Maniac (2013)
Movie Watch
As he helps a young artist with her upcoming exhibition, the owner of a mannequin shop's deadly,...

The Burning (1981)
Movie Watch
Counselors and teenagers at a summer camp in upstate New York have their lives endangered when a...
Slasher Cropsy Slashers Cropsey Urban legends Garden shears

My Bloody Valentine (1981)
When a group of young adults decide to proceed in throwing a decades-suspended Valentine's Day...
Slasher Holidays

The Prowler (1981)
Movie Watch
Before the first graduation spring dance in a thirty-five year hiatus since an infamous...
Slasher Rosemary's Killer Tom Savini Die Forke des Todes The Pitchfork of Death

April Fool's Day (2008)
A year after an April Fool's Day prank which resulted in the death of one of their set, a group of...
and 8 other items

Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about track Code of the Slashers by Cannibal Corpse in Red Before Black by Cannibal Corpse in Music
Oct 17, 2017

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated The Prowler (1981) in Movies
Mar 3, 2019

Dalton Ewen (2 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of NieR: Automata in Video Games
May 18, 2019

James Koppert (2698 KP) rated Wolf Creek (2005) in Movies
Dec 29, 2019 (Updated Dec 29, 2019)

Method Man recommended The Raid (2011) in Movies (curated)

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) created a post
Oct 29, 2019

Chuck Palahniuk recommended Sunset Boulevard (1950) in Movies (curated)

Heathski (173 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Bloodforge in Video Games
Feb 27, 2019 (Updated Feb 27, 2019)

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1) in Books
Jan 7, 2021
I've been eyeing this book up for a few months now. Every time I go in my local Asda Living I hum and ahh over whether to buy it but I wasn't sure if I'd like it. But then I saw it as a Kindle deal and just decided to buy it.
This was a quick easy read but I never really fell into the story. I didn't gel with it that much. I don't know if it was Harriets total geekiness-slash-clumsiness-slash-doesnt know when to shut-up-ness but up until the last 15% or so I found her so awkward as a character.
That's why I wasn't really expecting anything romance wise but that end bit has me a little intrigued as to where things could go with her and Nick so I may just have to buy the next book at some point.