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Fix Up (Patch Up #2)
Fix Up (Patch Up #2)
Stephanie Witter | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really can't put into words how much I love this book! I thought book 1, Patch Up, was brilliant and the second could never top that. I was wrong, so wrong. This is an emotionally packed wallop of a book that once you pick it up, you won't be able to put down.

Skye is recovering from her ordeal and has agreed to see a psychologist. It turns out though that her psychologist is a lot younger than she was expecting although he was chosen specifically by the practice as they thought it might help Skye more. She feels uncomfortable telling anyone how young he is so keeps it to herself. She does start to recover but as with anything, it is one step forward and two back.

As she recovers, Duke is slowly coming apart. He needs his own recovery from what happened to Skye and things in his past. He is trying to give her space, which he also needs, but at the same time wants her more than anything. I personally thought that Duke should have gone for counselling too but maybe he did and I missed it with my tears!

How these two work it through, hurting each other in the process, had me in tears on more than one occasion. I honestly didn't think they would get a HEA which about killed me as I really wanted them to. The heartbreak that comes through every word will punch you in the chest. Seriously, if you want a fluffy romance, read a Disney book. This is the real stuff - heartache, terror, jealousy, insecurity - it's all here and it takes you every step of the way.

This is a perfect duet and one that I will be keeping and re-reading! I really can't recommend this highly enough. Book 3, Change Up, is on my wishlist and I'm hoping Santa will take a hint!
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

July 23, 2016
Liberator (The Liberators #1)
Liberator (The Liberators #1)
Nick Bailey, Darren Bullock | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast. Loud. Violent. Fun. All good adjectives to use in relation to this book. This is the summer blockbuster of science fiction novels.

It is the far future. Corporate business rules and takeovers and mergers are often done facing down the barrel of a gun - or the threat of destruction from orbit from a massive spaceship.

When Skye Pennington is kidnapped by a rival company in order to gain business advantage, her friend Orlanda Nixon tries to rescue her. After her initial attempt is thwarted, she turns to the only place she can, the old mercenary unit she and Skye were both part of. The Liberators.

However, the former large and fearsome force is now a tattered remnant after one battle too far, kept alive only by their leader, JJ Tristan and a few final loyal members who have nowhere else to go. Tristan must gather as much of the team as he can muster at short notice and get his mighty - and badly damaged - ship back in action. It's a tall order for a disparate group who don't always get on with each other.

In the end the plot is not of any particular consequence. It is a very handy hook to hang the story off of, the initial stirring battles introducing Orlanda and Skye, the introduction and gathering of the Liberators after Orlanda's plea and the adrenaline fuelled fight sequences as they attempt to recapture Skye. There is also some sneaking around by the team's deadly assassin and flashbacks to show the glory days of the team, and some of the history between the characters.

The result is a terrific ensemble piece, the Liberators may be battered and dog-eared, old and tired but they have an instinct for survival and fighting that is only matched by their ability to cause destruction and mayhem. The pace runs fast through most of the book - it does slow in the middle as the characters are introduced but is never dull and certainly never predictable.

Every character is well thought out and at first glance some appear to be simplistic ciphers - the cyborg, the tech specialist with the weird sense of humour, the grizzled commander - but once they start interacting and (most importantly) fighting each comes entirely into their own.

This book doesn't take itself too seriously - it exists for the excellent set pieces rather than for any detailed introspection on future society - and the scenes of the good guys running around in big armour with even bigger guns will bring a smile to your face. In particular the sequence when their ship takes off is a total tour de force and one of the best action scenes I have seen in print.

This is a terrific introduction to what will hopefully be a series of novels. Certainly what happens next to the Liberators will be of interest. Any Hollywood producers looking for the next great summer blockbuster could do worse as well.

Rating: Lots of violence. Then some more. And some bad language
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review is also on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I read the synopsis of Alternity by Mari Mancusi, I knew I would probably love this book! I wasn't wrong. This book is amazing!

Skye is just your average 18 year old girl. There's nothing that different about her. She has a fantastic boyfriend, she goes to school, and she works as a video games tester. She's been having these strange nightmares about being in a weird place. They're making her lose sleep until one day she actually wakes up in the place from her nightmare. Now she doesn't know who to trust. And why do people keep calling her Mariah?? Skye soon discovers she's arrived on another planet, and something sinister is going on.

The title to this book is great!! Alternity - like an alternative reality. It definitely fits right in with the story. From what I've heard, this book was originally released under the title of Moongazing. I'm glad the author decided to change the title as Alternity sounds like a much more interesting title.

I love the sci-fi feel of this cover. The picture of Skye on the front with a katana and the moon in the background is perfect for this story. I'm usually not a fan of just putting a pretty face on the cover, but it seems to work with this book.

I thought the world building and setting were fantastic!! The author has us believe that the planet of Terra is very much like Earth would be if there was to be some sort of post apocalyptic event. There's no sun, no sky...just bleakness. The underground bit of Terra is portrayed rather well with it being full of the poor people of Terra and those who have been mutated by radiation due to having to mine for the rich people.

The pacing for Alternity is beyond fantastic! In fact, I couldn't put this book down! Each chapter had me looking forward to the next as everything just flowed really well. Never, not even for one moment, was I even remotely bored reading Alternity.

The dialogue is fantastic in this book. I especially enjoyed the dialogue between Dawn and Skye. There are a few swear words but not many. The only minor annoyance I found was that at two points in the book, the author goes from using present tense to past tense.

The characters in this book are very believable. Skye was a great protagonist. She felt like a real person. In fact, I found myself wanting to be friends with her especially as we both have a love for video games! I love the fact that she started out a bit unsure of herself but throughout the story, she became a strong person. Dawn came across as a lovely guy. He wants what's best for his people, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect them. Duske makes an excellent villain. He's very charming, but he can be very very vile. He is very believable as being a bad guy, and he plays the role excellently.

Alternity by Mari Mancusi is a well executed book that will leave you feeling as if you are a part of the book. This is definitely one of those books that you have to read as you will not be disappointed!

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+, especially those who are fans of dystopian or post-apocalyptic novels. However, I feel this is one of those books that can be enjoyed by almost everyone.
The Distance Between Us
Kasie West | 2013
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.75 stars.

I liked a lot of this book; the romance and friendship that Caymen had with Xander, Skye and the band and strangely the doll shop and it's shoppers. The thing that knocked it down a quarter star was their preconceived bad feelings toward the rich without their being an explanation for most of the book.

Nevertheless I still liked the book a lot. Xander and his family were so down to Earth and he grew on me so much throughout this book. I thought Caymen was a little stupid to try and resist him because he was pretty amazing.

I look forward to reading more books by the author in the future.
The Pawn (Endgame, #1)
The Pawn (Endgame, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Pawn, a book that reminded me of several other books, but was uniquely its own in so many ways. Mythical tales, love, loyalty, and betrayal are just some of the elements Skye has included in this story. From the very beginning, it's impossible not to root for Avery as she does what's necessary to take care of her ailing father. With a strength that should be admirable by everyone, she chooses to sell herself in order to keep her dad alive and pay, not only for his care, but for bills. When she's bought at an auction by Gabriel, as a reader, I didn't know whether to be relieved - I mean, isn't it safer to stay with the devil you know than the devil you don't? - or worried. Not only because Gabriel is buying her body and buying her virginity, but because her father had betrayed him. Does Gabriel want more than just her body? Does he plan to use her as a way to extract even more revenge from her father? Or does he want to humiliate Avery even more to prove he is a man not to be messed with? These uncertainties haunt each moment the two of them spend together. With each turn of the page, I learned more secrets, which only lead to more questions. By the end, the unforgivable sting of betrayal and the promise of revenge are what makes me desperate to read the sequel. I loved every moment of this book - Skye, a job well done!
Witch’s Sorrow ( Alice Skye book 1)
Witch’s Sorrow ( Alice Skye book 1)
Taylor Aston White | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
163 of 230
Witch’s Sorrow ( Alice Skye book 1)
By Taylor Aston White

An amateur witch. A dark past. A fierce deceit.

Paladin Agent Alice Skye didn’t think much of the contract forced upon her by Rexley Wild, Alpha of one of the largest packs in Europe.

He hired her for one job.

Find the missing wolf.

Unfortunately for Alice, she might already be too late.

She's in way over her head, an inexperienced witch who has to use all her instincts to help the secretive and detached Alpha find his missing pack mate. But it isn’t long before she realises something’s not quite right. It's not simply a missing person, it was something a lot closer to home, something that reignites nightmares that make her question her own, horrific past.

Alice is in a race against time that forces her to face against vampires, daemons and anything that gets in the way, for she only has one thing to do, find the wolf before he turns up like the others.


I liked it. The concept was good and the characters were good except maybe Alice could possibly get annoying at times. There were a few things that were over explained that really didn’t need it and then other bits that seemed a little rushed. I enjoyed that it was set in London although sometimes it felt as though it was trying to hard to be American set. It was an interesting read for sure.

MY (82 KP) rated Paw Patrol in TV

Oct 3, 2017  
Paw Patrol
Paw Patrol
2013 | Animation
6.6 (21 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Great fun children's series about a team of lovable pups who always save the day (0 more)
“No job's too big, no pup's too small! Ryder (a 10 year old boy) and the leader of the Paw Patrol and his pups work together in every challenges and emergency for the good of their community.
Each of the pups have their own special skills, gadgets and vehicles that help them on their mission to save the day.
The pups are Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble and Skye, and with an ever growing team membership which includes Apollo the Super-Pup, Everest and Tracker theres always a big adventure to be found.
News out is that there's a new character by the name of Sweetie too.
Exposure (Twisted Lit #2)
Kim Askew | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review will be available on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a> at the end of September).

First off, I just want to say that although this is the second book in the series, this book can be read as a standalone since it involves a whole new cast of characters, plot, and setting. Saying that, this book is a retelling of Shakespeare's Macbeth. To be honest, it's been about 11 or 12 years (maybe longer) since I read Macbeth, so I won't be comparing this to the original. Now that that's all said, I really enjoyed this book!

Skye's been in love with Craig forever. However, he's part of the popular crowd and Skye is not. There's also the problem of Craig's super mean girlfriend, Beth. When one of the popular boys die in what appears to be an accident, things start spiraling out of control.

I didn't really know what to expect with the title. However, after reading this book, it makes sense in more ways then just Skye being a photographer.

The cover is rather plain, but I actually like its plainness. I think anything else would've made this cover look too cluttered. I also think the cover is rather cute!

I enjoyed the world building, and I felt that it was written rather well. The only thing that bothered me was the outcome when it came to the ending. I can't really say to much, but it just didn't feel like it followed procedure. That's your only hint. I did enjoy the setting of Alaska though especially since I don't really read any books set in Alaska.

I loved the pacing! The prologue definitely caught my attention and kept it until the very end. If I would've had more time, I would've finished this book in one setting. It was paced that good!

I enjoyed the plot! I don't remember Macbeth all that well as I said before, so I can't comment on how much the plot of this book was like that of Macbeth. There's not really any mystery I enjoyed the whole playing on conscience thing and what was done about it. I even enjoyed Skye's endless pursuit of Craig!

I enjoyed the characters more than anything! I loved how mature Skye was especially when it came to how mean Beth was to her at some points during the story. I loved how friendly she was and how vulnerable she could be. Even though Craig was a bit of a tool when it came to Beth, I still enjoyed how much of a friend he could be to Skye when he really wanted to be. However, at times he could be a little bit insensitive and selfish, but perhaps that's just a teenage thing (and even some adults)! My most favorite characters were Kaya, Cat, and Tess. I loved their sarcasm, wit, and humor they brought to the story. In fact, I wanted to be friends with those girls.

I enjoyed the dialogue very much, and I felt like it was set in high school, which it was. It was also very easy to understand, but it wasn't dumbed down or anything. My favorite dialogue was when it involved Kaya, Cat, and Tess. There are only a few swear words in this book.

Overall, Exposure is a book that is fun to read as well as having fantastic characters and great dialogue!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 15+ who would like some fun literature to read!
Mine to Take (Mine, #1)
Mine to Take (Mine, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
l love the cover of this; it’s very evocative. It caught my attention straight away. I should probably say that if a cover doesn’t look very good, I’m not very likely to read the synopsis. I know it sounds bad, but it’s how I choose my books. (This isn’t always the case, I might add, but generally it is.)

The story was just as good as the cover with some hot scenes and an engaging storyline.

This is my third book by Cynthia Eden (Bound In Sin and A Bit of Bite, are the other two) and I’ve enjoyed all of them. Her style of writing and the characters she creates are extremely engaging. This was no exception.

Trace was hot. The obvious desire he had for Skye was captivating and I was engrossed in their back-story and what started it all off between them and how he was going to get her back after letting her go ten years ago. He was so intense but it didn’t come across as annoying, to me it came across as passionate and almost desperate.

Skye was strong and somewhat stubborn but I’m surprised she didn’t break under the mounting pressure of the stalker. At certain points she just seemed so fragile but she always came out more determined. I liked that about her.

Not to mention the whole stalker issue and them trying to figure out who it was. I had a few suspicions about who it might be and questioned myself throughout about my thoughts when further information came out. I wasn’t quite expecting who it turned out to be either, not until right near the end.

If you like a domineering guy, then this is right up your street. If you like romantic suspense, then you’ll love this. I’m looking forward to reading more books from the author.
Descend (Awakened Fate #2)
Descend (Awakened Fate #2)
Skye Malone | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
So if <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Awaken</a> </i>reminded me of <i>The Little Mermaid </i>minus Sebastian, I’m not sure what to compare <i>Descend </i>to, honestly. (And it’s probably a good thing that I have nothing to compare it to.)

<i>Descend </i>is the second book in Skye Malone’s <i>Awakened Fate</i> series, continuing from where <i>Awaken </i>left off at after Chloe’s near-death encounter with the Sylphaen, a cult supposedly dead for a century that wants to get rid of the world of people like Chloe. Descend takes us into the world of Nyciena, a world below the ocean that is the only place safe enough for her to seek refuge from the Sylphaen. But Nyciena isn’t the place Chloe wants to remain in for long - she wants to get back to the surface, where her friends and family have no clue where she has gone.

As much as I really enjoyed the <i>Awakened Fate</i> series in general, I feel like something is missing from <i>Descend </i>that didn’t hit the mark with me (really, I need to get better at figuring out why certain books don't work for me). For the duration of the book, Chloe is basically running from the Sylphaen and trying to figure out what she really is. Noah is hoping but not hoping that Chloe will come back to shore. Meanwhile, he’s trying to protect Chloe in his own way, who will no doubt get hunted down by his cousins should they ever find her. Zeke is trying to get his father and older brother to understand that the Sylphaen has returned - they’re not as dead as hoped.

The world and culture of Nyciena are little to none in <i>Descend</i>, aside from the few moments Ina, Zeke’s sister, tries to show Chloe around the kingdom. But the few that I did get to read about Nyciena intrigue me enough to hopefully learn more about the kingdom. (They’re also party people, so I hope that’s not what they’re really all about?)

The same goes for the greliarans, which are a group of people who hunt down the dehaians, the group of mermaid people Chloe seeks refuge from the Sylphaens. From Noah’s perspective, we learn a few facts about how they operate, but it’s even less than the world and culture of Nyciena. They’re extremely strong and are humans who can turn into Hulk-like creatures with a desire to kill.

<i>Descend </i>is very plot driven - and the same can be said for the series thus far. It’s the book to go to for those who want a book that is somewhat slow in character and world development, but also those who don’t mind the slow progression throughout the series.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>