does them all justice to allow them to each have their moments to shine. Gillan, in particular, does a great job at looking entirely awkward yet confident at the same time, and her nerdy seduction scene showcases a comic timing ability equal to her action talents showcased in the GotG films.

The action is thrilling, the humour well placed, and the direction solid enough to bring this video game movie to life. In fact, this is one of the best video game movies to date, even though it isn’t even adapted from a real video game. A few nods to the original Jumanji are present, but without awkwardly placed. The end result is a fun family adventure with some great action set pieces and a wry humour, much like the original was. Don’t let nostalgia for the original put you off exploring the world of Jumanji once more.

Gareth von Kallenbach (968 KP) rated A Quiet Place: Part II (2021) in Movies

May 25, 2021 (Updated May 25, 2021)  
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
Last year we had a screening for “A Quiet Place Part II” scheduled and eagerly awaited the follow-up to the suspenseful and popular original film. Sadly we all know what happened soon after as a two-week lockdown grew and cinemas around the world were closed.

As cinemas re-open with growing but limited capacity; the film is set for release and will be a great indicator as to if the public is ready to return to cinemas in significant numbers or will they sit it out and opt to see the film down the line on Paramount+.

The film opens with a look at the day things changed for the world as Lee (John Krasinski); does some shopping while news reports come in of an explosion in Shanghai. Enjoying the weather; he joins his family at a Little League game and talks with his friend Emmett (Cillian Murphy) when the game is interrupted by the appearance of a large fireball in the sky.

As they head home; the city falls under attack by deadly creatures and Lee and his family narrowly escape. The film then jumps forward immediately following the conclusion of the first film and Evelyn (Emily Blunt); attempts to lead her newborn son, daughter Regan ( Millicent Simmons), and son Marcus (Noah Jupe) to a safer locale.

When Marcus is injured along the way; Evelyn takes refuge with Emmett who is not happy to have to care for others after the loss of his wife and despite a secure locale in a foundry; demands the family leave the following day.

When an unexpected radio signal appears; Regan is determined to leave and find the source as she knows the frequency of her Cochlear Implant is a weapon against the creatures and she figures if that can be broadcasted and the information revealed; then humanity has a chance to fight back and win.

What follows is a very gripping and intense story as Regan and Emmett attempt to complete the mission while Evelyn and her family endure all manner of threats as they try to survive.

The film builds upon what made the first film so great in that there are strong and relatable characters and some very tense situations. The screening we attended was so quiet you could tell that audience members were so enthralled that they were afraid to make any noise.

The film ups the action and expands upon the universe without losing any of the strong character-driven elements or relying too much upon CGI to carry the film.

John Krasinski writes, directed, and produced the film, and while he has less screen time than he did in the original; the film is the rare sequel that holds its own and actually improves upon the original.

My only issue with the film was that the ending was rather abrupt and left me with several unanswered questions. While this would be more than fine if we were assured of a third film to resolve unanswered elements; word is that a spin-off is in development so hopefully this will resolve the issues I had or at the least co-exist with a third part of the series.

For now; “A Quiet Place Part II” drives home why we need the cinematic experience as from the large screen to the Dolby Atmos sound; the film is a sensory experience that needs to be enjoyed in a communal setting with maximum sensory input.

The film sets the tension meter to the max and never disappoints and I urge you to experience this film the way it was intended.

4.5 stars out of 5
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    The Secret of Grisly Manor

    Games and Entertainment

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    Travel and Navigation

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Lee (2222 KP) rated Happy Death Day 2U (2019) in Movies

Feb 18, 2019 (Updated Feb 21, 2019)  
Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery
A worthy sequel
Contains spoilers, click to show
The original Happy Death Day was a real pleasant surprise. A cross between Groundhog Day and Scream, with our heroine being killed by a baby face mask wearing killer every day, only to wake up again at the start of the same day. With a long list of potential suspects, and slowly feeling the effects of dying repeatedly, she set about trying to find the killers identity. Much of what made the first movie so enjoyable was largely down to lead character Tree, played by Jessica Rothe and the intensely hilarious way that she approached the whole situation. It wasn't exactly a horror movie, more of a comedy thriller.

In Happy Death Day 2U, we begin by following Ryan. Ryan was also in the first movie, bursting into his campus room each morning, interrupting roommate Carter and Tree after she'd spent the night there. As he makes his way to the room from the car he'd spent the night in - avoiding a barking dog, dodging a man asking for money and a boy riding a skateboard - it's pretty clear that we're setting up a series of events likely to be repeated time and again in a similar way that Tree experienced a very specific series of events each day in the first movie. During his morning at university, we discover that Ryan has been working on a Quantum mechanics experiment along with a bunch of nerdy students - a machine dubbed 'Sissy'. Turns out Sissy has been causing some very high power fluctuations and generated some very high readings the day before, the day in which Tree experienced her loop. Soon after, Ryan is killed by the baby face killer and wakes up in his car once again, experiencing the same events we've just seen encounter on the way to his room. When he explains what just happened to Tree and Carter, Tree sets about trying to help him figure out how Sissy caused the time-loop in the first place, and how it has now transferred to Ryan.

At this point you'd think you've got the rest of the movie pretty much figured out - with Ryan repeating his day, aided by experienced looper Tree. But surprisingly, the movie largely abandons its slasher story-line. Instead, we get a more sc-fi story with a varied mix of slapstick comedy and emotional drama. An accident involving Sissy opens up a portal to the multiverse and Tree finds herself caught up in her original loop once more. Only this time, it's in a slightly different universe to the one she's used to - her mum is now alive, and her boyfriend is dating her best friend. Not only does she need to work with Ryan and his nerd friends each day in order to determine how to put things right, she needs to once again work out who the killer is in this particular universe and, more importantly, make the difficult decision to either stay in the universe where her mum is still alive, or return to the one she knows and has lived in all her life.

Once again, Jessica Rothe as Tree is what makes this movie so enjoyable. From the emotional scenes with her mum, to the frustration of the loop, to the bad ass fighting back against it all, she pulls it all off wonderfully. We even get time to enjoy some very funny death scenes too - a particularly enjoyable one being a sky-dive out of an aeroplane, wearing only a bikini and then landing horizontally in slow motion while giving the finger to the camera!

It's difficult for me to say whether or not I enjoyed this movie more or less than the first. A lot of what made the original so enjoyable is present in this sequel. But there are also a lot of new elements introduced, some that work and some that don't. Overall I had a great time watching with this though - definitely a worthy sequel.
Show all 4 comments.

Dean (6921 KP) Feb 21, 2019

Doesn't show her Mum in the trailer


Lee (2222 KP) Feb 21, 2019

Not really a spoiler as such but take your point onboard. Have marked it as a spoiler just in case anyone else thinks it is

Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Consistent Blast
In the Whodunit drama, detective Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) has to uncover who killed famous author Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer).

Acting: 10
I can’t speak enough about the amazing performances that made this movie come alive. I honestly don’t know where to start or who had the best chops because they were all so wonderful. Jamie Lee Curtis has always been one of my favorite actresses and her role didn’t disappoint here. She’s Linda Robinson who serves as somewhat of a matriarch in the family. She delivers her lines with such perfect timing and such fluid grace that it’s hard not to love her character. I also appreciated Jaeden Martell’s role in the movie. I can only imagine how hard it is as the youngest cast member when you have all these heavy-hitting stars beside you, but he definitely held his own by putting on a performance here that was even better than his role in It, in my opinion.

Beginning: 10
You are immediately thrown into this story from jump like you are springboarding into the sky. The intrigue is immediate which gave me an instant feeling that I was going to like this movie. It’s a perfect setup for what is to come.

Characters: 10
Nothing short of spectacular. Again, where do I start? I love that every single one of these characters in the movie have a rich story that’s connected to the deceased. There is also some kind of growth (whether negative or positive) with each character which is hard to juggle when you’re talking about managing runtime as well as screentime. I could pinpoint one specific role, but I loved each and every single one of them. That’s not a very common thing to say.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Director Rian Johnson really hits home on the visuals with an interesting blend of vivid colors and bleak imagery. I have a great appreciation with how the movie was ultimately cut. It’s a film that doesn’t rush, but takes its time, really capturing special dramatic moments. It almost feels like a Wes Anderson meets Stephen King type of cinematic adventure.

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 10
From shock value to mystery, Knives Out keeps you on your toes start to finish. It’s funny, it’s smart, and, most importantly, it’s original. This kind of movie has been done dozens of times before and this one is, by far, the most unique of the bunch. It truly is in a class of its own.

Memorability: 10

Pace: 9
With a 130-minute runtime, it’s only natural that there would be a slip-up in pace here and there. Fortunately, the slowdowns are very brief and barely noticeable. I can only think of one or two moments where I thought, “They could’ve cut that.” The momentum is pretty incredible otherwise.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10
Ends strongly, yet smoothly with a finite resolution. I found it funny that the ending was actually a subtle knife into the hearts of the antagonists. The conclusion is a beautiful whisper.

Overall: 99
Knives Out is hilarious yet touching at the same time. With an original storyline, consistent pace, and brilliant characters the movie succeeds on just about every level. It was both refreshing and unexpected to watch a movie this grand.